The New Big Show

as the starter of the post....
I want to just say I do not think or want the Big Show pushed....I'm just saying used to hate him and like him doing more moves and not the dumb boxing thing anymore....

he has potential to maybe have a good fued or some good matches but by no means do I think he should be in the main event title picture or have it around his waist...

You're right... we drifted off a bit as most of these threads often do.

In response, I will say that I have always been impressed with the Big Show. People forget how big this guy is. He is a HUGE monster. But, he's also agile for his immense size. I love the fact that he is finally able to utilize his incredible agility. He's REALLY been impressing me, as well.
I've always though Show is underused. Back in the day with Andre no one ever beat him. So why is Show made to look like a wimp? The man is a giant, he should never loose to guys like mysterio or cena. And him getting submitted, if show wanted outta that STF all he had to do was move. He is also needs to cut some wait, he's getting boobs like Flair, and has really done nothing impressive lately. I'm glad the boxing gimmick is done, it should've been done when the mosquito Floyd beat him. For Big Show to be good again he needs to loose at least 75 lbs get down to how he looked when he entered WCW and for GOD'S SAKE LEARN HOW TO TALK !!! and maybe do something more than punch, headbutt, side slam, chokeslam!
Again, you apparently didn't read my post...most people blindly cheer for whoever Vince pushes

No, I read your post just fine. Your statement was a matter of opinion. Vince doesn't brainwash people. We like whoever we like... period. Furthermore, it's Vince's job to CREATE STARS. If he creates stars, he makes more money and we become more entertained.

And I take offense to you thinking that I could possibly be associated with (who you refer to as) "sheep".

Simply explained, Vince puts people on TV and then he sees the crowd's reaction. Whether he pushes them or not is a result of their initial outing. I feel like we're having an argument about what came first, the chicken or the egg? It's the same principle. Either way, we're drifting off subject.

Fact of the matter is that the Big Show was a WCW star as "The Giant." When he came into the WWE, everytime he was pushed, he flopped.

Mark Henry, Great Khali, JBL, Jeff Hardy, Goldberg, Booker T...

Ok... let's entertain this.

Mark Henry - He was in the main event picture?? Does ECW count? I think not.

Great Khali - He was a monster when he first came in. Just like with the Big Show, he was given the ball and dropped it... BIG TIME.

Jeff Hardy - Probably the most popular character in the WWE, and it took him over 10 years to reach the WWE championship. His second (though short-lived) title reign resulted in the push of a new heel in CM Punk.

JBL - A veteran of the business. I thought like you at first, but once he was put in that position, he did a tremendous job. He was the longest reigning world champion on Smackdown, at one point. How could you say he didn't deserve it?

Goldberg - The most popular superstar in the wrestling industry next to Austin and the Rock at the end of the 1990's. He deserved to be in the main event.

Booker T - A veteran of the business. One of the most balanced workers in the industry. He deserved everything that came to him.

You're saying these stars didn't deserve a main event push?? I'll ask you again... how long have you been watching the product for? It seems like you missed a lot of history.
I've always though Show is underused. Back in the day with Andre no one ever beat him. So why is Show made to look like a wimp? The man is a giant, he should never loose to guys like mysterio or cena. And him getting submitted, if show wanted outta that STF all he had to do was move. He is also needs to cut some wait, he's getting boobs like Flair, and has really done nothing impressive lately. I'm glad the boxing gimmick is done, it should've been done when the mosquito Floyd beat him. For Big Show to be good again he needs to loose at least 75 lbs get down to how he looked when he entered WCW and for GOD'S SAKE LEARN HOW TO TALK !!! and maybe do something more than punch, headbutt, side slam, chokeslam!

Ah Big Show does more than that. He does suplexes and stuff as well. What more in the ring can he do? He's not Hardy or Bourne. He does what he is supposed to do and it's effective in the ring. I don't know where you getting that Big Show can't talk. He is one of the better mic workers the WWE has right now.
Mark Henry - He was in the main event picture?? Does ECW count? I think not.

Great Khali - He was a monster when he first came in. Just like with the Big Show, he was given the ball and dropped it... BIG TIME.

Jeff Hardy - Probably the most popular character in the WWE, and it took him over 10 years to reach the WWE championship. His second (though short-lived) title reign resulted in the push of a new heel in CM Punk.

JBL - A veteran of the business. I thought like you at first, but once he was put in that position, he did a tremendous job. He was the longest reigning world champion on Smackdown, at one point. How could you say he didn't deserve it?

Goldberg - The most popular superstar in the wrestling industry next to Austin and the Rock at the end of the 1990's. He deserved to be in the main event.

Booker T - A veteran of the business. One of the most balanced workers in the industry. He deserved everything that came to him.

You're saying these stars didn't deserve a main event push?? I'll ask you again... how long have you been watching the product for? It seems like you missed a lot of history.

Mark Henry- was in the main event picture against Kurt Angle a few years ago

Khali - of course he failed. He is so sloppy that he actually killed a guy in the ring. that's the point..he didnt deserve it

Jeff -popular sure, but doesn't actually deserve it

JBL- only got the spot because Vince was desperate after Lesnar left..JBL never did anything to prove he deserved it

Goldberg/Booker- ok, just for the sake of argument let's take them off the list, even though they didn't deserve the title

over 15 years
Big Show/Miz would be nice I want someone to build Miz up

Are you kidding! Cena is building Miz up right now and it's working perfectly for him. No no no no Big Show needs to stay away from Miz.

Big Show/Goldust? thats nice to see

Umm..... Bad Idea. I'm not even gonna go into why.

I like Show's new moves but he's still the same old big guy he's always been. Creative should be giving Kane Show's push and put Show in Kane's position, a jobber. Show just doesn't work as a champion anymore, well not world champ. People just aren't interested anymore. He's good enough to be there and has been there long enough to help the younger guys BUT he is past his prime and needs to take a back seat for a while and let the real players take the big feuds and titles.

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