Next "Spear" User

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Ah, I see Christian is way ahead of us in that regard. :D

The one thing I could never quite understand is why Christian is a babyface ever since he returned to the WWE. He always struck me as a natural heel. Being a hero blocks a lot of his humorous potential in my opinion (years ago, when Christian made his dorky rap challenge to Cena he was at his best, in my opinion).

Of course right now it's a good thing he is a face, what with him stepping in for Edge and all, but overall I think he is somewhat miscast in his role.
I can see one of the big guys using the spear in the future like Ezekiel or Mason, or even Tyler Reks. They are the guys who can make the spear looke devastating because they are over 250 pounds ramming their bodies into yours. Also they could start a feud with edge over the move, it is a long shot but possible.
For a big guy, I'd say Mason Ryan or Skip Sheffield(If wither ever return). Can it be a smaller dude, because I think Curt Hawkins would work with the Spear. He could make it work. I'd also like Christian to use the spear from time to time just to honor Edge. I'll be quite disappointed if he doesn't use it at Extreme Rules.
Personally, I would give the move to Sheffield. Mason Ryan is actually just a tad *too* big of a guy to hit that kind of move and besides, WWE needs to try to avoid making Ryan the next Batista. Giving him the spear would make him a Batista clone. Ryan needs some sort of powerbomb as a finisher, IMO.

Wouldn't giving Ryan a powerbomb as a finisher make him more of a Batista clone? -.-

Anyways, to get on topic, I agree with the majority and say give it to Skip. I can never take a clothesline as a serious finisher and a spear would be a great replacement.
I love Edge, but I always thought his spear was kinda lame. It was kind of a running hug takedown. Goldberg's wasn't horrible (even though he was overall) but Rhino's was my favorite by far. He was built like a wrecking ball and he hit it with unreal force. I say let Skip Sheffield keep his lariat, as he does it pretty well and it looks good. Give the spear to someone like Husky Harris, who has that thick body and a low center of gravity that would make a spear look devastating.

For those that are saying they don't see a clothesline as a legit finisher, I have to ask, how is a spear more devastating? I'd rather be hit in the stomach than someone slam their arm into my throat. Apparently you've never seen Stan Hansen wrestle.
I reckon the next monster heel too enter WWE should. But the thing Ive always found Edge's spear to be the least belivable as a finisher. Batista had the look to destroy and he had never won a match in his life using the spear, but Edge did even if it was the only move he hit. But I would probly debut that superstar around Summerslam time.
I love Edge, but I always thought his spear was kinda lame. It was kind of a running hug takedown. Goldberg's wasn't horrible (even though he was overall) but Rhino's was my favorite by far. He was built like a wrecking ball and he hit it with unreal force. I say let Skip Sheffield keep his lariat, as he does it pretty well and it looks good. Give the spear to someone like Husky Harris, who has that thick body and a low center of gravity that would make a spear look devastating.

For those that are saying they don't see a clothesline as a legit finisher, I have to ask, how is a spear more devastating? I'd rather be hit in the stomach than someone slam their arm into my throat. Apparently you've never seen Stan Hansen wrestle.

Well if you are a thicker person, a spear might not hurt so bad but you cannot tell me you prefer someone who weighs 250+ pounds running at you with full speed knocking you out more than someone running their arm into your throat, if it even hits you in the throat. If you watch someone get speared, they tend to not get up, if you watch someone get clotheslined, they get up pretty quickly.
Im absolutely impressed with zigglers new look, and even before i saw this post i thought, ziggler spear? The 'Zigzag' is very underwhelming, a spear would see right to it!
I want Skip Sheffield to use it. A monster like that delivering that would look awesome. Using that before putting his opponent into the torture rack... I've got this guy planned out. Probably wouldn't work but I think it's awesome.

