The Question Mark with Dave


Staff member
Yeah, ask me questions and whatnot.

I guess I have a lot of experience in the Fed and have done pretty much everything. Got a question to ask, go ahead and ask it here.
Standard question I know, but what influenced you to write Constantine when you started?

Thoughts on Ramparte & Cerberus?

Would you rather face Tastic or Ty Burna for the WZCW Heavyweight Championship?
1. Constantine was actually made up of quite a few characters actually. The first character I have to give some "credit" to is JBL. His last gimmick with the super American patriot patrolling the borderless awesome. I always though he did that well. The second character is Chris Jericho when he came back with his "sycophantic" heel persona. That whole gimmick was well done, talking with devious superiority and venom - I loved that. The name came from a building I seen where I live for a company called Constantine. However, I had no idea that a John Constantine was a character in multiple things.

2. Ramparte and Cerberus are two of my favourite entities in the Fed actually. Ramparte reminds me a lot of Constantine in many ways. I think, somewhere down the line, we will have a feud and it will be utterly glorious. I don't want to see the end of Cerberus just yet but I think the end is nigh for Cerberus if they can't win the Championships at Revolution.

3. Hmm! I'm going to go for Matt since the tension in the Elite would be a lot to handle should Ty win.
We have both done various "extra" projects for WZCW. How have we never worked on something together before? I consider you, Falk, and I the three main "extra" guys of the last few years. I've worked with Falk, but I can't even remember if I have even been on the Creative team the same time as you.
Self absorbed question from me to start, something more for you later down the line when I get the phrasing right.

You've been around the block so, S.H.I.T. still rocking potential or finally fading away?

Did it reach the heights it could or did it fail to live up to the hype?

Has it spent too long floating around not doing a lot or was being a utility for other things the best way to go?

Edit; We all know HMP is awesome, so I'll just answer that question before I ask it.
Hmm! I can't actually remember working on anything of noteworthy you, which is a bit of a shame really. I completely agree with you that the three of certainly go above and beyond for more interactivity and I completely respect both of you for that. It takes a lot of passion to go through things like that with little to no reward but we still do it.

In terms of creative, I think we were on at the same time for a very small period of time. But one day, we will work on something together and it will be utterly glorious. My inbox is always open if you have any ideas for collaboration.
Let's say Steven Holmes returns. How would you do it?

And because I'm not a total narcassist a couple of non-Holmes questions:

You get the oppertunity to wrestle one guy from the past or present of WZCW in the Main Event of KC. Who do you pick as your opponent?

Which character on the WZCW roster (again past or present) would translate best into the real world?
Self absorbed question from me to start, something more for you later down the line when I get the phrasing right.

You've been around the block so, S.H.I.T. still rocking potential or finally fading away?

Did it reach the heights it could or did it fail to live up to the hype?

Has it spent too long floating around not doing a lot or was being a utility for other things the best way to go?

Edit; We all know HMP is awesome, so I'll just answer that question before I ask it.

I think SHIT is an incredible character who can do any thing at any time, that's the absolute truth. Put SHIT in the ring with anyone in the Fed and he could win. I think that your best work was with Barbosa and Coco but that's nothing to be ashamed of. I love having SHIT in the Fed and I would be devastated if he were to go away. I personally think that SHIT still has a lot to prove in the Fed, so I don't think it's fair to see it failed to live up to the potential.

Personally, I want to see a great singles run for the Mandroid after HMP is over. SHIT and Constantine have a stored history so I'd like to have another feud with it in the main event, title or not.

Like I said, however, SHIT can do anything it sets its mind to.
1. Constantine was actually made up of quite a few characters actually. The first character I have to give some "credit" to is JBL. His last gimmick with the super American patriot patrolling the borderless awesome. I always though he did that well. The second character is Chris Jericho when he came back with his "sycophantic" heel persona. That whole gimmick was well done, talking with devious superiority and venom - I loved that. The name came from a building I seen where I live for a company called Constantine. However, I had no idea that a John Constantine was a character in multiple things.

2. Ramparte and Cerberus are two of my favourite entities in the Fed actually. Ramparte reminds me a lot of Constantine in many ways. I think, somewhere down the line, we will have a feud and it will be utterly glorious. I don't want to see the end of Cerberus just yet but I think the end is nigh for Cerberus if they can't win the Championships at Revolution.

3. Hmm! I'm going to go for Matt since the tension in the Elite would be a lot to handle should Ty win.

How popular or mainstream are the bagpipes in Scotland? Is it something as common as kids taking piano or guitar lessons in North America? Are there renowned pipers with national notoriety or is it a more underground interest? Have you ever played the pipes?
Hmm! I can't actually remember working on anything of noteworthy you, which is a bit of a shame really. I completely agree with you that the three of certainly go above and beyond for more interactivity and I completely respect both of you for that. It takes a lot of passion to go through things like that with little to no reward but we still do it.

