I think edge turning face is great, i mean i can see feud with jack swagger going on and pretty sure if played right they can have great matches but it mostly will be edge carring the feud.
Its about time Edge has become a tweener. Him being a heel has really run its course for now. Don't get me wrong, Edge is better as a heel than a face but after being a heel for the past 5 years it gets old. IMO Edge is the perfect person to play the tweener role. He can still do the dirty tactics and have feuds with heels like Swagger for instance. Older fans have always seemed to like Edge more than the younger fans, but now it seems the younger fans have started liking Edge more now. With Edge being a tweener, he will need to move back to Smackdown so he will become one of the top guys on that brand again.
This is only my 2nd thread and feedback would be greatly appreciated. And too the moderators, I've seen threads on "Edge is SmackDown!'s newest superstar" but none on his "New Gimmick" so I started a thread about his "new gimmick", so I'm sorry if this was the wrong thing to do.
Now onto business. Edge appeared on the Live SyFy debut of SmackDown! by interrupting Jack Swagger's "All-American Homecoming Celebration" and eventually spearing the "Thwagger Thawing Eagle". But in the process Edge stated that after the business with the laptop on RAW, He promised himself that he would go on a mission to rid the WWE of anything "stupid" wether it be on RAW or SmackDown! and eventually stating that Swagger's "stupid" cape is "stupid", his "stupid" crown is "stupid and that the Eagle mascot is "ridiculous" and as we all know he speared the Eagle. Now it seems that Edge has moved away from being the "Rated 'R' Superstar" and is now more of the "Stupid Police".
Now is it just me, or is this a "New Gimmick" of sorts for Edge?. Personally I think it is and also it seems as it will be a "tweener" like role as a fued with Jack Swagger is imminent. But what are your thoughts on this "New Gimmick" Edge has?
This role could really suit Edge, his "Rated R" gimmick doesnt really fit with the PG era, but a return to the funny style character he played during the "E&C" era could be great!
I am looking forward to seeing where they go to with this idea, it could make Edge fresh again
He has definitely been fresh as of late...he was startin grow stale......his rated r gimmick doesnt fit in PG.....he even said Live Celebration this past Monday instead of Live Sex Celebration....I like the character.....he has always had this side to him when he talks, it was just used against faces and to lesser extent....it all depends of if he can stay healthy long enough
I think it's a bit too soon to be calling it a "new gimmick". Gimmick, to me, is overall character, and he's still Edge to me, only on a crusade to cleanse everything "stupid". If he were to adopt a police uniform with "Stupid Police" on it in bold letters, then yeah, it's a new gimmick.
See for me I am a fan of TWEENERS....let us look at some of the best...Undertaker....Tripple H at times.....Edge has been a tweener before the Love triangle incident with Lita and Matt he was gold......Orton.....The 4 Horsemen...they were tweeners they were supposed to be and acted like heels but they were LOVED...still remember when they "Broke" Dusty's arm in the parking lot.....Hate to tell you Cena is even a tweener.....Kane....the king of tweeners Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Definition of a Tweener.... people cheer them and love them....but at the same time others boo them....they show ANGER and Rage and no mercy when pissed but its still ok with a majority of the fans.
Now why did I say Cena....Darren Young....Carlito back in Smackdown days...and a few other things in his past and present.....Cena does Heelish things at times Believe it or not
Well his face turn when he returned was typical, a sympathy turn for an injured veteran who has returned after a long time. He just chanted his finisher's name over and over and it worked well enough. But it was rushed, a quick angle for WrestleMania. This time he's had time to develop a better face turn which shows his funny personality without sucking up to the crowd and chanting spear. Edge is a legend and it's about time he's pushed again on SmackDown, which is where he thrives.
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