Regardless, a bigger guy like Skip or Zeke would make the spear look beyond painful.
give it to mason the guy has a future unlick skip... i think ryan cant decide on a finisher so the spear is perfect. The guy is huge and a spear from him is like obvious that its ganna mess u up big time. Fits on him better becuase hes bigger.
Big Show actually uses it. Also, I don't think moves need to be passed down when people retire. But to play along with your idea here, I think you nailed it on the head. Skip Sheffield would be a perfect guy to deliver it. He can really bring some impact back into the move. I liked Edge's version of it, but to be honest, it didn't look as "finishing" as when Goldberg used it and even then it wasn't his actual finisher.

Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Christian use it as a bit of a tribute.
To be honest, Edge didn't really give the spear the impact it could have had. Don't get me wrong, he ran into another guy's abdomen far better than I could. But the best users of the spear have always had a little meat to them. A great spear tackle should have all the subtlety and grace of two vans filled with steaks colliding head on. That's why the Big Show and Goldberg and Rhyno all had such impactful spears, their bio mass was just that much greater than many opponents, and as such, made the move actually look painful.

When a lanky bloke sort of saunters across the ring and buries his head in you, it might put you down for a three count, but it wouldn't give you the 'internal bleeding' impact that you're looking for with a finishing move. So yeah. Someone chunky.

Brodus Clay is my best bet.
As much as I love Christian, he'd look bad using it. Have Mason Ryan use it because he's a strong character. As long as he lifts his legs when he's doing it, instead of just tackling him, it'll make him look strong as a character, and he could decimate anyone with it.
I feel as if people have missed the point about Edge's "weak spear". The move from Edge wasn't designed to look impactful. It was designed to "come out of nowhere". VARIOUS times they hyped up Edge's speed, how it came from nowhere, hell, they even had a poster of the Edge "sprint" for the Over the Limit poster from 2 years ago.

The whole premise was speed, and when someone 250+ comes at you at a short sprint and THROWS his weight into you shoulder'll hurt and it'll keep you down.

Also we're more PG now. Moves aren't meant to look like they hurt anymore. The AA doesn't, yet its the biggest finisher there is right now. The chokeslams have been toned down severely. The tombstone doesnt even look AS deadly as it did before (though against HBK in match 2...maybe it did). Moves HAVE been dumbed down and the spear from Edge was a perfect example of a post PG move.

As for who should get it next...

I would HATE for someone to start using it right away. Give it a while then eventually, maybe, give it to someone who looks like they can move in the ring. To me though the spear should be Edge's now and that's it. Like sweet chin music with shawn, everyone knows the superkick as his and everyone knows the spear as Edge's even if it was popularized by others before him.
Edge was doing the spear before it was PG, and moves are not designed to look impactful? That doesn't even make sense. Of course they are. The AA would easily knock the wind out of you, no question. The Tombstone has been weaker looking b/c the move was actually banned for a short time, due to the risk of injury (I believe Triple H got a stinger from it a good while back). Notice only Kane and Taker can do it and no one else can do any pile driver at all (stemming from the Austin-Owen situation).

As far as spear hurting more? Look at football, guys get hit in the stomach and chest all the time by very large men. Your stomach isn't padded, they get up. Hell, have you ever played a pickup game with some guys? No pads at all. You get the wind knocked out of you, it hurts, but you get up. Clotheslines are illegal in modern football. Why? B/c you can seriously injure a man with it. Break his neck, crush his windpipe. You don't get up from that.
Most likely they will give it to Mason Ryan as he is the "Batista Clone" and he already has the Power Bomb, which he used on Orton..... I would personally like to see John Cena use the Spear as his AA/FU And The STF are old and plain old boring. He is a big guy and could really make it look effective.
The AA is iconic, it's stupid to change, get over it, it's a firemans carry just like the Rock bottom is a boring back leg sweep/weak ass STO.

Give it to a guy like Sheffield.

actually don't give it to anyone. Let it be Edge's. That's the best way to pay tribute. In baseball you don't take the number of one great and give it to the rookie with the most potential, you retire the number.

I'm not saying never use it again, just not soon. Why do we need a spear? WWE hasn't "always" had a spear user, just since like 2002ish.