In terms of creative, I think we were on at the same time for a very small period of time. But one day, we will work on something together and it will be utterly glorious. My inbox is always open if you have any ideas for collaboration.

When I can think of one to do that is compelling, fun, and something that I can devote extra time to; I will drop you a line.
Let's say Steven Holmes returns. How would you do it?

And because I'm not a total narcassist a couple of non-Holmes questions:

You get the oppertunity to wrestle one guy from the past or present of WZCW in the Main Event of KC. Who do you pick as your opponent?

Which character on the WZCW roster (again past or present) would translate best into the real world?

Hey, man. Hope you're doing well first of all.

Hmm! On Holmes, I really think that he has to come back as a face and finish his business with Ty and Constantine. If there comes a time in the near future when you want to come back, I feel as though this needs to be addressed as a priority. After that, the slate is completely clean with regards to his career trajectory. Personally, I would like to see you try to be a face for a while, simply for the sheer challenge it could bring you. You were always a strong writer, no doubt about it. So seeing Holmes in a completely different light would be interesting to say the least. A big feud with someone like Ty would be epic, I feel.

In terms of the KC match, I would have to go with Showtime. He's a guy whom I have massive respect for, both inside and outside of this forum. Plus, I don't feel as though Show and Constantine ever got the opportunity to have one last match that settled the score. I think we were tied at 2-2 for wins. So a final match against Showtime would be amazing from a personal standpoint.

I think Mikey Stormrage is the character who would fit into normal society the best. Mostly because he is a character that is rooted firmly in the realm of normality and that is the strength of the character.

Same questions to you, Sir.

How hard was it to run the gauntlet with the Elite X title?

Extremely. Especially towards the end of the run. Mostly because I had a few personal problems that were going on, like you are well aware of. Still, when things are going on in your personal life, it is hard to stay focused on such things. I also think that the most daunting enemy you can face with a gauntlet is complacency and boredom really. A couple of times, I really wanted to break free of it and see what would happen. It's hard to stay motivated but it becomes easier as you reach the goal.

To sum it up, I guess it got easier as I went along.

General thoughts on Alhazred, me as a writer, and Diabolos.

Also, Hi Dave! I feel like we never interact but I still like you.


Yeah, we never really speak. But mostly, that is because I keep myself to myself around here. I don't really go in the discussion thread all that much any more. I mainly just get through the work in the back and then go back to the normal life, I suppose. Still, I'd like to think that I keep an open PM box for anyone. If you ever want to chat or shoot the shit, drop me a PM.

As for writing talent, I guess it stands for itself. You have did a lot here in the Fed and most people realise that you can do pretty much whatever you set your mind to. Alhazred was a breath of fresh air when he came into the Fed and a lot of Creative members, past and present, really got on your dick with him, I think he holds the advantage over Diabalos in many ways. He's really a great character. I'm enjoying your run with SHIT, you two were made to be together. Still, I'm excited to see where you guys go from here. You are the Tag Champs and it was well deserved. But just like SHIT, I want to see how far you can go as singles competitors. But we shall see, you are both capable of it.

How popular or mainstream are the bagpipes in Scotland? Is it something as common as kids taking piano or guitar lessons in North America? Are there renowned pipers with national notoriety or is it a more underground interest? Have you ever played the pipes?

Not very popular, is the answer to that. Most like them but I guess they are hard to learn and not the most convenient of instruments to learn. Alas, I have not played them. However, my 4 feet 8 inch girlfriend has, which is a pretty hilarious thought...

When I can think of one to do that is compelling, fun, and something that I can devote extra time to; I will drop you a line.

Looking forward to it.
Hey, man. Hope you're doing well first of all.

Hmm! On Holmes, I really think that he has to come back as a face and finish his business with Ty and Constantine. If there comes a time in the near future when you want to come back, I feel as though this needs to be addressed as a priority. After that, the slate is completely clean with regards to his career trajectory. Personally, I would like to see you try to be a face for a while, simply for the sheer challenge it could bring you. You were always a strong writer, no doubt about it. So seeing Holmes in a completely different light would be interesting to say the least. A big feud with someone like Ty would be epic, I feel.

In terms of the KC match, I would have to go with Showtime. He's a guy whom I have massive respect for, both inside and outside of this forum. Plus, I don't feel as though Show and Constantine ever got the opportunity to have one last match that settled the score. I think we were tied at 2-2 for wins. So a final match against Showtime would be amazing from a personal standpoint.

I think Mikey Stormrage is the character who would fit into normal society the best. Mostly because he is a character that is rooted firmly in the realm of normality and that is the strength of the character.

Same questions to you, Sir.

