Legit questions.
1) You guys have both been HoC, and have both spend a lot of time behind the curtain. What do you guys feel is the best trait of each HoC? What should each HoC have worked on more? I'm not looking for a ranking, but including your opinion of yourself, I'm looking for is the best and worst trait of each HoC.
2) Could you name a character or two each who you feel could have achieved so much more. I'm not talking "Oh well Mr. Chip Butty was a fun character he could have been good if he stuck around longer than two cycles." I dont want guys who were flashes in the pan, I'm more looking for someone like a SHIT who wrote one of the goddamn best RPs ever (go look up his RP in the empty church) but Miko had a fair share of real life issues that always seemed to pop up just before a big push. Or maybe, say a character who was in the wrong era. It was only a few years ago that comedy based characters were able to gain a legit foothold in the fed. Before we were dominated by serious and usually dark characters, so maybe you have a comedy character from before they got relevant.
3) Your favorite RP you ever wrote that didn't get the best reaction. Lee and I had a talk after our match a few months ago that sort of inspired this. Lee wrote an interesting RP that he was rather proud of that took a look at what Mikey was probably like as a child. I wrote an RP where Mikey was in a cereal commercial. I won, and while Lee wasn't upset, I told him he had every right to be because his RP was far better.
4) Funniest RP you guys have ever read? Saddest RP?
5) Who would win a fight between the two of you?