Meltdown 48/Ascension 23

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Wunderbar is standing in his darkened basement his secretary and title conspicuous by their absences and smiling at the camera which is filming his actions. He clears his throat and begins to talk

At All or Nothing, I proved beyond all doubt that my path will not be changed by the likes of Chris Jones. Nothing that the self proclaimed savior could do to me could defeat me. Of course, that was not a surprise to me. I am stronger than him. That match simply confirmed what I already knew. But I am not here to talk about the past.

Wunderbar walks accross the room, with the camera following him to a wooden pillar with battered padding on it.

The past is history. Dwelling on prior victories and defeats is pointless. Especially before shows like Madness and Anarchy.

Wunderbar viciously lashes out at the pillar with a kick

Shows which are little more than games for WZCW management to play with great people such as myself for the amusement of the moronic fans. It makes me sick that I am forced to play this demeaning game. But play I shall.

A sinister grin appears on Wunderbar's face

But not to their rules. I will defeat whomever I am assigned to wrestle. But WZCW should remember that there are no rules in war and I am fighting a war. A war which will result in either the end of WZCW's existance or my own.

The grin turns into a laugh.

My next opponent is, like Andrew Simmonds and Christopher Jones before him a mere stepping stone in my path to destiny. It doesn't matter who I face. The result is inevitable. I will win. Not just because I am better and stronger than they are. Which, naturally I am. But because I hold two crucial mental advantage over them. Each one of them has an emotional investment in their matches outcome. I have no such inhibitions. I would maim Baller just as badly as Барбоса given the chance. And secondly, my opponent constrains himself to WZCW's rules. I will fight WZCW's selection. It may happen in the parking lot, the ring or the bathroom but only one of us will be prepared for it. Only one man will be fighting a war when it happens. And that man is me, Das Kaizer Wilhelm Wunderbar.
We are in at the University of Miami, Mr. Baller’s alma mater. Baller and his former college teammate and new assistant James are roaming the halls.

Baller: It has been a while.

James: Those were the days.

Baller: Beating Duke, hitting the game winner, I was an icon. And now I am an icon in the wrestling world.

James: That’s right sir. You are the first man in the Lethal Lottery, and once you win the Lethal Lottery you will then become the next WZCW World Champion.

Baller: Damn straight.

As the two continue down memory lane, they run into the school’s trophy case.

James: There it is.

Baller: The greatest moment in Miami basketball history. I can imagine Greg Gumble making the call now.

Gumble: Tie game, ACC Championship game, and what a classic it has been. Miami and Duke in a game for the ages as we are all tied at 72 with 12 seconds left to spare.

Mandel brings it down the court, dribbling around the three point line, 9 ticks left, Johnson comes and sets a screen. 6 seconds left, Mandel passes to Jones on the wing, 5,4, Mandel cuts the lane and Jones feeds him, Mandel shoots and ITS GOOD! MIAMI WINS THE ACC CHAMPIONSHIP, OH MY GOD!

James: Sir!

Baller then snaps out of it, and comes back to reality.

Baller: My bad, but that play still brings back great memories, only for me to get hurt before going pro.

James: I know what ya mean, projected first rounder right?

Baller: Yes sir, then one knee injury in practice before March Madness and bam, time to find a new career.

James: However sir, you did a pretty remarkable job in your new path.

Baller: That I did, however I do miss the chance to being in March Madness. The craziness of the whole thing, we could’ve won the whole thing.

James: However sir, even though you missed March Madness, you can still be apart of Meltdown Madness or Ascension Anarchy. You could face anybody on the roster and can even be placed in a title match.

Baller: Very corny, but very true. Last year I went through this, and I got Garth Black in a singles match. But that was a long time ago, and much has changed. I am on the roll of my life, and am in the best condition. Now whether I get Ty Burna for the WZCW World Title in a steel cage, or Jordan Lights in a street fight it does not matter. I am ready for all heights in challenges. I may have missed the madness back in college days, but I am ready for anything this go around.

