The Rock at the Rumble

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Aotearoa (Bushwacker)

Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay so the rumour circulating is that Cena is supposed to hold the title all the way to the Wrestlemania. Now we already know that Rock will face Cena at Wrestlemania.
If Cena is still holding the belt then presumably Rock will challenge for the title. But does not the Rumble winner have the honour of deciding which belt he will go after at Mania. So, presuming Cena does in fact hold the title all the way to Mania, does this mean Rock will be in the Rumble to be a contender. Does that ruin unpredictability as Rock would have to win, or if Rock is not in the Rumble does it ruin unpredictability as the winner would then most certainly challenge the Smackdown title holder.
Will Rock be in the Rumble?
Does he HAVE to win the Rumble?
Will he win the Rumble?
Will Cena hold the belt all the way to Mania?
Will Rock challenge for the title at Mania?
No the rock doesn't have to win the royal rumble this match is already set.
And as for john cena holding the title all the way to WM 28 I just don't see it Vince is not that stupid I see cena holding the belt for some time have some successful defenes then a match at RR then the Rock comes out screws Cena out of the win then next night on raw rock says it isn't about titles this is about pride or something like that then they have their match.
Well, this is another great example as to why there shouldn't be a PPV between Rumble and Mania. Hypothetically, if Rock were to cost Cena the title at Rumble, then they could use the next two months to build for Mania (where Rock will likely lose, since Hogan had to job to him at 18).

I do think it would be a fun storyline though if someone won the match and Rumble and tried to insert themselves in the Rock/Cena match.

Here's a scenario that would create HUGE buzz, have Taker show up as a surprise entrant #30, WIN the Rumble and then demand he faces Cena for the belt. Then Taker goes over Rock and Cena at Mania, solves all the problems. Rock and Cena aren't made to look weak, huge match=huge buyrate, everyone wonders if Rock or Cena goes over Taker so you've got the biggest ever threat to the streak, and Taker gets to finish his career in epic fashion on top.
Well, this is another great example as to why there shouldn't be a PPV between Rumble and Mania. Hypothetically, if Rock were to cost Cena the title at Rumble, then they could use the next two months to build for Mania (where Rock will likely lose, since Hogan had to job to him at 18).

I do think it would be a fun storyline though if someone won the match and Rumble and tried to insert themselves in the Rock/Cena match.

Here's a scenario that would create HUGE buzz, have Taker show up as a surprise entrant #30, WIN the Rumble and then demand he faces Cena for the belt. Then Taker goes over Rock and Cena at Mania, solves all the problems. Rock and Cena aren't made to look weak, huge match=huge buyrate, everyone wonders if Rock or Cena goes over Taker so you've got the biggest ever threat to the streak, and Taker gets to finish his career in epic fashion on top.

that be f**king awesome!!! never gonna happen, but it would be pretty much the greatest match of all time id buy the ppv everyday of the week after too, in the replay!! just to watch that match over and over again!!

back to the question

Cena is loosing the title... and thats that... it would be ******ed and unprofitable to make that match for the title... that match doesn't need the title on the line to be HUGE and a title match w/ another two guys at WM would put a young guy over.. just imagine Del Rio being Champ at Mania and JoMo wins the rumble!! JoMo wins his 1st title at Mania from Del Rio in a probably really good match too!! and he settles himself into the main-event! that be better thing to do with the title than have on a match that if Cena is champ hes obviously gonna win cuz the Rock isnt coming back full time!

just my $0.02
the rock does not need to win the rumble... but you bring up a good point. if cena does hold the title all year (please vince, dont do it) then the rumble winner would have to face a smackdown star. hopefully this would just mean that a smackdown superstar would win the rumble so that the title scene does not get congested on raw again.
the rock does not need to win the rumble... but you bring up a good point. if cena does hold the title all year (please vince, dont do it) then the rumble winner would have to face a smackdown star. hopefully this would just mean that a smackdown superstar would win the rumble so that the title scene does not get congested on raw again.

