The Rated R Trio


Is hanging up the boots
As we witnessed on Smackdown this Friday night, Edge and Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder(aka The Major Brothers) are now a faction.

What are your thoughts on the Edge-Heads?

Do you think the group can be a dominant force on Smackdown! with Edge possibly helping the Edge-Heads win Tag Team Gold?

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I like the idea of Edge having a team backing him up, kinda reminds me of Team Angle from about five years ago, but I hate that they changed their names, what was wrong with them still using the Brian and Brett Major names, I understand changing the teams name and calling them the Edge heads, though I would have went with something different, I could definitely see them as Tag champs a lot sooner now than before, as they'll have a ME leading them to the gold, all in all I think it's a good idea, should make for some interesting angles, though I still find the name changes to be confusing, just doesn't make sense to me
I think it was a great move making the Edge heads. The major Brothers were going nowhere and they were so boring in the ring with their gimmicks. Now they have something to go by and Smackdown has another stable which is always good. Smackdown hasnt had a Stable in ages and this will Benefit smackdown in so many ways. i also agree that they will get tag golds soon enough and this should make Smackdown more interesting going into the Edge - Undertaker feud for WM24.
I think there's better options for members of an Edge stable. The only reason they've got the spot is because of their simiality to Edge. But after a hile that will wear off. It'll be hard to get behind either of them because they both look so alike. I think Cade & Murdock would have been a better option, or a repackaged Deuce & Domino.

The stable is a great idea though. I hope they go with it for a while. WWE lacks a lot of patience usually, so a slow build would be a nice surprise. I hope they add more to the stable. MVP would be a good option. Edge can give him a bit of a rub, and it could eventually lead to one of them turning face, and possibly MVPs main event push. I'd also like to see Helms added to the stable. He's calling out for a ally who's higher up the card than him. With Edge as a friend or part time tag partner it could bump him higher in the card.
I love Edge having a faction, but the name kinda annoys me. You'd think they would've came up with something a lot better than that of what Edge used to call his fans.. when he was face. (The "Edge Heads.") The name almost instantly ruins credibility (to me) for the former Majors..

Overall, they were very plain & stale before this, however. So pairing them up with Edge will only add another "soon-to-be solid" Tag Team, to the division. Which is a great thing. As its been said before, this is bringing back memories of when Kurt Angle had "Team Angle" or J.B.L. had "The Cabinet." (thinking of the Bashams)

I think the Major's (I dispise that they changed their last names, since aren't they actually real life brothers?!) will win Tag Team gold very soon. I can't see them knocking off Morrison & Miz, but I can see a Triple Threat, or a Fatal Four-Way at No Way Out.. in which Morrison/Miz get eliminated leaving possible Jesse & Festus v. The Edge Heads.

My only question is mainly, are they going to constantly wrestle in Edge's tights?? Because that completely has "Team Angle" written all over it, & I think a little creative outlook on finding them a more similar, but different look is in order to get this team solidly over.
I think having Edge as the leader is a good idea and he is kind of mentouring them in real life.
"Edge Heads" is a gay name but we'll get used to it or they may even change it. They were very plain as the Major Brother and this will deffinately bring more character in them (even if they are Wannabe-Edge's)
I also don't see the point in the name change.
The name change is awesome for them in two ways. It seperates them from being the bland Major Brothers. This allows them another shot at personality. It also allows them to be different. They are not really brothers and don't look a lot a like either. This could spell a shot at the top for one of them I think that Zach has more of the look then Curt. Now I can make a tatement like that about them, instead of saying "One of the Major Brothers."
It also allows them to be different. "

Err but they're doing Edge's gimmick. Now there is three of them together who all look similar. I found it hard to distinguish who was who in the 3-on-1 match on Smackdown. Nobody will get dragged down by this. But if they want to go on and have long careers then they need to develope a different personality and look. EACH.
Err but they're doing Edge's gimmick. Now there is three of them together who all look similar. I found it hard to distinguish who was who in the 3-on-1 match on Smackdown. Nobody will get dragged down by this. But if they want to go on and have long careers then they need to develope a different personality and look. EACH.

I had the same problem, when Batista hit the spinebuster at first I thought it was Edge that got pinned, it was confusing as hell, unless you get a close up of their faces in the match it's really hard to tell them apart, a couple things I would do would be lose the Edge tatoos on their arms, cause that's just plain stupid, and give them different tights, they could still be Edge-like tights just with something a little different added to them, also they should change the name, I hate Edge-heads it sounds stupid, why not something like the Edge Army, to me that sounds much better, I also like the idea of adding Helms to the faction, he would be a great fit with Edge, and it could help to give him that mid-card push into the US title picture he deserves
I had the same problem, when Batista hit the spinebuster at first I thought it was Edge that got pinned, it was confusing as hell, unless you get a close up of their faces in the match it's really hard to tell them apart, a couple things I would do would be lose the Edge tatoos on their arms, cause that's just plain stupid, and give them different tights, they could still be Edge-like tights just with something a little different added to them, also they should change the name, I hate Edge-heads it sounds stupid, why not something like the Edge Army, to me that sounds much better, I also like the idea of adding Helms to the faction, he would be a great fit with Edge, and it could help to give him that mid-card push into the US title picture he deserves

Does anyone else see Edge defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, after its discovered that Taker "defeats" Edge, but then turns out to be one of the Majors?? Only for Edge to spear him from behind, & pick up the very classic heel victory??
Does anyone else see Edge defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, after its discovered that Taker "defeats" Edge, but then turns out to be one of the Majors?? Only for Edge to spear him from behind, & pick up the very classic heel victory??

