Big Show To TNA?

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I love Kurt Angle as much as the next smark, but if he has ideas like this and the supposed "Pigpen" gimmick for Chris Sabin, then Dixie and Jeff need to check his suggestions and the door and just keep him as a WRESTLER ONLY. Wight is about as necessary to the TNA roster as a group staph infection or a rapidly-spreading case of herpes. He does nothing to enhance any roster he goes on and hasn't for a long time. Being big and being talented in terms of wrestling ability are two very separate things, and as far as I'm concerned, Paul Wight only wins the day in one of these departments...

...and it sure as hell ain't the wrestling, man.
I don't want to see Big Show in TNA but then again, it could help with ratings. Also, WWE may not have known what to do with Big Show, but TNA would. They want to make his character right. An unstoppable monster. That is the way that giants should be in wrestling. Unstoppable.
Worst idea ever. Big Show would be (no pun intended) the biggest waste of money & he would not bring in new fans. I don't know one single wrestling fan who marks out for the Big Show.

Besides TNA doesn't need giants. TNA made their name by good wrestling and thats what they need to start doing again instead of this stupid sports entertainment sh*t they're doing.
that is what wwe is wimpy wrestling entertianment stupid sh*t sports entertainment wrestling now!
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