Part of the intrigue surrounding the rumble win is who will he face. If it is a forgone conclusion that only the smackdown title can be challenged for then I think that will suck.
Will Rock be in the Rumble?
Does he HAVE to win the Rumble?
Will he win the Rumble?
Will Cena hold the belt all the way to Mania?
Will Rock challenge for the title at Mania?

You ask to many questions.
No ROCK WON'T be in the rumble.
He's already won the rumble.
No because he WON'T be in it.
No Cena won't, I'm guessing drop it around SummerSlam-Survivor Series and regain it around Rumble IF Rock/Cena is for the belt @ Mania.
Rock going for the belt is gnarly makes the belt look cool.

Just food for thought, ever wondered if the rumble WINNER doesn't cash in on facing the Undertaker since the streak seems more important than title matches @ Mania?
They can always have Jericho win the Royal Rumble and face the Smackdown champ. Since the Royal Rumble is gonna be in Canada next year. And there is no way Cena is gonna beat the Rock in his home town.
I hope that cena will hold on to his wwe title. The great thing about this, is that the winner of 2011 royal rumble will decide if he will face the wwe champ or world heavyweight champ. I hope that the winner of 2011 RR will be Triple H or Taker or the suprised entry and that would be Stone Cold Steve Austin. Imagine WM28, Tiple H vs Rock Vs Cena or Taker vs Cena vs rock or Austin vs Rock vs Cena. That would really be the biggest match in the history of the wwe. Vince Mcmahon will collect tons of money from the PPV buyrates!
Cena most likely will keep the title till WM to face the rock....and no the rock won't participate in the rumble...why would he?? He already has his match set title or no title...but I do like deathclutch's idea of havin the winner of the rumble not wanna face a champ but face the undertaker..but it would have to be somebody that's either a) won the title and/or b) already main evented at WM...but still a cool idea...that way its a refreshing outcome outta the RR and leaves an uncertainty going into WM for the title challenge
well the news is tht vince is really big on the rock and wants his level of achievements to match those of his other top players ie hbk scsa hhh.

so if the watch was for the title then i wudnt be too surprised if the rock wins the rumble just to add tht extra credential to his record and keep tht match on track as well.

imagine if cena comes out saying tht he has the title and therefore is not bound to face the rock at wm since the winner of the royal rumble wud have to face him and bla bla bla. and the rock ensures the match takes place by winning the rumble as a surpise 30th entrant. and then at EC interferes in cenas match making sure cena keeps the title so tht they both have the match. tht cud be where the miz comes in. miz almost pins cena but the rock comes out beats up miz and has cena pin miz.

not saying its gonna happen but just tht i wudnt be surprised if it did.
You ask to many questions.
No ROCK WON'T be in the rumble.
He's already won the rumble.
No because he WON'T be in it.
No Cena won't, I'm guessing drop it around SummerSlam-Survivor Series and regain it around Rumble IF Rock/Cena is for the belt @ Mania.
Rock going for the belt is gnarly makes the belt look cool.

Just food for thought, ever wondered if the rumble WINNER doesn't cash in on facing the Undertaker since the streak seems more important than title matches @ Mania?

Too many questions? Really? Settle down mate.

The winner of the Royal Rumble goes on the compete for a World Championship ar Wrestlemania, if they go on to face the Undertaker instead, well, i think that is just a stupid idea. Although defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is the plateau of wrestling it would diminish what the Royal Rumble stands for.

Hopefully the match at Wrestlemania is not for the title. This would mean that Cena will definately win because the Rock won't be the WWE Champion, not with his lack of appearances. As said earlier, it should be a match for pride because we wouldn't know the outcome.

Being a Cena hater i hope he doesn't hold the title all the way to the Rumble either because Cena dominating on Raw for 10 months has been done before. We need new WWE champions like Del Rio, JoMo and the Miz needs another reign.