God I hope not cause they've already done something close to that already haven't they?, I could see something like a stipulation being added to the match, personally I would like to see HIAC, but that won't happen since they've just done one at Survivor Series, and will be doing a Elimination Chamber at NWO, so any type of cage type match will be out of the question, I think something will happen where Teddy gets his GM power back and makes a stipulation where if anyone gets involved with the match they will be fired on the spot and Edge will be stripped of the title, or something like that, I think that's what they did going into WM19 with Team Angle
God I hope not cause they've already done something close to that already haven't they?

I think there were two cases of this. The first was Undertaker v. Kurt Angle - Survivor Series 2000.. where Angle's "brother" Eric was dressed up like Angle, & was being pinned then the official stopped because he pointed out that it wasn't Angle.

Then something similar happened where "Angle" (again, with Angle) came out & was attacked by Lesnar, but it wasn't actually Angle, it was once again Eric.

I personally think if Edge is to beat Undertaker, this should be how its done.. because it would add the very best heat to the situation of Taker dropping a match at Mania. If Edge beat him outright, how would that work?

I could see something like a stipulation being added to the match, personally I would like to see HIAC, but that won't happen since they've just done one at Survivor Series, and will be doing a Elimination Chamber at NWO, so any type of cage type match will be out of the question

The HIAC match is becoming way too overrated. The Taker/Batista one sucked majorly & I don't see Edge/Taker being capable of having a better one. I think Taker v. Edge in a regular match is the best, then possibly a Last Man Standing match, or even a Casket match.

I think something will happen where Teddy gets his GM power back and makes a stipulation where if anyone gets involved with the match they will be fired on the spot and Edge will be stripped of the title, or something like that, I think that's what they did going into WM19 with Team Angle

I agree with Teddy Long getting his authority back, it would make sense for him to get it back around Wrestlemania to put Edge in that type of match. The only odd thing is, Vickie Guerrero was only put in charge when Long was considered "unable" to do the job. But Long is fine now, so why is she still in charge to begin with? That part doesn't make any sense.. & I bet it revolves around the angle with Krystal that (like usual) W.W.E. is just ignoring explaining, due to her being released.
I love this idea, Edge is in the perfect position to lead a stable, he has the title, the mic skills, the charisma, and the dirty tactics. The name "Edge-Heads" isn't very original since it was used before by Edge to call his fans, but I understand that since the Major Brothers are suppose to be big fans of Edge. I don't know why the Major Brothers changed their names, they are brothers, but with different sir names? That doesn't make a bit of sense. Anyway, I could definitely see them winning the tag titles very soon and becoming a dominant team on SmackDown. I can't see MVP joining the group though because 1: Is he a Edge-Head? And 2. He already has enough charisma and mic skills to take care of himself unlike the brothers, so I think the group is going to stick with 3 members.
I'm actually enjoying this idea quite a lot right now. I do think, however, that they are in danger of becoming a less-than-permanent stable. They just have that kind of aura. However, I like the tag team w/ champion layout they have, it's similar to Team Angle. Of course, if we have that to go by the Major Bros. (or whatever their names are, I've already forgotten) won't be very successful once they're dropped by Edge. On the whole though, this'll probably help their careers rather than hinder it, and it keeps me entertained.
I think a stable is a good idea right now. WWE hasn't had a good heel stable since Evolution. Edge being champion and leading the group is a great idea and this should lead the Major Brothers to a Tag Team Title win. That way they control most of Smackdown. That would definitely solidify them as the people to beat on Smackdown. This also helps Edge generate even more heat as they can help him win his matches. The only problem is the look. They all look exactly alike. Have the brothers dye their hair or something.

As for Will's idea for Wrestlemania, wouldn't it be much better to have Edge almost win the Title but the brothers accidentally screw him out of it. Much better idea so that Edge doesn't win in that fashion but the loss doesn't hurt him much.
It's sad but it's true WWE hasn't had a good heel stable since Evolution, could this be the ultimate predecessor to the stable of Triple H, Batsita Randy Orton and the Nature boy Ric Flair? I'd say yes, the Majors have all the skills to become one of the greatest tag-team heels of all time and with the help of Edge they might get to the top in no time.

It would be good for the Majors if they won the tag-team titles, it would make Edges title reign look alot better than it already does if the Majors won the titles in a dirty fashion, not only would it make Edge one of the best heels on SmackDown! and the hole WWE but the Majors will thrive off the push and become better than ever, WWE get ready he Edge heads have arrived
It's sad but it's true WWE hasn't had a good heel stable since Evolution, could this be the ultimate predecessor to the stable of Triple H, Batsita Randy Orton and the Nature boy Ric Flair? I'd say yes, the Majors have all the skills to become one of the greatest tag-team heels of all time and with the help of Edge they might get to the top in no time.

