Meltdown 29/ Ascension 4

The scene opens with Rafael in his locker room, dressed in ring attire wearing his belt as usual over his shoulder. Next to him is Leon Kensworth and the Cameraman.

Leon: Thanks for giving me the chance to interview you today Rafael.

Rafael: Not a problem, just don't waste too much of my time.

Leon: Well to start things off, you seem to be in a better mood then usual. Most of the time I see you walking around here with a frown on your face. Any reason particular why you seem to be in a better mood?

Rafael: It should be obvious why I'm in a better mood then usual today Leon. It's because tonight is the WZCW roulette. Where I can end up facing anyone on the roster.

Leon: Right, rookies have the most to gain from this. Someone like yourself can end up facing current world champion Everest, in a match where you solidify yourself as a top star with just that one win.

Rafael turns his head and looks away for a few seconds

Rafael: Rookie? Rookie!? Leon I have traveled all over Spain and have beaten the best of what the country has to offer. For years I beat anyone that was put in front of me as I traveled all over Spain defending my title. No one, and I mean no one was able to get this title off my shoulder. I have more experience then half this roster, and you dare call me a rookie?

Leon: No, um....., sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just that your new to the company and all, but the word rookie was wrong I suppose.

Rafael: I recommend you watch your words carefully next time Kensworth.

Rafael's usual frown appears on his face

Leon: Um, yes of course, moving on. Is there anyone in particular you hope to draw as a opponent?

Rafael: Either someone at the top of this company, or Steel. Bateman has been keeping me on the lower card making me square off in Tag Matches with fools who don't even bother to show up on time, while keeping Steel away from me one on one. Tonight whether he likes it or not I can face off against the elite of this company or Steel, and that's exactly what I want. I want to open that fool Bateman's eyes and show him why I'm the greatest acquisition this company has ever made. I shouldn't have to prove anything to him, my resume should be more then enough, but I will anyway given the chance.

Leon: Yeah! You stick it to Bateman tonight! Don't tell him I said that please.

Rafael gives Leon a cold glare

Leon Um.., moving on, do you worry what gimmick you might draw tonight? You've had some um..., bad luck with tag matches as of late, none of those loses being your fault of course, but do you worry about having yet another tag team match?

Rafael: As much as it angers me, it's a risk that comes with this roulette. Just as I have a chance to get the matches I want, I also have to chance to get the ones I don't. A tag team match is the last thing I want. So far I have been paired up with completely incompetent wrestlers as my partners. All part of Bateman's scheme against me I'm sure. Costing me two back to back loses, something that has never happened to me before in my career so far. A singles match as what I want, even if it isn't against Steel or someone at the top of this company, a win is a win, no matter who it's over.

Leon Well here's to hoping you don't draw another tag team match. Wouldn't want a third lose in a row.

Rafael quickly turns around and looks at Kensworth straight in the eyes face to face with a very angered look.

Rafael: So you think if I ended up in another tag team match I'd lose?

Leon: Well uhh...., you know with not having the best of showing in them so far, I was just assuming....

Leon starts looking around the room

Leon: Oh what a shame, look at the time. Thank you for this fantastic interview, but I have to get going and don't want to waste anymore of your time. Good luck with your match tonight!

Leon quickly speeds out of the locker room with the Cameraman right behind him as the scene closes with Rafael glaring at the door way.
Thanks to everyone who RPd, as I said last week all draws were made then so if there's a no show, looks like it's a job show. Aside from Ricky who was granted a 24 hour extension.

Ty was given a mini extension also, does being on creative help? I guess, but having a newborn baby can sudden;y take up your schedule.

No other RPs will be counted, unless im in a good mood ;)
The screen comes up to a slow flashing static light. The light begins to pick up speed before reaching almost a seizure inducing state and cutting out. A young woman's laughter begins but it is barely audible. Suddenly the young woman's voice breaks out in an ear piercing scream before it goes silent once more. Serafina's voice then breaks the silence.

Violence, destruction, chaos....these are the three elements of Mayhem. The time has come for the false idols of this almighty power to crumble beneath the strength of the true prophet...

The camera finally fades into a black padded room. The camera moves down and focuses in on the Mayhem Championship, laying down on the floor. It zooms in on the name on the bottom of the title, in gold and written in a dark red color is the name Ty Burna. A low maniacal laugh comes from the corner fo the room. The camera moves up and points towards Ty, leaning in the corner with his arms crossed. He wears a long flowing robe, his hair covering half his face. His eyes glow red, a smile spreading across his face.

Before anything is said further this evening, the world wants to know about losing the Eurasian Title at All Or Nothing. To be honest, I applaud Mr. Callahan for such a genius maneuver, and for that I cannot be angry. The title is rightfully yours, enjoy facing such weak opposition for it. But as it stands now, I am the new Mayhem Champion, the rightful champion. You see, Mayhem is a power neither Drake or Showtime could fathom. They believe using weapons was what it meant to believe in the power of Mayhem. For them, I showed them just a glimpse of what it means to be fully entwined with such a deeper philosophy. But enough, I have further goals then to sit here and lament on the past.