If the Rock was in the Rumble then yeah he'd probably win it. I don't want it to happen purely because of what was stated above, but if he did win a second Rumble I would be might happy indead BECAUSE I just love seeing the Rock win. No contradiction there.
you know im really really really hoping tht rock wins his match against cena at wm be it for the title or not. simply because well he hasnt really had a lot of wrestlemania wins. for a guy with the caliber as the rock hes had 4 wins at wrestlemania with 4 losses and one of those wins was by dq. this one with cena will be the tiebreaker. id rather the rock goes out with a majority win at wrestlemania

ppl keep saying tht the rock has nothing to gain by winning at wm. but honestly neither does cena. cena cant get any bigger than this. and the rock can gain a win on his wrestlemania record and celebrate his hopefully hall of fame induction in style.

but plz just have the rock wrestle a couple of matches before wrestlemania
John Cena has said countless times that he plans to make the match at WM28 for the Title. It WILL be for Title. If Cena turns up at WM28 without the gold he will look stupid and weak. He may well drop the belt inbetween, but he is going to WM28 as Champion.

The OP makes a great point about The Royal Rumble winner. If Cena is Champion he could infact challenge Cena at WM making it a 3 way. The obvious solution is having the winner challenge the WHW Champion so I suppose that is the route WWE will go down.

Maybe WWE could have The Rock enter (and win) in order to preserve his match at WM28 with Cena. They could build these doubts into a storyline.
More then likely Cena will be champion going into WM28, i have a good feeling he will lose it though and gain it back somewhere early next year. Either Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, but by no means does this mean Rock will have to enter and win the Rumble. Whoever wins the Rumble will just chose the other champion or they could go the route of making it a triple threat but that would take away from the Rock vs Cena billing.
Well, as an old school guy, I REALLY liked the idea that was mentioned above, of Taker actually winning the Rumble, and then turning the Rock vs Cena confrontation into a three way...

For one, it would be the BIGGEST match Vince could possibly put together at this point in time. Taker will leave soon, it will probably be his last WM appearance to go for the 20-0, and what a way to go out it would be for the Deadman to face both The Rock and John Cena in his last match, and still come out on top somehow. Would definitely be a GREAT way to send the Deadman riding off into the sunset - and personally, I wouldn't want to see a Triple H/Taker rematch... mostly because they did the rematch thing already with HBK and Taker... and I honestly also don't want HHH to go over Taker at Mania, which I somehow feel WWE would be going for, since they probably don't want to repeat the HBK/Taker story with the two matches, and HBK losing both.

Secondly, I think a triple threat would be good on Taker, since with his increasing troubles physically, in a situation like that, he wouldn't have to carry the match all by himself all the time. He could work a bit at the start, but then somehow get taken out of the equation for a time, while Rock and Cena have their moment and it looks like the match will be decided by those two... and near the end of the match, Taker comes back in and manages to score the win.

And of course, with the title being on the line as well (given Cena goes into WM with the belt, which I think he will, and Taker winning the Rumble), it would be an even bigger match. And it would add to the drama... people would think Cena will win, because neither Taker or Rock could/would do much with a title... but at the same time it would be likely that Taker would win, because of the Streak. Only Rock seems like a bit of a "prop" here since he is not really in question of winning the WWE title one more time... So in a Rock vs Cena only situation, with Cena as champ, it's really obvious who will walk out victorious; same with Taker vs a single opponent, even if it's Triple H again. But if you mix up both aspects, streak vs title, with Rock being the X-factor... That could make Taker's (potentially) last match really great and interesting, and also add to the drama between Rock and Cena.

Also, I think it would be no problem giving the belt to Taker at his last WM, and him basically leaving as champion afterwards... Hell, if Vince did it for Edge (who, as great as he was, is nowhere near the legend status that Undertaker has), he sure as hell could do it for the Deadman. Taker goes over both Rock and Cena at WM, wins the title one last time... and then announces the next night on RAW that there is nothing left to do for him anymore, and that his time has finally come. He forfeits the title, leaves it in the ring... and ends one of the greatest careers in the history of this business. Yeah I know, I'm a Taker mark, but that's really the way I'd LOVE to see it go down, haha.

Hell, you could even add Triple H to the mix by having him win the Elimination Chamber for a number 1 contender's spot, effectively turning the match into a fatal four way... he'd have his rematch against Taker, at the same time a chance at the WWE title, plus Rock and Cena in the same match... unfortunately, a match like that is very untypical for a Wrestlemania main event I'd say, and maybe also not quite suited for it...