If someone MUST get it, give it to a guy like sheffield who it fits.
Personally, I would give the move to Sheffield. Mason Ryan is actually just a tad *too* big of a guy to hit that kind of move and besides, WWE needs to try to avoid making Ryan the next Batista. Giving him the spear would make him a Batista clone. Ryan needs some sort of powerbomb as a finisher, IMO.

So you're saying that WWE needs to try to not make Ryan the next Batista, yet you want him to have a powerbomb as his finisher... What was Batista's finisher again? The Batista BOMB???? Way to contradict yourself...

As far as who should use the spear, I don't know that anyone's current skill set with the exception of maybe Skip Sheffield warrants using the spear as a finisher. Swagger has the ankle lock, so I don't think he needs it. Quite frankly I just don't like Mason Ryan (or at least the way they are making him into Batista 2.0), so he shouldn't have it. Give it to Skip, or give it to nobody for a while.
Preferably someone with some size and power to them but not someone the size of Batista. Edge's problem was he would hit the person and then stop cold. Goldberg's was good as he hit them and kept going. Rhyno's was solid because it looked like he went through the person. I'd think of someone like Skip Sheffield, who has the power and size to make it look awesome.
I think if anyone, Drew Mcintyre should be given the spear for a number of reasons.

1) I don't think his current finisher, The futureshock is all that good. It is not explosive enough and takes to long to administer

2) It would be a great way to gain heat. Make reference to it in promos that he has stolen Edge's move, can do it better than he ever could etc etc.

3) He has the hair! He could do the same, crazy pull back of the hair while crouched in the corner that made the crowd go absolutely wild.
I think if anyone, Drew Mcintyre should be given the spear for a number of reasons.

1) I don't think his current finisher, The futureshock is all that good. It is not explosive enough and takes to long to administer

2) It would be a great way to gain heat. Make reference to it in promos that he has stolen Edge's move, can do it better than he ever could etc etc.

3) He has the hair! He could do the same, crazy pull back of the hair while crouched in the corner that made the crowd go absolutely wild.

:shrug: idk it only worked for Edge because he used it for a while and it ended up just working for him while now it wouldnt be as believeable for McIntyre because of McIntyres build.

You need someone big and a bit agile.I love seeing the spear after they duck a clothesline and rebound and spear the guy.Skip could do it but his Clothesline seems better.Maybe if Titus O'Neil wins NXT he could use it as an alternative to his Spinebuster.
I think Mason Ryan should do somewhat of a spear/bomb hybrid. (Run at him like the spear, lift him up with a quick 180 and slam him to the ground full force).

Sheffield should keep his clothesline.

I like ADR doing it has his 'tribute' for 'putting Edge into retirement'. That would give him more heat than he's already getting.

Mark Henry can do a sort of spear/splash combo where he squashes his opponent in the process, that would look devastating.

Christian needs something other than the unprettier, it ALWAYS gets countered and looks weak as hell. But if he wants to get out of Edge's shadow, I'd advise against it.

I think Chris Jericho could use it very well as part of his arsenal, but keep his finisher.

THE person who should use the spear IMO is..... Ezekiel Jackson!! His explosiveness and RAW power would make it look absolutely incredible. It would really look like his opponent got hit by a train!

Although, backpedalling, Mason Ryan's speak on the Big Show was pretty sweet as well.
Judging from what I saw on RAW it seems Mason Ryan will be using the Spear and getting pushed to the Moon. Now he may be HUGE with a great Look and even pretty strong but in no way should this guy be getting any kind of push yet. He isn't horrible on a mic I heard some of his promo from FCW and there are guys worse than him. In the ring he still needs work on his timing and he just doesn't look like he has working down to where is flows just yet.
The spear is an incredibly overrated move that doesn't look like it does any damage at all compared to some of the things we're starting to see now (power bombs, nasty submissions, etc.), but if someone HAD to use the spear, it would be either Mason Ryan or Skip Sheffield, as previously established in this thread.

Kharma has kind of a "Rhyno" build to her, but the move she's using right now looks vicious enough.
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