The Random RP Thread

A glint of light and all at once the setting becomes apparent. Boredom flips a coin high into the air and a large muscular hand catches it upon it's descent. It's the sort of repetitive motion used to pass the time, but pass the time until what? Surely there is an until? If you've a goal, the time between is free to be butchered whichever way seems appropriate and in many ways in which it may not be. But without one the time is used occupying yourself until you have the strength to come to terms with the concept of goals, allowing yourself to support time-wasting with half-assed reasons. Either way, until is always a consideration. It is likely, nay, certain this character has reasons. We are about to find out.

A rooftop is a good a place as any to escape mindless chatter. Any around is likely either brief or drowned out by the whizzing traffic un-gauged distances below. Thoughts, thoughts and reminiscences become louder to fill the void in such places. After all, humans are naturally social creatures. This is the joy and bane of many a life. For some, they are by far and away the latter. And with the clanging of footsteps on steel and associated bass that comes with conversation, it wouldn't be unfair to place our leading man into this category. The metal door labelled 'FIRE EXIT' swings open.

'I had a tip-off that I could find you here, someone said they saw you come up here earlier.' His semi-convincing enthusiasm does like to break the glower of his target, and his chipper expression fades with according realization. Well, looks like they were right. Doing anything interesting? He asks in a drole manner, almost as if he's learnt not to expect a response now. And he was right. Right not to expect a customary handshake either. Instead he just walks right over besides the man making sure not to be too close, pulls up a sturdy box from near the ventilation pipes, and sits down as if he were at home on it.

Right. I'd better start otherwise I'm not getting home before 6 and I'm got a parent's meeting thing at sch- yeah sorry not important I-. OK. He signals to the camera guy to start rolling. You've been assigned this week the daunting task of fending off 4 other men to stamp your mark and intentions on the Mayhem championship. It's not a done deal but winning this week will really put you as a front-runner to be the number 1 contender. What's your strategy going into a match like this with so much on the line?

His words awaken the comatose giant like some secret password. I get it. I do. You want me to tell you that I'm going to go in there like I always do, that I'm going to rip every other guy limb from limb and leave nobody standing. You want me to go on and on about him I 'deserve' to be the number one contender. You want some name calling, some idle threats, a dash of incendiary action, raised eyebrows, pointed fingers and I'm sorry...... I just, I'm just not in the mood. I w- Look I understand. You're doing your job, I don't blame you but I'm not someone who can just summon another tone of voice at will. I'm afraid I just feel how I feel and right now feeling is in short supply. Sometimes people get too close for comfort, wouldn't you say?

Let me tell you a story, about me, and about a time I let people get close before I learnt the hard way. I assume you've done your research eh Charles, I mean umm, Leon. Sorry. So you know I spent a large portion of my life in a ward for the mentally unstable or unpredictable I guess you might say. And truthfully I have a lot of trouble when I try to think back and pick out precise moments. I've been told it lasted 8 years but they didn't put clocks up and it's hard to imagine the novelty of a calender. For me it was just a sizable period of my life which I spent mostly staring through blurry eyes past barred windows. It was a very surreal time. No less surreal than the time which preceded it or that which existed outside of it though. I guarantee the outside world is equally as bizarre in my experience. But see on occasions you'd have this big block of distant dull existence violently dissected by sudden 'events'.

Now generally these would be say where another inmate would, for instance, hurt themselves severely or more commonly be hurt severely. Some of my best friends lost whatever personality they had this way. Crazy people aren't all that the hype builds them up to be. May you never underestimate how important the capacity for free thought is. I haven't since.

Every so often these events would not be quite so clear-cut, or predictable we'll say. I have to stress at this point the way those places work in case you don't already know. You have to be very lucky to get out. I spent 9 years there, 8 or 9, and compared to some of the people gracing those padded rooms it was merely a stint. It's easy enough to become a zombie in there, the meds take away your ability to think whilst the food removes your energy for it. Resisting wasn't impossible, just impractical and unlikely. The sight of a few dozen people trudging through the corridors like spirits could have an impact on the staff as much as the patients if they weren't the right sort of person to deal with it. I rarely took my meds. But I had the benefit of not being loopy to being with. See, I knew I could settle in well enough that no-one would notice if I didn't and as such I noticed things.

Now you can imagine how a 6 and a half foot hot-blooded teenager responds one day when we get this new, pretty, young, hourglass-figured, brunette nurse out of the blue. Not experienced enough that I knew what to do, but enough to know I liked what I saw. Rational enough to know that a place like that place probably wasn't for her if she wanted a future. An innocent girl like her shacking up with babbling lumps of flesh, barely held together by a skeleton. I could see right then, right then before she even could, that it wasn't right.

A few days later, I assume she had just been on a training week, and squinting through my eye whilst I'm pretending to be sleeping in my straw-mattress bed once again but who should I see? Who indeed. 'I'll be back in 10 minutes so be quick' shouted the guard peering round the iron door. I feel her reach for my arm and turn it over, a routine physical exam I presume. Eventually, after sufficient groping my curiosity gets the better of me. I open one eye whilst she's turned away, rifling through her notes. Even closer now I see here pale face and rose colored lips, a parting in the fringe with her hair brushed to the left. A true vision, and in uniform no less. And staring deeply as I was, I'd hardly notice her directing here eyes back upon me all the while I'm giving her a thorough a check-out as she me. It wasn't until a shrill screech pierced my concentration that I could look at anything but her divine face. 'What's going on in there. 'Are you OK?' called the guard. I shut my eyes with gusto and rolled over slightly to hide my face from plain-view. Yeah, yes I, umm, yes I'm fine. I just dropped a, a syringe. It's OK. She answered.

The peep-hole through the door slams shut once again. She looks down at me, now facing more toward her once again, with terror etched into her skin, he cheeks blanched more than they were to begin with is some accomplishment. It's some couple of minutes before she's able to steady her nerves and shaking hands, and be seated besides my bed once again. And no sooner than she resumes her examination with complete disregard and ignorance for my awakened state. I did feel this to be absurd at the time, I distinctly remember. Too many emotions all under the same lid were more than enough to overwhelm me and drive me to an action which was to change our lives unforeseeably. 'How, how long have you been-' .'I'm not supposed to speak to the patients'. Dumbstruck by the abrupt cut-off I lay with my jaw half open with residual shock. Unfaltering, however, I muster my courage to give it another shot. 'Are you going to be a nurse here fo-'. 'Are you going to let me do my job!' Once again I feel torn with a much colder truncation than the first. Luckily for me her human instincts take over her, what I recognized as inexperience on her part she managed a hurried 'sorry'. 'Yes, I, well I don't know yet. I plan to be here for a little while to come but I'm supposed to be checking you over as a sort of test for the job. Not that they or I for that matter had any idea you'd be so un-co-operative.' Now it's my turn to let out a quiet apology which lit her a smirk on her face, quickly infecting my own. She brushed it off pre-maturely in her professional persona but I continued regardless, no rules for the inmates, we were supposed to be animals. Peering down even beneath my body the entire time, she stood up before sheepishly admitting she was done. A sharp turn and the wooden flop of heels marked her exit, or so I thought. 'I, I'll be here again next week' And that was all I needed to know. My eyes felt thermally fixed on hers and then her appendages as she made her way out of the un-inviting room. It's the best I had. The engineering of original feeling, obscure indeed. I had no idea what the warmth glowing deep inside of me was, but I knew that it felt homely and comforting and, and warm most of all. I also knew I'd never felt it before that day. It was, as I say, all I needed to know. What most boys had spent years crafting into an art form flooding me without warning one average morning. I don't think I slept again nor later that night when the lights went out.

Like a cat with a brand new play-thing, I couldn't pull myself away from that experience. The passing week acted only as a bridge of time, crossing over mediocrity to her, where she would be waiting with arms outstretched and beaming face welcoming me in. Least this resembled the dreams I had during that week. And as quickly the flow of time had passed until then, I couldn't prepare for how achingly slow the next week would be. Practically torturous in it's own right.

Well what would you expect but for me to be awoken once again in the same manner as the time beforehand. A rubber-gloved hand trying desperately to wrap itself around my forearm. It's strange how you can wake up from a dream and straight away know where you are. For half a second I had the urge to pull my arm away with force but a flood of realization struck me all at once. This was what I had been waiting for, for what had felt like an age. I was barely able to contain myself from signalling my awakened state, but then again I barely wanted to. I slowly opened my eyes and uttered a 'hi' as quietly as I could whilst still having her hear it. She did not retreat in horror this time around but neither was she quite as embracing as I'd wished for. Not that I was hardly surprised, she'd have to have been pretty damn embracing to match my hopes. A sharp 'hello' was all that came back my way, but I took the positives from it. 'You got the job then'. 'Yeah, 3 months is my contract until I can consider moving on'. Naturally, I was unable to maintain my neutrality at the news, which, I assume my broad grin gave away because she quickly said 'Oh, you like that news do you! I see'. What could I say, I'd hardly hide my joy. 'Does that mean plenty more Thursday mornings like this then? She denied me my answer until nearly gone from the room, but I was satisfied when treated with the reply 'It does'.

We had many more days like this. And over the course of them I got to know her piece by piece, and in return I'd let he know about me, much of it fabricated of course because there was too much history there to digest. She obviously knew I was there for a reason but she just steered clear of that which I was grateful for. But I learnt a lot about her from 10 minutes a week. 2 brothers, a cat, father left home when she was 2. Typical sounding family, well perhaps not typical but nowhere near un-ordinary. University graduate, enjoyed visiting her grandparents. In fact I spend so much time just collecting and compiling this information that I didn't really notice. I didn't notice that the weeks have passed so quickly. I didn't notice..... that her 3 months was almost up....

'Hey wake up you'. I knew who it was. I'd been contemplating all of the previous night what to ask her, knowing full well I'd not remember when I woke up the next morning. It was true, I didn't. We trundled through the ten minutes with our semi-flirtatious lip-flapping, the time passing as fast as ever but without the sense of regret there otherwise would be. 'So you remember how I said my contract was up in 3 months...' In an instant my head was spinning, my heart racing, I'd kept it under-wraps on the surface but inside it felt like somebody had let loose a tornado and it was whirling round sucking up my organs, twisting me inside out. That sickly feeling you get, like guilt but more impending. Before she had the chance to tell me I knew, how could you not guess? 'Well, my contract is up today! 3 months already, can you believe it. And I'm afraid I've already got an offer for forensic psychology, I've decided this whole mental institution thing isn't for me. But...... I am going to miss you. I never expected to meet someone like you in a place like this, and you've made coming to work all the more manageable. Thanks.' All of the nice words floated past my ears in the shadow of a more important realization. Aghast, I lay there barely unable to move, certainly unable to talk, just watching her half-smiling whilst she left for the very, last, time.

Those words started to reverberate in my head. It was there clear as anything. I had life before her and life since, and one was most certainly missing something very important. It was too much for me to handle. I couldn't keep a control of myself. My legs sprang right out of bed and carried me through the door narrowly before it could close. 'WAIT' I shouted. 'She stopped cautiously and turned around quite slowly. 'Don't go' I bellowed. That was a mistake. By this time a troupe of guards had been alerted to my little scene and were making their way down the long stone corridor at pace. 'Can't you just, stay a bit longer?' THUDD! The feeling of the wooden club connecting with my head. 'What do you think you're doing out of your room before hours, get back inside' was the most clear I could make out amongst the animalistic voices surrounding me. More shots reigned in towards me from all angles bringing me to my knees, even some punches were thrown. It wasn't long before I was on the floor, getting kicked in the ribs by a host of fully grown men, all the while the lady I'd become infatuated with stood and watched in horror without a thing she could do to help.

Then all at once it all stopped. Through the gap in my fingers covering my face I could see the long brown curls at shoulder length. She had seen enough and taken a stand. She was lain over me to stop the guards from doing any more damage to my prone body. 'I'm not moving. He's not doing anything. He's not a threat to you or to me and there is no way I'm going to let this happen without intervening. If you want him, you'll have to come and move me. A unanimous look of uncertainty broke onto their faces, they started looking around for guidance. One man didn't look quite so uncertain. In fact he looked particularly driven, he looked like a man who hadn't seen his pound of flesh in a long while and his blood lust wouldn't be satisfied by their short ambush. 'I'm warning you now lady, move or I'll move ya.''I told you, I'm not moving'. 'One last chance lady, get out of my way, this isn't your business'. But once again she remained firm as ever. 'Don't say I didn't warn you then'. He rushed over to her and pushed her with all his might backwards. She went flying and knocked her head on the radiator against the back-wall. I could immediately tell from the reaction of the guards something was wrong. I swivelled on the floor to see where she was, and there she lay. Heaped on the floor like myself, a pool of blood forming around her temple, unconscious. 'I, I warned her, you all heard me. I, didn't do it on purpose. I, we, I need to go get the warden. Don't move a muscle.' I feared the worst. I was right to.

I knew the incident would be pinned on me despite half a dozen witnesses from other cells all too afraid or incapable or telling their version of accounts, the correct version. Either way they knew it didn't really matter. I wasn't likely to get out ever, what did it matter if I was blamed anyway? As it stands now, I was to be cleared by someone who eventually came forward weeks later but I lost something more important than my freedom that day. For weeks I would ask the practicing doctor what her condition was, if she was live? Recovered even? These were almost always dismisses but eventually I managed to pry from him that she was in fact alive, and had entered a deep coma.

Now I'm not one to wonder 'What If?' but I couldn't ever help but feel responsible in the most deep ways. What I would later come to realize was the first love of my life made the mistake.... or listening to me. It had almost got her killed and it may have been better if it had. To this day I don't believe she's awoken, or that she'd forgive me if she did, but I truly don't know.

What I do know is the torment that I've endured in this life whenever I've got close enough to someone. My parents, my nurse, Cooper. Human nature is odd that way, you tell yourself you won't make the same mistakes but you wait long enough and you'll forget what they were and start all over again. I don't want pity. I don't even want you to look at me funny. I don't want to talk a load of cool sounding nonsense at my opponents. I do want everyone to know, though, that I'm focused. I'm not attached to anyone. I am my own man. I have realized relationships and me don't mesh and I'm here to help when YOU have problem. Mine are unsolvable and therefore irrelevant, everybody else goes first. Let my arms be your voice and let me do you proud. After all, I am Agony, the most intense pain. Except for me, it's always been emotional.

Leon breathes it all in for a good 20 seconds or so. 'Wow.......... is that all true'

'Is what true'

'The story!'

'WHAT STORY?! My god, and some people call ME crazy.' He laughs manically as he walks away into the setting Sun.
A glint of light and all at once the setting becomes apparent. Boredom flips a coin high into the air and a large muscular hand catches it upon it's descent. It's the sort of repetitive motion used to pass the time, but pass the time until what? Surely there is an until? If you've a goal, the time between is free to be butchered whichever way seems appropriate and in many ways in which it may not be. But without one the time is used occupying yourself until you have the strength to come to terms with the concept of goals, allowing yourself to support time-wasting with half-assed reasons. Either way, until is always a consideration. It is likely, nay, certain this character has reasons. We are about to find out.

A rooftop is a good a place as any to escape mindless chatter. Any around is likely either brief or drowned out by the whizzing traffic unfathomable distances below. Thoughts, thoughts and reminiscences become louder to fill the void in such places. After all, humans are naturally social creatures. This is the joy and bane of many a life. For some, the majority of interactions by far and away infer the latter. And with the clanging of footsteps on steel and associated bass that comes with conversation, it wouldn't be unfair to place our leading man into this category. The metal door labelled 'FIRE EXIT' swings open.

'I had a tip-off that I could find you here, someone said they saw you come up here earlier.'

His semi-convincing enthusiasm does like to break the glower of his target, and his chipper expression fades with according realization.

Well, looks like they were right. Doing anything interesting?

He asks in a drole manner, almost as if he's learnt not to expect a response now. And he was right. Right not to expect a customary handshake either. Instead he just walks right over besides the man making sure not to be too close, pulls up a sturdy box from near the ventilation pipes, and sits down as if he were at home on it.

Right. I'd better start otherwise I'm not getting home before 6 and I'm got a parent's meeting thing at sch- yeah sorry not important I-. OK.

He signals to the camera guy to start rolling.

You've been assigned this week the daunting task of fending off 4 other men to stamp your mark and intentions on the Mayhem championship. It's not a done deal but winning this week will really put you as a front-runner to be the number 1 contender. What's your strategy going into a match like this with so much on the line?

His words awaken the comatose giant like some secret password.

I get it. I do. You want me to tell you that I'm going to go in there like I always do, that I'm going to rip every other guy limb from limb and leave nobody standing. You want me to go on and on about him I 'deserve' to be the number one contender. You want some name calling, some idle threats, a dash of incendiary action, raised eyebrows, pointed fingers and I'm sorry...... I just, I'm just not in the mood.

I w-

Look I understand. You're doing your job, I don't blame you but I'm not someone who can just summon another tone of voice at will. I'm afraid I just feel how I feel and right now feeling is in short supply. Sometimes people get too close for comfort, wouldn't you say?

Let me tell you a story, about me, and about a time I let people get close before I learnt the hard way. I assume you've done your research eh Charles, I mean umm, Leon. Sorry. So you know I spent a large portion of my life in a ward for the mentally unstable or unpredictable I guess you might say. And truthfully I have a lot of trouble when I try to think back and pick out precise moments. I've been told it lasted 8 years but they didn't put clocks up and it's hard to imagine the novelty of a calender. For me it was just a sizable period of my life which I spent mostly staring through blurry eyes past barred windows. It was a very surreal time. No less surreal than the time which preceded it or that which existed outside of it though. I guarantee the outside world is equally as bizarre in my experience. But see on occasions you'd have this big block of distant dull existence violently dissected by sudden 'events'.

Now generally these would be say where another inmate would, for instance, hurt themselves severely or more commonly be hurt severely. Some of my best friends lost whatever personality they had this way. Crazy people aren't all that the hype builds them up to be. May you never underestimate how important the capacity for free thought is. I haven't since.

Every so often these events would not be quite so clear-cut, or predictable we'll say. I have to stress at this point the way those places work in case you don't already know. You have to be very lucky to get out. I spent 9 years there, 8 or 9, and compared to some of the people gracing those padded rooms it was merely a stint. It's easy enough to become a zombie in there, the meds take away your ability to think whilst the food removes your energy for it. Resisting wasn't impossible, just impractical and unlikely. The sight of a few dozen people trudging through the corridors like spirits could have an impact on the staff as much as the patients if they weren't the right sort of person to deal with it. I rarely took my meds. But I had the benefit of not being loopy to being with. See, I knew I could settle in well enough that no-one would notice if I didn't and as such I noticed things.

Now you can imagine how a 6 and a half foot hot-blooded teenager responds one day when we get this new, pretty, young, hourglass-figured, brunette nurse out of the blue. Not experienced enough that I knew what to do, but enough to know I liked what I saw. Rational enough to know that a place like that place probably wasn't for her if she wanted a future. An innocent girl like her shacking up with babbling lumps of flesh, barely held together by a skeleton. I could see right then, right then before she even could, that it wasn't right.

A few days later, I assume she had just been on a training week, and squinting through my eye whilst I'm pretending to be sleeping in my straw-mattress bed once again but who should I see? Who indeed. 'I'll be back in 10 minutes so be quick' shouted the guard peering round the iron door. I feel her reach for my arm and turn it over, a routine physical exam I presume. Eventually, after sufficient groping my curiosity gets the better of me. I open one eye whilst she's turned away, rifling through her notes. Even closer now I see here pale face and rose colored lips, a parting in the fringe with her hair brushed to the left. A true vision, and in uniform no less. And staring deeply as I was, I'd hardly notice her directing here eyes back upon me all the while I'm giving her a thorough a check-out as she me. It wasn't until a shrill screech pierced my concentration that I could look at anything but her divine face.

