Big Show Coming Back?

Ive always liked the Big Show, personally I would have liked to seen him in TNA as I dont feel WWE really need him that much. I see him possibly coming in Royal Rumble surprise entrant square of with Khali and then I would hope that be it between them two I dont want to see it! haha! I think he will come back as a face without a doubt for a bit then when it dies down turn him into a heel, I dont see him having a very active role to be honest and I can see him going straight back to ECW against CM Punk that I think would be good! But cant wait lets see what he does!
It's great to see him coming back. He's one of the few super heavyweights that I can stand to watch. He has a decent moveset for a man of his size. It's great to hear that he's down to 440 pounds. Maybe he'll be as toned as he was in his early days of WWF.

The only problem is that WWE has way too many monsters. I hope they'll get rid of some of them, especially Snitsky and Khali.
I was never really a Big Show fan but he has put on some good matches, especially with Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, and even his 06 feud with Triple H surprised me with a few good outings. I hope he gets a nice push and makes things interesting for WWE.
Wow the Big Show may be coming back. I am bored already. A Match with him and Khali at Wrestlemania would provide people a bathroom break and given enough time, a refill on beer and snacks! Big Show was the least effective ECW Champion, WWE Champion or World Champion. As a matter of fact he was so boring during most of his run they attempted to make him humorous and that too was a lack luster performance. First the WWE hires Ron Killings (K-Kwik) and then possibly hiring Chris Harris. I thought the WWE was getting rid of worthless talent not encouraging them back!

So, after watching Raw, anyone else thinking that HHH's Rumble qualifier match will be against Show?

Obviously trotting Khali out again won't work, and Vince needs someone that seems intimidating and believable against HHH.

A returning Show seems perfect.
I totally agree with HHH against the big show for his quailifier match, when he was in ecw he helped mcmahon even though it kinda backfired with his face stuck up his a**
I think this is huge. He's a great superheavyweight - athletic, multi-faceted, strong on the mic. Big Show's return will mean great things for Umaga, Bobby Lashley, Batista, and Khali who need another big man to play off of.

I always liked Paul Wight because he is a SHW who moves like a regular guy and takes his craft very seriously. He also seems to have a lot of fun. The only fear I have is WWE bringing him back in the same monster heel persona as the other SHW's and not allowing him to use his humor and skill in the ring instead of just his size.

I say, put him on Smackdown to start. He'll get strong matches with Batista and Khali, and Edge would work off him extremely well.

I agree with this, i am loving what is going on in the WWE right now, it feels like a breathe of fresh air, seeing new talent up in the main event spot and returning classics, as well as the usual top guys such as Triple H working with the mid card guys were he can make a great rivalry instead of repetitive main events. A return of the Big Show now would give WWE a full swing to start off the New Year with heading right to WrestleMania. I either see him showing up at the Rumble as a surprise entrant or before No Way Out in time for WrestleMania. The first thought that comes to mind is a Show vs Khali match at Mania just cause of the size of these 2, and maybe Show could even show Khali how to wrestle at his size. I don't see Show coming back the way Chris Jericho did, straight into a title shot, but he can be placed in that mode against Edge, it will create a new rival for Edge and save us from repetitive story lines. Other big guys such as Batista and Umaga can also benefit. I just hope the WWE don’t give Big Show a good return and them bury him a while after Mania and hopefully keep him at a top level now he is in even better shape and has a choice of fresh new rivals.
its coz the network want to see more legends and attitude era product seriously they wanted a more attitude era product or else

as for big show i think hes the best big man wrestler so far to grace a ring i mean he has a good moveset and ability for his size has really good mic skills and is entertaining

he has been a multi time world champion and heel and face

WWE needs a fresh heel so big show is the one to be that fresh wrestler
In my opinion this could be a big thing for WWE. He is a true giant who can still put on a good match.
I would either put him on smackdown as a member of Edge's Stable to help spark the upcoming undertaker feud. It can be Edge's Stable vs Taker and Batista type deal. Give him a match at NWO or WM vs Batista (This is all in hoping that they dont give Batista the rumble), then possibly after WM starting yet another feud with the Undertaker (the matches were great).

