Big Show's Spear

My problems with the Big Shows moves really is not as much the spear but the fact that he can knock a guy out with one punch. He loses every singles match he is in but if he can land one punch then he will win. Punching is one of the main moves in wrestling and this guy cannot do it cause he has to save it for a finisher. The spear seems like more of a legit move for him.
I think the Big Show's spear fits him well, as many have stated the guy is huge and because of that you could legitimately believe that it would cause some serious damage. If anyone of the current WWE roster can make the spear look devastating it is the Big Show and I would go out on limb and say it is probably the most effective version. Put it this way, out of Edge, Batista or Big Show running in my direction about to give me a spear I could say in all honesty that the sight of a 500 lbs Show coming for me would be more than enough to get the steppin'. Overall, because of his size, Show gives the move instant credibility and I think it suits him.
Big Show's spear is an awesome finisher. When he does it on a little guy like Bourne, it looks like he could snap him in half. The best finisher are the ones that look the most realistic/painful, and Big Show's spear does just that. It's just as good as, if not better than, the KO Punch and Chokeslam, so I don't see the big deal.
Big Show is a 7 foot 400lbs+ man who is incredibly agile for his size. I encourage the man to develop as many moves & skills in the ring as possible as he is slowly becoming one of the best big men in the history of the wrestling business. Once his career is over, I would not be suprised to see him being with the ranks of Vader & Undertaker due to his contributions.

The Big Show, someone of the nature I have described before, does a spear... it is TOTAL IMPACT. When he delivers something of that size, you can not help but just look in shock & awe from how much that could possibly hurt. Done in real life or football, you can believe that your ribs will be no more than a pile of bone dust after Show hits that. It may not be as perfectly executed like Edge does it, but spear tackles are a fast running move that only needs to connect. No finesse should be needed, just momentum.
My problems with the Big Shows moves really is not as much the spear but the fact that he can knock a guy out with one punch. He loses every singles match he is in but if he can land one punch then he will win. Punching is one of the main moves in wrestling and this guy cannot do it cause he has to save it for a finisher. The spear seems like more of a legit move for him.

Just to make a point, I used to be an unlicensed boxer, and I fought against men who could legitimately knock men out with one punch. People like that don't come along very often, but they do exist. I knew one who wasn't even 6' and weighed about 175lb soaking wet, but he knocked me out with one punch. I honestly think that someone like big show. with his size, can execute moves like the spear believable, and I also would say that the punch is believable, because I have seen it legit.
I don't know I can't seem to understand how anyone could not like Big Shows spear. I am not even a Big Show fan but the spear is great for Show def the perfect finisher and very believeable as a finisher cause how many people are going to get up and kickout after Show plows thru there upperbody with a spear. You could say the same for Mark Henry if he were to use a Bearhug but his worlds strongest slam isnt bad i wouldnt want to be on the recievng end of it with the type of momentum a guy like him can generate in short distance thru his weightlifting and strongman backround that slam is deadly just like Shows spear. I think edge needs to find a new finisher cause his spear is HORRIBLE!!!! Batista is better but not good Show has the best Spear I have seen since Goldberg and Rhino. Although Show does need to lose the one punch KO thing now that he has the spear, not a fan of the punch.
It looks real disturbing whenever Big Show does a Spear. It's like "Getting hit by a Vintage two-ton truck" as Michael Cole would say (Threw in the vintage, lol), but really there's no point of him doing such a move. Big Slow executes that move horribly because he moves too slow and it ends up looking like a lower Clothesline from Hell. Big Show has a horrible move set, anyways. I mean really, is a "big right fist" all that he's got as a finisher? Khali found a better finisher than that and I'm talking about the ViceGrip.
His spear isn't impressive and he should really make the chokeslam look dominant again. I mean being lifted to 10 feet in the air and being slammed to the mat. C'mon tell me that isn't cool! Big Show needs to go back to the chokeslam and no more spears. His and Batista's look awful. Edge should only be using it. It just looks sluggish and bad.
His spear isn't impressive and he should really make the chokeslam look dominant again. I mean being lifted to 10 feet in the air and being slammed to the mat. C'mon tell me that isn't cool! Big Show needs to go back to the chokeslam and no more spears. His and Batista's look awful. Edge should only be using it. It just looks sluggish and bad.

Why cant he do both? they are BOTH great finishers and I think its great Big Show is trying to re-invent himself with his new move set.
Wait what?????? Edge should be using the spear???? Are you kidding Edge has possibly the worst looking spear in pro wrestling right now. Not only does it not look devastating at all he isnt even good at the move. The spear is not a believeable finisher for him. Show does the spear much better than Edge. Edge should be finishing people with some sort of high risk move not a power move like the spear.
Wow I can't believe this thread is still going, that's amazing. Come one people, how can you honestly say that Big Show's spear doesn't look devastating? Just because he moves a little slower than most doesn't mean a thing. He's still a near 500lb man ramming into your mid-section as fast as he can move, that's gonna hurt. A freight train travelling at 15 miles an hour will destroy anything in it's path because of it's size. Big Show is a huge person that rams into you. That's believable, more believable that when anyone else does it. I know even in the world of wrestling, I still wouldn't want to be speared by the Big Show, ask Evan Bourne how it felt.
Edges spear without going into the argument of how it looks, WORKS as a finisher because he runs UNCOILS and throws his entire being into you. On the other hand not only is Show too slow to execute the move with an out of nowhere delivery (half the fun of the damn move.) all his spear does is extenuate the fact that hes not REALLY ramming into you at full force. I cant disagree with expanding your moveset and it is fun to watch Show try to perform good this time around horrible the next I don't mind the move just not as a finish.

I can't believe theirs an audience that does not appreciate Shows K.O. Punch hes to beat down and in too poor of shape to drop to his knees for an old school "ShowStopper" chokeslam and even the sissy one he delivers now is taking a toll on his back way too apparently so he decides "Im the biggest athlete in the world I don't need any fancy finishes or jawdropping maneuvers when the fact of it is...I punch you-you dead." And whats wrong with that? If anything thats a problem with wrestling today we worry about workrate spotfests so much we forget the black and white reality infront of our eyes.
I've kept meaning to post about this for months now.
I just want to simply ask one question..


Not only does he look INCREDIBLY awkward when he does it, but it just looks SO BAD.

The Spear is a move done by guys like Edge, Edge's spear is great, because you can see it being a a legitimate finisher. People sell it well. The spear is sudden, and supposed to be like a big shock.

Big Show's, he runs like a charging Rhino and I can't help that feel he is the last person in WWE that should be doing the move, the other person who would kill it would be Khali. I mean I think Big Show's spear is killing the moves impact.

Obvious it is impactful, because its a 500 hundred pound man doing it, but its out of place.


they try to make him look like some kind of super beast.

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