'What's going on in there. 'Are you OK?'

called the guard. I shut my eyes with gusto and rolled over slightly to hide my face from plain-view.

Yeah, yes I, umm, yes I'm fine. I just dropped a, a syringe. It's OK.

She answered.

The peep-hole through the door slams shut once again. She looks down at me, now facing more toward her once again, with terror etched into her skin, he cheeks blanched more than they were to begin with is some accomplishment. It's some couple of minutes before she's able to steady her nerves and shaking hands, and be seated besides my bed once again. And no sooner than she resumes her examination with complete disregard and ignorance for my awakened state. I did feel this to be absurd at the time, I distinctly remember. Too many emotions all under the same lid were more than enough to overwhelm me and drive me to an action which was to change our lives unforeseeably.

'How, how long have you been-'.

'I'm not supposed to speak to the patients'.

Dumbstruck by the abrupt cut-off I lay with my jaw half open with residual shock. Unfaltering, however, I muster my courage to give it another shot.

'Are you going to be a nurse here fo-'.

'Are you going to let me do my job!'

Once again I feel torn with a much colder truncation than the first. Luckily for me her human instincts take over her, what I recognized as inexperience on her part she managed a hurried

'sorry'. 'Yes, I, well I don't know yet. I plan to be here for a little while to come but I'm supposed to be checking you over as a sort of test for the job. Not that they or I for that matter had any idea you'd be so un-co-operative.'

Now it's my turn to let out a quiet apology which lit her a smirk on her face, quickly infecting my own. She brushed it off pre-maturely in her professional persona but I continued regardless, no rules for the inmates, we were supposed to be animals. Peering down even beneath my body the entire time, she stood up before sheepishly admitting she was done. A sharp turn and the wooden flop of heels marked her exit, or so I thought.

'I, I'll be here again next week'

And that was all I needed to know. My eyes felt thermally fixed on hers and then her appendages as she made her way out of the un-inviting room. It's the best I had. The engineering of original feeling, obscure indeed. I had no idea what the warmth glowing deep inside of me was, but I knew that it felt homely and comforting and, and warm most of all. I also knew I'd never felt it before that day. It was, as I say, all I needed to know. What most boys had spent years crafting into an art form flooding me without warning one average morning. I don't think I slept again nor later that night when the lights went out.

Like a cat with a brand new play-thing, I couldn't pull myself away from that experience. The passing week acted only as a bridge of time, crossing over mediocrity to her, where she would be waiting with arms outstretched and beaming face welcoming me in. Least this resembled the dreams I had during that week. And as quickly the flow of time had passed until then, I couldn't prepare for how achingly slow the next week would be. Practically torturous in it's own right.

Well what would you expect but for me to be awoken once again in the same manner as the time beforehand. A rubber-gloved hand trying desperately to wrap itself around my forearm. It's strange how you can wake up from a dream and straight away know where you are. For half a second I had the urge to pull my arm away with force but a flood of realization struck me all at once. This was what I had been waiting for, for what had felt like an age. I was barely able to contain myself from signalling my awakened state, but then again I barely wanted to. I slowly opened my eyes and uttered a'Hi!' as quietly as I could whilst still having her hear it. She did not retreat in horror this time around but neither was she quite as embracing as I'd wished for. Not that I was hardly surprised, she'd have to have been pretty damn embracing to match my hopes. A sharp 'hello' was all that came back my way, but I took the positives from it.

'You got the job then'.

'Yeah, 3 months is my contract until I can consider moving on'.

Naturally, I was unable to maintain my neutrality at the news, which, I assume my broad grin gave away because she quickly said

'Oh, you like that news do you! I see'.

What could I say, I'd hardly hide my joy.

'Does that mean plenty more Thursday mornings like this then?

She denied me my answer until nearly gone from the room, but I was satisfied when treated with the reply

'It does'.

We had many more days like this. And over the course of them I got to know her piece by piece, and in return I'd let he know about me, much of it fabricated of course because there was too much history there to digest. She obviously knew I was there for a reason but she just steered clear of that which I was grateful for. But I learnt a lot about her from 10 minutes a week. 2 brothers, a cat, father left home when she was 2. Typical sounding family, well perhaps not typical but nowhere near un-ordinary. University graduate, enjoyed visiting her grandparents. In fact I spend so much time just collecting and compiling this information that I didn't really notice. I didn't notice that the weeks have passed so quickly. I didn't notice..... that her 3 months was almost up....

'Hey wake up you'.

I knew who it was. I'd been contemplating all of the previous night what to ask her, knowing full well I'd not remember when I woke up the next morning. It was true, I didn't. We trundled through the ten minutes with our semi-flirtatious lip-flapping, the time passing as fast as ever but without the sense of regret there otherwise would be.

'So you remember how I said my contract was up in 3 months...'

In an instant my head was spinning, my heart racing, I'd kept it under-wraps on the surface but inside it felt like somebody had let loose a tornado and it was whirling round sucking up my organs, twisting me inside out. That sickly feeling you get, like guilt's even uglier cousin but more impending. Before she had the chance to tell me I knew, how could you not guess?

'Well, my contract is up today! 3 months already, can you believe it. And I'm afraid I've already got an offer for forensic psychology, I've decided this whole mental institution thing isn't for me. But...... I am going to miss you. I never expected to meet someone like you in a place like this, and you've made coming to work all the more manageable. Thanks.'

All of the nice words floated past my ears in the shadow of a more important realization. Aghast, I lay there barely unable to move, certainly unable to talk, just watching her half-smiling whilst she left for the very, last, time.

Those words started to reverberate in my head. It was there clear as anything. I had life before her and life since, and one was most certainly missing something very important. It was too much for me to handle. I couldn't keep a control of myself. My legs sprang me right out of bed and carried me through the door narrowly before it could close.


I shouted. 'She stopped cautiously and turned around quite slowly.

'Don't go'

I bellowed. That was a mistake. By this time a troupe of guards had been alerted to my little scene and were making their way down the long stone corridor at pace.

'Can't you just, stay a bit longer?'

THUDD! The feeling of the wooden club connecting with my head. 'What do you think you're doing out of your room before hours, get back inside' was the most clear I could make out amongst the animalistic voices surrounding me. More shots reigned in towards me from all angles bringing me to my knees, even some punches were thrown. It wasn't long before I was on the floor, getting kicked in the ribs by a host of fully grown men, all the while the lady I'd become infatuated with stood and watched in horror without a thing she could do to help.

Then all at once it all stopped. Through the gap in my fingers covering my face I could see the long brown curls at shoulder length. She had seen enough and taken a stand. She was lain over me to stop the guards from doing any more damage to my prone body.

'I'm not moving. He's not doing anything. He's not a threat to you or to me and there is no way I'm going to let this happen without intervening. If you want him, you'll have to come and move me.

A unanimous look of uncertainty broke onto their faces, they started looking around for guidance. One man didn't look quite so uncertain. In fact he looked particularly driven, he looked like a man who hadn't seen his pound of flesh in a long while and his blood lust wouldn't be satisfied by their short ambush.

'I'm warning you now lady, move or I'll move ya.''

I told you, I'm not moving'.

'One last chance lady, get out of my way, this isn't your business'.

But once again she remained firm as ever.

'Don't say I didn't warn you then'.

He rushed over to her and pushed her with all his might backwards. She went flying and knocked her head on the radiator against the back-wall. I could immediately tell from the reaction of the guards something was wrong. I swivelled on the floor to see where she was, and there she lay. Heaped on the floor like myself, a pool of blood forming around her temple, unconscious.

'I, I warned her, you all heard me. I, didn't do it on purpose. I, we, I need to go get the warden. Don't move a muscle.'

I feared the worst. I was right to.

I knew the incident would be pinned on me despite half a dozen witnesses from other cells all too afraid or incapable or telling their version of accounts, the correct version. Either way they knew it didn't really matter. I wasn't likely to get out ever, what did it matter if I was blamed anyway? As it stands now, I was to be cleared by someone who eventually came forward weeks later but I lost something more important than my freedom that day. For weeks I would ask the practicing doctor what her condition was, if she was alive? Recovered even? These were almost always dismissed but eventually I managed to pry that she was in fact alive, in the general hospital and had entered a deep coma.

Now I'm not one to wonder 'What If?' but I couldn't ever help but feel responsible in the most deep ways. What I would later come to realize was the first love of my life made the mistake.... or listening to me. It had almost got her killed and it may have been better if it had. To this day I don't believe she's awoken, or that she'd forgive me if she did, but I truly don't know. But the real shame, the thing that always got me was I think she knew, I think she knew long before everybody else did that there was nothing wrong with me.

What I do know is the torment that I've endured in this life whenever I've got close enough to someone. My parents, my nurse, Cooper. Human nature is odd that way, you tell yourself you won't make the same mistakes but you wait long enough and you'll forget what they were and start all over again. I don't want pity. I don't even want you to look at me funny. I don't want to talk a load of cool sounding nonsense at my opponents. I do want everyone to know, though, that I'm focused. I'm not attached to anyone. I am my own man. I have realized relationships and me don't mesh and I'm here to help when YOU have problem. Mine are unsolvable and therefore irrelevant, everybody else goes first. Let my arms be your voice and let me do you proud. After all, I am Agony, the most intense pain. Except for me, it's always been emotional.

Leon breathes it all in for a good 20 seconds or so.

'Wow.......... is that all true'

'Is what true'

'The story!'

'WHAT STORY?! My god, and some people call ME crazy.'

He laughs manically as he walks away into the setting Sun.
Scene opens from the final minutes of Redemption. Showtime David Cougar has Austin Reynolds on the top turnbuckle and is about to go for the Final Act. Right as Showtime is about to leap, the scene slows to capture millisecond by millisecond what happened. Showtime's voice can be heard over top the video.

Cougar: A moment means everything. A moment can change the entire outcome of ones lives and it can alter the reality of those who experience it, of those who watch it, of those who live in it.

A moment can happen over a long period or it can occur in a second. A moment can be unexpected or it can be something you knew was coming for a very long time.

Moments can bring joy and they can also bring sadness. Moments can bring pain but they can also bring great relief.

We live for the moment. Not just us wrestlers or performers or actors who live and breath for the moment to make themselves known, to stand out amongst the rest, to achieve what has become our lives ambition. Everyone out there lives and dies for moments. Moments they can talk about, moments that will help them remember, moments where they once felt good or they once felt bad.

Everyone of us wants to experience that moment, to be apart of that moment in time that everyone around you will remember. To say you were there and that it meant something and that you will never forgot it.

At this point in the scene Showtime is upside down, a mere second from landing in the ring with Reynolds. Then Ty Burna comes into view and his foot, almost like a missle, goes straight for Showtime's head. The scene returns to normal speed as Ty connects with Consecrated Banishment. Ty throws Reynolds outside the ring and then pins Showtime.

At Redemption, my moment was taken away from me. Changed and altered into something is should not have been. I blame Austin Reynolds for sticking his nose where it don't belong as much as I blame Ty for putting the final stomp in what should've been my redemption, my moment.

I will not be denied my moment at the top, my moment when the spot light will be once and for all, rightfully and completely, be mine. I will get my redemption and whether I have to make Apocalypse happen, write what hasn't been written yet, or go for it all and possibly leave with nothing, I will have my revenge, I will have my moment.

The Show will not go on long without its star in the cast. I will return and I will make plenty of moments memorable when I get back. From this moment on... everything will change. I promise you that.
*S.H.I.T is sweeping the floor at a local fast food restaurant, the place looks run down and dirty with filth on the walls, it appears to have not been cleaned for a long time. The other staff members watch him while having a cigarette or various refreshments, S.H.I.T seems unaware of his audience as he dutifully sweeps all of the rubbish, vomit and blood up from the floor.*

*Suddenly the door comes open and Becky Serra walks into the shop, she notices S.H.I.T sweeping and coughs politely to get his attention.*

*S.H.I.T looks up in a slow mechanical way and seems to notice Becky*

S.H.I.T – Are you unwell?

Becky – Erm . . . No, not that I know of. . .

Spreading germs in an eating area can be a hazard

*Becky looks around, not sure how the food could be more hazardous*

Can I ask? What are you doing here?

FIRST QUESTION! Permission granted. SECOND QUESTION! S.H.I.T is paying it's dues

By sweeping a fast food restaurant? What gave you that idea?

FIRST QUESTION! Correct. SECOND QUESTION! S.H.I.T asked General Manager Chuck Myles why it was not scheduled to compete on the upcoming show, it was a matter of great importance. Chuck told S.H.I.T that it was not scheduled to compete until it had paid it's dues. Then he handed it this cleaning equipment *S.H.I.T indicates the broom* And told S.H.I.T to pay it's dues.



How did you end up here exactly?

*S.H.I.T stands up straight, still holding the broom*

EXACT DETAILS FORTHCOMING! S.H.I.T left Chuck Myles's office at precisely. . .

Just summarise please

WCZW backstage workers were unresponsive, the only coherent reply S.H.I.T received when it questioned them about it's dues was that S.H.I.T was trying to procure all of their jobs, then cans were thrown. S.H.I.T continued to inquire until Mr Patel offered S.H.I.T his shift here in this fast food establishment, in exchange Mr. Patel will see that S.H.I.T's dues get paid.

You think this will get you booked?


*Becky looks down sees something on the ground*

What is that?

It appears to be an unlit ignition stick *S.H.I.T picks it up* It appears to be made by the 5 star match making company

So you’ve got a 5 star match and a broom, well how is that going to help you get booked?

S.H.I.T must continue cleaning process

*Becky looks at the staff leering at her and watching S.H.I.T and walks over to them, after some quiet talking, then some very loud talking she comes back over. S.H.I.T takes this time to scoop the rubbish up and put it in a bin, nearly slipping on some vomit in the process, he manages to stay on his feet in the dignified way only a robot can*

Mr. Patel has decided to finish his shift himself, your free to go now

Dues must be paid. . .

Look I’ve got a lot of paperwork to catch up on. . . . . . . . . . . or should I say you’ve got a lot or paperwork to catch up on. Who knows, maybe this paperwork will help you get put into a match?

*Becky leaves. S.H.I.T seems to stare into space for a while, then he thrusts the match and broom at Mr. Patel so hard it knocks him over and follows Becky out of the shop door, careful not to slip on any blood.*​
Chris K.O. sports a smug look on his face as he walks down a hallway, backstage at Ascension 35. Rebecca Serra, “Becky”, can be seen in the distance. She, along with a camera man, tries to catch up with Chris K.O.

Excuse me! Excuse me! Can I get a word?

Chris ignores her as he exits into a bathroom. Becky and the cameraman approach the bathroom, having just missed Chris’ attention. Becky looks at the cameraman with a saddened look. The cameraman nods at her.

Go on, you know how much Bateman wants this interview. This is hot stuff.

Becky lets out a sigh and enters the men’s bathroom. Upon entering, they find Chris K.O. washing his hands at the sink.

Good! I was afraid you would be using the urinal or worse…

Chris continues to look in the mirror as he responds to Becky.

Was it really that important that you barge into the men’s bathroom in order to catch a word with me Serra?

Well, you didn’t respond to us when we were chasing you down the hallway and every single WZCW fan just witnessed you attacking a legend out of nowhere. Why would I not want to catch a word with you?

Chris bares a smug grin, clearly impressed with the buzz that he has caused as a result of his actions. He turns away from the mirror and faces Becky.

Fine, ask away.

Okay, but first can we take the interview outside of the bathroom.

No, I’m fine right here.

Becky sighs and despairingly signals the cameraman to begin filming.

Rebecca Serra here with rising star, Sam Masters. I MEAN CHRIS K.O!

Becky looks nervously at Chris’ face. Chris is obviously irritated, but keeps his cool.

Now Chris, we all saw you come out to the ring on Meltdown and address your name change. You said you were going to shake the very foundations of the WZCW, and then followed that statement by attacking Everest in his match with Mr. Baller, thus costing him the match. What are your motives?

You’re right Becky. I mentioned on Meltdown that I would shake the very foundation of WZCW until people realized how messed up this product has become. So where do you start when plucking weeds? You start at the roots Becky. You have to up-ground the very roots of the weeds in order to dispose of them properly. I had to start with the beginning. I had to start with a man who debuted from the start; a man who has held more championships than I can count on my fingers.

Chris has his fingers extended as he looks at his hand. He slowly balls them up into a fist.

Everest: a champion, a main-eventer, a veteran, a legend, or as I like to view him, a stepping stone. How do you shake the very foundations of the WZCW? You start with the roots.

Chris looks at Becky with a smug grin. Becky feels awkward as Chris’ eyes finally divert and he exits the bathroom. Becky regains composure and addresses the camera.

There you have it WZCW. Chris K.O. plans to start with the roots. How will Everest respond?

Becky smiles as the camera feed cuts out.
The following is a special interview with Sean Cruz in his hometown, Galveston, Texas.

Narrator:For most people, today is just another day. The birds are chirping,bees are buzzing, and all is well on Galveston Island. But today is special for our subject, Sean Cruz. Today is his day off, and also his birthday weekend. For his 21st birthday, he's decided to record the events of the day and share it with his friends,family and most importantly, his fans. So, Sean, what do you have planned for today?

Sean: Tonight, I am going to get pissy drunk and do something stupid. But today, I want to spend my birthday with the people I love most, my sisters. We're going to dine at this lovely establishment by the water and chat, gossip and reminisce until they toss us out or close, haha. Then tonight, we hit up the clubs where the aforementioned pissy drunkeness will talk place :)

Narrator: You're fresh off of a match with Titus, WrestleZone's resident legend. How do you feel?

Sean: Honestly, I'm quite banged up. But I wouldn't have it any other way, because that man gave me the fight of my life. Even though we were battling in front of a sold out crowd, he still had a way of making it feel like we were in a small town gym in the middle of the night. Like he was there to train me personally and it was the highest honor I've received in my time as a WZCW superstar.

Narrator: You'll be delighted to know that the fans loved your match as much as you did. But that begs the question, what does the future have in store for Sean Cruz?

Sean: If I knew I would keep it to myself, but the fact that I don't know makes it exciting. Deep down, I'm hoping for my partner's safe return from his Paradyse Cruz(Sean winks at the camera) so we can reunite and take on the world!

Narrator: That's interesting because rumors are circulating that after your last match you planned on making a solo run to see where that goes.

Sean: That's the problem with rumors,guy. They're usually wrong. Today I turn 21. 21! I'm easily one of the youngest guys on the roster. That means I have all the time in the world for a solo run. Win or lose, I have a lot of fun with Armando, and I would like to team with him for as long as he's willing.

Narrator: That type of selflessness is hard to come by in a business like this. I believe most people would applaud you for that. But, if it's not for the prestige or wins or titles, then why do you do it?

Sean: Easy. I do it because when I'm in that ring, I'm free. I feel like I can fly, and with thousands of people cheering me on, it's to not jump off that top rope just to try it. Going through that curtain and hearing my music hit is a dream come true, and that's all I will ever need. Besides enough money to cover the costs of living. ;) I call myself the billionaire playboy for a very good reason.It's been great to have you here, but I've gotta go get a pretty and catch up with the girls!

Narrator: Always a pleasure,don't hesitate to call us up for another entry.
The scene opens with a shot of a dark gym. Most of the gyms lights are off but in the corner, a light remains on. The occasional grunt of anger can be heard as the figure pauses in pounding the punching bag.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! There's some brief panting before the pounding of the punching bag continues.

I gave it my all and it wasn't good enough. Now I train to break through my barriers. To break through my limitations. To break through my restrictions.