At All or Nothing, I went through two men, both who had a disdain for me and no grudge for each other. I was in an unfair advantage but I needed to get that spot in the Lethal Lottery, to be the first man to claim their spot in the historic match. And when a man wins the Lethal Lottery they are in the driver’s seat to be a WZCW World Champion. I know that Lethal Lottery was not pretty last year, however, everybody gets second chances and this what being in that match is all about, and boy I can’t wait to beat those other 19 guys around and throw them over the top rope and prove to them that all my proclamations will never go to waste as I am the best in this company and have been held back but with Lethal Lottery I can’t be held back anymore.

I can’t be held back at Lethal Lottery, and I can’t be held back this week. Whether I am on Meltdown or Ascension, I can face anybody and I will beat anybody I face in that ring. And for all of the champions out there you better hope you do not see me in that ring because it will be your last time wearing that gold around your waist, because I missed madness once but I will not miss madness twice.

Camera fades out as the two continue to walk around campus.
Phoenix grabs Winters arm and wrenches it behind his back, Return to Heliopolis is locked in. Winters tries to reach for the ropes as Phoenix locks in a Headscissors as well. His arm is a few inches away, but he is unable to move himself forward. Winters fights to get closer, but after a while he can no longer fight the pain and taps out.

Invisible Wounds by Fear Factory hits and Michael Winters makes his way down to the ring followed closely by Father Fournier. Winters gets into the ring and is handed a microphone as his music stops.

At All or Nothing I didn't know what to expect, heading into a 6-pack challenge with some of the top superstars the WZCW has to offer I left it up to God to decide whether or not I had earned the right to be called Champion. It was not my time though, Phoenix took my body to the limit and I had no choice but to submit if I wanted a chance to continue down this righteous path, I hope you fans can forgive me for my failure.

The crowd breaks into a raucous chant, "WINTERS! WINTERS! WINTERS!"

My short time here in the WZCW has been an exciting adventure so far but I believe I have been taking things a little too lightly. All or Nothing showed that I was not properly prepared for the challenge of facing 5 WZCW veterans but from now on it will be different. No one will be taken lightly, I will strike out against any and all opponents who stand in my way. This week on either Meltdown or Ascension I will be squaring off against one opponent, maybe two, hell maybe even three, who knows? It could be a Hell in a Cell or a tables match, it makes no difference. He will guide me through this week, Our relationship is stronger than ever and I will not fall down another peg on the ladder back to redemption. Whoever I face this week, it's nothing personal. You're just in my way and I will not allow myself to be derailed again.

Fournier is seen clapping approvingly over Winters shoulder, and steps up to grab the microphone.

Very well said my son, He has heard your prayers and will be in your corner this week.

Thank you Father.

Now to all the other superstars in the WZCW, give yourselves up to God and maybe you can too have the success this man has had bestowed upon you. If not, you will just be another pawn in the greater plan, because ladies and gentlemen, Winter is coming!

Fournier raises Winters hand as the crowd goes wild, Invisible Wounds playing as the two bask in the admiration of the WZCW universe.
[We open to Ty Burna sitting at a red upholstered booth, looking only very mildly amused. As the camera pulls back some, we see the booth is circular, and next to him on his right looking slightly more entertained is Serafina. Both have glasses of water in front of them. The WZCW World Title sits on his shoulder.]

Serafina: What do you think of the place, Master?

[Ty surveys the surroundings behind the camera.]

Ty: It is a gathering place for the disaffected to gather and drown their sorrows, Serafina. Those who suffer and linger in the deepest crevices of society would choose to waste their time here instead of improving themselves and their lot in life and rising above, as I have.

[A voice responds from off camera.]

Voice: C'mon baby, even the hardworking need a place to unwind. Don't tell me you don't dig the place's style?

