The Official LOLTNA Thread

More like a prejudice against things more complicated than TNA is capable of pulling off. A one off match is about the extent of their abilities. Also TNA goes WAY overboard with tournaments and competitions.

One of the few.....very, very few....things I like about them. Agree to disagree.
I like the BFG Series. It's long enough to where they can develop/continue feuds while still having random, meaningful matches along the way. It's the fact that they're on their 3rd year and can't execute it properly.

Also, if they really did just drop AJ Styles' redemption storyline, I'm going to be very upset.
I don't mind the BFG series, but it would be much better if you got rid of the jobbers and only put in people that have a chance of winning so every match can be at least somewhat unpredictable.
I friggin' loved last years BFG Series. During TNA's hottest time in a good few years, they were putting on some fantastic matches in it and it seemed really important. That is of course until the shitness that was No Surrender 2012.

I heard that it's based on New Japan's G1 Climax and everyone knows how fantastic that is, especially this year. So, if they want it to be similar to the G1 then TNA need to get their act together for next year, because this year the tournament was terrible. Felt so meaningless due to the time going into stable invasion #4502030 and stable vs stable #660 storylines.
So apparently Hogan has decided to screw the Sting never gets another shot and screw the rules of the BFG Series in general because why not. TNA had a good show going tonight and then they say "eh screw this and let's just stretch it out another week".

Oh and they can't even get a visa for the guy that is leading their tournament? Shouldn't this be taken care of WAY before the expiration date? They were lucky it was cleared up so quickly.
I don't know what you guys were watching in the LD. The AJ promo was pretty bad. They gave him too much to say. He sounded like a whiny cunt attacking TNA, Tenay, and Dixie. After that he basically stomped around the ring and seemed to struggle with his next line. There were chants of "Boring" and "Wrap it up". The guy should just stick to fun ring work and curtain jerking to get the fans hyped. These storylines with him consistently fail.
AJ's heel turn has been garbage, then they just randomly turn him face and the next week have him come out and be a whiny heel again.

Not making him the TNA's biggest consistent face is still one of TNA's biggest screw ups.
AJ's heel turn has been garbage, then they just randomly turn him face and the next week have him come out and be a whiny heel again.

Not making him the TNA's biggest consistent face is still one of TNA's biggest screw ups.

AJ never turned heel in the first place. But I will agree that last week's actions were very misleading. They should've had him remind everyone after the match, on TV, that he's not exactly a face either.

And GSB, I agree that his promo wasn't as good as the LD made it sound, but I don't think it was that bad. It just dragged on too long and he needed to spread around who he was talking to. He spent too much time at the one camera and he needed to engage the crowd more.
And GSB, I agree that his promo wasn't as good as the LD made it sound, but I don't think it was that bad. It just dragged on too long and he needed to spread around who he was talking to. He spent too much time at the one camera and he needed to engage the crowd more.

I'm probably hypercritical of Styles since I think he gets way more praise than he deserves but reading what was written in the LD was mindnumbingly confusing. Still though even you said it "dragged on too long", to me that's a sign of a bad promo or a guy trying to get heat by acting too self absorbed and self important (see HHH on Raw last week). I stuck with it because it had that car crash "can't look away" feel to it. TNA's writers gave AJ a lot of good stuff last night and he couldn't execute. Either he didn't practice enough or he just can't hack this character, I believe the latter.
I've seen the promno and thought it was fairly solid, nothing mind blowing mind you. His pauses felt long and took the wind out of momentum he was building whilst cutting the promo, but when he got going (particularly towards the end) I really thought he did some good work. It felt like he was trying to build confidence throughout which in a way, works perfectly with the "lost" character he's been portraying.
I'm probably hypercritical of Styles since I think he gets way more praise than he deserves but reading what was written in the LD was mindnumbingly confusing. Still though even you said it "dragged on too long", to me that's a sign of a bad promo or a guy trying to get heat by acting too self absorbed and self important (see HHH on Raw last week). I stuck with it because it had that car crash "can't look away" feel to it. TNA's writers gave AJ a lot of good stuff last night and he couldn't execute. Either he didn't practice enough or he just can't hack this character, I believe the latter.

Well to be more specific, it dragged on through the middle, but it was much better as he picked it up near the end. But dragging on doesn't always make a bad promo. It just means some parts of it are bad. I've seen many promos that were good and bad in different parts. I agree basically with what you said, that his execution is where it faltered. But I don't think he can't handle the character. I just don't think his promo ability has ever been that good.

The part that bothered me most is he was too busy talking into the camera and not addressing the crowd practically at all. Either way, there's no way it was anything great or that good. But I've come to expect that from Styles. His mic work has never been his best asset.
The worst bit about that Styles promo was that everyone in that audience thought they were the hardest working guy at their workplace who kept getting shafted by the boss.

I know wrestling fans well enough to know that isn't the case.
- Internally, there are all kinds of questions being asked about the state of TNA. The situation is described as feeling similar to the end of the original ECW. A lot of people are still behind on pay, or at least were as of the last set of Impact tapings, particularly on the production side. Those issues, combined with Dixie Carter skipping the tapings to attend a college football game, led to all kinds of questions being asked about their future.

Two things:

1. Compared to ECW? Man, I bet TNA would welcome the WCW comparison now.

2. A fucking college football game? :lmao:
Two things:

1. Compared to ECW? Man, I bet TNA would welcome the WCW comparison now.

2. A fucking college football game? :lmao:
Of course a college football game. I'd bet paying for a student-athlete man****e is a lot cheaper than a professional athlete man****e.

In case any of you miss Devon he and Samoa Joe share a twitter.

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