The camera pans round into the light and a figure with their back to the camera can be seen punching on the bag. The camera pauses for a moment before panning away again.

All to raise my the level of my best. To be something different. To be SOMEONE different.

Once again the camera pans the room and this time the figure is doing push ups. It soon pans away again.

Brawling got me nowhere. I had to refine my game. I had to retrain. Relearn. Re-perfect...

This time there are clips shown of two men fighting in the gym's ring. The clips show a man applying an armbar, hitting multiple arm drags and using a backbreaker/neckbreaker combo.

Now I'm nearly ready to make my return. Make my return to WZCW and this time I'll start from the ground up.

We see clips from the WZCW Divisions, going from Ty Burna to Sam Smith to StanTime to Blade and finally stopping at Alex Bowen.

I will work my way up the ladder. On the way to the top I'll settle old scores. I may even make a few new enemies.

Pictures of all the WZCW roster flash on the screen going through the roster one by one.

Most importantly though I'll win. Win my matches, the fans and WZCW Titles.

The pictures suddenly pick up pace and the final picture of Ty Burna can be seen just then the figure emerges into the light.

I am Bradley Bomb and I'm coming back to WZCW.

Brad Bomb's entrance music Becoming The Bull hits, his head is fully shaven and grins at the camera. He turns and puts his hand over the camera fading it to black. Then Meltdown 63/Ascension 38 burns across the screen before exploding to end the clip.
Darren Bull's music hits out of nowhere.


You see him with a huge smile in his face. While the crowd just boos him. He does his regular entrance and asks for a mic.

Now lets get down with it and why I am here tonight. But how cares cause all you people just wanted to see my handsome face.

Heavy boos start to come onto Darren's way.

All you can shut up cause some huge news.

Now the boos have grown louder.

You know what I don't care right now cause I hhave something big to say. I am here to announce that my debut will be in shortly of 3 weeks time.

The crowd is now shocked of the announcement.

That is right all of you ugly people. I will deput soon and will go down in history as the best debut ever. So, technical people cue my theme now.

Pumped Up Kicks plays while Darren leaves with a huge smile in his face.
The scene opens up with Alex Bowen standing on top of his long dinner table. It sets in the grand hall of his small but regal castle. The whole hall is a mess, weapons massed in corners. Paper and wood are strewn across the floor. Bowen is standing in his usual attire, but at his feet half a dozen gas cans stand filled to the brim. His crown and a white piece of paper are the only things next to the cans of liquid destruction. As Bowen looks across the room he nods.. Grabbing a can he hops down off the table and opens the top. Nonchalantly walking, he tips the can and a trail of gas starts to flow behind him. Stopping here and there he dumps more and more of the flammable liquid over the floor and items in the room. Repeating the process a few times the whole room is nothing more than a death trap. Bowen grabs his crown and the piece of paper and puts it in the pocket of his leather jacket. Looking around the room he smiles and grabs the final smallest gas can left on the large table.

Walking up the the large doors that protect the entrance of the halls, Bowen slowly opens them. Turning around he takes one last look at the scene he has set. He throws up and arm as he turns around and waves away the past. As we walk past the huge doors, we notice a long rope leading outside. Presumably dipped in more gas or another flammable liquid. Bowen slowly makes his way out to the end of the rope and stops. He drops the small gas can on the ground and on the way back up he looks to his castle. Looking back at it Bowen manages to crack a small smile.

Alex- The past is the past, I don't need a rematch. They can have it, I'll let Justin Cooper, Cruz and Armando ruin what I built up. Nothing matters anymore, I've become nothing more than a joke.

Putting his hand in his pocket the former champion takes out his crown. He tosses it to the ground, slowly looking at it he beings to shake. With one motion he drives his boot into the crown, it deforms and cracks. He spits on the former memory of himself.

Alex- I don't give a damn for anyone, and no one gives a damn for me. None of them will walk with me in hell.

Leaning down he grabs the can and unscrews the top of it. Holding the red canister about neck height, he tips it and a small amount of liquid flows out of the can on his shirt and down his pants. Slowly shaking Bowen tips the can back and tries to think. He drops the can and masses of liquid start to pool around his feet. Reaching in the pocket we can only start to think the worst.

Alex- This is my path to ruin...

Our thoughts can be put to rest, as Bowen pulls out a folded piece of paper he put in his pocket earlier. Unfolding it we can see a picture on the paper. A man, a man that has haunted Bowen since his very first match back in Wzcw.

Alex- I don't need people to further my life. I only need myself, I will show you all that I have mastered. Fear, pain, hatred, power. You laughed at me last year during the Roulette matches Holmes. Now I will laugh as I spit on your gave. I do have a purpose. You now have something that I want, up until now you weren’t worth the sweat to go after. Smith or whoever is up at the top of your division can stand in my way. If they want I will make their life a living hell to. Because for fifteen years I didn't just run hardcore matches. I learned a trade, a trade of pain. I will make you tap, or I will snap your spine. This is Alex Bowen, the Alex Bowen that everyone in the company should have prayed never came to light. You've all set back and watched the amount of pain I can take. Without weapons do you really think anyone in the company will be able to inflict anything to keep me down? I have a purpose now, I have something to keep me busy. I'm coming for you....

Bowen steps back away from the puddle of gas that has formed around his feet. As he balls up the paper he tries to light the lighter. Finally a flame flickers from the old silver zippo. Bowen puts the flame to the paper and it catches. Looking down at it as the flame engulfs the paper, and he finally throws it. The ball of flames makes almost direct contact with the rope that leads into the gas covered death trap. A evil snake of flame starts to slither to the castle. Bowen walks away from the blaze that is sure to start, as the scene closes out the flame from the rope reaches the open doors. A bright light can be seen from inside the castle doors and the cameras fade.
~ The scene begins with children running down a long stretch of street. They begin to chase each other around a little area but soon come to a stop. The sight that has frozen them with fear is the appearance of Justin Cooper. Slowly Cooper bends down to his knees and tells the children the run along home. The group of children run home on command just like dogs would do for their master. Cooper now heads toward his home with Vladimir following behind him. The two men enter a small house which looks like is in the beginning stages of renovation. They enter the house and make their way to the living room area. The inside isn’t in the best shape but the condition of the house seems to be the last thing on the mind of Cooper. Both men take a seat across from each other.

Justin Cooper: Thing aren’t going to plan Vladimir, it seems at every turn something else manages to ruin my plans. I haven’t worked this hard to have my plans ruined by some fool who pretends to be a ladies man. I… … we cannot afford to start again with this Vladimir; I need this to go perfectly.

Vladimir: I know sir but how were we supposed to know Armando Paradyse would beat Alex? We were certain that Bowen was going to win and you would face him once more.

Justin Cooper: It was all speculation Vladimir and that is where you went wrong. If people see us making mistakes we could have a revolt, our people could turn on us. We put up this front about being the best and being superior but if mistakes like this are made again then thirty years worth of work is out the window. The faith I have instilled into the men and women of The High Society is strong but defeat can weaken even the strongest of minds. We need to come up with a plan to regenerate the people. They need to know that we are still in control and just because Armando threw a spanner into the works doesn’t mean that we are ruined.

~ The two men sit in silence for a moment before Vladimir speaks up.

Vladimir: What about Leon Kensworth? The reporter for WZCW, why don’t we get him to do an interview with you?

Justin Cooper: You know how I feel about bringing outsiders into our society Vladimir. If we bring him into our stronghold then what does it say to our people? They will see this as a weakness and us needing to depend on the outside world. We can’t allow people to see that nor can we allow them to think of the outside world as helpers who can be used for the greater good. What we need to do is send a message to not only our people but to everyone on this planet. Even when the path changes The High Society always finds the end.

Vladimir: Sir I understand that but if we have Leon Kensworth come in here you can get a message across to millions. Soon enough more people will be preaching the word of Justin Cooper and The High Society. Believe me sir having Leon come in will achieve great things for us.

~ Cooper ponders the request from Vladimir, he questions the pros and the cons on having an outsider come into the bordered off society.

Justin Cooper: Fine but I want him restricted to this building and I mean that. He is not to roam around our society or to speak to anyone besides me. I want no cameras inside the area and I want him guarded on his way to this house. He is not to interact with anyone under any circumstance you hear?

Vladimir: Completely sir.

Justin Cooper: Good because I don’t care if the house is on fire, nobody talks to him.

Vladimir: I’ll make the call now boss.

~ The scene ends with Vladimir heading outside to make the phone call while Justin ponders his decision. For the first time ever Justin Cooper will have a sit down interview with WZCW reporter Leon Kensworth.
A dirty man sets in front of us. An old, worn combat green coat covers his chest. A name patch reading Bowen sets across his chest. His hair is mottled, a rough beard covers his face. It's obvious that Mr. Bowen hasn't been taking care of himself. The room is musty and old, a single string hangs down from a bare bulb. Even the light coming from the unknown wattage seems to dim.

Alex- I am Rechte Hand des Todes, mano destra della morte, la main droite de la mort. In any language it is all the same. I am death's right hand. They told me after I burnt all that was left of my old life that I needed to take time off. That I was to unstable to wrestle. Obviously Dr. Coons finally got to them. I thought I was done with him, I don't even know if it was him. Or if they just want to protect the locker room as a whole. But, what I do know is they what they told me. They said, I was suspended indefinitely. Rightfully so, because they wouldn't want to see what I would do to Armando, and then to Holmes.

Bowen reaches in his pants pocket, finding what he was looking for he pulls out a crumpled soft pack of cigarettes. He flips one up, putting it in his mouth. Reaching in his breast pocket, right below his name tag he pulls out a lighter. The smoke from the stick only makes the room more hazy. As if it needed anything like that in the first place.

Alex- They want to keep the locker room safe, but all they are doing is delaying me from taking everything that I want. I don't want the mayhem title, it was only holding me back. I've proved that I can do it all with weapons. I now need to prove that I can be a master of pain, and death's hand without them.

Bowen points to the camera, with his cigarette in hand. He is shaking as he points.

Alex- You are only buying yourself time Wzcw. Only time separates me from taking everything from everyone. When you let me back in, I will unleash hell. Ty Burna can have his cronies, and can have his board. But he has nothing that I do, I have a purpose. All you are doing is bottling up my hate, bottling up my ways. You know what happens to a bottle when you open it after you shake it? All the shit you don't want flows out.

Bowen stands up, he is just inches from hitting his head on the lone light bulb in the process. His whole body is shaking, talking at almost a growl.

Alex- You get me! You get what you didn't want in the first place!

Bowen pounds his smoking hand to his chest. The cherry explodes off in multiple directions, and the cigarette is now mashed against his fingers. Bits of the ember are now burning his hand. Bowen doesn’t seem to notice.

Alex- You get what I want to give you, I don't want ratings for you. I want retribution for all the hacks who are placed higher on the card than me. All the people who sat on their ass. and got a nice cushy spot on the docket. They got to set while I had to beat up rookies, robots, and QUITTERS! I will not stop until I mince everyone in your precious locker room to dust. I started with the mayhem division. My time there is over, but now I MOVE ON! Masses of men will fall in my wake, only the strongest will survive. I am the strongest, the toughest man in Wzcw. When I come back I will reclaim that spot. You all will be walking the path to extinction, you all can watch as your company burns to the ground. Wzcw will be reaping what it's sewn soon enough, until then you can spin your wheels endlessly. I will see you all soon.

Bowen flicks his hand, a bit of skin and the cigarette pulls away. He looks at the camera with wild eyes. An evil grin crosses his dirty face as he reaches up and pulls the string to the only light in the room.
Hey guys - thought you might be interested in my RP which was sent in private to creative for this Roulette round. Here it is! Enjoy.


The sound of distant sirens, of horns honking, of people shouting, of the life and vitality of a city can be heard pulsing all around, standing in stark contrast to this dead place in an unfashionable end of Cleveland, Ohio. Once, this was the most exciting place in the city, filled with the trendiest clubs, the hottest restaurants, and the finest in night-time entertainment. But the glory of this place is gone. The buildings are boarded up, there are no cars, no people laughing and waiting to get into the club, no music pounding. All that remains are faded signs, dust, and the bright, glaring sunlight, washing over the dead place and highlighting in vivid detail its degradation.

In the heart of this, in an abandoned lot in front of an old, run down building in even worse repair than its neighbors, an unfamiliar sound is heard. Tires on gravel, the low purr of an engine, the crack of a sharp turn. An old dog looks up, wondering at the noise. The car rounds a corner and comes into view, driving onto the empty lot. An expensive black sedan, pulling up in front of the building. It comes to a stop.

Becky Serra exits the passenger side, while two cameramen empty from the back seat. Becky leans back in briefly to thank the driver and ask him to wait for her before shutting the door. She surveys the situation briefly. She watches the cameramen scramble to assemble their equipment, takes a look at the old dog at the edge of the lot, wondering if it’s unfriendly. She shivers in the cold and squints her eyes against the sun, uncharacteristically bright on this clear, brisk day. She takes in the sight of the dilapidated old building across from her. There’s nothing recognizable on its outer facade to give an indication of what it is, making her even more nervous of the place. But she had a job to do here, and she had backup. Everything would be fine.

“We’re all ready to go, Miss Serra.”

Becky gives a quick glance to the cameraman, realizing she’d secretly been hoping they’d forgotten something, that they’d have to go back. There’s no avoiding it now, though. She pulls out the strange note that she’d received last week. Assembled in newspaper cutouts and magazine letters, it directed her, by name, to come to this place and bring a camera team. “Something you want to hear” it promised. “Worth your time.”

“It had better be,” she muttered, and gave a terse nod to the cameramen as she made for the building.

Surprisingly, the front door had yet to cave in entirely. She got it open without much effort and stepped into what looked to be some sort of entrance hall. The only exit that wasn’t caved in or otherwise impassable was a large opening to her right. She checked the note for any instructions about where to go in the building, but there were none. She looked back at her cameramen and shrugged, making for the opening.

She stepped into a large room with a gaping hole in the ceiling, letting the sunlight pour through. It illuminated the dusty remains of the massive room. Becky looked up to the ceiling and saw a multitude of birds roosting in the rafters. She gazed about the room and took stock of it. Much of the room looked to have been looted, but a few relics remained. Becky walked up to what looked to be an old slot machine. She gave the arm a pull, but the machine had long since broken. She spied an old craps table, tables for poker and blackjack, a few roulette wheels, all of it in various states of degradation.

“A casino,” one of her cameramen said uselessly.

Becky rubbed her temples. She felt a headache coming on. “Roulette week, and someone calls me to a casino in the middle of nowhere. How delightfully original.” She heaves a deep sigh.

“Sorry,” a voice ring out from the shadows.

Becky’s head snaps up, alert. She tried to place the voice. It seemed terribly familiar, but it felt like it had been ages since she heard it.

“Who’s there?”

“What, you don’t recognize my voice? I thought we were friends, Becky.”

Becky whirls about as she hears footsteps. Emerging from a small side room she hadn’t noticed before, a room that was probably once used for chip exchanging, was a man of average height, average weight, wearing disheveled clothing. He had short black hair, a beard that seemed to be growing out of control, but she looked at his face, and suddenly, she remembered…


Drake Callahan gives a huge, crooked grin. “Did you miss me?”

Becky looks dumbfounded. “Drake, I can’t believe this! It’s been two years since you disappeared! Where have you been? None of us had any idea where you’d gone…”

Drake just keeps smiling and puts his hands on Becky’s shoulders.

“Becky, it’s one hell of a story. But first things first. Do you want a drink?”

Becky just keeps looking at Drake in amazement, jaw open and eyes wide.

“Two years since anyone has heard anything from you, and the first thing you have to say is to offer me a drink?!”

Drake looks puzzled. “Did…did you expect differently?”

Becky barks a short laugh. “No, I guess not. No, I can’t drink, I’m here on business.” She raises an eyebrow. “Am I here on business?”

Drake retreats to the small room and emerges lugging a cooler. He sets the cooler on the table and hops up alongside it, motioning for Becky to sit on a table across from him. He opens the cooler, which is, predictably, filled with beer. He grabs one, cracks it open, and starts drinking in one fluid, practiced motion. He drinks about half before sighing contentedly.

“You sure are, Becky. This is my official announcement.” He grins wider than ever, his eyes shining bright. “I’m coming back, Becky.”

Becky just shakes her head, still shocked. “Drake…that’s great, but where have you been? Two years without any contact. Half of WZCW has written you off for dead, figured you’d collapsed in a ditch drunk or something.”

Drake looks to the sky wistfully. “Ah, the finest death. If only. No, not yet, Becky, I still have work to do. I’ll tell you where I’ve been, Becky, but it’s a long story. Camera dudes, can you set up? You’re going to want to get this.”

The cameramen begin setting up. Drake holds his bottle in both hands, staring at it deeply. Becky runs a hand through her hair as she watches Drake.

“Are you alright, Drake? You seem…different.”

“The last two years have taken me to some pretty dark places, Becky. It’s not a pretty story.”

Becky swallows nervously. She looks at the cameramen, and they nod at her.

“We’re ready when you are, Miss Serra.”

“Right. Well…let’s begin.”
She clears her throat. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am here in Cleveland, Ohio, with breaking news. I am joined at this time by former Mayhem and Eurasian Champion, Drake Callahan, who has just announced to me his intentions to return to WZCW at the upcoming roulette editions of television.” The cameras shift to Drake and he raises the bottle, giving a weak grin.

“Drake, the question on everybody’s mind is – where have you been?”

“Well, Becky…it all begins on Meltdown…”

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the EurAsian Championship match. This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be crowned WZCW EurAsian Champion.

Copeland: What a match we are about to see. These two men have a very long and fabled history. The have wowed us on Meltdown’s and pay-per-views alike and tonight, we get to see that again.

Cohen: This is it, Seabass! This is the day that Showtime takes the EurAsian Championship from that drunken imbecile Drake Callahan.

Copeland: Well, this is as good a time as any, Jack. We will have to see how he fares against a more than ample competitor.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” by Saliva hits the arena as the titantron that hangs over the entrance atop the ramp shows a lone figure walking towards us. As the intro finishes, Showtime comes through the screen as a large shot of pyro goes off behind him. He poses on top of the ramp for a few seconds with his arms outstretched wide.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger. He weighs in at 213 pounds and is from Winnipeg, Canada. “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: As you have pointed out, Jack. This is a huge opportunity for Showtime to get some gold back around his waist tonight. With that being said, what do you think is a good strategy for him tonight?

Cohen: Strategy? Please, Showtime doesn’t need a strategy. He will go in the ring and take away Drake’s Championship. That’s what his strategy should be.

A solitary spotlight follows Showtime down the ramp as he makes his way to the ring. He is smiling cockily and upon arriving at the ring, mounts the turnbuckle on the outside. He does his signature taunt and then gets inside the ring. The crowd boo loudly as he stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for his opponent.

“Cocaine” by Eric Clapton hits the arena as Drake comes out to a muted applause. He looks far out into the crowd and gives a smile, the EurAsian Championship wrapped tightly around his waist.

Harrys: Now introducing his opponent. He weighs in at 215 pounds from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the EurAsian Champion. Drake Callahan!

Copeland: This man is going to have his hands full tonight, Jack. What do you think Drake’s strategy should be?

Cohen: Not to get beat! Come on Seabass, use your head!

Drake continues his descent down the ramp towards the ring and upon arriving there, slides under the bottom rope into the ring. With his trademark beer bottle in hand, Drake gets to the top of the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd before chugging down what is left of the contents.

From nowhere, Showtime appears behind him and the C4 from the top rope. The referee stands in the middle of ring stunned as Showtime covers Drake. He looks at the referee who is still standing questioning what has just happened.

Copeland: What the Hell!?