But realistically, I suppose it will be Cena vs Rock in singles competition (since after all, really only One-on-One matches have that "epic" showdown feel to them), most likely for the title though... and Taker will face someone else, since his WM match is a marquee match in and of itself, no matter who he faces, because of the streak... and thirdly we'll see the WHC taking on the Rumble winner... and of course it's quite smart to have three big matches [one huge (Cena vs Rock), one almost as huge (Taker/Streak) and one big (WHC because of the title on the line)] instead of "wasting" Taker by scrapping his singles match and putting him in a mix with Cena/Rock, but I'd still prefer to see that as it would enable Rock and Cena to battle at Mania without losing face (if both lose to the Undertaker, there's never shame in that), and also enable Taker to go out on the highest note possible, as champ after defeating the biggest stars of this era as well as the (late) Attitude era (after Rock had achieved quasi-SCSA levels of popularity) in his final match... and if necessary, Rock and Cena could have a final showdown at a following PPV (maybe Summerslam, even) and finish their feud in a one on one match then.

But yeah, as said... realistically, I'm rather expecting three singles matches for the WWE and WHC titles as well as for Taker.
What a way to spit in the face of the youth movement.
A plethora of young stars who can make a career around a RR win. Del Rio was an excellent choice last year, having the fresh face win is a trend I'd except more of in this era.

Rocky entering the rumble and glory ****ing over 39 people just to make an overhyped ME overhyped? (Spoiler alert. Rock Cena is going to be bomb, the match is already stale and its 11 months away).

But this also brings up another point.... If Cena vs The Rock is set in stone, and Cena's on month 9 of his rating killing title reign, then the Royal Rumble loses 50% of its predictability, So throwing The rock in there makes it 54% predictable instead.

Cena/Rocks already stealing WM and the Satellite cam for the next year, I really hope they don't shit all over RR with them as well.

Taker's Streak needs to be it's own attraction, attaching a title is rather pointless because it puts the streak and Taker's legacy over the belt.
Title matches where the title's not the main attraction are wasted. HBK vs Taker where they took the title away from the equation and used it's absence was a much better booking decision.
What a way to spit in the face of the youth movement.
A plethora of young stars who can make a career around a RR win. Del Rio was an excellent choice last year, having the fresh face win is a trend I'd except more of in this era.

Rocky entering the rumble and glory ****ing over 39 people just to make an overhyped ME overhyped? (Spoiler alert. Rock Cena is going to be bomb, the match is already stale and its 11 months away).

But this also brings up another point.... If Cena vs The Rock is set in stone, and Cena's on month 9 of his rating killing title reign, then the Royal Rumble loses 50% of its predictability, So throwing The rock in there makes it 54% predictable instead.

Cena/Rocks already stealing WM and the Satelite cam for the next year, I really hope they don't shit all over RR with them as well.

yea srry but wev all seen what happened to adr after winning the rumble didnt we. nobody even remembers it.

and nobodys spitting on the youth movement because the youth movement have got years ahead of them.. having cena vs rock which incidentally is somethng the world has been crying for for years now

id rather see the rock win the royal rumble and face cena for the title than see any guy win and then open wrestlemania with the championship match.....


at least therel be believable factor in the rock winning.

and seriously if u call the rock vs cena stale i have no idea how ur gonna find cena vs miz or cena vs adr entertaining.
Now I hate to burst everyone's dream bubble here...but really? really? really?

This match will NOT turn into a 3 way...It is Cena vs Rock, the dream match the IWC has wanted for god knows how long now and you all want to change it to a 3 way?

I swear the IWC is like a woman....never happy with what they get even if its exactly what they wanted.

Getting back onto subject.

Rock will not win the RR or be apart of the RR...why? Because his match is set...title or no title it doesnt matter. Its Generation vs Generation...much like Hogan vs Rock at WMXVIII.

This will be a passing of the torch match where Rock will lose...we all know it as Hogan jobbed to Rock. Its a way of saying you are the future now...whether there is hatred behind the scenes I dont know, but we all know whats going to happen.

