The new Twisted Metal sounds wonky as shit

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show

The game focuses heavily on multiplayer combat, including various online game modes with up to 4 player split-screen and 16-players online. For example, the Nuke Mode is a new online game mode where you choose a faction to play against an opposing faction. In this mode, each faction has a giant metal statue that is being held in the air by a helicopter, which the opposing team must try to destroy. In order to destroy these statues, the player must abduct the enemy team's leader, then sacrifice the leader to a missile launcher that will, in turn, launch a nuclear missile. The person who sacrifices the leader and launches the missile has to control it to hit the opposing teams statue in the air. In order to win the opposing team has to repeat the process 3 times before the statue is destroyed for a team to win.

TWISTED FORTRESS 2 what the fuck is this shit? There had better be a classic mode where i can duke it out with like 12 different enemies and Axel the shit out of fucking everything in my path. I mean it doesn't sound HORRIBLE but the whole purpose of Twisted Metal is to turn it on and jump right into a mechanical Eldritch Abomination clusterfuck and run the fuck away from Mr. Grimm's special until you can kill him with the machine gun cause he's weak as sheeeeeit

Is Twisted Metal 1/2/3 on PSN?

Shit I remember this one racing game that was for the PS1, and you were all on bikes and like wicked fucking redneck, and you had bats and could knock other racers off on the way, think it was like Road Rash or something. Shit was awesome
Yeah that was Road Rash. I rented Road Rash 64 once and my 8 year old self loved it.
Twisted Metal 3 is the shit. Roadkill owns all except for when my brother plays as Club Kid, him and his damn whirlpools.
Man I remember playing through 3 with some people and everyone was getting owned on the last level, so I drove up with Auger, used his special, and threw Primeval out of the hole in the blimp

easiest win ever
I think Black was the best of the series but I haven't played any of the earlier ones in sooo long.
I only played a bit of black, Head On is alright too

It's kind of one of those games that you have to play with people though, like in the same room going WHERE ARE YOU MOTHER FUCKER
Always had the same strategy when it came to Primeval, stock up on specials. Club Kid uses all his whirlpools near the hole of the blimp then Roadkill messes him up with the American rockets. He eventually falls out. I remember discovering the cheat codes for Mideon and Sweet Tooth. BEST DAY EVER!
I loved the first 4. 4 wasn't AS good as 3, but was still fun.
As far as if there are any on PSN, yes. Twisted Metal 2 is on PSN. Bought that one when it came out.
I'm looking forward to this one. It's like a mix of black, and the original ones.

Anyone played the new Duke Nukem yet? I played the Demo, and it brought back a lot of good childhood memories

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