Cougar: Count it, you son of a bitch! Count it!

The referee springs into action begins his count. 1…2…3

Cohen: Hahaha! I told you, Seabass! I told you.

The bell rings almost cautiously.

Harrys: Here is your winner and new EurAsian Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: Are you serious!? Drake Callahan has just been robbed of his championship.

Cohen: He should have known something like that would have happened. It’s all of that alcohol that clouded his judgement. Showtime took advantage when he could and shows again why he is the Champion.

The crowd are stunned as David Cougar gets to his feet and is awarded the EurAsian Championship. He throws his arms around it and celebrates wildly as he mounts all four turnbuckles, clutching it. As he dismounts from the final turnbuckle, Drake begins to stir. He is getting to his feet and Showtime notices this. With a glint of an idea appearing in his eyes, Drake begins to stalk the already beaten Drake. As Drake turns around, Showtime nails him with the EurAsian Championship belt. This knocks Drake to the floor and upon closer inspection, we can see that Drake has been busted open. Cougar looks almost demonic as he begins to stomp the head and torso of his fallen opponent. It is as though he is a completely different person. He is punching the head of Drake and making the cut that much wider.

Copeland: Oh, come on! This is ridiculous. Get some one out here…

Suddenly, “Broken Soul” by Original Sin hits as Lars Reidar appears on top of the ramp, wheeling a casket in front of him as he goes. He looks very focused and intense as he solemnly makes his way towards the ring. Showtime gets to his feet as Lars gets increasingly closer. Lars sets the casket beside the ring and slides underneath the bottom rope. He looks Showtime in the eye as he towers above Drake. Showtime gives an understanding nod and immediately falls to the floor and rolls under the bottom rope. He makes his way up the ramp and exits.

Cohen: I assume you didn’t mean Reidar, Seabass?

Without hesitation, Lars picks up the broken body of Drake Callahan and places it intently on the edge of the apron. Lars slides under the bottom rope and opens the casket lid. Drake is still not moving and with a huge push, Lars puts Drake into the ever-welcoming casket. He slams the lid down and begins to make his way up the ramp once more as the crowd stare at the proceedings questioningly. He gets to the top of the ramp and disappears from sight.


A dark room in the back of the arena. Only a tiny sliver of moonlight comes through a skylight, dimly illuminating a casket. A muffled pounding is heard.

“Hey! Let me out of here!”

The pounding continues.

“Seriously, it is pretty uncomfortable in here!”

The pounding goes on, getting more aggressive.


The pounding stops for a moment.

“Maybe…maybe I’m dead? I mean, generally they only put dead people in caskets. And I am in a casket. So…it’d make sense, right? But I don’t remember dying. I think it’s usually pretty painful. Admittedly, Showtime ripping a hole in my forehead was pretty painful, but I don’t think I died. Then again, I’ve never been dead before, how would I know? But wait…maybe…maybe I’ve been dead all along! Like that guy, in that movie!”

Footsteps are heard and a light switch is turned on. A janitor enters the room with a mop and bucket. He looks at the casket.


The pounding resumes.

“Help! I’m Bruce Willis!”

The janitor jumps up wildly. “What?! Who’s there!”

“Me! I’m in this casket! It’s very dark, and I might be dead!”

“For the love of Pete…”

The janitor grudgingly walks over to the casket and opens the lid. Drake Callahan is inside, looking wild eyed. His head is also covered in blood from the events of the night.

“Jesus! Look at you. You need medical attention!”

Drake clambers out of the casket, unsteady on his feet.

“No, that’s quite alright, I’m dead.”

“You are not dead, you’re just daft as a piece of driftwood.”

“No, you’re thinking of Ricky.”

The janitor stares at him, befuddled.

Drake begins pinching himself. “Hm. Can dead people feel pinches? For that matter, can they walk?”

“Usually not, no…”

“Hmmm. I may just be a very exceptional dead person.”

“You can’t be dead, fool! They just put you in a casket! That wackjob wrestler did it to you. You’re fine.”

Drake looks at the janitor very critically. “Are you quite certain, in your professional medical opinion, that I’m not dead?”

“Are you loony? I am a janitor!”

Drake continues looking critically. The janitor just swallows a few times. He decides that he just wants to finish his work and get home.

“Alright, yes, in my professional medical opinion, you are not dead."

Drake beams. “Excellent! Then, can you direct me to the nearest hospital? I’ll be needing immediate medical atten-“

Drake promptly faints from blood loss. The janitor groans.

“I don’t get paid enough for this...”


“So, they took you to the hospital?”

“Yeah. I woke up in the emergency room the next evening. Stone sober, of course, which was the terrifying part. When I learned they wouldn’t give me any alcohol, I booked it out of that joint and went in search of the nearest liquor store…”


Cars zoom by on the streets of the city as Drake wanders the sidewalks. He appears to be in a bad part of town. Most of the buildings are boarded up, and the ones that aren’t have suspicious looking figures in front of them. Nearly all of them eye Drake suspiciously as he stumbles along, bandaged heavily, mumbling about booze.

“Gotta be beer around here…wine, even…I’ll drink mildly fermented apple juice at this point…gasoline…”

He rounds a corner in his sober haze, only to encounter a group of African-American gentlemen. He stumbles into the lead man and they both fall over.

“What the hell?! Watch where you’re going, foo’!”

Drake stumbles up to his feet as the group of men eye him angrily.

“…need booze…”

“Hey! You ain’t even gonna apologize? Who you think you are, cracka’?!”

Drake looks at the man, blearily. “I’m…not a saltine…”

“You think you funny, cracka?!”

“S’how I pay the bills…”

The group of men look at each other incredulously. The lead gentleman grabs Drake by the throat.

“Do you know who we are? Do you know who I am? This is Grove Street territory, sucka, and you in the wrong part of town.”

“Grove Street…is there a liquor store there?”

The man holding Drake by the throat looks incredulous, but suddenly, a booming laughter rings out from a nearby doorway.

“CJ, let him go. I like this boy.”

The man backs off Drake as a hulking figure emerges from a shadowy doorway.

“Yeah, sure thing, boss.”

The big man comes to stand in front of Drake.

“I think I know you, boy. From the TV.”

“I’ve…been known to make appearances.”

The man laughs deeply again.

“Come on back with me to my place, son. We got a party going on tonight. All the beer you can want.”

Drake has a look on his face of pure ecstasy.

“Surely…you are a god. Let me worship you.”

He promptly falls to his knees and passes out. The big man laughs again.

“CJ, carry this boy back to the party. He’s a celebrity, you know.”

CJ looks angry for a moment, but a harsh stare from the boss sets him straight. “Whatever you say, boss.”


It’s Becky’s turn to look incredulous.

“So, you passed out twice in a 24 hour span, and then fell in with a street gang?”

“You sound like you don’t believe me.”

“I’m more inclined to believe you got stone drunk and imagined half of this.”

Drake grins. “Well, this is only the beginning…”


Drake stirs groggily on a couch in a back room. “Beer…beer…for the love of all the Brewers in Milwaukee, beer…”

Suddenly, he finds a cold bottle thrust into his hand. He promptly chugs it down, half of it pouring down his chin and all over the couch. “Sweet nectar of the gods…” He finishes the beer and sits up, feeling stronger. He sees the big man from earlier, sitting at a table, playing poker with a few of the other gentlemen.

“I remember you…God?”

The whole table starts laughing.

“Flattered, but you can call me Hank. You want another one?”

“Sweet Jesus, yes.”

Hank hands Drake another beer, which he promptly downs half of, more orderly this time. He wipes his mouth. Feeling the alcohol flow through his veins, his head clears. He takes stock of the situation.

“So, uh…Hank?”

“That’s my name, son. And you are Drake Callahan.”

“Uhh…yes. You know me?”

“From the TV. You’re a wrestler, right? I saw you get beat up the other night. It was pretty bad.”

Drake grimaces and puts a hand to his head.

“You’re telling me.”

“Must have knocked you pretty damn silly, to have you go wandering in the wrong part of town looking for beer.”

Drake nods. “Apparently.”

“You know how much trouble you were in? If I hadn’t been there, you were in for a world of hurt, buddy.”

“Johnny Saint was going to beat me up?!”

The men at the table exchange glances. Hank shrugs.

“Anyway. I saved you because I like you, and I think you’re a funny guy. But you’re gonna pay it back to me.”

“Sure, sure…well…I haven’t got any money…and I don’t know any phone numbers…I’m not even certain what city I’m in. So, uh…I guess…I can, err, get back to you on that?”

Hank laughs again. “No, son, you gonna work this off. I need a guy to move some sugar. You down?”

Drake lights up. “Oh, man, yeah, I love sugar! I always dreamed of being Willy Wonka when I was a kid.”

Hank and the rest of the man have fits of laughter. “Yeah, you gonna be a regular Willy Wonka, moving all this sugar, kid. Let me fill you in…”


Becky has her head in her hands.

“Drake? I’ll take that drink now.”

He grabs a beer and opens it, handing it to her. She drinks deeply.

“You’re telling me you started selling crack?”

Drake looks defensive.

“Hey! I had no idea what crack was until the trial.”

“The trial?!”

“Look, I’m getting ahead of myself. I thought I was selling people sugar, alright?”

“What did you think a bunch of people on the streets needed sugar from you in a back alley for?”

“I thought it was really good sugar, and they needed it to win a pie making contest!”

Becky narrows her at him. He drinks and looks away sheepishly.

“It’s not unreasonable. Everybody likes pie. Even gangsters.”

“Just…just go on.”


A dark alley is only dimly illuminated by the light of a single streetlamp from the opposite side of the street. Drake Callahan is wearing sunglasses, a long dark overcoat, black gloves, and black boots. A man walks by the entrance to the alley. Drake tenses. The man walks back again, looks in. He nods four times and snaps his fingers, the agreed upon code.

Drake nods three times and claps his hands. The man looks relieved and enters the alley.

“You’re…the Lake Erie Monster?”

“That is what they call me. I have no need for such names,” he says, trying to sound tough and mysterious.

“ have the goods?”

“That depends. Do you have the money?”

The man goes into his coat and pulls out a stack of hundreds. Drake grabs it, flips through it idly, praying that it was the right amount because he had no idea how to count that high.

“This is acceptable. You are making a very large transaction, tonight. You must be baking a lot of cookies.”

The man raises an eyebrow. “Is that some kind of code?”

“Is it?”

“I don’t know, you asked me.”

“I understand. You’re making brownies, not cookies.”

“Err…yes. Brownies. A lot of brownies.”

“Then you will be pleased to know this is the finest quality sugar that can be obtained from Colombia.”

“Good, good. Can I see it?”

Drake goes behind a dumpster and grabs a briefcase. He opens it. The briefcase is filled with bags of cocaine.

“You could bake a lot of pies with these. Make a lot of cakes. Even cupcakes, if that’s your thing.”

“Uh…yeah.” The man starts to look nervous, and glances over his shoulder.

“Is something wrong?”

Suddenly, a police car pulls up with sirens blaring. The man pulls a gun.

“You are under arrest!”

Drake looks up wildly. “What?! There’s nothing above me.”

“I am placing you under arrest!”

“I don’t see an arrest anywhere in the vicinity!”

“Stop resisting!”

“I’m not resisting anything!”

The officer, frustrated, grabs Drake and forces him to the ground. Drake now begins to thrash wildly.

“Help! Help! I need an adult!”

“Jesus, shut up! You’re selling cocaine! What’s wrong with you?!”

“I’m selling sugar!”

The cop handcuffs Drake and steps up. “Yeah, sure, you’re just baking pies all day. Tell it to the judge.”

“Okay! Where is he?”


Becky has finished her first beer and started in on another.

“So, you got arrested. For selling drugs.”
She shakes her head.

“I didn’t know it was illegal! No one told me.”

“You didn’t think it was suspicious that you sold at night, using secret codes, dressed all in black?”

“I thought it was fun…I liked playing secret agent.”

Becky just keeps shaking her head.

“So, how’d they find you?”

“Turns out they’d busted the whole operation earlier in the evening. They’d been targeting us for a while.”

“So, they took you to court?”

“They sure did…”


The courtroom is filled with people buzzing about the huge gang bust. Today was the trial of the dreaded Lake Erie Monster, said to be the biggest cocaine dealer in the entire city…

“All rise for the Honorable Judge Edwards!”

Everyone in the court room rises, except for Drake, who is inexplicably fiddling with a toy dinosaur. His defense attorney nudges him. He looks about wildly, and rises.

The judge enters and commands everyone to be seated. Drake resumes his seat and keeps playing with the dinosaur. The judge looks at Drake with mild annoyance, but he’s heard about this sort of thing.

“We’ve heard the prosecution’s arguments already. Today, we’ll hear from the defense.”

Drake’s attorney rises.

“Your Honor, the prosecution contends that this man is a ruthless cocaine salesman who’s terrorized the streets and corrupted our city with drugs. But I say, your Honor, that this man is a simple, innocent victim, who had no idea of what he was doing, who didn’t even know cocaine was a drug, and who was taken advantage of by a street gang who used his kind nature, charm, and soft head to peddle their drugs. Your Honor, I would like to call to the stand Mr. Drake Callahan.”

Everyone in the court looks at Drake, who, oblivious, makes soft roaring noises as his dinosaur stomps on imaginary people. His attorney clears his throat and Drake looks up.

“Oh! Is this the part where I talk?”

“Yes, Drake. Please have a seat up here.”

Drake gets up.

“Leave the dinosaur.”

Drake looks crushed.



Drake sullenly puts down the dinosaur and takes a seat in the witness stand, shooting angry glances at his attorney. The bailiff brings the Bible before him and instructs him to place his hand on it and raise his other.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”

Drake glances at his attorney. His attorney nods, and Drake winks back in a way that can be described as the exact opposite of subtle. “I do.”

Suddenly, he gasps and covers his mouth. His attorney looks perplexed.

“Drake, what is it?”

“I said ‘I do’…”

“You did. You did a very good job, Drake.”

“No, no, that means…that means we’re married!”

The courtroom erupts in laughter as the bailiff blushes red. The judge bangs his gavel.

“Mr. Callahan, I can assure you, as a judge of this great state, you are not legally wed to the bailiff.”

Drake looks immensely relieved. “Oh, thank you, sir.”

“Your Honor.”

“Oh, there’s no need for that, sir.”

The courtroom erupts in laughter again as the judge bangs his gavel once more. Drake’s attorney winces.

“Drake, you’re supposed to address the judge as ‘Your Honor’.”

“Oh! Sorry, my Honor – I mean, your Honor.”

The judge rubs his eyes and waves for the attorney to carry on.

“Drake, can you please tell us what it was you’ve been doing for the last several months?”

“Sure! I was selling sugar.”

“What kind of sugar?”

“Good stuff. From Colombia. Makes the best pies in town, trust me, I’ve tried them.” He licks his lips.

“Drake, what if I told you that you were in fact selling crack cocaine?”

“Oh, I know that.”

The prosecution looks overjoyed as Drake’s attorney looks crestfallen.

“Drake, are you sure about that?”

“Sure! I was selling crack cocaine sugar. Cane sugar, from Craco,
Colombia. The very best!”

“What if I told you that you were, in fact, selling an illegal drug?”

Drake looks shocked. “But…sugar’s not illegal! I mean, sure, it rots your teeth out, I know that, but it’s not illegal…”

“Drake, what if I informed you that you were not selling sugar at all?”

Drake looks even more puzzled. “I…but why would everyone call it sugar?”

“Sugar is a common slang term for cocaine, Drake.”

“Maybe people should be more clear about their definitions!"

The courtroom erupts in laughter once again. The judge can only put his head in hands.

“Your Honor, I think I’ve made it apparent that Mr. Callahan had no idea what he was doing and does not deserve to be convicted of any criminal charges. I rest my case.”


Becky has knocked back two beers and waves away a third.

“So, what happened?”

“I was telling the truth, and they believed me. The judge let me off.”

“So what next? Did you fly to the moon? Become an international rock star? Have gender reassignment surgery?”

“I called Max!”

“Sure, alright.”

“See, I had a cell phone that had everyone’s numbers, but it got left behind that night at the arena. So I had no idea how to communicate with anyone, and I got caught up in the drugs and the trial for months...”

“How’d you find him, then?”

“He was on TV! He started up a full scale agency for athletes. He was on TV advertising for it, and I called him up."


Drake is in a phone booth. He deposits a few coins into the slot and dials a number.

“This is Max Powers Agency, the best in professional sports management, my name is Stacy, how can I help you?”

“Hi! I’m Drake, Drake Callahan, me and Max go way back, can you put him on?”

“Sir, I’m afraid Mr. Powers is quite busy…”

“Look, let him know I’m on the line, okay? He’ll want to talk to me, we’re best friends.”

“Please hold, sir.”

A few moments pass. Then, a voice on the other line.

“Who is this?!”

“Max! Drake, Drake Callahan, how are you?”

“You son of a bitch, how dare you?”

“Um…wait, what?”

“You ran out on me a year and a half ago and left me with nothing! I had to rebuild my company from nothing because of you, and now that I’m finally on my way back to the top, you have the nerve to call me?!”

“Max, wait, you don’t understand, I’ve been on adventures…”

“I don’t give a damn about your adventures! You’re a useless bum and you’re never going anywhere in wrestling! I have bigger fish to fry than you. Never call me again.”

Drake lets the phone fall out of his hand as he looks utterly distraught. He exits the phone booth, looking lost.


Becky has sat up now, paying closer attention.

“Drake, I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay, Becky. I just…I thought Max was my friend. I thought I could call him up, and we’d go back to WZCW together, and everything would be like it was…”

He drinks again, thinking.

“I got into a bad place for a while. I stopped thinking about anything. Just woke up, ate, drank, slept. For weeks. All I could think about was how Max told me I was useless, and I was never going anywhere.”

Becky only listens, not sure of what to say.

“I felt sorry for myself for so long, but then…I was walking down the street, one day, and there was a TV in the window, and it was showing WZCW. And I saw…I saw Ty with the world championship, I saw Showtime in the main event, and all I could think about was that I was with them, I was rising to the top with them, but I lost my way. But I could have done it, I could have been where they were, you know? And that inspired me. And I thought about Max, and I didn’t feel sorry anymore, I felt angry, because he was wrong. I could go somewhere in this business. I was going somewhere. I got sidetracked, but…I can get back. I knew that. So I hit the gym. I got back into shape. I did this by myself the first time, I didn’t need anyone else to get back. And then, last week…”


The office of Chuck Myles is posh and well ordered. Chuck himself is scrawling some note or another for business.

His secretary comes on the intercom.

“Sir? Your 2:30 is here.”

“Thanks, show him in.”

The door opens and Chuck looks up. He lets out a long whistle.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.”

“Hi, Chuck,” Drake says as he enters the room.

“You might have dressed for a business meeting. Or shown up sober.”

Drake looks down at his disheveled, informal clothing.

“I won a couple of championships drunk, you know. I figured I could handle a meeting with a few in me.”

Chuck barks a harsh laugh. “Yeah, I guess you can. So, what, you want back in the game?”

Drake nods.

“Well, too bad. Your time’s past, kid. You were hot once, sure. Might have been world champ if you stuck around. But you’re old news now, just a washed up never was who thinks a Eurasian championship is a big deal. It ain’t.”

Drake smiles sadly. “Why did you hire me in the first place, Chuck?”

“You were funny. You were different. You looked like you had talent. It helped that that, uh, what’s his name, the Shockmaster, Shock and awe, whatever, he put in a good word. Christ, what did I ever see in that guy?”

“Did you think I would ever be a world champion then, Chuck?”

“No. And I was right.”

“But you just said it yourself. I was on my way.”

Chuck rubs his chin.

