Big Show Coming Back?

I think show would be great fit for smackdown because im tired of seeing the brands top 2 faces always facing henry or the black vader(big daddy v) and maybe throw him in as a heel but more of a guy who only wants the belt so hes not on edges side sort of the monster heel hes good at. i would also like to see him and kane reunite since i was away from wrestling during their reign and i just wanna see kane moved above the status of jobber. I dont think hed fit raw they have way too much talen while smackdowns had the same guys dukin it out all year (edge,taker,batista). kinda getting old. however i agree that his skill isnt great considering the slaps and headbutts repeatedly thrown. but the way i look at it hes not bad at all i mean look how shitty khali is. show was decent and good draw some heat.

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