I'm good man, hope you too are well. Regarding coming back, I think Holmes as a face is a weird one. The character is so overtly heelish that being a babyface, while not exactly impossible or even hard to RP as would just feel hell-a forced, perhaps that is the ultimate challenge, try and make it as natural as possible and given the fact that Ty and Constantine are two of the biggest heels of all time, it's got potential.

With the KC match, I think Titus would be mine. We crossed paths now and then, but to have that one-on-one feud, the epitome of a good guy in WZCW vs. the epitome of a bad guy in WZCW. Easy to book, simple to execute and fun as all hell to watch.

Real life has to be Alhazred. Perhaps not a conventional choice, but mad scientest is a character I'm shocked hasn't been done in real life. I get Heyman's kind of like that, but not in the full blown, works in a lab sort of way. It would be a sort of weird, kind of stupid character, but hell we've got midget bulls running around so why not?
So, I have a couple of questions for you all.

1) What are your thoughts on the way the Fed has been running under the current leadership as opposed to others?

2) In terms of Revolution, what did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it needed some work?

3) What other changes would you like to see in the Fed?

4) How interested are you in seeing a constant thread for EOY nominations that can be updated throughout the year?
So, I have a couple of questions for you all.

1) What are your thoughts on the way the Fed has been running under the current leadership as opposed to others?

2) In terms of Revolution, what did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it needed some work?

3) What other changes would you like to see in the Fed?

4) How interested are you in seeing a constant thread for EOY nominations that can be updated throughout the year?

1- My stint with previous leadership was very brief so I can't really comment. But I will say that I have no complaints with the current regime.

2- Thought Revolution was an excellent show, actually enjoyed it more than Kingdom Come. Feuds seemed to culminate very nicely and there were some really well written big payoff matches.

3- This will probably garner a good bit of heat as it seems pretty popular, but I'd be fine with 1 or no All-Stars rounds in each cycle. After as good a PPV as Revolution was, I feel it's a bit of a roadblock to shift gears away from business as usual.

4- Think this is a great idea. My memory is shit so it would be nice to be able to nominate something/someone shortly after it occurred rather than sifting back through previous shows to try and remember what went on at the end of the year.
So, I have a couple of questions for you all.

1) What are your thoughts on the way the Fed has been running under the current leadership as opposed to others?

2) In terms of Revolution, what did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it needed some work?

3) What other changes would you like to see in the Fed?

4) How interested are you in seeing a constant thread for EOY nominations that can be updated throughout the year?

1. I think the fed leadership is in better standing now than we were under previous management. We have a Head Of Creative in Yaz who is approachable, which to me is a really important quality for the fed management to have. Under him we have a team who I feel has been doing an awesome job. There are many great contributions whether it be the graphics, extra stuff like the Magazine/Badges, the podcast, etc.... Everyone is bringing something to the table and despite the low numbers of actual RP'ers, I feel we are in good hands due to creative being the strongest it's been since when I first started RP'ing here in WZCW. I was only here for the tail end of the team led by FalKon, let alone older creative teams, so I can really only comment comparing the team now to that of last year. Keep it up guys. I always enjoy reading the shows.

2. I liked it, possibly the best PPV that I have read since I first joined the fed. I only had two major problems with it. First of all, I did not like the World Championship match going on first. Tag Team Championship going on last was a cool move so Cerberus got to have the ending together at the end, but I am against a World Championship match ever opening anything. Halfway into the show would have sufficed in my opinion, or simply another other slot but the last. Ty would still be giving up his final match slot. Maybe it's just me, but I personally was rubbed the wrong way by that. Secondly, with Makarov now being Elite X Champion, what would happen if Constantine won the World Championship? I like the idea of RP'ing as two people but the same poster should not be holding two belts or be in the position to possibly hold two belts. Other than those two cons, it's all thumbs up for me. Excellent show when you disregard the above two things.

3. I'd drop All Or Nothing's cycle and put a 2nd All Stars there so that it can be done twice during the year. Also, I know I will be in the minority here, but I really disagreed with eliminating the Elite X Gauntlet. It made that belt stand out and the fact that Constantine completed it now sets a goal for others to try to complete it in the future. Just a thought. Lastly.... if numbers continue to dwindle, I would like to consider the option for people who have been here long enough (and want to) to be able to RP as two people. It has worked for Ty and Dave. For those who have the time for two people and would like to, if they have proved their dedication that could help keep our numbers looking a little better until more people sign up again. The stipulations would be first that you have to be a WZCW member for a year and second that only one character of yours can hold a championship belt at the same time. Maybe this way people could have a male and a female character at the same time, or a tag team specialist as well as a solo action star at the same time. Lots of possibilities that could be fun down the line. I do not know if I have the time myself for two characters, however I bet others do and could have great fun with it.

