Punk & The Road to Wrestlemania

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Dark Match Winner
There is a lot of speculation as to what Punk will do come MITB and about his contract ending. I believe he will resign with the company, taking a short break, but ultimately here is what I think will happen (or would like to see happen) with Punk as well as how it leads up to Wrestlemania.

I do believe Punk will win his Championship PPV match, but no one will cash in the MITB at that time. They will let Punk "walk away", but also enjoy winning the title in his hometown as a reward from the WWE. The title will get vacated upon his leaving, setting up a tournament on Raw with the tourney finale being at the Summerslam.

I don't believe Cena will win the tourney though. It will be someone like Del Rio. Cena will get cheated in some way of course since he can't lose cleanly to anyone apparently. This tourney winner will hold the title until Hell in a Cell where perhaps we will see Cena battle to exhaustion and win the match, only to have someone cash in the MITB to beat him (I'm pulling for the Miz again to get this).

Then at the next PPV, Vengeance, we will see Cena come close to winning the title back from the Miz, only to have Punk RETURN to seek revenge for his title being given away, interfere, causing the Miz to beat Cena. Punk will state he never lost it and wasn't about to let someone like Cena get it, especially after their history, letting the current champ keep the belt.

At TLC, Punk, Cena, and the Miz to have a Triple Threat match with Punk winning with the Miz doing something illegal, knocking Cena out, only to have Punk sweep in an get the win before Miz can get the pin, costing Cena the win yet again.

Punk then defends the title at the Royal Rumble against someone like Rey Mysterio (need some face that has star power, but yet doesn't have to be in the Rumble) because Punk won't let Cena get the shot because he "keeps losing" and is no longer the #1 contender. The Rock begins to make appearances on Raw, giving Cena a hard time about losing title matches and if how if he can't beat Punk, he can't beat him. Cena goes on to compete in the Royal Rumble, only to lose near the end, ultimately with a Smackdown star winning the match. It would make sense because it wouldn't create any issues with someone from Raw competing for the WWE Title at Mania due to what I think will happen next.

Cena will then have to earn his way into the Elimination Chamber where he finally beats Punk (perhaps with interference by the Rock because Rock would want a title shot in addition to beating Cena), setting up Cena/Rock for the WWE title at Mania. Punk could try to interfere with Rock/Cena and do something to the Rock since he cost him the title. Cena wouldn't want to win that way and has the match restarted with the Rock almost winning, but Cena eeks out the victory. I can then see Punk going after Cena again after Mania for a couple more PPVs.

Never written anything like this on here before so I'm curious to see what people think of my logic in this. Maybe it's crap, maybe it's good....I don't know, but I'd like to see something else besides Cena hold the belt until WM.
Most of it is fine, except one little detail. If Punk wins at MitB, he said he's leaving and taking the title with him. That's different then going out as champion and vacating it. That's what makes what he said on Raw different then anything, any super star has said "on their way out."

Which if he does in fact win, I would like to see them work us on the fact his contract "expired" and he really is taking the title. Make it the feud and story line that takes you to Summer Slam. I personally would have a MitB winner try to cash in after Punk wins and have them lose. This would make the title seem important but also make Punk's threat of leaving more serious

I would say book it in between MitB up until the next PPV of nothing but Cena going after Punk to get the WWE their title back. The first night Punk could be shown via satellite officially showing off that fact he beat someone cashing in on him and that we'll never see the title again cause he's done. Cena could then respond that the title has meant so much to so many wrestlers, blah, blah, blah and he vows to get it back. The next week Punk is shown again, showing off the title but Cena is right there but Punk wiesels out and still has it. You do this until the next PPV to setup a match and the cycle can repeat with other events happening. But just keep playing on the fact that Punk left with it.

This would bring relevance and meaning back to the title. This would make these 2 stars even bigger than they are and would be something unique to a business that has been anything but lately.

Either way, if they choose to vacate it you got a good thing going and if they choose to run with Punk leaving with the title I outlined a small plan for the immediate future.
Only one problem. No one knows what is going to happen. Wishful thinking, I guess? I want to see CM Punk return to ROH for a while. That would be great. The WWE never really knew how to utilize him. Him leading N(xt)exus was cool for a while. I can't help but wonder - what if Danielson had never been fired? What if he had been in charge and not Barrett?
Only one problem. No one knows what is going to happen. Wishful thinking, I guess? I want to see CM Punk return to ROH for a while. That would be great. The WWE never really knew how to utilize him. Him leading N(xt)exus was cool for a while. I can't help but wonder - what if Danielson had never been fired? What if he had been in charge and not Barrett?

To a point I get what you're saying but it has it's flaws.

First, yes no one knows what will happen. WE were just showing what we would LIKE to see happen not actually saying this IS going to happen, difference. I've seen a lot of pepople saying what IS going to happen not what they WANT to see happen.

Also, I feel how this story line goes will show whether the WWE actually knows how to use him. And even then it's all speculation because only Vince and Punk actually knows what's going on. It was even reported that creative doesn't know and they have to write this shit, lol.

As far as Danielson is concerned, you can't honestly say he would've been a better leader than Barrett. I love the fact the kid can wrestle. He hasn't been able to really cut promos except in NXT and they weren't the greatest. Barrett proved he could be believed as a leader and did.

And as for ROH, no I would want him to stay in the WWE. I would accept if HE wanted to go to ROH and I'm glad I'm in a market where they will be broadcasting it because I will follow my favorite wrestler.
I would love to see punk win at mitb, and to take the title with him for storyline purposes. I believe 1 of 3 things are going to happen.

1. John cena beats cm punk. Wouldn't be surprised.

2. Punk wins, and the raw mitb cashes in that night and beats punk. This also wouldn't surprise me.

3. Punk wins, the raw mitb does not cash in. Cena goes on raw the next night and says that no matter what, he has a rematch clause. Rematch is either at a raw or the next ppv. During this time period cena could win, or the raw mitb cashes in thus taking the title from punk.

I am all for punk winning. I wish he could have a long reign but signs are pointing towards him taking time off.
I liked the majority of this with the exception of two things.

1) I wouldn't wanna see Miz again win MITB, again cash in and win, and then again feud with Cena in the same year.
I think they're already gonna have a problem trying to rebuild Miz's cred if he loses another PPV match.. which is likely since he'll probably be in the MITB ladder match. Sure another title run would help, but in the long run he would look like nothing without MITB.

2) I wouldn't want Punk interfering in the Rock/Cena match. As much as I'd mark out at first, a match of this significance needs to stand on it's own. Even the nWo didn't interfere in Rock/Hogan until AFTER the match.

Besides that, I really like this idea and think it would keep RAW exciting for the rest of the WWE year leading up to WM.

Wishful thinking, I guess? I want to see CM Punk return to ROH for a while.

Totally agree brother.
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