Optimist Prime
Arise Optimist Prime...
You are a very negiative nelly Rhino is a pretty decent promo when produced properly, look at his ECW work. How is 2005-present the decline of Wrestling? WWE has been making pretty major profits in an era of financial collapse. Not to mention being more profitable than at any time of in its history.
ECW was pretty much the TNA X Division. Low budget, less popular guys, etc. So Rhyno compared to a Taz or something looks significantly better than Rhyno against anyone from WWE or WCW back in the day. That's like me bragging that I beat a 12 year old in basketball. Had I played with better players...I'd probably get my ass kicked.
2005-present is the decline of wrestling because there hasn't been any competition really. TNA is barely a blip compared to what WCW was. And when there is no competition...all you have to do is continue to occupy your customers that just barely meet their satisfaction requirements. Look at what happened when WCW started beating WWF in the mid-to-late 90's...wrestling was absolutely amazing because they challenged each other to take it to the next step and out do the other. When you don't have to worry about your competitor stealing more of your fanbase...you don't have to worry about taking it to the next level...you can just coast along doing the same thing over and over again just substituting a new guy here and there. That's exactly what the WWE has done.
WWE makes good profit because it's built itself a reputation over the years and is currently the only real main wreslting organization out there (that travels anyway - and TNA is still ridiculously small compared to them). It's not necessarily because people love seeing John Cena win the World Title every week on Raw...it's because they grew up watching and loving wrestling and now have their own children...and got them to start watching it and it's a cycle. I'd be willing to bet it's not because Hornswaggle runs around the ring or because Rey Mysterio Jr. was a World Champion.
And the WWF was most profitable in 99-00 actually. But it's actually making a lot of it's money with it's bad movies it's putting out. Had they put out their own movies in any other year I'm sure you would have seen a jump in profits...especially in 99-00. There's more merchandise today than there ever was...that's the main reason. Back in the day you could buy Bret Harts sunglasses, a foam belt, or a t shirt. Today you can buy actual title belts with leather and all, rey mysterio's mask, DX glow sticks, literally anything you can think of is sold. THAT is why it's most profitable. Not because MVP is running around in a one piece bathing suit with a anti-snore breathing strip on his nose.