Skip Sheffield use of the spear

I would love to see the spear in his arsenal, if not in matches, then in the beat downs of other superstars. I tought that he hit the spear better than anyone has in the WWE for awhile. Like many have said, Goldberg was the master of the spear, but since he left, I've never felt that Edge and Batista could spear like Goldberg, but Skip was definantly close.

If it was just to mock Edge, then I found thatgreat and i hope that they start mocking others by betaing them up with their finishers. It brings something new to the table.
He spanked Edge's spear,
It was very well executed,
& Very Impactful,
I think it would be a very fitting finisher for him
im very dissapointed he didnt use the spear tonight. i wish WWE let him because he had alot of chances to do it tonight!

also man skip looks fierce in the ring, almost like a better batista
I said this in another thread, but I'll say the same again...I think that Sheffield is going to to be the 2nd most successful Nexus member (Barrett being the 1st). I see Sheffield as being the first one to be booted out of Nexus, i.e. the first face turn. Sheffield offers us something that few have offered....a versatile big guy that can actually SPEAK. He could quite easily take Batista's old mantle and at only 28 years of age, he has plenty of years ahead of him to forge an image for himself in WWE.

If the Spear turns out to be his finishing move, so be it....the move isn't Edge's move exclusively.

Just my opinion.
AGREED indeed, he can be the one to face wade or tarver, but him as a heel is better siuted right now for him cuz he is a type of guy he dosnt care who he has to beat. he made mark henry look like a girl when they had that face to face during the match. he has MASS POTENTIAL
AGREED indeed, he can be the one to face wade or tarver, but him as a heel is better siuted right now for him cuz he is a type of guy he dosnt care who he has to beat. he made mark henry look like a girl when they had that face to face during the match. he has MASS POTENTIAL

Agreed too. I don't usually mark for big guys, but Sheffield has potential up the ass. If WWE are looking for the next "monster", Sheffield is surely it.

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