[Pulling back even further, we see tan colored arms reaching into view of the camera, holding a bucket full of ice and bottle of liquor. Ty looks down at the bottle before looking up to the man holding it. The camera moves to the left, and as Serafina slips out of view, Gordito comes into it.]

Gordito: Crown Royal, Cask No. 16, right?

[The tiniest hint of the slightest smile almost crawls across Ty's face.]

I see you can follow instructions well, Gordito. You will make a fine host for your establishment.

[As Ty speaks, Gordito opens the bottle a pours some into a glass for Ty.]

Perhaps this is more your calling than WZCW is?

[Gordito reaches over to serve Serafina as he responds to Ty. She seems quite amused by her master's comments.]

I just like a good party, champ, and I've learned that like many things in this life if you want something done right you've got to do it yourself.

[He places the bottle back into the bucket and places it on the table.]

Indeed. But sometimes even doing it one's self isn't enough to get it right, now is it?

[Ty readjusts the WZCW where it sits on his shoulder.]

No shame in losing to the best, Ty. And right now, as I've said before, you are the very best.

Look at this, Serafina. One day he's talking as if my title was his already, and the next he's serving me drinks and singing my praises. It seems perhaps the example I set out to make of him has taught him a valuable lesson in humility.

[Gordito shrugs.]

What do you want me to say? Should I get mad and make threats and boasts? This is a party, champ.

[Gordito sweeps his arms wide as he turns around a bit. The camera follows and we see the rest of The Sludge Pit. The stage area is curtained off, and the floor is packed. Ty and Serafina's booth is in a back corner. Most every booth is full. The area by the bar is equally crowded, where Jack Ruin can be seen along with a handful of waitresses preparing and serving drinks to the growing crowd by the bar. The camera comes back to Gordito, Ty, and Serafina.]

Do what thou wilt; eat, drink, be merry. There'll be time for me to talk crap to you when I've earned the right to challenge for that belt again. The best you're getting out of me now is that now, thanks to you, I know my limits. Now I can proceed to break them. I can't guarantee that I'll ever be taking you on for your belt again, baby, but I can guarantee that if I do, I'll be a much stronger competitor.

[Ty seems to stare through Gordito for a moment.]

Don't ever lose your passion for this, Gordito. It might be all you have.

[Gordito chuckles.]

Noted, King o' Darkness. You might be right about that. Enjoy the show, you two.

[The camera follows Gordito as he leaves Ty and Serafina's booth. He follows the wall of booths, waving and quickly greeting the guests he passes by. After he passes a few booths, he stops at one to find Baez seated alone. He's holding an energy drink.]

Don't tell me you're over here pouting.

Baez: Screw you, Gordie. I got nothing to pout about.

[The two bump knuckles as Gordito takes a seat at the booth with Baez.]

Ok, ok, I didn't mean to offend you amigo.

I don't think you have it in you to offend me EVER. Anyway, blah blah blah bullshit Beckford is Eurasian Champion yadda yadda yadda. You happy?

There's always Madness and Anarchy. Things could come up your way. Think of it, baby....

[Gordito spreads his arms out.]

You could end up with a one on one match with Beckford for the belt! You could get that shot and really prove to everyone what I've known all along...

[He pulls his arms down and points to Baez's face.]

That you are one stone cold crazy sonuvabitch.

Sounds great, Gordie, but there's a catch; everything is random.

Yeah, but isn't...

NO IT'S NOT THE SAME, I've had that discussion already. So I could end up with that, or I could end up having to force feed an entire case of Kickassery to a class of rookies. The hard way.

Is there any other way?

Not with Kickassery. Only one size: Up your ass. Back to business; maybe what I should do is lose to Kurtesy twice, let Big Dave dance on my face, and end up with a World Title shot on PPV...

Aww but you're forgetting the critical element there, amigo...

[Gordito gets up from the table as he's speaking.]

I look at it like the path to my first WZCW World Title shot started by taking some savage beatings from you in my first Mayhem Title shot.