It would be good for the Majors if they won the tag-team titles, it would make Edges title reign look alot better than it already does if the Majors won the titles in a dirty fashion, not only would it make Edge one of the best heels on SmackDown! and the hole WWE but the Majors will thrive off the push and become better than ever, WWE get ready he Edge heads have arrived

The problem at the moment would be to get the belts off of miz and morrison, the only way to do that though is to put it on a baby face tag team and at the momemtn we dont have one apart from yang and moore but we dont know how long they will last, jesse and festus too early, so unless they turn the duo face the majors wont get the belts yet
The problem at the moment would be to get the belts off of miz and morrison, the only way to do that though is to put it on a baby face tag team and at the momemtn we dont have one apart from yang and moore but we dont know how long they will last, jesse and festus too early, so unless they turn the duo face the majors wont get the belts yet

You seem to forget about matches like Tag Team Turmoil, and Triple threat matches, either one of those would work for getting the belts onto the Edge heads, you really only need five teams to make a Tag turmoil match work, you got Miz/Morrison in there already, and add in Yang/Moore, Jesse/Festus, Deuce/Domino, and the Edge Heads, and you got yourself a Tag team turmoil match, in which you can use to put the belts on the Edge Heads, or you could do the triple threat with Miz/Morrison vs. Yang/Moore vs. Edge Heads, either would work well, though I would rather see the Tag Turmoil match since it's been awhile since we've had one of those
I think this would be the time to re-introduce the ecw tag titles its about time ecw gets some fresh gold, have nitro and miz lose the wwe tag titles then armando can award the new titles to them or put them as the number one seed in a tournament for them
am i the only one who thinks that this is actually helping out edge's status even more than its helping out the majors. its like now that he has proteges under his wing, he seems that more elite and experienced. instead of being the one who seemingly has to wriggle out of situations and kinda looks up to undertaker and batista, he is now the one that is firmly in control of the main event scene.

but then again, at the same time, he does still seem to wriggle out of situations, which is because hes so good at what he does lol.
As we witnessed on Smackdown this Friday night, Edge and Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder(aka The Major Brothers) are now a faction.

What are your thoughts on the Edge-Heads?

Do you think the group can be a dominant force on Smackdown! with Edge possibly helping the Edge-Heads win Tag Team Gold?

Express your thoughts on this topic

Hmm, the idea in principle sounds really cool. Edge having a team behind him. It reminds me a lot of Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas as Team Angle a few years back.
However, what is the real reason they were chosen? The fact they could be used as lookalikes to Edge. This isn't the best way to choose a faction, as it doesn't take into account the difference in wrestling styles, and whether Edge could help the two.
It's also slightly contradictory, as now they're a team that look so alike it'll be hard for them to be told apart as such. YEt they change their names. That may have been what they were trying to counteract in doing so, but it's just confusing.
What a terrible stable, They should of kept them as the Major Brothers and stabled them with Edge and not called them the Edge Heads and dressed them as impersinators of edge. Its stupid and after the feuds done there just gonna be sent back to the lower card probably and then released.
I think its about time smackdown got a stable that has the oppurtunity to be great like evolution. The edge heads made the rating jump up last week and the idea is great and fresh . so i say keep it going but dont ruin it like ratedRKO . THat was gonna be great but it fell down at the rumble
What a terrible stable, They should of kept them as the Major Brothers and stabled them with Edge

A terroble stable? How is this stable terrorble? The majors have the Tag-Team skill to take the fans by storm they would be able to build up the heat in very little time whilst in a team with Edge.

and not called them the Edge Heads and dressed them as impersinators of edge.

Why? Edge needs look-a-likes it ads to his scared heel charactor if he has copies of him walking around with him and helping him in matches the fans will hate it they will be extremely annoyed at the Majors and Edge and this would make for some great entertainment.

Its stupid and after the feuds done there just gonna be sent back to the lower card probably and then released.

What happend to Orton Batista Flair and Triple H when Evolution broke up? there carrears advanced to much greater heights espicially Orton's and Batista's there both multiple time champions now and while in Evolution they all had atleast one title.

So I think the Edge Heads is a great Idea and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the future.
well now that edge helped chavo to win the ecw title i can definitly see him helping the majorbrothers/edgeheads win tag team gold so that everyone in his new stable will have some gold.

i think its a great idea and the stable has a lot of potential. although there have been lots of references to team angle, i hope the majors can fair a little better then shetlon benjamin and charlie haas did. i mean haas wrestles in a mask now and benjamin is just now beginning to get the push he deserves on the C show.

as far as them looking alike, it doesnt really matter to me and i actually thought the idea of him using lookalikes was pretty cool. its not something that happens all the time so why not. eventually maybe they could just keep the same tights as edge but just change the color or something.

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