The official Ted Dibiase Jr. Fan Club

well put my friend he s the futures big part along with my other favorite heels. edge, orton, mvp, kenndrick, miz ,morrison hell yeah

Edge- Has been around for years and gone through countless matches (Ladder,TLC) where his body has been banged up. He is more present than future.

Orton- If he can keep his attitude in check is going to go a long way. Good look cocky attitude, very skilled.

MVP- Has all the potential in the world but creative wants him to work more like Shelton Benjamin. He is just fine as MVP. Future Unknown.

Kendrick- I love this guy. He's skilled he has a good look,a good bodyguard, his dance goes with his character,his theme music works for him too. But he will probably always stay in the midcard.

Miz- Very obnoxious most improved on the roster IMO. But will probably stay in midcard as well.

Morrison- This guy is amazing. I was at Wrestlemania this year and his moonsault with that ladder was amazing. He is very talented but creative thinks hes trying too hard to be funny like Miz and is suffering from lack of push because of it.

Ted DiBiase- Has all the tools to be the best in the buisiness. In 2-3 years should be World Champion. If he stays out of trouble he will go a long way.

Get over it Becker I still like Santino. I just noticed noone was posting in the SFAC recently and didnt want all the fan clubs on WZ to die. People like DiBiase as do I so I started a famn club. Why do people think there always has to be fan club wars?Lol
John Cena. He's good on the mic and over with the fans, but has never possessed good in-ring psychology or wrestling skills. His gimmick doesn't even make sense and he's often given clean wins over guys much better at actual wrestling than him (Team Priceless) and basically he gets every advantage one could ask for without having deserved it, in my opinion. You don't get much more overrated than that.

This man is brilliant. Recognizing the true talent that is Team priceless and bashing that of that fool John Cena.
Well well well. Another SFAC knockoff club, this one being about the priceless one, Teddy. First, congrats wwefan49 on making not one, but two near identical fan clubs, hope it goes well. Second, we can't be friends no more, lol, jk, but seriously, we at war now. So you'll be in for an ear full or razing, including from me, tratior, yes your a tratior, lol, so I hope you'll be able to handle it. And the idea that making more clubs will get fan clubs alive, remember if you will the once greatest club ever in wrestling, NWO, and they eventually spewed off several remakes and lesser groups and knockoffs, till it destroyed it, just saying. I ain't complaining though, I love waring with other clubs, tratior. lol.
Well well well. Another SFAC knockoff club, this one being about the priceless one, Teddy. First, congrats wwefan49 on making not one, but two near identical fan clubs, hope it goes well. Second, we can't be friends no more, lol, jk, but seriously, we at war now. So you'll be in for an ear full or razing, including from me, tratior, yes your a tratior, lol, so I hope you'll be able to handle it. And the idea that making more clubs will get fan clubs alive, remember if you will the once greatest club ever in wrestling, NWO, and they eventually spewed off several remakes and lesser groups and knockoffs, till it destroyed it, just saying. I ain't complaining though, I love waring with other clubs, tratior. lol.

Its funny Santino has been around so much longer than Ted and Ted has probably won 10 times as many matches.

It's on like Donkey Kong

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