You can come back for more anytime, fat boy. I'm open all day. Except the early morning. DO NOT WAKE ME UP.

You can count on it, Baez.

One last careful around that master manipulator asshat Chuckie Myles. The guy's mostly bad news. Don't screw around with him.

Don't worry about me, baby. I know who I can trust.

[With that, Gordito moves on. He comes to the floor and begins to casually work his way through the crowd. He comes to the opposite wall, and another set of booths. In the first one directly in front of him, Scott Hammond and Wasabi Toyota come into view. Scott is holding a pint of dark stout while Toyota is enjoying some sake. Gordito reaches to shake hands as he approaches them.]

Brothers is Arms, so glad you guys made it!

[He reaches to shake Scott's hand first.]

Scott! Good to see you, man.

Scott Hammond: Likewise, Dirty One.

[Gordito turns towards Toyota.]

Toyota! How's it going, big guy?

[He shakes Toyota's hand while patting his back.]

Wasabi Toyota: Quite good, my friend. It pleases me deeply to able to come support you on your big night.

Yeah, it's not every night that your friend is throwing an enormous party. Congratulations, bro.

[Gordito takes a seat next to Toyota.]

Thanks guys. I just wanted a place to come relax and gets away from the evils of the world...

[Toyota twitches ever so slightly upon mention of the word "evils".]

...and come to relax. A place where I could crash into...


Now you've done it...

[Toyota begins half weeping half growling.]

I cannot forgive them, the Crashins. They only take, they only choke the goodness of...

[Gordito produces a small but heavy looking package out of his robe pocket.]

Speaking of goodness, I got that thing you asked me for, buddy.

[He tosses the package towards Toyota. Toyota at first cautiously opens the package, but once he eyes the contents he seems free of his funk. Excitement seems to shine in his face and eyes.]

OH! Yes, yes, thank you my friend. I appreciate this very much!

[He digs into the package with one chubby finger, and when it emerges it is covered in a fine white substance. He quickly licks his finger and then sticks the tip into his mouth, seemingly rubbing the substance onto his gums.]

Are you sure it's ok that he does that?

It's sugar. Where's the harm in that?

You seem to be hanging in there well. Few are the men who can take a high profile loss as well as you have. I mean, do you really think it's wise to have invited Ty?

Why not? I just felt the King o' Darkness was more trustworthy to have around people like this than some of the nuttier elements.

I hear you, mate. You thinking of going back after Ty?

I'm thinking of seeing what Madness and Anarchy has in store for me. I am perfectly fine going anywhere right now. A part of me feels like I should get together with you guys and take it to the Movement...

[Both men chuckle at the term.]

Or hey, maybe I'll pick out one of the rookies and form a tag team of my own. Give you guys some...

[As Gordito is speaking, one of the waitresses approaches the table and stops next to him. She leans over and whispers something into his ear.]

She is?! AWESOME! Thank you for coming to get me.

[Gordito gets up and turns towards the guys.]

I gotta go for a moment, boys, but I'll be back when the show starts. I'll see if Baez wants to come join us too.

[Gordito turns towards the waitress.]

Bring them each another round, on the house.

[He turns back towards the guys and waves before heading off.]

See you soon.

[He heads back into the crowd on the floor, cutting his way towards the bar and the front of the building. He's intercepted by Jack along the way.]

Jack: Hey, Jefe! Rebec...

I know she's here, I'm on my way out to see here. Is he here yet?

Yes, their flight landed an hour ago, and the limo just dropped them off.

Tell him I'm sorry that I didn't get to see him before the show, but that the afterparty is going to be insane. Everything going good with the bar?

Dude, it's perfect. This place is bumpin'. We had a few assholes in earlier, but they left once some of the WZCW guys showed up.

'K. I'm stepping out front, Jack. I'll be back in a few.