“Yeah. Yeah, you were. I guess I never saw that coming.”

“So hire me back, Chuck. Hire me because you were wrong once. Maybe you’ll be wrong again.”

Chuck narrows his eyes and stares harshly at Drake. “Don’t expect a big contract. Not after walking out on us last time.”

“You could pay in Trident layers. I don’t care.”

“Don’t give me ideas, I might just take you up on them. Fine. We got the roulette shows coming up. We’ll throw your name in. You show up, you impress me, you’re in. But it’s a long road back to the top, and the competition is ten times as fierce as it was when you were here.”

Drake gets up and smiles again.

“Thanks, Chuck. I’ll get by.”

He shakes Chuck’s hand and exits the room quietly. Chuck goes back to his papers, but looks up again a moment layer. He shakes his head.

“I’m going to regret this.”

Becky leans back on the table, stretching now that the story is over.

“So, you want us to keep this a secret until after the roulette?”

“I’d appreciate it, m’lady.”

Becky smiles at Drake, remembering the old times. She looks around the old, run down casino.

“So, why this place, Drake?”

“This old casino? Because…because it reminds me of me, I guess.”

He gets up and walks around the old run down casino as Becky watches him, silent.

“This place was filled with life, once. It had everything. Money. Friends. Lights. Power. The whole shebang, Becky, everything you could ever want. And me too, I had all that. I was on top of the world in my day, Becky. Eurasian champion, for all I knew I had a chance at the world championship coming down the line at me. My biggest match, look at it, me and Ty and Showtime, triple threat for the Mayhem and Eurasian titles. We were all going places. Ty got the world title, ran with it like crazy. Showtime, wins the Lethal Lottery, he’ll be a world champion any day. After that match, they went nowhere but up, and I went nowhere but down. I lost everything I had. And this place, it too. It lost its money. It lost its friends. The lights went out. The power was gone. Everyone stopped caring, and everyone stopped caring about me. Even I stopped caring about me. And this place gave up to the dust and the dirt and it fell apart. And I did too.”

He steps near a roulette wheel and gives it a weak spin. Surprisingly, it turns. He smiles.

“We both lived hard and fast, too close to the edge. It cost this place everything. When you live that way, all it takes is once mistake for everything to fall apart. It happened here, and it happened to me. But there’s one difference between me and this building. I still have something. I might be broken, but they haven’t taken everything from me. Not yet. I can rebuild. This place is dead. Me? I’m down, but I’m not out. Almost, but not quite. And that’s enough. Enough to rebuild on. Enough to seek redemption on.”

He fumbles underneath the roulette wheel and comes up with a small, dusty ball. He turns it over in his hand.

“These roulette shows…they’re a chance for me to step back to where I was. They’re perfect. I’m not patient, Becky, I want to be back on the top quick. Maybe I’ll get lucky, huh? Maybe I’ll get a Eurasian title match, step right back to where I was. Or more, even. By the time I’m done, Becky, maybe I’ll be a world champion. No matter what happens, Becky, these shows are the first step for me. The first step on the way back to the top. Maybe I’ll never get there. Maybe I’ll fail again. But maybe not. I could be the best, someday. I’m not a man for planning. I’ll figure it out on the way. And leave a little something to Lady Luck, too.”

Drake spins the wheel and tosses the ball in. He waits to see where it will land, but suddenly, it catches on some piece of debris in the wheel and flies out across the room.

“Yeah. That’s about right.”

He takes the last drink of his beer and sighs contentedly.

“I’ll see you next time, Becky. Maybe I’ll have gold the next time we talk, huh?”

He flashes her a quick smile as he slips out of the building, leaving Becky and the cameramen behind in the dusty old casino. They exit quickly too, leaving the casino behind, with nothing more than the memory of glory.


That's just the tail end of it that didn't fit (I have a 40,000 character max). Feedback appreciated.
The scene opens up in a well lit room. It appears to be a basement, but a rather nice one. It has wrestling mats placed on about half the room. The walls are padded down, and two training dummy are just laying out. A pair of training shorts and wrestling shoes are strewn out across from the training implements. A dull thudding can be heard, the camera man walks toward the noise, the pounding noise gets louder. We can now see a heavy bag swinging from a large timber beam. A smaller sweaty man weaves back and forth in front of the bag. He is hitting it with all his power. Sweat is pouring down the mans back, and we can see it mix with every measure and angle of scars. Alex Bowen turns his head and waves for the man behind the camera to come even closer. Bowen kicks his punches into overdrive for the camera. Every swing he punches harder, until the bag is swinging like a pendulum. With one final blow the former mayhem champion walks away from the still swinging bag. He stops, throwing a hand up to his mouth he rips off the Velcro strip on his glove. Only pausing for a few moments, just to catch his breath. Bowen moves on, dropping his gloves in the process. He walks over to a large standard weight bench. He lays down on the bench, and puts his arms up to match the length of the bar. Slowly closing the gap on the steel length, he raises the pre measured weight off the stops. He quickly pumps the weight up and down. Never stopping, and taking quick breaths as he brings the weight down close to his chest. He quickly pumps out ten, fifteen, and gets past twenty. Bowen is a man bent on getting his quota. We near thirty repetitions of his pre set weight, only then does he start to slow down. He cranks out thirty five, and slowly makes it to closer to forty. But Bowen’s face is turning purple, denying his fatigue he struggles on. Pushing past forty reps Bowen’s arms are shaking. You can count his forty-first rep, but as he drops down for what will be his last his arms go dead. Bowen struggles to put up the weight, but his arms will take no more punishment. Sweat creases his brow, and he lets out a loud guttural growl. But alas, his efforts are for nothing.

Alex- Hey, help!

The camera man quickly drops his camera and goes to aid the wrestler. But another pair of feet step into the scene. A monstrous pair of darkened tan work boots step in front of the bench. The camera man is pushed away, with the hand still in view. We can see that it is almost the size of a catchers mitt. With his back to his camera, the man reaches around and grabs it. Focusing in on the scene we can see a mountain of a man, at least seven feet tall. He grabs the bar as if it were no heavier than a basket of clothes. Alex slowly leans up, his arms are shot. He looks back at the monster standing behind him. The man with long black greasy hair, and a beard that would put a Russian to shame stops and shakes his head. Then cracks a wild smile. Bowen on the other hand starts to stand up, with a fierce look on his face he raises a hand.

Alex- I told you to leave, I never wanted to see you again. What are you doing here.

David- It looks like you needed me more than you think. Do you think that piss ant would of been able to lift that kind of weight off of you?

The larger of the Bowen brothers points a hand to the camera as he starts to laugh.

Alex- You think this is funny don't you?

David- No I told you years ago that I would never leave you, you told me to leave. But now I am back...

Alex- Your word's not worth its weight in shit. What could you possibly want from me David. I'm not afraid of you, just like that time long ago when when we beat Dead End in Apwc. Both seven foot tall sky scrapers, Ale, David. Do you know who he is? I beat him twice by any means necessary. Choked the life out of him, and then he left.

David laughs at Alex's last statement.

David- What? Like how you just lost? I saw that Alexander, don't think I haven't been watching you. I didn't come here to argue with you, I don't need to do that. I know who would win in a fight between us. You might of been older than me, but you and Cory were always afraid of me. Do you remember that time I threw dad through the new wall we put in the front room? You always talk about putting him in the hospital, and how you were the savior of the home. I put that man into a wall, and you brag about going to jail over it. Everyone was afraid of me at home, the whole town. It would of taken a swat team to take me down in school.

Alex seems to regain some of his feeling back in his arms, he pushes himself up and at his larger brother. Getting right in his face, pointing at the monsters nose.

Alex- What, you think a little weight and height scares me David. It's coming up on a month since I lost that match, they almost canned me the night after it. I'm setting back here, setting and training. I remember just steam rolling through everyone. I loved it, but now I have to get bigger. I have to be smarter, and all of Wzcw won't see me coming.

Alex puts up his arms, he flexes his biceps. A very impressive amount of muscle is showing, tone that was missing for years is now starting to show on the former man's arms.

Alex- I am doing everything right this time David, only time is separating me from getting back in the ring. I will be ready, and no one will stop me.

David puts his hand around his brothers shoulder. He turns him around and they start to walk.

David- No one will stop you? You don't have the great equalizer in weapons that you once had in the ring. What you need is something else, I see groups of wrestlers ganging up on people all the time Alex. Ty Burna has them, and even Blade is using a helper. So what do you need?

Alex- I don't need anything David, no one in Wzcw could help me right now.

David stops and turns to his brother, he puts his finger into his left shoulder. Prodding his smaller brother, trying to pick at him.

David- You always were kind of dull, you know that right? Who said anything about anyone in the company. Do you know how you get back in the company sooner? Let me talk to them, let me re assure them that I have you under control. You can't rely on weapons anymore. But you could rely on me, no one would beat us. Do you remember the last time we tried to get in the company together. They were afraid of us, they said no. They will not say no anymore, I'm not going to wrestle. But I will kick the shit out of anyone who tries to mess with your matches. Maybe I will help you along the way, I have no problem with that. We could be brothers in arms again, The Burning Legion could be one again. The brass will dig their own graves if they accept it. Ty Burna is in charge, and I know he isn't that fucking smart.

David Bowen puts his arms around his brother, hugging him as tight as he can. The camera pans to Alex's face, he is smiling. A small series of tears run down his face.

Alex- I never wanted to tell you to go David, I knew when I told you to leave it was the wrong way. I'm sorry

Bowen wipes the tears off his face, he stops and shakes his head at mountain of a brother. Only after putting on a tough face does he start to talk again.

Alex- It's time to trim the fat brother, a cancer needs to be cut out of the company. They are all just running their mouths. I can only do that for now, but my words are not just poison that I throw about. They are a razor to the jugular. An empty barrel always makes the most noise, and that is all I am right now. But the locker room will soon begin to feel my hands around their throats.

David- Exactly.

Alex- Before I left the company I was in between a black hole, and a super nova. My life was Imploding and expanding simultaneously. But, I am no longer blind. I had been running away for so long, when I finally caught myself there wasn't much left. I was living in a fog, but I am no longer in that cloudy place. I survived myself somehow, what I was before, dead and imprisoned. But now my script's last page is blank, and the medicine is gone. Nothing can cure A sick monster, a twister of dark matter. But I'm no longer a tornado trying to mend the life it shattered. The kings of this company will no longer harm me, they will no longer hold me back. The lights will fade, and this final war will start. The master of destruction, death's right hand will tear everything apart. Your favorites, they are dead. You will pray for your villains to stop me, but none will come raise a hand at me. The Bowen brothers will stop all, or I will stop your heart's beating forever.

The scene slowly fades out after Bowen's last statement.
Dr. Pierce A. Rhodes
The Heart Hospital
16-18 Westmoreland St

Februrary 12th, 2012​

Dear Mr. Vance Bateman & Mr. Ty Burna

As I am sure you both are aware, on the 21st day of February 2010, Mac Colville, better known as the wrestler “Rush”, suffered a severe cardiac emergency while wrestling in the ring at the WZCW event “Kingdom Come II”. Immediately following his match, Rush was taken by EMS personnel to the local hospital and entered my care.

After conducting multiple test, it was my diagnoses that “Rush” had suffered a simultaneous anterior and inferior myocardial infarction due to an occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. In layman’s term, the human heart consists of four main chambers on two sides. The right side of the heart works to deliver blood to the heart and lungs; while the left side works much harder to deliver blood to the remainder of the body such has kidneys, liver, etc. “Rush” had multiple blockages in the coronary artery, which prevented the blood from leaving the heart to the rest of the body, causing a buildup of blood in the heart, and in turn, forcing the right side of his heart to work harder.

Not only is this severe cardiac emergency career threatening, but it is also highly life threatening as well.

Once “Rush’s” vitals were stable, he remained in my care in the Cardiology Department at The Heart Hospital where we agreed on preforming a double coronary artery bypass surgery on the patient. The procedure for such a surgery is quite drastic: We remove arteries and veins from elsewhere on the patient’s body, in this case, they were removed from the patient’s leg. We then open up the patient’s chest cavity and stop the heart, in order to graft the former leg arteries & veins to the patient’s coronary arteries to bypass any atherosclerotic narrowing and improve the blood supply to the coronary circulation supplying the myocardium (heart muscle). The surgery, while a lengthy process, was ultimately very successful.

I remained as “Rush’s” primary physician during the course his recovery from the surgical procedure and current physical rehabilitation where various test have been conducted on a regular basis. Throughout the testing process, “Rush” has been preforming with extraordinary results. His cardiovascular system, agility, and muscle strength is not only well above any past patient that has experienced a similar cardiac trauma, but “Rush” has commented on multiple occasions that he is preforming quicker and stronger than he has in a number of years. Needless to say, the extended time away from a professional wrestling ring has been done wonders for allowing “Rush’s” body a much needed rest from the constant damage and pain it was suffering.

Along with the rigorous physical testing, “Rush” has also been subjected to constant mental testing where he continues to demonstrate intense focus, drive and determination. My chief complaint and only true concern during this mental testing lies in “Rush’s” new found state of aggression. While this aggression complements his intensity and furthers his drive and determination, his aggressive behavior often comes at the expense of other patients and my staff.

Despite the thirty plus years of the effects of wrestling to his body, the initial and severe cardiac emergency suffered in the ring, as well as the invasive procedure that took place, it is in my professional opinion that “Rush” is both physically and mentally prepared to once again compete in a professional wrestling ring on a regular schedule. I have no hesitations in medically clearing “Rush” to return to action as he has proven to no longer pose any risk to himself, I do however fear the wellbeing of all of those who oppose him in the ring and wish them all the luck.

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (020) 3456 7898.



Dr. Pierce A. Rhodes
Senior Cardiac Physician & Chief Cardiac Surgeon
This was my RP that I was working on for the Lethal Lottery for the Eurasian title match. I thought I would post it for those that wanted to see it.

Desire was truly the harbinger of impatience; and waiting on important news that could alter and twist the future wasn’t an easy thing to do. For Celeste Crimson this particular information could buy her much needed ground in the battle against her enemies.

The barrier defined as kayfabe which drew the battle lines each and every week had somehow been breached; the war that was her workplace had transcended itself into a reality that it was never supposed to bend, and this information would show just how far chaos had managed to penetrate itself into her life.

‘Perhaps maybe it is my paranoia playing tricks on me; but then again this feeling of dread just won’t go away… I have to know…’

The voluptuous blonde beauty sits in isolated booth in the corner of a small bistro; she idly twirls her thumbs waiting for her guest to arrive with the information that she so desperately desired. A few days ago she had been attacked in a parking lot by a pair of thugs after changing the spare tire on her rented car. She had initially dismissed the attack as an attempted mugging until she discovered that a tracking device had been planted underneath the carriage.

‘I had my suspicions; that’s why I didn’t go to the police. They would have written the attack off as a simple mugging.’

Of course Vance Bateman was notified of the attack; but he was assured that the attack had been a mugging and nothing else. Many of the other superstars reached out with condolences, but there was one person in particular who managed to convince her that the attack had indeed been orchestrated by someone else.

‘That was the reason why I chose to go to Annabelle for help; if there was anyone who could help me figure this all out without making waves it was going to be her.’

Celeste looks up from the table at the sound of her name, as her guest makes her way to the back of the restaurant to join her at the small table. Annabelle Romanovich was her cousin on her uncle’s side of the family. She was a tall, slender woman in her early forties whose dark hair and skin tone flaunted her mixed Russian and Mexican heritages.

The reason why Celeste had chosen to come to her cousin with this problem was because of her area of expertise; Annabelle was a senior field agent with the CIA specializing in domestic outsourcing, covert opts investigation, and espionage.

“Thank you for meeting me on such short notice,” Celeste responds.

Annabelle sits and pulls out a manila folder from her briefcase, and plucks a lengthy multipage report from its innards. She hands the report over to her younger cousin who begins to thumb through it with a lost look on her face. Celeste looks at the technical jargon like she was trying to read a foreign language.

“I did some digging around like you asked me to and I’ve got to say I found some interesting details,” Annabelle starts.

“…I thought we were going to keep this subtle,” Celeste says completely aghast at the size of the report she was holding. “You call this monstrosity being subtle?”

“… I merely did what you asked me to do; I found the one’s responsible for the attack. Your instincts were right, this wasn’t some simple mugging.”

Celeste quickly realizes that large portions of the report had been blacked out and some others were highlighted and circled, “Err, what is all this?” She asks, flipping the pages over.

“Financial records. Apparently the two thugs that attacked you were hired by a woman named Arianna, apparently to take you out. I also found the model of the tracking devise registered in her name purchased through a line of credit that has since been erased.”

Celeste shakes her head, that name wasn’t ringing any bells whatsoever…

“…upon further investigation I found that this woman Arianna has close ties to a man named Ty Burna.”

Celeste’s eyes went wide, “R-really!?”

She stops herself short and quickly lowers her voice to a whisper, “How did you find this information?”

Annabelle leans back against her chair and folds her arms, “That information is classified. All I can tell you is that Ty Burna’s file is relatively clean aside of some petty crimes he committed in his youth. There is no legal action that be taken against him at this point…”

Suddenly her disposition grows colder as her tone becomes more serious, “However I did find something most unsettling…”

Celeste folds the report and sets it back down on the table, “Oh?”

“Apparently Ty Burna has a man named Ian Crawford employed within his services as a financial advisor; however, Crawford apparently has a large network of contacts which includes several top lawyers and congressmen. If Mr. Burna ever found himself to be in any sort of legal issues there is a good chance that the man would come out unscathed.”

Celeste was dumbfounded; Ty Burna not only had lots of money being half owner of WZCW, but apparently he had real legal muscle as well. Did this mean that he could force Vance Bateman to sign over the rest of the company by putting legal pressure on him? If so this was a very bad predicament to be in; what could this possibly mean for the rest of the superstars in the company? If this were true then Burna really could succeed in plunging WZCW into darkness…

“I-I…” Celeste stumbles, trying to articulate what she was thinking, but her thoughts were moving at a million miles per second in a near infinite amount of directions. Annabelle smiles gently and places the report back into the manila folder.

“I am glad you came to me with this problem little cousin, do not worry; I will keep an eye on Ty Burna and his associates. If he tries to unjustly manipulate the legal system in the future I will notify you.”

“Thank you Annabelle. This is a lot for me to absorb right now… I-I don’t…” her voice suddenly trails off into uncertainty. She buries her face into her hands and lays her face onto the table.

“I understand. Please contact me if you need anything else. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the office.”

Annabelle stands and takes her leave, as Celeste begins to ponder her next move. She takes out her phone and quickly dials a number. The phone rings twice before the voice of female secretary answers on the other end.

“Hello, this is Celeste Crimson. Tell Vance Bateman I need to speak with him immediately. It is urgent...”


Two days later Celeste stands in front of WZCW’s main headquarters. She was forced to catch the last flight out of Washington, DC the night before; traveling nonstop for the past several hours. She was exhausted, and was hoping to spend the last few days with her family in Sacramento before the Lottery.

She steps through the giant revolving glass doors and inside the lobby of the main executive offices. Bateman’s secretary offers her a seat, which she begrudgingly accepts. Moments later, the secretary waves her inside. She stands and makes her way over to Bateman’s office. Unsurprisingly the GM’s office was quite lavish; he had a large mahogany desk with a pristine black leather desk chair to match. Bateman stands, shakes her hand and offers her the guest chair; an equally exquisite piece of furniture in matching black decor.

“What can I do for you Mrs. Crimson?” he asks.

Bateman rarely accepted meetings that weren’t pre approved, but the woman had been very persuasive in her demands; in the end he had caved.

