THE Paul London

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
When London & Kendrick became WWE Tag champs about two years ago, they went on to have an almost year long reign. Now at the time I doubt anybody thought that one would be getting a main event style push just 18 months later. But if you had to chose between the two as to who you think would get a push, if either, it probably would have been Paul London. Slightly bigger, more handsome (imo anyway) and a bit flashier. Yet today he's nowhere. I don't think he's been on TV since Jericho or Cade squashed him. At the time I though maybe they'd add him to that group. I'm pretty sure London went to HBK's school like Cade. But nothing has happened yet.

Maybe Vince is still pissed off at him. But at the moment it doesn't look like it would be a surprise if WWE wished him luck with future endeavours. It's a shame because people go on about the next Shawn Michales and while I don't believe he could be. I certainly think he's better than a lot of the pretenders.
Personally i think they chose the perfect person to go after. I couldnt see Paul london with that gimmick, he does though deserve a push. I thought he was for a minute there when he wrestled Cade, (or was it jericho i forgot) and thought that he might become a contender for the IC title.

I was like you, thought that if either of them ever got a push it would be paul london, he has been here longer, been a singles wrestler before, and was more entertaining then Kendrick. but now Kendrick has shown his full potential i doubt it.

But i would love to see this guy get a decent size push, he is far better then well Kenny Dykstra and he seems to be getting a push. I hope the WWE dont release him, they would be wasting talent.

Did i miss something? why would Vince be pissed at him? is that becouse of performing that banned move? the shooting star press? if thats the case thats pointless. the guy needs some airtime as a singles wrestler so we know if he has talent or not.

(it was Kendrick that was at HBKs wrestling school, not Paul)
When Paul London and Brian Kendrick were a tag team, I always found Paul London more entertaining. He has better and more unique wrestling skills than Kendrick in my opinion. I've always like Paul London, but the fact is that the guy just doesn't look like a main eventer. He was always the more over face out of the two in my opinion. Its sad that he's nothing more than a jobber on Raw while Brian Kendrick is getting the push of his life. London deserves more, possibly a IC title run would be nice. But I can't see him being anything more than a mid-carder at best.

Plus, a Paul London heel turn wouldn't work as his wrestling style works much better as a babyface due to his high flying ability. Brian Kendrick has showed me that he deserves his current push as I love his current gimmick and I also love his wrestling style. He has managed to gain heel heat in a quick amount of time and definately has the look and the tools of a superstar. With London being in the doghouse supposedly, I can't see him getting a push anytime soon unfortunately.

When they were a tag team none of them really outshined the other. I thought Paul London was slightly better, but not by much. I never thought Brian Kendrick would be competing for the WWE Championship on a pay per view. It's great that he's getting the push, but poor old Paul London deserves to be something more than a jobber. Hopefully the WWE realizes the talent of Paul London and decides to give him a mid-card push that he so strongly deserves.
Paul London should be a legitimate IC contender, I think. Not as high on the food chain as Kofi is, but he should be able to get some wins here and there. If not that, then they need to tag-team him with someone else, maybe Noble, just to help out that division. Its doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to have London either not show up or to just job. Its not helping out the midcard, its not helping out the main event, and its not helping out the tag team division.

But for some reason, WWE doesn't like him right now. Maybe he said "hello" the wrong way or something. As much as it makes sense to have him in a tag team or in the midcard, WWE doesn't do what makes sense a lot of the time. They just do what they want. I don't think London is particularly great, but its a total waste of his talent when you flat out don't use him at all and then you run repetitive matches every week, you know? Why bench him if he could be in a small feud with Burchill or something just to spice things up?
i was always a paul london fan but across that year long run wth the tag titles i think Kendrick really started to outshine London with his wrestling ability. Kendrick would always get the hot tag and beat up the two other guys for the win. and this past friday on smackdown we saw a very good promo by Kendrick so i really think he could go far and hope we see some more WWE title matches with him in it. Perhaps it was simply because Kendrick was on HBKs good side that he is getting this kind of a push but even if it that's the case he deserves it.

i really cant see london going far on raw. i don't think an cruiserweight has ever been pushed on raw so maybe it'd good to see London back in ROH.