[Gordito slips past Jack and makes his way out of the door. The front of the club is almost as hectic as the inside. Dozens of patrons line the front with cigarettes in their hands. A ratty red carpet has been laid out along the front entrance way and the sidewalk nearby, and standing on this carpet is Becky Serra and a WZCW camera team. The view shifts to that of the camera on Becky as Gordito is stepping into it.]

Becky: And here we have the man of the evening himself, Gordito!

Thank you, Becky, and welcome to The Sludge Pit. And hello to the WZCW Universe!

[Gordito turns towards Becky.]

How are you doing tonight, Becky?

I'm doing fine, but the real question is how are you doing? We see that the launch of your new bar and nightclub has been a success. We're even told that a handful of WZCW Superstars past and present have come out for the event.

The Dirty One isn't usually one to kiss and tell, Becky. But what the hell? I'll have you know that my friends Wasabi and Scott, the Brothers in Arms, have come to have a good time, along with my Mayhem mentor Baez.

We hear even the World Champion Ty Burna has come out for the night.

The King o' Darkness himself may be in attendance.

So then there aren't any hard feelings from your loss to him at All or Nothing?

None at all. I gave everything that I am right now, and Ty showed me how far that got me. Not his fault that it wasn't quite enough. So Ty gets to keep being the big bad man of WZCW while I know exactly what limits of mine I need to improve. I'm never going to stop learning while I'm here, Becky. There's always going to be a need to improve.

The question the WZCW Universe has for you now is this: what's next for the Dirty One? Where does the Dirty Train go now?

The Dirty Train is a little beat up, but it's still due to rock it's way into Madness and Anarchy. What a great way to start back over again? I could end up in a rematch with Ty! I could end up getting one more shot at the Mayhem Title, and current champion Wunderbar! Or, I could end up in a 3 on 1 handicap match against the Crashin Movement. I could even be partnered with Austin Reynolds and put up against Showtime and Constantine! The landscape of WZCW is still open for anyone with pioneering spirit, including myself!

Any thoughts on the upcoming Lethal Lottery? Will we be seeing you in a qualifying match soon?

I certainly hope so. My dance card is empty, baby, and I'm looking to fill it up anywhere I can. In the hunt for the world title, or down in the pit with the rookies, I'm looking to tune up the Dirty Train, to keep her running nice and clean and to push the speed limit. And to do that, I need people willing to give me everything they've got. I say bring on the Lethal Lottery, I'm ready to take on any challenge put in front of me!

Thank you, Gordito. When we return, we'll be getting a sneak peek at the action going on inside The Sludge Pit. Stay tuned, WZCW Universe.

[The view switches back to Gordito, Serra, and the camera crew. And the crew gathers their equipment together, Gordito leads Becky towards the door.]

Thanks for coming, Becky.

Are you kidding, thanks for the invite! I'm always happy to pick up a great WZCW scoop.

Even scum like myself know how to treat a friend. Come join the boys and I.

[Gordito and Serra make their way into and through the club, working towards the table with Toyota and Hammond. As they hit the open floor, Gordito catches Baez's attention and motions for him to come join them. Pretty soon, all are seated at one booth, though Hammond and Baez try to keep a little distance from each other. The lights dim down and the crowd begins to cheer in anticipation. Jack's voice can be heard over the P.A.]

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the grand re-opening of The Sludge Pit!

[The crowd's cheers grow louder.]

Let's hear it for the man who made this all possible tonight; the Dirty One, Gordito!

[The crowd cheers and applauds as a spotlight shines down on Gordito as he sits between Becky Serra and Toyota.]

And now, The Sludge Pit proudly presents to you our special guest for the night. From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the bizarre rock sensation himself, MAX KARZAI!

[All the lights are killed as Max's voice is heard.]