“I want to talk about Ty Burna…”

Bateman groans; it just seems as though everyone wanted a piece of the new Meltdown GM recently.

“What about him?” he asks half dismissively as he leans back against his chair.

“I recently came across some disturbing information involving certain contacts of Burna’s, are you aware of the regality surrounding his real life legal team?”

Bateman looks slightly taken aback; it wasn’t exactly common knowledge that the Meltdown GM had quite the illustrious legal team, but Bateman was well aware of the damage they could do. He had his own team of lawyers assembled just in case Burna tried anything.

“I am not really sure how you discovered such information; but yes, I am aware that Mr. Ty Burna possesses quite formidable contacts in the legal department.”

“Wait a second,” Celeste responds with surprise. “If you knew about that then why wasn’t I and the rest of the roster informed? Didn’t you think that was important information?”

“Now hold on, the Meltdown GM storyline was strictly business between Mr. Burna and I and the corporate affiliates; it was only supposed to be a publicity stunt. I realized too little to late what Burna’s true objectives were, but I have taken measures to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control.”

Celeste is taken aback by Bateman’s explanation; Ty Burna as the Meltdown GM was only supposed to be a publicity stunt? Then what were his true objectives? And then the answer soon dawned on her… Ty had used his connections to wrestle authority away from Chuck Myles and was now a legitimate owner of WZCW. Batemen watches as her face contorts as the truth finally begins to sink in…

“Then none of this was kayfabe? Ty Burna is actually a legit owner of the company?”

Batemen remains silent; his refusal to acknowledge her questions all but confirmes the worst for her.

“Why didn’t you tell any of us!?” She suddenly explodes, taking Bateman by surprise.

“The others and I thought this was all make-believe! Do you realize what will happen if Ty Burna legitimately becomes CEO of this company?”

“Calm down Mrs. Crimson! There’s no need to make a scene.”

“I-I-I hardly know where to begin with all of this!”

“Look,” he says staring her straight into the eyes, “I have the situation under control. There’s no need to cause unnecessary panic amongst the other talent. It is for the best if they and the rest of the fans continue to think that this angle with the Apostles is one big work.”

“But he was able to wrestle control away from Chuck Myles and buy his half of the company; what makes you so sure that you’ll be able to keep him from doing the same to you?”

“My legal team has been working for some time now to restore Mr. Myles back to his original role as Meltdown GM, which includes his half of the company. There isn’t anything to worry about.”

Celeste shakes her head, “I don’t believe you. I think you’re already beginning to lose your grip on the company, and I can prove it…”

“Last week when I was attacked by those two thugs, it wasn’t a mugging.”

“What are you talking about?” Bateman looks shocked.

“I’m saying that the attack was an organized attempt to take me out.”

Celeste reaches into her pocket and hands Bateman a folded copy of the financial reports which linked Ty Burna and the Apostles to the two attackers. Bateman seizes the piece of paper and eyes it carefully; his face quickly paling. Celeste watches the man with a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

‘She’s not lying,’ Bateman thought as he looks over the information. ‘That damn Ty...’

“How did you get this information?”

“I am not about to reveal my sources to you Vance, but I have my contacts as well. In fact I have a contact here in WZCW who claims that Ty and the Apostles also wronged them as well. This contact was the one who convinced me to look into this matter further.”

Bateman hands the paper back to Celeste and leans back in his chair; the woman brought up a valid concern, could he keep Ty Burna in check in the future? He wasn’t so sure he could anymore. From both a real and kayfabe standpoint the man had tangible power that allowed him to operate above the rules and laws; was there any way to stop him at this point?

“At the Lethal Lottery I’m scheduled to face Chris KO and the elusive Black Dragon for the Eurasian title,” Celeste explains.

“I am confident that I can beat KO; I don’t think he stands a chance against me a second time around. I know it, he knows it, and I’m sure Ty knows it. I was initially wary of Dragon because he was a neutral party in all of this; he was pulled into our mess against his will and now it’s his title that’s up for grabs.”

Bateman shakes his head, “From what I understand Black Dragon has issues with Ty Burna as well, and you two aren’t the only ones. For weeks now I’ve had to deal with Gordito and Saxton regarding Burna, and I had to practically bribe Sabotaur in order to get him to trust me again.”

“What it sounds like to me is that there’s a bidding war going down. Even if we all unite to stop the Apostles, you’ll have to choose one of us to put Ty in his place, and there’s no one better suited to do that than me….”

Bateman remains silent as he just listens to the woman; what she said was probably true, that the other superstars would probably unite in order to stop the Apostles. But only one of them would get the privilege of knocking Ty off of his high horse.

“… Gordito, Saxton, and Sabotaur are all great men, but I feel that none of them are up to this task; I used to thrive on the power of chaos, and I know full well what it can do. And because I know it so well I know how to counter it. I can resist Ty’s darkness because I know where it comes from and I have the heart to reject it.”

The changes that she had undergone in the years she was away were drastic; she was no longer conceited, arrogant, angry, and power hungry. It was clear to Bateman that she now had a heart that was pure.

“And that brings me to Dragon. He’s so reclusive that it’s next to impossible to truly gauge what his true feelings are. I personally feel that he only has issues with Ty and the Apostles because they’ve interrupted the tiny void that is his world. If it weren’t for the fact that they’ve made him a clear target I doubt he would even care as long as he remained neutral. If Dragon were to lose his title, would that cause him to come out of his shell? If KO wins, then he’ll have a valid reason to hate the Apostles, but if I win, where does that leave him? Dragon strikes me as the type of guy who would be swayed by the powers of darkness and chaos if he saw he could obtain something greater if he embraced it.”

Bateman continues to listen; Celeste did have some great points.

“I plan on becoming a future champion so that I can become a role model for the fans and other superstars. I have two potential chances for championship gold at the Lottery, and I’ll be damned if I don’t win one of them.”

“Very well Celeste; it’s obvious that you are strung out on your convictions… I hope for your sake that you can win.”

‘I will win,’ Celeste thinks with determination. ‘If I can't then who’s going to be left to face the void of chaos? There isn’t anyone capable of doing this but me.’
My roleplay for LL, if anyone wanted to read it.

Alex Bowen and David Bowen are sitting at a nice small restaurant, a few people sit around them. Most of them have noticed the almost elephant like Bowen brother, David. Quick glances flow to the large man, following only with wide eyes. They all have noticed him, but only a few really took the time to look at the smaller man at the table. Alex Bowen, sits uncharacteristically, well uncharacteristic for Ohio winter weather. He is in in a small tank top and shorts. The man seated next to the giant, now sits anew. What was once a man with a small ponch, and almost no tone in his arms, is turning into something that a psychical trainer would be proud of. David requested this break in his training to talk to his brother. They have had a rather easy day today, Alex visited his psychiatrist Dr. Coons, and his regular doctor for a physical exam. David is slowly picking the items off the menu that he wants to buy the restaurant out of. His elbow rests on a few papers, numbers and names rule the top sheet.

David- We really railroaded that simpleton, didn't we Alex?

Alex- We? You did most of the work! Hell, I just sat there and told him what he wanted to hear. I figured I would walk out of there with ten different scripts of pills. He just shook my hand, and said wow. How do you know so much about psychology?

David- Bro, I did wrestling in school, and had no friends. What else do you think I did? Just set in my room, and pull it all day? Coons is nothing more than a worry wart, with a degree from a community college. He had no diagnosis for you in the first place, I could start the process in court for an unlawful suspension right now. Well, only if I really wanted to. That hack spent months, trying to undermine you! All on the basis of what your ex-wife said, and a few wrestling matches. All based on no substance, and a job that calls for gimmicks.

David throws down his menu, that he really hasn’t been looking through this whole time. He found his items before he started talking about Dr. Coons. Shaking his head at Alex who is deeply rooted in his menu. Snapping at his fingers at his brother to get his attention, Alex finally snaps back to life.

David- Did you even hear anything I said?

Alex- Yeah, something about suspensions, and that Coons was a quack. I already knew that, David. Did he give you the papers I needed?

David- Is grass green?

Alex- Depends, who are you buying it from?

David- Dumb ass... I told you in one visit I would melt his brain. He signed off on the papers, quicker than a teenage girl with a prom night baby.

Alex- Wow... really? You are really a heartless bastard. You know that right?

David- Who was telling people that I had a heart in the first place? It's there, but only for the right people.

A rather young and pregnant waitress walks up to the table that the Bowen’s are seated at. With a order pad in hand, she loudly smacks at a wad of pink bubble gum in her mouth. Before opening her mouth. David cracks a quick qwerp.

David- Well speak of the devil!

Waitress- Huh? We're you guys just talking about your orders?

Alex- Uhhhhhh. Yeah, you could say that.

Waitress- Well that's great, wha'da have today?

David- I'll just have two double bacon cheeseburgers, and a large order of fries.

The waitress points to Alex with her pen.

Alex- The same.

Waitress- Well that's good, I'll send it back. You'll have your food in a few minutes.

Alex waves the waitress away, she shakes her head and mumbles while looking at him. Bowen shrugs off the young girls parting remarks. He reaches in his pocket to grab for something, coming out with a cell phone, he checks his messages.

Alex- Hmmm, seems like James wants to join the party. He said he will be here in five minutes, and that was like five minutes ago.

David- So who is this guy? I know he trained you back in the day, but how does he know anything about submissions?

Alex- Are you kidding me? This guy is almost sixty, he went through the wringer in Mexico and Japan, when we were just kids. This guy could run any man out of Wzcw, and I'm glad to have him on my side.

David shrugs his shoulders

David- Dude, who knows more about being brutal and causing pain than you...

Alex looks up as the bell on the door chimes. An older man in a nice white suit walks in. Long hair, and a short beard, this is the famous shoot wrestler from Japan, James Takei. If you need to know the ropes, this is the man to see. James' list of wrestling titles, is longer than most hardened criminals wrap sheets. Alex found him a few years after he started wrestling, well found him is about as polite as you can put it. James almost ripped off his arm in a wrestling match. On his last legs in this business that we all love, James has tried over the years to foster Bowen's wrestling ability. Helping him along the way with mental toughness, and causing enough pain to make three men quit his training. Alex stands up, pointing to his old friend. James joins the table, and Bowen reaches over with a grin, patting him on the back.

Alex- This man, James come have a seat. David and I just started our chat about you. David here just asked who knows more about being brutal than me? Of course it's you!

James- It's not a matter of causing pain, or being as brutal as you can, Alex, I've always taught you that. I know you are tough, and I know what you can do. But for you, it is a matter of when something needs done, you do it. When someone needs to be taught a lesson, you do it the right way. There’s no wrong, you just move on from that point. I've saw what you've been doing. Showboating, being Mr. Spotlight.

Alex- Spotlight?! They didn't give me the respect I deserve! Are you still on my side, James?

James- Of course, for ever. But, you've always had that strange mentality. If you died, you wanted to know that your enemy died a more painful death than you. What you've done in the ring isn't something to be praised. It's the work of a sick man, I will teach you the ways. Once again...

Alex- Once again? I'm doing what you said years ago. I'm going in for the gold, reaching for the top. That is what it's all about, David got in contact with Wzcw, and I'm back in, baby. I find out what number I am in the Lethal Lottery, when I get there. David has my back.

James points to Alex's brother, with a confused look on his face.

James- This is what you want for a manager? Why not me?

David- People never change, what, do you think I'm not smart enough to manage Alex? Let me tell you this, I might be huge, but I have more brains than you think. I'm not just hired muscle. I'm getting Alex back into the company, He's in the Lethal Lottery because of me.

David presses a giant sausage like finger into his chest.

David- Yes, we want your help. But, I need you to turn him into a machine. I know, just like you do, what my brother can do in that ring. I'm more than sure of his ability to win this match. This isn't the barbed wire eating freak of old. Alex has been working his ass off for two months to get to this point. I need you to get him above that level. Put him on a level that no one can compete with.

Alex puts his hand on his brothers shoulder, pressing down lightly. He shakes his head up and down, liking the conversation that is being had. But breaking the tension at the table, as David is starting to get red faced.

James- Good idea, you are smarter than what I thought. Alex, needs someone in his corner. Like you, I to have been watching the shows as of late. The whole roster is scared, grouping up like cattle to the slaughter. With everyone doing that, one man just can't survive anymore. I can't change what has happened in these past few months, but Alex, with David and I, you will survive. Together we will bring it all down, with my training, the evil of Wzcw will be beneath you. No more showboating, no more bull crap. Put your past, in the past. Do what I have taught you to do.

Alex- I thought I was doing that pretty well...

James leans in, and snaps at Alex.

James- Well you were not. I told you, years ago when I started training you, to do what you needed to do. That is what you have to do to win this Lethal lottery. What did you do last year? Help a pile of crap, and what did you get for it?

Alex- Well I did almost toss out Everest.

James- Nothing! You got tossed out on your ass, you were out of it before it really even begun. You might have won that title, but you did it as an arrogant prick. I enjoy hardcore matches, I like to watch them, and participate in them. But the only part of being hardcore that you need to use for this, is your inner strength. Don't get caught in the lights. You have a chance to go to the top, with one match. But only after eliminating how many men?

Alex looks over at David, and raises his eyebrow.

David- Thirty.

James- Exactly, that is what I'm talking about, Alexander.

Alex cringes at the use of his full name.

Alex- What are you, my mother now? Alexander? Really?

James grabs the silverware from in front of David. Looking at the eating implements, and testing them in his hand. Without looking at Alex, and in one quick motion, he slaps the former mayhem champ above his nose. Alex tries to block the attack, but his reflexes kick in far to short.

James- Maybe that will teach you to stay on topic when you talk to me. Thirty men, Alex. Thirty... You have to overcome the odds, not to mention if you get the same number as last year, you will be at a severe disadvantage.

Alex- If I didn't have to worry about that partner of my mine, Cory, I was going to win it. I know I can do it this year.

James- Maybe, but don't make excuses for your past. I never did, I'm happy with what I've accomplished in this business. But I know it eats at you, I know you have the talent. That is what you need to showcase here. No weapons, no crap, you take care of business, and when that ref raises your hand in victory... That is when you turn on the showboat.

Alex- Alright, that is what I'll do then. I have the element of surprise anyways. No one knows I'm going into the lottery this year. They all know I'm training, but if I come back, everyone will probably think it will be to face Justin Cooper.

David clears his throat, trying to get his brothers attention. He slides over a small paper off the top of his stack to his brother. Alex looks at the paper as his brother talks.

David- You might be facing Justin Cooper, and you've already beat a few of them. Skinner, Cooper, Saxton, to name a few. But a lot of the people in here, are big fish.

Alex- A woman!? She's back? Celeste is back? Jesus Christ...

David- She is the least of your worry. All of the Apostles will be in that match, along with the Sons. You have a lot of people working together to screw you over. No one will be your friend in that mach, but me. I will make sure I am out there. We are the wild cards, I'm not in the match with you. But I will do my best to keep you in it.

James- And that is exactly the kind of mindset he needs to have. He needs to have your back, so you can have a clear frame of mind. You don't have to worry about him. He is doing that so you can get it done in the ring. I know you can do that. I haven't gone toe to toe with you in a while, but I know what I've seen in you. The fire in your eyes, and I'm seeing that once again. You look great, in top form. You can lose more weight, but it will be the mindset you have, that will win matches for you.

The waitress that came by earlier, finally brings out the meals the Bowen brothers ordered. Cutting James' long winded speech a bit to short. He quickly snaps at the waitress.

James- Box it up, they don't need to be distracted right now.

The waitress picks up the food that she just put down, with a roll of her eyes, she walks back to the kitchen.

James- Back to the point of what I was saying, Alex you have a great thing going here. Pick and choose your spots, you have nothing but time in this match. If you get distracted, that will be when you get eliminated.

Alex- Exactly, that is what I have been thinking about this whole time. They will all be first in line to get thrown out, first in line to nothing at Lethal lottery. But I will be last in line to catch a glimpse of the shrine. The top of the mountain in this company. After Lethal Lottery, it will be irrefutable, indisputable, infallible, impossible to deny, that I will be back.

James- Great mind set. Everyone has their own agenda in this match. Keep to yours and no one will beat you.

Alex- I am worried about the people in this match, I'm not gonna lie James.

James- It would be stupid to not worry, Alex. Just do what you know, show them what pure unleashed aggression can do. All of the people that laughed at you when you lost your title, all of the people that laughed at you when you weren’t winning matches, show them. Half of the people in this match are in that crowd, unleash hell. Make them suffer, and get the job done.

Alex- I will...

James looks at his new trainee, and with a smile on his face, he pats Alex on the shoulder. Pushing his chair back from the table, he gets up. Bowen follows suit, and give his old friend a hardy handshake. Looking in his eyes, Bowen shakes his head at the former multi-time world champ.

James- You will do just fine.

James turns from his friend, and starts to leave. The nasty waitress comes walking out with a few boxes in her hand. Putting it down on the table, she flips over her ticket book.

Waitress- That will be...

Alex reaches down to the boxes, and flips them over on the waitress' feet. The contents spill all over her shoes. She starts to get red faced.

Alex- To hell with you, I could hear you spitting on everything in the back. I'm not paying a dime for that garbage.

The Bowen brothers, in turn, follow James' lead. Before they reach the door, Alex, throws up his arm. A middle finger is raised high on his hand
I can’t believe anyone expected anything different. A guy who wasn’t that good leaves, comes back, and still isn’t that good. He’ll end up leaving on his own or lose his way to being fired.

I guess you’re right. He should’ve just left us with the memories.

The voices of the two janitors bounce down the hall from where their silhouettes stand. It is nearly midnight, and the clean-up from WZCW’s Lethal Lottery event is nearly complete.

I know I’m right. Look at who else came back that same week. Drake Callahan: Good when he left and looks like he hasn’t lost a stumble. Celeste Crimson: Eh, weird shit has always happened to her, so we’re all good there. Wasabi Toyota: New attitude, still a monster. Then we have Phoenix. Left as a tag team wrestler who couldn’t cut it on his own, and has come back as a returning wrestler who can’t cut it on his own.

Jesus, Mike, did the guy talk bad about your mother or something? I get you don’t like him, but take it easy.

I don’t like seeing people in positions they don’t deserve. And what I see, Brent, is a guy who isn’t wrestling at a level deserving of being in the best company in the world. He can take his redemption bullshit and go back to China or wherever the fuck he was.

Brent rolls his eyes as he gathers up his equipment to leave for the night. He is about to walk away, but stops as a room catches his eye.

Hey, that room still has a light on. Is there anyone in there?

You can head home, I’ll check it out and lock up. See ya later, Brent.

Thanks, Mike.

Brent and his equipment rattle their way down the hall, around the corner, and, eventually, out of earshot. Meanwhile, Mike makes sure his gear is in order and peeks into the room. Sitting alone on a bench is a man with a gym bag on the floor next to him.

‘Scuse me, we’re about to lock up. Sorry, but I’m gonna need you to leave.

The man remains motionless, so Mike tries again, a bit louder this time.

It’s time to leave, we’re locking up.

Still no reaction. Mike is now yelling.

I said you have to go! Can’t you hear me?

I’ve heard you loud and clear.

The man speaks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Then why aren’t you listening?

I’ve been listening to every word you said. You’re a smart man, Mike, was it? You’ve got it all figured out.

What the hell are you talking about?

I heard what you said in the hall. I listened to every word. See, Mike, I did what you asked. And you are right.

Right about what?

Me. I came back, thinking, hoping things would be different, but they haven’t been. I put up a fight, but I can’t seem to win matches. Something has to change. Something is going to change.

Phoenix snaps his fingers and the light goes out. A ball of fire appears where he was standing, and when the lights come back on, he is nowhere to be found.




"The end only marks the beginning."