Or throw him onto ECW again, give him the belt and just have everyone go out and try to stop him like they did before. Have him beat Punk and give Punk the push to Smackdown or Raw.

Overall I cant wait to see him back in the ring, and hopefully it is HHH's opponent to get into the rumble.
I like this. The return of the Big Show can mean great things for WWE. But I do have a question that comes to mind.

I recall in an interview, when talking to Big Show... he replied "I no longer answer to my slave name". If he returns, would he return as Paul Wight, or would WWE make him use the name Big Show again?

Personally, I thought "The Giant" was fine.
I recall in an interview, when talking to Big Show... he replied "I no longer answer to my slave name". If he returns, would he return as Paul Wight, or would WWE make him use the name Big Show again?

Personally, I thought "The Giant" was fine.

This is a prime example of when Superstars leave the company that truly helped rise their career.. & they turn their backs & bad-mouth that company, claiming they'd never go back, they'd never answer to the superior ways of the World Wrestling Corperation.

Fact is, the "slave name" made him thousands upon thousands of dollars. (can't say millions, because, well.. its the Big Show) And upon his return, I honestly hope they put him back as "The Giant" because all that gimmick was, was W.C.W. trying to make Show look like he was the son of Andre. (which, for reference sake.. he's not)

So yeah, I hope Big Show pays a price for his words.. its what he gets, for thinking he's bigger than the company that helped make him.
you speak the truth mate, i totally agree with you. The fact of the matter is with TNA around they cant afford to reject people like the Big Show because all though the WWE isn't desperate for the Big Show and it wont make them a weaker company witout him, but it makes TNA a stronger company with him.
I must admit though i do like the Big how as a wrestler.
I want to see big show get the HBK debut of 2002 but that isn't likely to happen or even a Goldberg debut where he just comes in destory's and leaves he doesn't need mic time early. He just needs to destory others that is what will get him over and people either for him or against him.

They have the potential now to re-start with him and make him into the monster or protector whatever route they want to go with but more than likely he will be doing jobs to Snitsky by the end of the year.
i also think it will be triple h vs big show and big show just winning with a chokeslam and than he would be fueding with the wwe champ and eventually winning it all
I think Show should show up on RAW to beat HHH, but then move over to SD! because I think he could be of better use there. Have it look like Big Show wants a title shot against Edge. Set up a Triple Threat Match against Edge and Batista. Then have it be revealed that Big Show is in league with Edge, have him maul Batista, allowing Edge to pin him, setting up Big Show vs. Batista, a match against two veterans of WWE who, as far as I can remember, have never faced each other one-on-one. And Undertaker gets Edge all to himself at WM.
I think Show should show up on RAW to beat HHH, but then move over to SD! because I think he could be of better use there. Have it look like Big Show wants a title shot against Edge. Set up a Triple Threat Match against Edge and Batista. Then have it be revealed that Big Show is in league with Edge, have him maul Batista, allowing Edge to pin him, setting up Big Show vs. Batista, a match against two veterans of WWE who, as far as I can remember, have never faced each other one-on-one. And Undertaker gets Edge all to himself at WM.

Sounds good to me ....

Well, if it is the big show who will be facing the game on RAW then he wont be going to the Rumble ( Triple H is clearly winning this match folks .) I say have him return as a suprise entrant at the Rumble, that way he can go to ECW or SD! instead of showing up on RAW to face Triple H.

I do believe however that it will be either Big Show or Lashley who faces Trips
on Raw.

Please Big Show come back. He's a great suerstar and it would be very entertaining and exciting to see him what he does best once again
O.k it is confirmed, he is returning. It could be any show soon too.

So what could be planned?

I say suprise rumble entry or suprise raw return to face H.