[As the band kicks in, the curtains drop and stage lights come on. Max is front and center, wearing a black, silver, and red jumpsuit with matching facepaint. He appears to be wearing tall platform boots made of steel, covered in fake blood. His black and red gloves seem to be fitted with long metal claw appendages. The stage behind him is decorated with bent rusty metal props bent to look like ruined architecture. Behind a wall of this junk a giant prop head and two hands are placed to appear like a man is struggling to emerge from the wreckage, his face covered in paint and fake blood. A smoke machine operates from inside his mouth. In the build towards the first verse, Max approaches the edge of the stage and raises his mic to speak.]


[Any restraint the crowd was showing is gone now. Lighters are being held, people are rushing towards the stage, and a few women have removed their tops. A banner can be seen in the crowd which reads "Karzai = Real American Hero!".]


[As Max backs up and starts into the verse, we come back to the group gathered around the table. Baez seems more interested in the budding mosh pits than he does the show itself. He looks to be waiting for the right kind of punk to enter. Becky excuses herself to catch up with her camera crew and get some footage of Max. Gordito has joined in with Hammond in putting down some pints as Toyota observes Max's stage antics with a look of horror and fascination (and a telltale trail of sugar around his nose). We cut back to Max. He pushes a switch on his left glove, and at once skeletal wings sprout from his back and his boots are set on fire. We fade to black as he reaches the chorus.]
The scene opens and we can immediately see that the room we are in is set up for some sort of WZCW video shoot. All sorts of WZCW employees are seen scurrying around setting things up and getting ready. After a few seconds a director is seen in view and seems ready to go.

DIRECTOR: Alright, we’re ready, has anyone seen…..Ever.

Everest suddenly comes bounding into the room. Clad in his latest Everest t-shirt and simple workout pants. He winks at a few of the ladies working and plops right down in the chair in front of the camera.

EVEREST: Alright boss, here we go!

Everest grabs a deck of the latest WZCW playing cards and displays the package to the camera.

EVEREST: Now you can stack the deck with your favorite WZCW superstars! Every card is covered in WZCW class, well except the ones with the Crashin Movement, but hey every deck has to have some jokers. Get your deck right now on

DIRECTOR: Cut, wrap, perfect, lets get out of here. Thanks again champ!

EVEREST: No problem boss, hey, could I get a favor? I owe some time, you mind if we keep the cameras rolling for a few minutes.

DIRECTOR: Sure, use all you need, hell WZCW paid for the film, you’re on Myles’ dime now.

EVEREST: Nice. While I’m here why don’t we take a look at these here “cards”. It seems to me like this deck of cards is a nice metaphor for WZCW’s Lethal Lottery pay per view and premise for the upcoming weekly shows. You could open this package, pull out a card and come up with any number of superstars, just like this week on Meltdown and Ascension where no match up is off limits, it’s going to be luck, or un luck of the draw.

Everest pulls out a card, shows it too the camera and we see Showtime Cougar.

EVEREST: Hmmmm, I mean at Meltdown it could be Everest vs. Showtime Cougar here. Steel cage? Or Inferno? Or Iron Man Match? Could be anything, and I love nothing more than to get into the ring and add another beat down to the Cougar’s already growing list.

Everest pulls another card, it’s got a picture of Constantine

EVEREST: Isn’t there some sort of cut out hoodie or something that comes with this card to give it that I just got out of jail and I need a ride back home look?

Another card gets pulled revealing Austin Reynolds

EVEREST: Now how about that? Mr. Ratings himself vs. Pure Perfection! One on one! Damn Ascension would never be the same!

Everest continues the little pattern, this time though, he pulls out the Ace! On it is a picture of the WZCW World Champion!

EVEREST: Now, Everest getting a title shot! That wouldn’t be luck, that would just be getting what I’ve earned but I’m not politicking here or anything I’ll be happy to wait my turn and let our “new” talent be content to pummel themselves into oblivion and bring a quick and painful ending to what could have been some very promising career.

Finally after this sad joke has run it’s course Everest, who is obviously looking for a card now, starts tossing cards right and left, very few pictures are recognizable but finally after Everest has tossed all but one card, he sits in the chair, eyes fixated on the card for several seconds before turning his attention back to the camera.