Ty leans up from the corner and makes his way to the center of the padded room, picking up the Mayhem Championship and throwing it over his shoulder.

It is the dawning of a new time in WZCW, and soon I will be at the forefront of it's transformation. As the Mayhem Champion I have every right to make every single opponent suffer in any sick and twisted way I prefer to. The flood gates have been opened, and like the raging waters, I will force my will upon anything in my way. That includes Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles, I know those two are afraid of what may happen to their precious chosen ones. The false messiahs have begun to fall, Ricky has shown his true colors as a coward who cannot win without help, Titus has proven to be a failure as a hero, Drake needs sneak attacks in order to be victorious, Showtime seems to have gotten tied up in his endeavours...

A small smirk forms at the bottom right corner of Ty's mouth before disappearing.

And so it goes on, but yet I have not received my due as the absolute best to come to WZCW. No, I continue to be held down while the likes of Carmen Bratchny receives break after break, even after losing every match in the past few months.

Ty lowers his head and begins to laugh uncontrollably. He drops down to a sitting position, grasping his Mayhem Championship close to his chest.

I have to earn everything, just like before that fateful night, I had to scrap and fight for everything I had in my miserable life. But that is soon to change, soon I will be the one that is looked up at, and the masses will have no choice but to sing the praises of The Exalted Ty Burna. And my minions will crush whatever opposition foolishly stands in my way.

He snaps his head up quickly and stares dead in the camera, a scowl crosses his face as the lights in the padded room begin to flicker suddenly. He reaches out and grabs the camera, pulling it close to his face.

As the name implies, I will bring Mayhem to WZCW and I intend to bend everyone's will to kneel down to me and accept me as the very best. I heard what Myles said about me at All Or Nothing. He didn't attempt to find me, which isn't a surprise to me. Why would he want to put someone that just threw another man through a table from 20 feet in the air into his precious little 6 man match? Because he was afraid of what holy hell I would unleash upon such cowardly fools, but no he decides that a man who couldn't defeat myself or Drake earlier a chance at the match. It is a shame that someone decided that you needed to tie up some loose ends Showtime, I would have enjoyed destroying you for that WZCW Championship had you won it.

He pushes the camera back and lifts his Mayhem Championship up a bit on his shoulder and rests the side of his face on it while running his hands up and down the gold plate of the belt.

They have decided we will all face random opponents, and even though the Ouija could have easily shown me who I would get the pleasure of tearing apart one limb at a time, I have decided to leave it to Chance. It is not I who should be worried about the opponent or opponents picked for me, rather it should be everyone else that should be worried about facing me. And whether Chance is kind to me and gives me the opportunity I so rightfully deserve, or decides to give me a true test of my abilities, I know that I will be the superior warrior. And if it chooses so to let me defend this Mayhem Title, I will go above and beyond what I did at All Or Nothing. Maybe then Myles or Bateman will decide that my opponent needs a no contest ruling instead of everyone else causing my matches to not have a finale.

Ty lowers his head once more as the light continue flicker more and more. A low loud laugh comes from him and his voice deepens.

We are nearing the beginning of the journey, the chosen ones are soon to be summoned, and the cleansing of WZCW through fire will then begin. Because while the rest of you squirm and try to make room at the top, I will use you as stepping stones, crushing your spines and breaking your ability to continue on. Soon it will be the ultimate game of Chance, how many of you feel lucky enough to face a universal force you cannot influence? Whether you catch breaks or not, know that I will be standing behind every single one of you, ready to break you and tear you down to nothingness.

The lights finally go out and the sound of a metronome can be heard.

Red rum, red rum, bloody red rum.
We'll cause much destruction, destruction, destruction.
Listen to the sound of Hell's eruption, eruption, eruption.

The camera fades to a black screen before a symbol flashes across it briefly.

Back at Patriot's Gym. USA is standing outside.

USA: Look, my army is involved in some special training right now. You can't go in there. But, this Leathal Lottery got my attention, so I called you guys over here. I needed to get something off of my chest.

The General walks out. She is wearing Navy Corpsman uniform. She has a doctor's bag in her hand, and blood on her uniform.

General Lee DesArming: Hey boss. He's going to be OK. He said he would rather serve you with one arm then be in a hospital. I got the bone back in, and I just need to go get some more tape.

USA: OK, baby, hurry that fine ass back. Man, I love that woman. Anyway, check it out. I have built an corps in there. These men, as you just saw, have my back no matter what. This is why Marines adapt so well. There are no situations that we can't handle, because we handle them together. This is no exception. At Lethal Lottery, I don't know what situation I will be stuck in, and it really doesn't matter.