Then again, obviously jeff will win the title at rumble and defend at No Way Out in a cross brand elimination chamber. Big show ossibly wait that long and return then?
I am starting to feel that a mystery return or a suprise rumble entry is too predictable, even for WWE creative, I think with the current rosters big show will be beszt suited to smackdown/ ecw rather than raw, simply because this sets him up for feuds with khali, big daddy v, kane and all the giants, on raw he really only has Umaga, i couldent see him being the raw champion.

It will be intresting to see if he is a heel or face, in my opinion he is good at both, he seems like a naturally funny man but also can be so dangerous, i wonder just how much weight he has lost aswell.

i personally am looking forward to this return more than chris jericho or lashley
i hope to see him as a good face btw he has lost sum weight i see him all the time but his arms are huge!!! i dont talk to him much tho..i see him maybe 3-4 times a week
Hmm I'm skeptical about this one. I was never a big fan of Big Show, because I didn't see that much skill come from him, and his main attribute was his height and weight. However he has got into a shape a little more, and after seeing Umaga I think I'm a little more open to seeing skill come from a larger wrestler.

I think he should be used on Smackdown, because Raw is overcrowded as it is, and Smackdown needs a main even heel, which will create more rivalry. On raw any talent he may have will be overshadowed and wasted.
Hmm I'm skeptical about this one. I was never a big fan of Big Show, because I didn't see that much skill come from him, and his main attribute was his height and weight. However he has got into a shape a little more, and after seeing Umaga I think I'm a little more open to seeing skill come from a larger wrestler.
Big Show when he left as ECW Champion was doing a hell of a job in the ring, putting on one entertaining contest after another, as long as he was given someone competent to work with (read: not Sabu). Big Show literally carried ECW by himself for weeks and would be the only reason I watched. I don't think it's any coincidence that since overrated smark favorite CM Punk became champion the ratings have tanked for ECW, and are being outdone by TNA on occassion. Big Show was carrying that show and did a very fine job of it.

He's a very good wrestler, was still fairly mobile and understood how to work a crowd more at the time of his departure than at any other time in his career. I can't wait to see him back.

I think he should be used on Smackdown, because Raw is overcrowded as it is, and Smackdown needs a main even heel, which will create more rivalry. On raw any talent he may have will be overshadowed and wasted.
I think Raw would be a much better place for him, with Edge as the Smackdown champion. Smackdown already has Khali and Kane. I imagine Big Show will probably go back to ECW, where they need the boost in starpower.
I agree with SlyFox here. Show was a HUGE step for ECW, and even though he wasn't an "ECW Original," he did the best job of taking ECW into a different level. He was a strong heel, worked excellent matches, could go hardcore or straight wrestling, and really legitimized the new ECW Title.

But he won't get sent back to ECW. And it's a shame why. Vince will more than likely choose to focus on the younger talents with ECW, and with so many other injured stars coming back, Show's return on Raw will create some powerful matchups.
I've never been a big fan of ECW, I'll watch it when it's on, but it's not something I rush foreards to watch, and therefore didn't see much of him on ECW. However I'll take your word for it.

I think his return could cause some interesting feuds wherever he is placed, I just think Smackdown need it a lot more than Raw do at the moment. Raw already is the biggest show, so I can see him going to Smackdown and working his way up from there.

The one thing I'm afraid of is them sticking him in a feud with Khali. He can do nothing, and the sooner the WWE get rid of him the better. When Umaga and Khali first came I thought Great, another couple here just because they're larger than the others. But Umaga has really proven me wrong with how he wrestles. Khali has proved me right; he can do nothing.
Then again, obviously jeff will win the title at rumble and defend at No Way Out in a cross brand elimination chamber. Big show ossibly wait that long and return then?

I wish it were so because Hardy = ratings. I was sure Orton was gonna win, but have become skeptical since Hardy's big push including beating HHH clean, but alas...I think WWE magazine has spoiled it again. The Chamber match is to decide who faces another champion other than Rumble winner (who will be HHH). Hardy will be in the Chamber match, but fighting for a Wrestlemania spot...not defending his title.

And as for Show...he SHOULD go to ECW, but he won't and since all the monsters are on Smackdown I say he goes to RAW and they see how that goes, at least until the draft after WM24.

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