-Shining Through

Chris K.O. is sitting on a stool with several lights shining on him. He is dressed in his normal red leather jacket and white undershirt with blue faded jeans underneath. He is in front of a charcoal grey back drop as he gives a calm smirk.

Chris: Throughout your life there are moments that define who you are. Everything from your first word, to when you first *********e, to when you first kiss a girl, or to when you first drive a car. These moments are like revelations. We learn something from those experiences that we did not know before hand. For me the two biggest moments that I can remember are when I first discovered my love for wrestling and when my mom died. Those two things became like sacred texts to me. There were apart of my identity and I took them and deciphered them. I grew from them. I am a firm believer in that any growth is good. Because growth means that you are not dead.

The shot transitions and we see Chris sitting inside of a large theatre room. He is alone in his area as several other men and women fill patches of seats inside of the auditorium. A man is on stage as he flicks through a power point on a large projector screen. He speaks skillfully to the audience as the majority listens enthusiastically. Chris’ gives a small laugh as he dubs over the scene.

Chris: So here I am, sitting inside of an auditorium, only two days before the Lethal Lottery. Listening to a guy who is way smarter than I am; I cannot even comprehend half the words that he is saying. You are probably wondering how I got here.

A dreamy filter covers the current scene and it transitions out of it.

We come back to a shot of Chris inside of the interview room.

Chris: So, here I am. Listening to this guy and wondering why I even came to the event. You see, I never thought in a million years that I would have one of those divine experiences that I was talking about. But suddenly I began to listen more carefully.

The scene transitions back to the auditorium scene and the man, Doctor L.M. Harris is standing center stage.

Harris: Chaos has long been associated as the opposite of order. It is the idea of destruction and despair. What if I told you that recent studies have pushed us to rethink how the Chaos Theory works? What if I told that perhaps chaos may be what very well brings order?

Everyone in the audience perks up, and several of them pull out their notebooks and pens. Chris joins this action and sits up in his seat.

Harris: In the times when thing seem most uncertain, the truth is revealed. What is right is uncovered.

Harris looks out at the young scholars and begins pacing on the stage.

Harris: For example, let us say that a conflict occurs within a family. An argument escalates and things seem chaotic. In this moment, truth is revealed and order is reestablished through the expression of true emotions. Chaos is not finality.

Harris pauses and looks across the room. He meets eyes with Chris.

Harris: It is simply a trial. Thank you everyone.

Everyone in the auditorium stands to their feet and begins clapping for the doctor. He gives a wave of thanks and begins dissembling his technological devices. Chris pulls out the manila envelope from his pocket and looks at it with an absent stare. The scene transitions to a shot of Chris walking in a park. The sun is beginning to set and the sky is orange. He locates a black wooden bench along his path and decides to take a seat. The park is usually bustling with people, but on this particular evening Chris finds himself alone. He tosses the manila envelope across the bench and it rests to the right of him. Chris’ voice begins to dub over the shot.

Chris: The idea of chaos just being a trial plagued my mind as I walked through that park.

Chris buries his head into his hands as he sighs heavily.

Chris: Some people say that you really have to hit rock bottom in order to truly value your life. I do not know if I was at rock bottom, but I do know that I was amidst chaos. I had no peace in my mind or soul. I exhausted every outlet and smoked all that I could, but it was not enough.

Chris looks out from the side of his hands and eyeballs the manila envelope that is sitting on the bench.

Chris: There was nothing left. Nothing left that I could do. I tried to delay it for so long, but I knew it would eventually come to this.

Chris reaches for the manila envelope and pulls it in front of himself. He begins to tear open the sticky seem. He raises his right hand to his mouth and breathes into it. This is it, he thought. He opened up the manila envelope and pulled out the contents from within. He tossed the skin aside and began examining the enclosed document.

Dear Samuel

I know that you are busy with your schedule on the road, but I hope that you get this letter. I am very concerned for your father and I fear that it may be worsening. His drinking amount has risen over the last few months to the point of an unsafe drunkard. He speaks of suicide when we have phone conversations and laments the idea of being unable to communicate with his son. All of this has affected his work performance and he has been given several citations for showing up under the influence. The oil rig does not want to fire him, but they cannot allow him to keep showing up this way. I fear as though he will drink himself to death soon if something does not change. Please contact me back as soon as you can. I enclosed my contact information incase you forgot.

Aunt Mary​

Chris: I could not believe it. I had this letter for over a month. I thought surely he was dead by now.

Chris begins to breathe heavily as he jumps up from the bench and runs off camera. The camera transitions to a shot of him entering a phone booth. He looks at a paper that he took out of the manila envelope and inserts coins into the phone. He dials the number and waits for an answer.

???: Hello?

Chris is at a lost for words.

???: Hello?

Chris: Yes, hello. Aunt Mary this is Ch--- I mean Sam.

Mary: Samuel?

Chris: Yes.

Mary: Honey, you need to come home right away.

A static sound muffles out the scene as Chris stares into the glass of the pay phone box as he listens to his aunt. The shot transitions to Chris inside of the interview room. He swallows as begins to softly speak.

Chris: She told me that I needed to come back to Oklahoma right away. She said that Dad went into work drunk. She said that his boss did not know and assigned him to a job that was operated on top of the rig.

Chris swallows again.

Chris: He had lost his balance and fell 85 feet. He was in the hospital with severe brain damage. The doctor said it would not be long until his brain stopped all together.

The shot transitions to a plane flying in the air as it parts the clouds around it.

Chris: I got on the first plane to Will Rogers Airport in OKC, and rushed myself to the hospital that he was at.

The scene shows Chris sitting in a blue-grey chair that is tucked in between several other chairs against the wall. The camera starts with a shot of his brown loafers that are placed softly on top mauve carpet that fills the room. The camera moves up and we see Chris’ faded blue jeans. The legs are wrinkled and show signs of them going unwashed for several weeks. We move up to the torso and see that he is wearing a white undershirt with his red leather jacket over it. Finally, we see his tired face. Clearly he has not slept in several days.

The room that he is in is decorated with several chairs that are similar to his, and end-tables with magazines and plants on top of them. Small flat-screen televisions hang from the top corners of the room as several of the room’s occupants take part in watching them. The room is strangely quiet next to the muffled TV noise and a clicking fan that circulates above them all. Chris voice begins to dub over.

Chris: They call it the waiting room. It felt like purgatory to me. I felt as though my sins had brought me here. I had only ever been inside of a hospital one other time and that was when I broke a rib my senior year of high school. The moment seemed absolutely meaningless in comparison with this one.

Chris suddenly perks up from his zombie like state as woman emerges from behind swinging double doors. Chris gets up from his seat and begins to speak.

Chris: Aunt Mary.

Mary raises her hand to caress Chris’ cheek.

Mary: You need to go in there and be strong Samuel. He loves you very much.

Chris did not know it, but he began to blush at the sound of those words. He appreciated what Mary had to say, but he needed more than that. He needed to hear it from him for himself. He reached up and grabbed Mary’s hand and smiled as he lowered it. He walked past her and made his way into the double doors. Chris’ voice begins to dub over the scene again.

Chris: I cannot explain how long that walked seemed. The walls were grey and the floor and ceiling were white. The hallway seemed endless, and as I walked it was like a collage of film clips of my childhood began playing through my mind. I saw my father and me playing catch, going to museums, going to family events, and playing in our backyard. It was like I was preparing myself for the finale of our relationship.

Chris finally meets the end of the hall and turns to his right. After his turn, he notices several nurses and a lone doctor huddled around a door. They all notice Chris and disperse after a nod from the doctor.

Doctor: Are you Sam?

Chris: Yes. Are you his doctor?

Doctor: Yes. I am sorry we have to meet under these circumstances, son.

Chris examines the man before him and begins to relate to the same tiredness that is pressed upon the doctor’s face.

Doctor: I do not want to hold you up because I know that time is precious, but you need to know something. His brain function ability has been deteriorating rapidly over the last few hours. He could go any minute. Because of this, he may not be all there when you speak to him. Make whatever you say to him valuable, son.

The doctor presses his hand firmly on Chris’ shoulder and walks off into the brilliant white of the hall. Chris looks down at the door handle and scrunches his eyes fiercely. He reaches out and grabs the handle and opens the door.

Chris: I did not know it then, but the opening of that door was symbolic of the moments the lye ahead. I looked inside of the small room. What a pitiful room to die in… Did my father not deserve better than this? Despite the room, there he was…

The camera shows Jonathon Masters lying in the hospital bed, with his torso slightly raised. Three-fourths of his face is wrapped up in bandages as his disfigured face lights up from seeing Chris.

Jonathon: Sammy! What are you doing here? Did I miss your baseball game?

A small tear rolls down Chris’ right cheek as he steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. He wipes away the tear and cracks a small smirk over the silliness of the question.

Chris: No Dad. My baseball game was ten years ago.

Jonathon chuckles in response. Chris moves over to Jonathon and takes a seat next to his bed. He grabs his father’s hand. Jonathon looks up at his son and smiles. His eyes begin to get misty as he speaks.

Jonathon: God, you are beautiful.

Chris laughs and then responds.

Chris: Dad, I look like shit.

Jonathon: If only your mother could have seen you grow up. She always said that you would grow up to be the most handsome man on the planet.

Jonathon laughs as Chris just admires him. The scene transitions back to Chris inside of the interview room.

Chris: There he was. The man who was my superhero. He is the man that I looked up to as I grew up. My father seemed invincible to me. If I knew anyone was going to always be there, it was going to be my father. But here he was, lying before me broken. What do you do when your superhero is dying right before your eyes? There must have been a thousand questions rushing through my mind, but there was only one that I truly needed. There was only one that I needed in order to suffice my soul.

The scene returns as Chris holds his father’s hand up to his lips. He kisses it softly.

Chris: Dad, can I ask you question? Can you focus and be real with me for a small moment.

Jonathon’s demeanor turns serious as he looks at his son.

Jonathon: Of course, son.

Chris: Are you proud of me? I mean I did not follow you into the oil fields and work under you, but are you still proud of me?

Jonathon smiles and reaches up to touch his son’s cheek.

Jonathon: I am sorry that I pushed you so hard to work in the oil fields. I just wanted you to be taken care of.

Chris: I forgive you Dad, but I need to hear you say it. Are you proud of me?

Tears began to roll down the single unwrapped eye on Jonathon’s face.

Jonathon: Aunt Mary has the key to my house Sammy. I want you to go there after I---

Chris: Why are you talking like this?! Do you not have any hope in surviving this? Have you just accepted that you are going to die?

Jonathon closes his eyes as more tears roll down his face. Tears are also flowing down the face of Chris. The salt stings his lips.

Jonathon: I love you so much Sammy.

Chris has his face lowered as he responds to his sobbing father.

Chris: I love you too Dad.

Without warning, the sobbing slowly diminishes and the grip his father had on his hand departs. Chris looks up at his father as his eyes begin to tear up some more.

Chris: Dad? Wake up. Wake up! No! Damn it!

Chris releases his dad’s hand and slams his fist against the wall and begins to sob.

Chris: Oh god, oh man. I wasn’t ready for this! I wasn’t expecting this damn it! Why? Damn it, why!

Chris presses his face against the wall and floods it with his streams of his own tears. The scene cuts back to Chris in the interview room.

Chris: Just like that, my father was gone. I am not a real religious man, but if there is a promise land of some sort, I would bet that my mother and father are there, reunited. He left me and I never got the concrete answer from his lips that I wanted, but I got it in another way.

The camera shows Chris entering a house and begins examining the house. He finds loads of merchandise and other media sources that have his name on it.

Chris: My Aunt Mary said that Dad had this idea that if he bought more of the stuff that WZCW had produced with my name on it, then that would somehow get me pushed into the main event.

Chris laughs to himself.

Chris: I could not help but smile as I found stockpiles of merchandise with my name on it. Everything from magazines to action figures. He even had dozens of unopened decks of WZCW trading cards. But he did it all for me. I began to think to myself that this was the answer that he wanted me to see in response to my question, and it was finalized whenever I opened up his living room closet.

The camera shows Chris flipping on a light inside of the closet. The illumination reveals dozens of black video tapes on the closet shelf. Each one has an individual piece of scotch tape with something written on it. He begins to examine the video tapes as his voice dubs over the shot.

Chris: Every single episode of WZCW was recorded by my father. Every single episode since my debut. He admired everything that I did in the WZCW. He admired every win and admired my courage after every lost. He was proud of me and he answered my question with his support of what I loved.

The camera begins showing shots of Chris watching different video tapes on the television inside of his dad’s house. Chris voice continues to dubs over.

Chris: I went through and I watched every episode that he recorded. I examined every move and every strategy by every superstar. Everyone from Black Dragon to Celeste Crimson. I relived my greatest triumphs and my biggest downfalls. This was my training. I watched them until I fell asleep and then I woke up and caught a flight here.

The scene transitions back to the interview room. Chris perks up on the stool.

Chris: You asked me to come in here and share my story about my past week, and there it is. It was not filled with video montages of me hitting the gym or gathering reports on every other superstar in the Lethal Lottery Match. It was real and difficult. But now I have a clear mind and some closure in my life.

Chris gets up from the stool as he looks into the camera.

Chris: And between you and me, I have no intention of winning the EurAsian championship tonight, but you better believe that I will find my way into the Lethal Lottery!

Chris nods to someone off camera

Chris: We good?

He pulls off the microphone that is attached to the collar of his shirt. He winks at the camera and it goes black.
A number of french news stations from 2004 until 2010 are flashed upon the screen, with english subtitles at the bottom for convenience.

(Bad news for art lovers today, as several pictures from The Lourve have been reported missing, including favorites such as Anthony van Dyck's The King at Hunt has been taken....)

(The Bank of France was in fact broken into last night, the top bank has been broken into and several million dollars have been reported missing...)

(More from the Lourve, one of the main attractions, the French Crown Jewels have all been snatched from the Lourve last night......)

(The police has apprehended a 14-year-old that is said to be behind a string of recent burglaries from the Lourve and The Bank of France from the past year has been apprehended....)

("We find the defendant, Mr. Perrot guilty"....)

(He has been sentenced to 5 years in Paris' own La Sante Prison...)

(Alexandre Perrot has been released from Prison, he gained notoriety back in 2004 to 2005 for a series of thefts.....)

(They say he's actually looking into getting into the professional wrestling world....)

The news stations fade out to rooftop atop of Paris, France at late night, where Le Gentleman Masque sits wearing his black backstage attire during a windy night in Paris

Gentleman Masque: Class....Elegance....Avant-garde.....Some will truly understand this and fight with honor.

Le Gentleman Masque sees a passing by white rose breezing in the wind

Ah, the white hybrid tea rose. Whether yellow, white, pink or red, they may look not very tough. But......when you look harder,

Le Gentleman Masque looks at the horns at the bottom

they have a fight in them to protect themselves and others like them. If only some could understand the struggle of a rose.

A smile comes across his face as he throws the rose back up into the windy air

But I have a few tactics to help if they can't.

He practices a bit of bobbing and weaving to himself in preparation for his debut match

Let those who run rampant on WZCW be given a fair warning. Striking and flying are my strong suits.

he pulls out one of his calling card, a small version of the mask wears

You will know when I strike, for I'm no coward. I live by title, the Masked Gentleman, and those who have a problem with me trying to help those who cannot defend themselves, can take it up with me, one-on-one.
They both smile and eat their tacos for a moment.

Fats: You know it's funny, a few hours ago you kidnapped me and put me through the worst experience in my life that's gonna haunt me for years and now we're, like friends. You water boarded me, man.

Alhazred laughs: Yeah, I did. But hey crazier things have happened.

Alhazred stomps on his brakes and his jaw drops. Fats looks to see what's going on. Mister walks across the street holding a box of donuts...

Mister drops the box of donuts and sprints across the street and climbs over a fence. Alhazred and Fats get out of the car and give chase. Alhazred hops the fence with ease but Fats is too fat. He attempts the climb twice before giving up. He walks back to the middle of the street and picks up the box of donuts and gets back in the car.

Mister is sprinting across a long, open area littered with unusable cars and trash, Alhazred is gaining on him. Mister runs left and hops over another fence back to the street, Alhazred does the same. Mister runs across the street into an old cemetery. The grave stones are cracked and falling over, weeds and grass are taking them over. Alhazred follows him into the cemetery. It begins to rain and thunder.

Alhazred looks around the grave yard but sees no sign of his former manager. Suddenly a door to a sarcophagus closes, Alhazred sees it in the corner of his eye and runs towards it. The sarcophagus is a small marble structure, it's square and unmemorable save for the small statue of a three headed dog atop it. Alhazred slowly opens the door, it's pitch black inside. He searches in his pocket for a lighter, walking as he does. He fumbles in his pocket but manages to pull it out. He lights it, the only thing he sees is a fist coming towards his face.

Mister: You'll never find her.


Alhazred awakens a few minutes later to find himself in the middle of the graveyard outside of the sarcophagus, Fats is standing over him eating a donut. He gets to his feet and brushes himself off, he looks around for the three headed dog sarcophagus but cannot find it.

Alhazred: What happened to it?

Fats: To what?

Alhazred: The building I was in, it's gone. Things like that can't just disappear, it was a solid marble sarcophagus, there's no way they could have moved it.

Fats: What did it look like?

Alhazred: It had a statue with a three headed dog on it.

Fats: I don't see it man. That's trippy.

They walk back to the car, as they do Alhazred continues to look around the graveyard.

The ref is at 6, but he doesn’t need to count any further as Triple X nips up and onto his feet. The crowd pops as XXX slowly walks around the ring as Alhazred is slowly getting to his feet. XXX waits for his opponent to stand and then grabs him from behind going for the Adrenaline Rush. Alhazred breaks out of the move and goes for the Triforce Combination as Triple X turns. Body punch, uppercut, swinging right fist misses as Alhazred stumbles past XXX having thrown everything into that punch. XXX holds his body in pain as Alhazred regains balance and walks back towards XXX. Triple X turns to his side and unexpectedly hits the X-Rated Superkick on Alhazred! The crowd pops as XXX drops down on top of Alhazred for the cover. 1... 2... 3!

Anderson: Here is your winner and new number one contender for the Elite X Championship, Triple X!

Alhazred is sitting on a folding chair in the locker room, still in his wrestling gear with a towel around his neck. His head is down, staring at his phone. Several wrestlers and staff members walk by and tell him he did well and fought hard and almost had it. He pays no attention to them. The phone has a text message from Mister, it simply says: You failed again.

Alhazred: Failure.

Alhazred throws the phone across the room and walks out. Fats is waiting for him outside the door.

Fats: You alright, man?

Alhazred: Fine.

They walk through the hallways, towards the exit.

Fats: That was a great match, you almost had it.

Alhazred: So I've been told.

Fats: Well anyway, some guy came up to me and gave me a letter for you.

Alhazred: What did it say?

Fats: That you have a surprise, super secret match at Unscripted. It'll be you and Baller vs the New Church.

Alhazred stops walking.

Alhazred: Baller eh?

Alhazred turns around and heads back to the locker rooms. He heads into one and spots Baller in the back, getting ready to leave. Alhazred walks up to him.

Baller: What do you want?

Alhazred hands him the letter.

Baller: Great, stuck with a nerd like you.

Alhazred: Meet me at the basketball courts in the closest park to this building tomorrow at noon.

Baller: Why should I?

Alhazred: We need to build some chemistry if we hope to survive the New Church.

Alhazred leaves the locker room, Baller's eyes follow him as he leaves.


Alhazred and Fats are sitting on a bench in park. Alhazred is wearing black basketball shorts with a black Apostles of Chaos basketball jersey on, the number is 666 and the name on the back reads K.O.. Fats is in blue shorts and a blue t-shirt, he's eating a hot dog and staring at Alhazred.