Kendrick may as well have thrown London through a barber shop window
This is called "The Rocker Treatment", staring The Brian Kendrick as HBK and Paul London as Marty Jannetty. I will actually disagree with most of you that say London was the most exciting and charismatic. I think they were on the same level. Kendrick differs from London by the simple fact that he had no heat on him. Just like with the Rockers, Marty got in trouble with the office by doing crazy and outlandish things (watch his shoot interview and see for yourself) and Shawn was the good looking one who knew how to play the office just right. I'm not saying Kendrick has what Michaels had, but you get what I'm saying. The "The Brian Kendrick" thing is actually based on a character Kendrick used to play in the indies. That mixed with his Brian Pillman type looks and in ring style, and you get "The Brian Kendrick". Also you have to remember, Jim Ross is high on Kendrick, HBK trained Kendrick, Cena is friends with Kendrick and Kendrick did business the right way when he left the WWE years ago and didn't bad mouth them (a lesson others should learn. I'm looking at you Angle and Booker). Paul London better be learning the right asses to kiss and hope he can get something going. Maybe a stable with Jericho, Cade and London would work...
Did i miss something? why would Vince be pissed at him? is that becouse of performing that banned move? the shooting star press? if thats the case thats pointless. the guy needs some airtime as a singles wrestler so we know if he has talent or not.

When Vince's limo blew up London was seen on camera laughing when everyone was meant to be looking serious as Vince slowly walked past the superstars threw the back to his limo.

So he had heat for that.
Paul London was always the "other" guy in Kendrick & London for me. Him and Brian Kendrick were on the same level skill-wise, but Kendrick had that "something else" which he's displaying in full force now. Anyhoos, Londrick was one of the premiere tag teams in 2005/2006/2007 and one guy was as important as the other to the team. So Paul definitely has the wrestling skills to be a good Intercontinental champion.

One guy put it perfectly here - it's the "Rockers" treatment. The breakup of a great tag team, leading to greatness for HBK (Brian Kendrick) and relative obscurity or lesser success for Jannetty (Paul London). Add that to the backstage heat from McMahon that he's seemingly never gonna get off his back, and you have a talented guy who will not get pushed. It's a sad waste of talent. I'd like to see Paul London get a good singles push, as he's proven that he's a pretty good singles worker as well, but for now it appears that it's not gonna happen. Shame.
I don't think Paul London is going to last too much longer in the WWE. Most of the time when a successful tag team breaks up, only one of the superstars in the team goes on to be successful and the other person is left out to dry. When the rockers broke up HBK become a star and Marty Jannety didnt do shit. When MNM broke Morrison become a star and Mercury got released. And now with London and Kendrick it's obvious that Kendrick is on his way up and London's days in the WWE are numbered.
I think london is one of the best high flyers and would do great on TNA.. On wwe he deserves the chance to prove but won't get it unless he kisses ass
London's best bet right now is to find his way to ECW and quick...ECW creative staff could find some way to repackage him into a high flying heel on ECW TV. That would set up one of the best matches in a while, since the IC Title Ladder Match between Eddy G. and RVD on RAW, between Evan Bourne and Paul London.

I can see it happening now and it would lead up to one of the lost championship title coming back to life, like the cruiseweight or tv title.

But only time will tell...
Yeah back when they were tag champs, I always thought it would be London who got the bigger push. London just had a better look and was bigger than Kendrick was. Kendrick is better on the mic and probably more charismatic, but London I thought would have been the star. I think the only reason why he isn't pushed is because of his "backstage" heat and the bad attitude he has.
So this is the second time that Paul London gets the short end of a great tag team break-up push (When they broke up, Kidman was compared to Micheals and London to Genetty. Kidman did recieve an ok push to start, but London ended up getting the better one) Someone or somepeople in the WWE just don't seem to like Paul London that much. He could make a great Cruiserweight champ, except WWE scrapped that. With Londrick, I thought London was the slightly better of the two, but I knew that Kendrick could do the heel turn better than London. London's style is much better as a face than a heel. WWE desperatly needs good heels so that's why Kendrick got the push, he could play that heel and his style could be heel. I would love to see London get a push, he's worked his ass off in WWE for years and they have left him off of every Wrestlemania that he's been with the company for, maybe one. I hope London get's a push, maybe a trip to ECW will benefit him, it's worked for a number of people. Perhaps London might forever just be a guy who makes good tagteams. In that case, let's hope he finds a good partner soon and makes another title run. Hey, he and Charle Hass could form a tag team, THE LEFT BEHINDS! haha, oooo no no that's mean, they both deserve the best.
Well if Londons got heat on him its his own fault but if he hangs around long enough it could die down enough for the WWE to start using him again.