People need to seriously stop looking into this way too much

/Rant over
Now I hate to burst everyone's dream bubble here...but really? really? really?

This match will NOT turn into a 3 way...It is Cena vs Rock, the dream match the IWC has wanted for god knows how long now and you all want to change it to a 3 way?

I swear the IWC is like a woman....never happy with what they get even if its exactly what they wanted.

Well, I never was happy with the Rock/Cena scenario to begin with, which is why I proposed the idea of Taker winning Royal Rumble.

The thing is, the streak like it or not, has become the staple must see attraction of Mania, and the reality is Taker doesn't have that much gas left in the tank, so in all likelihood, 20-0 is gonna be it for him. I discussed this in another thread, but there really aren't any good viable options for him to finish his career with other than Cena, because even if he goes 20-0 having his retirement match with the current younger face of the company is like passing the torch, except WWE missed that opportunity because they committed to Rock/Cena a year in advance.

So where does that leave Undertaker?

He could face someone like ADR or Wade Barrett, but neither of those guys has been there long enough or has enough name value to justify Taker's retirement on. So who could really draw money with him and put on a classic match? Do any of you really want to see him have his 3rd Mania match with HHH? I sure don't. Thus the loophole, you don't even mention Taker between now and Rumble and no one will see it coming!

Now you've got the biggest match of all time, against 3 of the biggest stars WWE has ever had. Taker has never faced either of them at a Mania, it would keep the workload light for him, it would breathe some life in a storyline that will be stale 10 months from now, and then you got the streak, you got the belt, you got potential retirement, you got the Rock's comeback match in his hometown, and all of this at Mania! Most importantly for Vince you've got $$$$....this is a win/win situation for everyone.
The Rock winning the Rumble to earn the right to face Cena for the WWE Championship, in a match already being hyped as such? Why waste a Rumble victory in that scenario? We already know the match will happen and might be for the belt. The Rock might make a Rumble appearance but he won't use a victory there (if he even won) to challenge Cena when he has already accepted the match. He wouldn't HAVE to win the Rumble. Someone else will win it and challenge whoever is still holding the World Heavyweight Championship by that point. Probably Sheamus or a heel Christian. I do know it won't be the Rock. Even if Cena holds the belt until Wrestlemania they are smart enough to not waste a Rumble victory on Rock challenging Cena due to that match already being set up. It could instead be used for someone like Drew McIntyre to challenge someone else like Sheamus. They will set up the World Championship's match at the Rumble instead.
Utterly pointless. I expect the Rock to make an appearance at the Rumble, but there is no point in him actually participating. The match is already set in stone whether a title is on the line or not. This leads me to believe that one of 3 things will happen.

1. The RR winner will be from Smackdown and challenge the WHC
2. The RR winner will be from Raw and move to Smackdown to challenge the WHC
3. Cena won't be champion so it doesn't matter anyway

I'm curious to know if we'll actually see the Rock in any matches prior to Mania. It seems that it might be a good idea to have a couple warm ups just to knock off any ring rust from the last 8 years and to get used to performing in front of such a large crowd again. He hasn't missed a beat on the mic, so maybe the same will hold true in the ring. However, I think him winning the Rumble is useless and you certainly don't want him to lose a match prior to Mania so having him participate in the Rumble match serves no good purpose in my eyes
I do think it would be a fun storyline though if someone won the match and Rumble and tried to insert themselves in the Rock/Cena match.


This could have potential.... MiZ win the rumble.. make it triple Threat and MIZ walks out with the Title!!!! Boy that would make Miz's legacy almost as big as when Chris Jericho beat Austin and the Rock in the same night!!!!!!!!!!
cena wont keep the belt till wm28 i think he will lose the belt at summerslam or survivor series as rock is scheduled to appear on both of these ppv and rock will screw cena out of the title i think cena will turn heel there is a talk of turning cena heel for a few months against the rock he will dominate the rumble but rock will screw him again then cena goes insane i hope cena turns heel and goes to the dark side if cena wins i wont mind as long as he is a heeeeeel....he may get a bit cheered as a heel at miami but as a face it will be worse than ONS 06
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