Fats: Don't think he's coming. I got a gut feeling man, trust me whenever I have a gut feeling it's always right, no fail. This guy ain't coming.

Alhazred: He's right there.

Baller walks up to them wearing a purple and yellow basketball uniform. Alhazred stands up as does Fats.

Baller: So, what are we doing here? Don't tell me you're planning on playing some ball, no offense but you don't look like the type.

Alhazred hands him a flyer for a two man basketball tournament being held tonight.

Baller: Are you serious? You expect us to play in a basketball tournament when we don't even really like each other?

Alhazred: No, we're going to win the tournament. And you don't like me? I like you.

Baller: You do? Well I guess you're not that bad but still we barely know each other, most of the teams in the tournament have probably been practicing together for a long time. There's no way we can win, you just threw this at me out of nowhere.

Alhazred: Do those circumstances sound familiar? At Unscripted we're going against a team that is a true unit and have an unquestionable bond. They may be religious fanatics, you could even call them a cult, say what you want about them but they're a damn effective team. They've laid waste not only to the tag division but some of the roster as well. They are truly unified, a true tag team and test for the both of us. We may not know much about each other but we have more in common than we think. We've both been in this company for a long time and haven't achieved the success our skill would suggest we should have. We're wasted talent who gets thrown around by management when they remember we're still around. We've both had our ups and downs but when we are both at our best we have shown that we are two of the best in this company. I have no intentions of teaming with you after Unscripted, I have far too much going on in my own life to have to start worrying about another person. But much like this tournament today, I plan on giving the New Church something to be worried about. I'm sure when they heard the news they were excited to see who'd they be facing, alone, one on one, either of us would take either member down. But as a tag team, they have the full advantage and they know it. I'm sure much like they did to some of the rookies and other members of the roster their looking to use us as a sign of their power. But we won't let that happen will we Baller?

Baller shakes his head no confidently.

Alhazred: We're going to march into Unscripted not as foes and not as friends. We will walk through the curtains as a team because we both have so much to prove. We've strayed from our goals of success and glory and are on the verge of becoming lost in the shuffle. I will not let that happen. You will not let that happen. WE will not let that happen. We will crush the New Church and have them running back to their god, praying that the damage we have done to their bodies is not permanent. I've been in a bad mood since Ascension, I've had a lot of things happen in the last week and I've been holding it in, saving it for just the right moment. Right as you smash Mason's face into the canvas with Hit the Showers, I will unveil my new technique on good ole Derek Jacobs. His head and neck will be utterly annihilated when the White Van Driver crashes them into the canvas. I need this win Baller, you need this win Baller. We'll use this basketball tournament to build trust and timing. I've had my share of tag matches in the past, I know what it takes to win them. Lets kill them at Unscripted and lets win this tournament!

Fats screams at the top of his lungs in excitement. Alhazred knocks his hot dog out of his hand.

Alhazred: Shut up, minion, you killed the mood. Get back to the car and get us some basketballs. Now!

Fats runs towards the car.



A montage plays of Baller and Alhazred in the tournament. The first game they struggle at first, missing passes and yelling at one another but Baller hits a game winning three. The next game they get better but still have communication problems, Alhazred hits a free throw at the end to win it. The next two games they are both fully in sync and dominate their opponents, dunking on them and hitting shot after shot. Alhazred steals the ball from the opposing team and heads down court. He throws the ball at the backboard, it bounces off and Baller catches it and dunks it in.

Announcer: Here we are folks the final match. AlhazBall have truly come together as a team and have tied it up against Jordyant, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. There's 5 seconds left in this game and the ball is in AlhazBall's court after that timeout.

Baller and Alhazred huddle up.

Baller: Alright man, this is it we can win this. I'm gonna inbound it you, when you catch it fake a shot and pass it to me. I'll hit the winning shot.

Alhazred: What? Fuck that, you're not getting the glory man.

Baller: I've carried this team the whole tournament, I deserve the last shot.

Alhazred: You did not carry the team, just because you're a former professional athlete does not mean you carried this team. I've held my own and our teamwork has carried this team. I want the final shot because of how much I improved.

Baller: I am a better player than you, you can at least admit that. Who has a better a chance at sinking the bucket realistically, me or you?

Alhazred: I guess you're right.

Baller: That's right I'm right, now let's do this!

Baller goes to the sidelines next to the ref and waits for the whistle, Bryan sticks his arms high in the air to block the pass. Alhazred moves continuously around the back court, trying to shake off Jordan. The ref blows the whistle and gives the ball to Baller. He passes it to Alhazred. Alhazred dribbles around, he goes to pass the ball to Baller who is wide open but decides to take the shot instead. Jordan blocks it and takes the ball down the opposite court and ducks it in for the win. Jordan and Bryant celebrate down the court as the fans surround them. Baller takes his shoe off and throws it at Alhazred as the scene fades to black.
Lesson of the Week: The end is always worth the means.

Brother Mason Westhoff has done a lot of preaching in his time. His words led many people to make positive changes in their lives. The post office in Texarkana, Arkansas is flooded with love letters addressed to Brother Westhoff, thanking him for what he has done for them. The city itself is on the map almost entirely due to Bridge to Salvation Church.

Those same words also brought Brother Westhoff quite a bit of hostility. Many accused him of blasphemy. Some that have family in his church consider Brother Westhoff to be a cult leader, brainwashing his followers.

Then, of course, there is WZCW.


We see Brother Mason Westhoff walking through an airport terminal, with his rolling suitcase handle in his right hand and his cell up to his left ear.

Yes, I just landed. I assume the driver had no trouble finding you? … Sounds good. See you shortly.

Brother Westhoff slides his phone into his pocket and continues walking right past the camera as the scene fades.


So, Mason Westhoff, eh? What brings you to WZCW?

Vance Bateman
sits back in his chair after asking the question. The office is still pretty bare since he had just regained power after the reign of Ty Burna. He looks deeply at Brother Westhoff, almost as if he is trying to see inside of the man.

I am a devoted follower of The Almighty. I built a massive church and devoted following out of nothing. Now I believe it is The Almighty’s wish for me to use my physical blessings to dominate WZCW and spread His message to the masses.

Bateman’s face couldn’t hide his surprise. He had met with many potential WZCW superstars over the years and heard many different answers to that very question. Never before had he heard someone that so obviously had no love, passion, or craving for professional wrestling sit in front of him for a job.

So, let me get this straight. You give me an answer like that when I ask you what brings you to the best wrestling federation anywhere and still expect me to give you a job? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick your ass out that door right now?

Brother Westhoff chuckles at the outburst from Bateman, which does nothing to lessen his anger.

I’m something this company has never seen before. I can tell just by how you reacted that you’ve never had someone talk to you like this in an interview. All I want, Mr. Bateman, is an opportunity to show how great The Almighty is by dominating in the ring and talking before an international audience. That’s all I ask.

Bateman readies a reply, but before he can, Brother Westhoff begins to speak once more.

Or, alternatively, you can kick me out and I can sue this company for religious discrimination. I’ve dealt with many people that believe they are much more important than they actually are, Mr. Bateman, and you are no different. Let me sign my contract and I’ll be on my way.

You’re serious?

Brother Westhoff nods his head, a sly smile taking over his face.

Go wait in the hall. I’ll have your response in a couple minutes.

Brother Westhoff obliges, smile still glued to his face. Bateman begins to dial the phone as Brother Westhoff leaves the room. Soon after the door closes, screaming can be heard from within the office. Brother Westhoff bursts into full-on laughter, knowing that the decision about the contract is out of Bateman’s hands.


Brothers Westhoff and Jacobs sit comfortably in the back of a luxury automobile, a screen separating them from the lowly driver. The myriad of bright, flashing lights that litter Chicago at night are dimmed by the car’s tinted windows.

I’m quite glad you came up with the idea to meet out here, Brother Jacobs. You’ve spent a bunch of time down in Texarkana, but I haven’t properly reciprocated by spending time here in Chicago.

I appreciate that, Brother Westhoff. I understand that much of what plagued me in the past is here, but Chicago is my home and always will be.

Brother Westhoff stares out the windows of the car at all of those lights, occasionally blocked by a homeless person begging for money.

As much as I enjoy pleasantries, Brother Jacobs, it is time to get down to the business I flew here for us to take care of.


Just behind the entrance curtain at Meltdown 81, The New Church is understandably furious about the announcement made moments before by Meltdown GM Big Dave leaving Brothers Westhoff and Jacobs out of the tag title match at Unscripted, and more than likely, off the pay-per-view altogether. Both men are yelling at anyone and everyone that can hear them.

Get Dave back here, now!

We will not stand for this!

Big Dave comes through the curtain, and if not for the small mob of security that had gathered when all of the commotion started, would have been jumped by The New Church.

Hey, HEY! Strikeforce is getting the title shot. You guys will be on the show, just in a bonus match against Mr. Baller and Mister Alhazred. All of these decisions are final, so hanging out back here and trying to jump me aren’t going to do anything to help you. I suggest you go back and prepare for your match tonight.

Dave heads toward his office, with security forming a wall between him and The New Church. Brothers Westhoff and Jacobs put their hands up and back off, but Brother Westhoff yells a final warning as the scene fades.

There will be consequences, Dave! This isn’t a fight that you can win!


Brother Westhoff has arrived in his residence for the evening, the Ritz Carlton in downtown Chicago. He sets his bag aside and lies down on the king sized bed, staring at the ceiling. Unscripted wasn’t anything close to what he, Brother Jacobs, or The Almighty wanted it to be. An unannounced bonus match was far from an opportunity at the WZCW Tag Team Championship, but The New Church will not be forgotten. Unfortunately for Mr. Baller and Mister Alhazred, Brother Westhoff and Jacobs and The Almighty are angry and their anger will be unleashed at Unscripted.
Chapter 7: Predators

After the events of Meltdown and Ascension, The New Church are a team on the outside looking in. Even after competing with Saboteur and Saxton multiple times since Apocalypse, the Tag Team Championship opportunity has been given to Strikeforce, another team that TNC is very familiar with. The anger that Derek Jacobs and Mason Westhoff feel is almost palpable as they come together in an undisclosed location. Their motive for being in this place is not yet known, but many answers will be given this night.

Derek: The time for talk is over, Brother Westhoff. We must face the truth. We have failed The Almighty. The Tag Team Championship match doesn’t even involve us. We’re not even on the Pay Per View. What do we do now? Do we wait for another sign, or do we try to make our own way?

Mason: Enough, Brother Jacobs. I’ve listened to this enough. You say that we’re finished? You say that we’ve failed? Brother Jacobs, are you not the one who has told me that He works in mysterious ways? He will be making himself known soon, brother. We only need to have faith that His will be done.

Derek: Honestly, Mason; I’m sick and tired of sitting around and waiting for The Almighty to make himself known. I’m sick of trying to hide in the shadows and pick the bones of everyone after the damage is done. I am sick of being a vulture. I take what I want. It’s in my nature.

Mason: What are you saying, Derek? What do you suggest we do? We already have our orders from The Almighty. We are to destroy the false prophet that tries to bring glory to his name. What else do you suggest?

Derek: I suggest we take what we want by force. If they don’t want to give us the Championships, we take the championships. They don’t want to give us an opportunity on Pay Per View? We take an opportunity. We as humans are not vultures by nature. We’re predators. It’s high time that we start acting like it.

The camera pans way back from Derek and Mason to reveal their location for this meeting.


Chicago, Illinois.

Derek: I’m glad that you asked Him to meet us here, Brother Westhoff. It’s been a while since I’ve been home. It feels good to be back in Chicago if only for a night. I have so many memories here. It’s crazy if you think about it; I pretty much have two lives: one before meeting you and hearing The Almighty’s message, and one after.

Mason: I’m glad that you like the backdrop for our meeting tonight, Derek. What you said earlier tonight about being predators, it’s true. You were one hundred percent right. Brother Jacobs, just because The Almighty has a plan for us doesn’t mean we can’t choose the path. For a while now, I feel like we’ve been choosing the wrong path, and your words confirmed that. We are meeting with Him to discuss a couple of things tonight.

Derek: What are we discussing? What section we want to sit in during Unscripted? How much we’re willing to pay for tickets? Brother Westhoff I’m sorry for sounding so angry, but honestly, I’m pretty pissed right now. I love you like a brother, but actions speak louder than words.

Mason: What do you want me to do Derek? I can’t just wave a magic wand and make us the champions! Derek I’m getting pretty impatient with you. What do you want to do? You tell me what your plan is and we’ll go from there. What else-

??? : ENOUGH!!!

Suddenly, from the shadows a dark figure appears. We can’t see his face, but the anger in his voice lets us know that he’s not happy with this sudden argument. Brothers Mason and Derek both immediately bow their heads out in respect of who we must assume is “The Almighty”.

??? : Enough of this childish bickering. Derek, do you really doubt me so? Do you really think that this is not a part of my plan? Now we have everyone right where we want them. Everyone thinks of you as fools, but unbeknownst to them the true plan is about to take place. At Unscripted, My glory will be revealed, and you, my sons will be revealed as the true force that you are. Here is what you are to do, my sons. At Unscripted you will have a match against Alhazred and Baller. Now, they are not a normal tag team, but do not take them as weak. Alhazred was a part of the Apostles of Chaos, which many people believe is the greatest force to ever rule WZCW. It is imperative for us to eliminate him to make an example. As great as Ty Burna and his apostles were, we will be even greater. They are NOTHING compared to us. As far as Baller, he is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now, after you take care of these two weaklings, we move on to the grand plan.
First, the false prophet will fall at our hands. He has been a distraction for far too long, and it is his fault that my plan has not been carried out thus far. That ends very soon. After you make an example out of this false idol, our true plan begins…..

After the meeting is over, Derek and Mason walk back to Mason’s hotel, mostly in silence. After taking the elevator up to the highest floor, Mason speaks his parting words to Derek.

Mason: You know what needs to be done; now it’s time to put the plan into motion.

Derek: Remember, Brother Mason; we’re the predators now. Not vultures. It’s time we take what is rightfully ours.

They shake hands and part ways. Two days later, While checking his email in his apartment in Chicago, Derek sees a new message from Mason.

Brother Jacobs, Part one is complete. Phase two begins now.

There is a link at the bottom of the email, which opens up the following video on

Cameraman: Mason, a word with you. How do you feel about being left off the Unscripted Card

Mason:Saxton and Saboteur are in the ears of WZCW management, I mean, why else have Brother Jacobs and I not gotten a straight-up tag team match for the championships. Plus, as if that wasn't enough, they also leave The Almighty off the show! WZCW may not want The New Church on the show, but trust me when I say that you'll see us at Unscripted.

After reading this, Brother Jacobs goes into his closet and pulls out his video camera.
Las Vegas: Sin City, The Gambling capitol of the World. Whatever name you have for it, it’s known for primarily one thing, gambling. The sight of neon lights flashing from outside to the millions upon millions stacked up inside testing their luck on slot machines, roulette wheels and blackjack tables is one man’s heaven and another man’s hell. It’s here in the empty room of the King’s Casino, in an empty red room with nothing else but a chair in the corner sits the official interviewer of WZCW, a Leon Kensworth, who was given this exact location and time for an interview with someone who wasn’t really his favorite person to interview, on account of a few unfortunate previous experiences that ended up in him being stranded in the middle of France, the eccentric “Le Gentleman Masque”, a masked man from France, taking his time away to explore more of America.

Kensworth: I guess I should count my lucky blessing I got to stay in America this time when I had to travel to interview him. I wonder why this room is so empty.

Suddenly, a knock is heard from the door.

Kensworth: Just in time.

As he opens up the door, he is greeted face to face, not by Le Gentleman Masque, but by the sight of a giant white tiger.

Kensworth: Pleasure to see you, Tiger…TIGER?

The mere sight of the giant White Tiger this close to him causes Kensworth to dash to the exact opposite side of the room. Suddenly, from behind the lion, enters the man himself, pulling on the leash of the creature, before calmly petting her.

The Gent: Sabrina, calm! …My deepest apologies Sir Kensworth. This is Sabrina, one of the two white tigers, the same ones commonly used by the famous Foggleton and Larry show they hold here in Las Vegas. My, the tigers are so very noble creatures. Why I have a tiger myself at home. His name is Wolfgang, a reference to the famous composer, mind you.

Kensworth: Be honest with me. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?

Taking off his hat to scratch his head, The Gent simply looks in confusion before once again putting his hat back on.

The Gent: I am not entirely sure what you’re talking about, but to my best knowledge, I believe that giving you a heart attack was not in my agenda. Of course, the human mind is an odd case, so I might have been doing it entirely subconsciously! What a dastardly crime my brain hatches without me even realizing it.

Sighing, Kensworth moves to an area just close enough so that the mic can barely pick up what The Gent is saying without the tiger being able to get to him.

Kensworth: Gent, why do you have a tiger? Why are we in Las Vegas?

The Gent: Terrific questions. Stupendous, I would say, in fact. I would suggest, however that we take it one at a time. Now then, you brought up the question of why we were in Las Vegas? I’ll tell you why we are in this city. While I initially came here to visit a friend of mine, I had decided to test my luck at a casino here accompanied by my partner, Le Beard. I remember many things, but not too many about my first night here. I remember getting a surprisingly good luck streak, I remember ordering a bottle of the finest whine that this Casino had to offer and by the time I woke up, I experienced what is commonly referred to as a hangover, however it wasn’t quite as amusing as that one movie.

Kensworth: Could you answer the question about the tiger first?

The Gent: Huh. If you must know, I guess I could say I was using it as training for my upcoming match, showing that one must be prepared for anything, but a more accurate and truthful answer is that I personally miss Wolfgang after I made a more long-term run to America. My butler, Sir Banks, is looking after him, but I do wish he was with me. Despite my best attempts, I couldn’t find a hotel that allowed me to bring my tiger into the room, sadly. Is it too much to ask for a tiger in one’s room, I say? …Apologies, I am getting sidetracked. To shorten my answer to your initial question, Sir Kensworth, it reminds me of home, I did not mean to disturb you.

Finally calmed down, Kensworth realizes something.

Kensworth: …Wait a second. You said your partner is with you. Where is he right now?

The Gent: Why that’s an easy one, Kensworth. Who do you think has the other Tiger, Sabrina’s brother, Samson? Speaking of which, the next Foggleton and Larry show should be on soon. Get your tickets, will you? It’s a strange mix of the mystical dark arts and the rabid adventurous animal taming nature. Completely fascinating, I’d say. Before I go, however, I must say a few words. Whomever my partner and I face, whatever combination of Sir Tastic, Sir Califa or a Lady Celeste, I have complete faith in my partner and I can only hope the raging giant has faith in me when we take on what feels to me like our first real match as a team, two classy individuals setting their sights on perhaps one day, the coveted Tag Team gold, but until then, let’s make the world classy, I say. Adieu, Sir Kensworth.

Leaving with the tiger, The Gent makes one last bow before throwing his calling card, the tiny replica of his mask, now with an an additional card that’s a small replica of his partner’s Beard up into the air before shutting the door behind him.

Kensworth: Thank god.

As he goes to open up the door to leave the interview, he overhears the sound of the intercom for the casino vaguely outside his door.

Intercom: Attention customers of the King’s Casino. We’re sorry to say that due to lack of supervision, there is now a tiger roaming around the casino. The person who accidentally left him off his leash, a Mr. ‘Mayske’ would like to inform people that he is sorry about this. Please, stay away from the Tiger, thank you.

Stopped in his tracks, he sighs once again before sitting down on the ground

Kensworth: Well Leon, looks like you’re spending another night trapped again. I should really remember to bring something for next time this happens.

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