I think they should put him on ECW or bring Evan Bourne to RAW and they could have a tag team, although that would be holding Bourne back a little bit but it seems like a worthwhile idea anyway.
ECW would be better though as he could actually get some tv time, he could help their depleted roster and could play an important part in the talent initiative, he could have some good fueds with the likes of Chavo Guerrero and *shudder* Mike Knox.
I cant see much future for the guy on RAW
In my opinion they got the better of the two out of the team to begin with. Paul London doesn't have the charisma that THE Brian Kendrick is showing he has.

The other thing is, London was offered the chance at a single's push in I believe 2004, when him and Kidman split and even then, that was during a time when the Cruiserweight title was around. If London couldn't of become anything note-worthy then, and lasted, then I fail to see how he'll survive in a world without a weight-limited Championship.

I think the first problem is London is like a fish outta water being on the Raw brand. There isn't anyone he can really compete against, short of Jericho, Mysterio, Punk or Kingston.. all of which are better than he is, and it'd look mismatched. London's only chance is joining a faction. And I don't see that happening.
Maybe Paul London has charisma though Will. Look at Charlie Haas. Always techinacally sound sound, but a bit bland. He's now proven that he can at least talk on a mic. He's doing a stupid gimmick, something that will have no longevity. But it's a starting point. He can talk, and doesn't look nervous in doing so. Like most wrestlers, I'm sure Paul London would be fine given the chance.
Maybe Paul London has charisma though Will. Look at Charlie Haas. Always techinacally sound sound, but a bit bland. He's now proven that he can at least talk on a mic. He's doing a stupid gimmick, something that will have no longevity. But it's a starting point. He can talk, and doesn't look nervous in doing so. Like most wrestlers, I'm sure Paul London would be fine given the chance.

I think you hit the nail on the head though. What Paul London needs more than anything.. is a gimmick change. Stupid or not, people will suddenly WANT to see Charlie Haas more because of it being stupid/funny. Sure, he'll never get ANYWHERE with it.. but he'll keep his job and entertain.

Paul London has run his course with being a "fast guy". So a gimmick change is all that could help him. But only time will tell if he can talk, or change from being what he currently is.. which is uninteresting.
I always have, always will be, a Paul London fan. When I tuned into Smackdown one fatefull day and saw Paul London perform a 450 splash on Akio, I sat down and said "Holy Shit, What was that?" Then I was hooked.

This is why I have always been partial to the cruiserweights. But then it happened Paul London and Brian Kendrick became a tag team, thus saw the decline of one of my favorte wrestlers. Kendrick was the star, plain and simple. Why? He got legit pinfals. London had no finisher, no 450 splash not shooting star press, only a roll up. When They feuded with MNM most matched either ended in rool ups or sliced bred #2. Then they went to Raw where mixed matched teams took the spotlight. Soon both faded into obscurity then London got injured. But when he came back there was no division.

Then they split the team and here we are now, London joins Burchill in the ranks of the underused for Santino gets more face time, so Regal can job to Noble, so we can have anothe divas match, so we can have more worthless back stage promos.

Sure wrestling may be storytelling in the eyes of the WWE and i well enjoy those who are good at it: Flair, Edge, Taker, HBK, Jericho. But there are many people out there who would be just as entertained with a bunch of spot monkeys throwing caution to the wind and puting it on the line for us.