EVEREST: And, then there is the one and only rematch that the world wants, the one rematch that WZCW probably won’t have the balls to sign, the one rematch that they will keep until the point where it can bring in the most money:

Everest flips the card in his hand around to reveal a picture of Big Dave.

That’s right Dave. We aren’t finished my friend, not by a long shot. At All or Nothing we light the place up and then tore it down! I brought hell with me and survived everything you could muster but I couldn’t get the one thing I promised I would get: A victory! Since I didn’t fulfill my goal, my mission hasn’t changed Dave. I’m still going to go out every night and prove to the world that the Pinnacle of Perfection is still the top of the mountain. Whether it be on Meltdown or Ascension, versus you or Blade or some other lazy bastard who can’t even beat himself out of a paper bag, the Pinnacle of Perfection is going to continue hitting Rock Slide after Rock Slide and burying everyone in my path until we come face to face again Big Dave. Could it be this week? Sure it could and I hope you will be ready Dave….

Cause I know I will be!

See you soon!

With that Everest flips the last card in his hand onto a nearby, placing Dave’s picture face up. As he turns to leave the camera focuses in on the card and just as the camera starts to fade to black Everest slaps down one more card………HIS OWN ACE OF SPADES!

Fad to black.
It is a nice, sunny, typical Australia day, and the Shermans are all gathered at a barbeque for a family reunion!

Rory-Now, I am sure you all know the reason that I called you here, and that is because my son has become mainstream, he is an official member of WZCW and has his first match this week, now, do we know who it is against?

Jonny- No, this week’s episodes of Meltdown and Ascension are all at random, I could wrestle against Ty Burna, the World champion, or I could wrestle against 4 other guys. It is completely at random.

Ali Sherman (Jonny’s cousin)- Reminds me of that time when you had to wrestle against 3 other guys completely at random. Tell us how you pulled that win out of your behind!

The family laughs at the snide comment

Jonny-Well Ali, I had a completely positive mentality, I didn’t go out there expecting an easy match, but I sure as hell was not thinking I will lose, which I won’t do this week. I am getting prepared for anything, maybe an easy win with a few partners, a big victory over a qualified opponent. All that I know is that I will pick up a win this week. No matter what happens.

Ali- Don’t you have a partner of some sort though?

Jonny- Yes I do, his name is Jalapeño, I met him after last week’s show, and we just hit off, he is a feisty little guy, pretty fast and a good dancer. I don’t think he is on this week, but I am quite sure we can be a successful team, just like you and me Ali, you are fast, small and feisty, whilst I am technically gifted. It is a team of Spice, and Class!

Ali-Sounds pretty fun, what will the name be?

Jonny-Spice and Class, you know me, not creative at all! Anyway, I believe that this week will be great, I think it would be really fun for me to participate in a match here, with a big win coming up, I can feel it.

Ali-So will we ever meet this Jalapeño character?

Jonny- Well, right now.

Jalapeño bursts onto the scene. Dancing around, he then performs a back flip in front of everyone. All look incredibly impressed.

Jalapeño- Hello Shermans! I am the Feisty Fixture, Jalapeño!

Ali- Well it is nice to meet you! Your name isn’t really Jalapeño, right?

Jalapeño- Maybe, maybe not.

Ali looks confused.

Ali- How about you tell everyone about yourself.

Jalapeño-Well basically, I am a guy who loves to party! I can dance, and I am incredibly fast!

Ali-Seems to be a complete opposite to you Jonny

The family laughs, as Jonny does a little chuckle

Jonny- Funny coming from you Ali!

The family laugh even more, as the cousins continue their verbal fight.

Jalapeño-Boys, boys, break it up, you cousins, not enemies. Anyway, I am going to take Jonny out partying, see you homies later!

The two leave, as there is more chatter amongst the family, the scene ends.
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