Someone else runs out of the gym. USA, the men are all in their lines.

USA: Thank you son. Tell them to wait, and take a little break. They need water. You guys got here like eight hours ago and haven't stopped. I don't need you to prove anything to me anymore. When we get back in, we start on tactics.

You see, the trouble with building my own corps is that they get so loyal they don't know when to stop. At least now you know why I am so relaxed. Do you think there's a situation you can throw in front of me that is worse than anything I have seen already? God no! I have experience in the unexpected, I have the corps behind me. I have the Lord on my side. I have the people with me. I won't say I can't lose, but I can't be surprised. There is nothing that scares a Marine. So, spin a wheel, draw names out of a hat, put me in a cell, hang something from a poll, make me shave Titus' ass, I don't care. There are 240 men in there who have my back. Stray gunfire doesn't scare me, so another match with another jackass on my way to gold is nothing.

Now, I gotta go train these men. Hoo Yah!!!

USA walks back into the gym and slams the door. The camera does get a picture. There are over 200 men wearing USA's ring attire standing in lines. As soon as we walks in, they stand at attention. Everyone of the men is holding a replica championship belt. USA starts to say, "You guys all have a belt, but I don't. At that moment, the General walks by the camera man, looks at him and slams the door.
All RPs accepted as I'm in a good mood, Ricky has been granted an extension.
*The scene is a pirate town on a sunny, glorious day. Slippery Pete walks over to the blacksmith.* it ready?

Aye, Slippery. Just as ordered...looking good as new, I reckon!

Yarrr...the cap'n will be very pleased with this, mate.

*Slippery Pete takes the object from the blacksmith, wrapped in black cloth, and heads toward the main boat. As he walks, crew members stop what they are doing and stare in awe at the black cloth, seemingly knowing what it signifies. Pete then walks up a tall ramp to the captain's chambers, where he knocks on the door.*

It's ready, Cap'n.

*The mysterious captain nods at Slippery Pete. Pete then turns around as hundreds of pirates stand facing him.*

Gentlemen!!! It is my extreme professional honor to introduce to you......a- man who knows no pain....a man who feels so little....that he often mistakes himself for a 3 year-old!


Gentleman, I give to you....the Hardcore Legend, Big Poppa Average....the REAL World Heavyweight Champion....Captain Steamboat Ricky!!!!!!!!


*Out walks Steamboat Ricky wearing an all-black pirate outfit, looking far more stylish than usual. He grabs the black cloth from Pete, pulls it off, and inside, is Ricky's custom, spinner-compass World Title belt.*

THIS is power, you fools!

*Ricky holds up the belt.*

In WZCW we are unfortunate enough to have some puppet champion, a man who simply cannot beat me and has yet to prove that he can. Yet the man holds what is supposedly the most "prestigious" championship in the world today.

Or, is it simply that the WZCW is no longer a credible governing body? You see, going into the match at All or Nothing, I knew that I was getting a raw deal. I had Everest beaten when I took advantage of my rematch clause a few weeks back on Meltdown, only to be ruined by Lars, whom was still bitter about losing to me at Kingdom Come. In no way did he deserve a title shot. Nor did that second-rate champion Titus. "But Ricky, he was your friend!" Oh, save it! The "being a good role model" and "standing up for what is just and right" fad had run its course...and it was time to look out for number one. All I ever got from pursuing the right path was a spot in Six-Pack Challenges. Yet, I was placed in a match where these other fools were given a slice of my spotlight, and ultimately, cost me the WZCW Title.

*Ricky holds belt up higher*

But alas, today is a new day! Today is the day in which we no longer need be held down by the nonsensical suits in WZCW management. We no longer need to accept the injustices that hold back the greatest talent on the WZCW roster.

*Full House Daves come from behind and stand next to Ricky.*

This right here...this is the future. the most dominant force to ever come together in the history of professional wrestling. This is a new world order. This is the RICKY WORLD ORDER.

*Full House Daves pass a can of red paint to Ricky, then head down the stairs to the main mast, beginning to lower the Jolly Roger.*

The world does not yet know what has arrived on its doorstep. But it shall soon find out. The WZCW is as good as dead. We are coming to take over...and take over we shall. Led by your REAL WORLD CHAMPION...soon, you will see an organization of which you can be proud! SOON! You will see a new power rise! You will see the destruction of the old and the dawning of the new! This:

*Ricky holds up the belt again*

is a sign of things to come. And this:

*Ricky holds up spray paint*

is the confirmation!

*Ricky takes the "Real" World Heavyweight Championship and sprays "rWo" on the belt. He then hoists the belt high.*

To the last!!!!


Now, raise that flag.

*The Full House Daves have taken the Jolly Roger and spray-painted "rWo" over the skull and crossbones. They raise up the flag, flying it high in the ocean breeze. The scene fades as the camera zooms on the new colors.*

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