Well mabey one day I can see the MITB match with London, Kendrick, Burchill, Morrison, Bourne, and Benjamin. But as for now that day will have to wait.
When I first saw London and Kendrick, I was really excited and was hoping that they would receive a push and team for atleast a few years. then there comes a day (Judgment Day '06) where London/Kendrick win the WWE Tag Team Championships for MNM. As a team, their wrestling styles were EXACTLY the same, no one person was better than the other. The team had success their whole title reign, they would usually lose non-title matches and one-on-one matches, but when the titles are on the line, they always found a way to win. You also have to notice that it was obvious that London was the leader of the group and was helping Brian Kendrick elevate his career and almost every time the team lost Kendrick was usually the one who always got pinned. Then there came a day (April 20, 2007 on SD!) when they lose the WWE Tag Team Championships to Deuce 'N Domino and from then, the team downfalls. They get drafted to RAW, win their debut, get lost in the tag team division, then wins the World Tag Team Championships. I thought that would be the beginning of another push for the team, but lose the titles a mere 3 days later. The team did nothing for a while, London gets injured, Kendrick get squashed, London returns, the team still do nothing, then finally the draft comes and Brian Kendrick gets drafted to Smackdown. Brian Kendrick is receiving a monster push on SD! while Paul London is getting his ass whipped on RAW or not even wrestling. It's pretty clear that WWE just started taking a liking to Kendrick because London was the one who won the Cruiserweight Championship and WWE was originally planning to push London, but since he has a bad rep backstage, he will continue to be used as a jobber... what a shame.
I think they need to dress London up as Neo off of the matrix. Now you all must think thats a horrible idea, but listen here. Have him try and preform the moves like off of the 1999 sci-fi block buster, but have other wrestlers kick him while he tries to dodge punches. Turn him into a comedy piece on Raw, similar to Super Eric on TNA. Then, in a few months, when Gregory Helms comes back, have him cut a promo on how absolutly idiotic Paul London is. Set up a few spots where Helms make London look like a piece of crap. Set up a match between the two, where Helms repetitively slaps London across the face. This leads to a punch to the face that knocks down Helms, and have London run up and hit the Shooting Star Press on Helms, but have Helms get out of the way, which leads to a pin by Helms. Instantly, Helms is set off as a Heel, and London a face with a name. You could even have london join up with Helms, and they could both be pushed.
i thought for sure london was gunna be involved in the hbk jericho fued. he still could make a run in for hbk at unforgiving and kinda take over for him while hes out with the injury. i could see him coming in costing jericho the match and then fueding with jericho/cade. it would totally work but of course it will never happen. i think london should do whatever he can to get his backstage rep up even if it means giving jbl a bj. if that dont work he should push for a move to ecw and play the pissed off other guy. upset at the sucsess of the kendrick and out to proove hes the one who should be getting the push. if he "snapped" and started a fued with chavo or bourne it would be awesome. they could tease a future fued with kendrick by having them pass one another in the halls since ecw and smackdown guys can wrestle on both shows. he would totally work as a heel becuase i see the brian kendrick gimmick as one that the fans will start to love and kendrick will become face which leaves a nice spot for london as a heel.

if none of that happens london should ask for a release and jump ship to tna. tna is super disorganized and book like ******s but they give airtime to talent not size and thats what london needs. he would wreck the xdivision
I have examined this topic very closely lin the past few days. I looked at youtube vids of Paul London's and Brian Kendrick's respective early years in the WWE and their independent work. Paul London put on some very good matches against AJ Styles in ROH and Kid Kash and Chris Sabin for the X Division title (if you have a chance watch the Sabin match). While Leonardo Spanky had some very good matches against Bryan Danielson and Kaz.

After veiwing much tape I came to a interesting conclusion. Paul London was more interesting to watch and was better Pre WWE while Kendrick was better post WWE. The Brian Kendrick easily adapted to the WWE style where London was more restricted. Kendrick is the WWE's guy plain and simple. This is why he gets the push.
I liked london more but like people said the brash cocky superstar thing works great with kendrick. London has some good moves and could put on some good matches with Kofi I think. If he ever comes back and isnt a jobber i think he should be competing for the intercontinental title
personally i dont think either of them should have been pushed london was flashy yes...but just cause he went too shawn michaels school dosent mean he is the next shawn will either A. get released sooner or later or B. change his whole gimmick but personally i think i'll go with A. but that must suck you're partner gets pushed but you're in the doghouse....why is he even in the doghouse for smiling when vince got exploded?? wow.
personally i dont think either of them should have been pushed london was flashy yes...but just cause he went too shawn michaels school dosent mean he is the next shawn will either A. get released sooner or later or B. change his whole gimmick but personally i think i'll go with A. but that must suck you're partner gets pushed but you're in the doghouse....why is he even in the doghouse for smiling when vince got exploded?? wow.

Breaking kayfabe during the biggest, most climactic angle they had going at the time maybe? But fuck that, the guy hasn't been featured once at WM in like 5 years i believe, and when he was it was part of a cruiserweight open wasn't it? They obviously have nothing for the guy to do, so laughing during a segment is NOT why he isn't being used.

I've never really liked London that much personally. His only fued was with Billy Kidman who i also never liked. I can appreciate his abilities and admit that his standing SSP is great and his 450, the dropsault is still just a dropkick, and the mule kick was stupid because you can't be in mid air and kick backwards with any real force. I also don't remember a single promo from him.
I remember the first time Brian Kendrick was on WWE tv, and his origianl promo asking Stephanie McMahon for a contract, and immediately remember wanting to see him get one. After that he did nothing really, up until he started tagging with London, and there's a 3 year gap between those occurrences. Now look at him. Following in Morrison's footsteps of getting away from just being lumped as a tag team guy and trying desperately to get over as a singles wrestler, and it's working incredibly well. I think after Sunday, everyone wants to see him succeed.

They've found something for Charlie Haas to do, so i don't see why London, with all his talents, can't get over somehow.

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