4. I'm neutral on this.
As a heads up on #2, that was a choice that KJ and I made together. We wanted to give the Tag Titles a chance to shine since Cerberus and HMP were doing outstanding work in their feud.
As a heads up on #2, that was a choice that KJ and I made together. We wanted to give the Tag Titles a chance to shine since Cerberus and HMP were doing outstanding work in their feud.

Which you did. Having the tag team match last was a cool decision. It's just a massive pet peeve of mine when WWE has a World Championship match open a show. I feel it's too important to go on first, 2nd/3rd or anywhere in the middle of the card would have been better. I am just being honest and wasn't sure if that was the best call, I still loved the show (including the Ty/Tastic match itself) so I hope neither of you take offense to that.
Which you did. Having the tag team match last was a cool decision. It's just a massive pet peeve of mine when WWE has a World Championship match open a show. I feel it's too important to go on first, 2nd/3rd or anywhere in the middle of the card would have been better. I am just being honest and wasn't sure if that was the best call, I still loved the show (including the Ty/Tastic match itself) so I hope neither of you take offense to that.

Not at all. I think the way KJ played it out as Tastic dragging Ty down to the dregs of the curtain jerking match was fantastic, played to the gimmick of Tastic as fighting for the people, and Ty seeing it as below him as part of The Elite.
So, I have a couple of questions for you all.

1) What are your thoughts on the way the Fed has been running under the current leadership as opposed to others?

2) In terms of Revolution, what did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it needed some work?

3) What other changes would you like to see in the Fed?

4) How interested are you in seeing a constant thread for EOY nominations that can be updated throughout the year?

1) I believe you guys are handling things a bit better than the Creative team that was around when I first got in. It's become a trope about shows going up much later than what everyone anticipated, but with this team it really hasn't happened as much as previous times. So I have to say excellent job in getting the shows up on a reasonable day. My only gripe is I would love to see a bit more immersive storytelling. We have some damn good characters around that deserve something that can keep their personalities fueled. When I first got in, Kurtesy & Zeus were on fire with their personal vendetta and needed no title to make it interesting. Stuff like that is just spectacular and we need more of it.

2) Of course I enjoyed it - Dynamite and I main evented! Lol but in all seriousness even if we didn't walk away with it the format was much needed. I'm going to go against Dagger a little bit here and express how much better it was to go that route than to have the World title fought at the end or the middle. Tastic has cemented himself as a fighting champion, and to revolt against Ty Burna's elitist mindset was a phenomenal start to the pay per view. Was a great change of pace.

3) More WZCW App Exclusives. I enjoyed checking those out while waiting on the next show to be up. Seems we rarely get those anymore. Since a guy like Atacus is debuting and had a promo at Revolution, maybe another little tidbit on the App from him would be cool this cycle. Or help promote a guy that doesn't get much face time like Bruce Irwin or Veejay. The Exclusives are a cool thing to use.

4) Very. People tend to forget the really cool shit that happened at the start of the year but can easily vote for something subpar that happened only a week ago. Like right now I see Revolution being a top candidate for ppv of the year. I'd want people to remember how the match card pretty much got flipped over due to Tastic's boldness. Keeping around an EOTY thread may not be the most active thread in WZCW, but an essential one regardless.
So, I have a couple of questions for you all.

1) What are your thoughts on the way the Fed has been running under the current leadership as opposed to others?

2) In terms of Revolution, what did you think? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it needed some work?

3) What other changes would you like to see in the Fed?

4) How interested are you in seeing a constant thread for EOY nominations that can be updated throughout the year?

1) I think for what we lack in roster size, you guys have made up in ingenuity. A lot of the content feels fresh and inviting. I am typically a traditionalist who doesn't like much change, but I love the PPV change-up. It's breathing new life into some of the more decayed events while leaving the thriving ones just the way they are.

Yaz seems to be having the ship running smoothly and entertainingly.

2) It was a nice PPV. I really enjoyed the tag match as the main-event and pushing the world title match to the next regular show as we don't get enough big matches like that. However, we just had a Buried Alive match, so what am I saying?

3) I think deadlines are too loose for RPs and shows. That is the only thing I would suggest working on as of now.

4) I think it is fine as long as it doesn't turn into everyone nominating their own matches frequently.


Bonus round:

I know KJ is killing it in the graphics department, but I am aware that you have graphical skills too. Is there anything that you have done that has gone unnoticed or unaccredited?

Keep up the good work regardless with things like the magazine and power rankings.
Eh, not really actually. Killjoy does a great job of adding graphics all over the place so I don't really need to do much. I did the badges, the power rabkings and the hall of fame graphic. I think Killjoy has a certain style and so do I. But honestly I just add some finishing touches to things that I'm trying to run.

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