The Money in the Bank Syndrome

I really want to see somebody hold on to the briefcase for a long time. Other than Edge's first run with it from WM to I think New Year's Revolution, nobody has held on to the briefcase for more than a few months. I think it'd be cool if whoever has the briefcase during a couple of significant titles matches would come out and act as if he's gonna cash in the briefcase but doesn't. It keeps the World Champions on their toes. Then for a long lull, the briefcase holder doesn't come out, keeps himself busy with some feuds. Then at the right moment, he cashes in and wins it.
two winners would cause some real shit! Like imagine two people hanging on the briefcase and it comes down with two guys holding onto it. Leading to a feud between those two which builds up to a great triple threat match. I think that would be awesome.
they are talking about usin it this time around for the season 1 nxt rookies where the winner gets a contract while the others are squandrin about the futures. And yes RVD partially used it honorable by issuin it weeks ahead but he did win it cheaply w/ Heyman's help. Plus Kennedy was gonna cash it in at Mania 24 if anybody remembers but Edge screwed him outta that. So no i'm not tired of it.
One way of using that I always thought would be interesting would be cashing it in in the middle of a title match, just wait till both guys in the match are down, then the MITB winner comes out with the briefcase and cashes it in, runs down to the ring and quickly pins the champion, grabs the title and walks out, both guys in the title match come too just in time to see the MITB winner walking off with his newly won WHC/WWE title, it's never done before and it's something I don't think anyone would see coming
MITB PPV should not have a MITB match at mania because of it. It is essentially a PPV for someone to earn a title shot, was that not what they did with KOTR 2002. Its ridiculous really. They may as well have bought that back for a PPV and at least had some old school throwback concept working for it.
I would like to see someone do it in RVD style and plan their shot and say when/where they are cashing it in. Or do it at the night of Mania. It is a bit predictable that they are going to do the Edge style thing.
At some point the superstar will have to lose his title shot because it will be too predictable.
I wouldn't neccessarily want the MITB holder to lose but I've said before and I'll say it again, they need to come up with some more interesting cash-ins. Cashing in on a weakened champion has happened with four of the five MITB cash-ins.

Having the MITB holder cash in in the middle of a match would be interesting, it's a bit like cashing in on a weakened oppenent but it's just similar to a run-in and you can get an interesting match up with an extra man involved.

Having the MITB cashed in when the champ is cutting a promo, he may not neccesarily be ready for the match but he's not weakened so there can still be a decent match.

There two ideas to have MITB cashed in.
Middle of a match may not work because then it would become triple threat so the person cashing in would go from 50% chance to 33% chance. The match of course could be abandoned but it would be intersting to see that unfold anyway.

3rd idea - get them by surprise backstage brawling and then have it spill from backstage to ringside and have the match from there. It would be by surprise too. The only thing is the promo/backstage brawl thing is something that may not work at a PPV.
Having the MITB holder cash in in the middle of a match would be interesting, it's a bit like cashing in on a weakened oppenent but it's just similar to a run-in and you can get an interesting match up with an extra man involved.

Middle of a match may not work because then it would become triple threat so the person cashing in would go from 50% chance to 33% chance. The match of course could be abandoned but it would be intersting to see that unfold anyway.

There are so many ways to go with cashing it in during in the middle of a match, lets say it's cashed in while both the challenger and champ are down, the MITB winner goes for the easy pin and win, only to have the challenger come to just in time to break up the pin, there are two ways they could go with this

1.) it causes a DQ, and the MITB winner loses his title shot, or

2.) the matches continue, with the champ basically having to win 2 matches at the same time, it basically turns into a handicap match with the first challenger and MITB winner both needing to pin the champ to become champion, unlike a triple threat, not only that but the champ has to pin both his challengers in order to walk out with his belt intact, on the other side of this, it brings up the question of what would happen if the original challenger pins the champ, does MITB winner get then change his focus to the new champion, or does his cash in just get thrown out

This is the reason I like the idea of cashing in in the middle of a title match, there are so many ways creative go with it
I like the idea of cashing it in at the following Wrestlemania but they tried that with Mr. Kennedy and he ended up getting hurt so they had to scrap the idea. I don't know if they are going to try it again.

One thing I would like to see with the money in the bank winner is to have someone hold a belt and briefcase at the same time! It would leave mystery as to whether that person will try to cash in on a 2nd belt or have him cash it in immediately after losing his belt to get it back.
A lot of peopele on here are saying that one of the most unexpected things to happen would be an honorable cash in then lose. I actually get the feeling that if someone actually did that a lot of people would just turn around and say why didn't the just jump in after a match? I know its not the most noble way of winning but its just smarter to do it that way. Plus when Punk did that on his cash in against Edge I didn't think it made him weak. He was just giving Edge a taste of his own medicine by doing that. Also that doesn't matter much anymore because he's a heel now anyways.
I like the idea of cashing it in at the following Wrestlemania but they tried that with Mr. Kennedy and he ended up getting hurt so they had to scrap the idea. I don't know if they are going to try it again.

Well one way of cashing it in a WM would be to have them cash it in the same night they win it, now Idk if that's really a good idea seeing as how the MITB match is a pretty brutal match that takes a pretty big toll on their bodies

One thing I would like to see with the money in the bank winner is to have someone hold a belt and briefcase at the same time! It would leave mystery as to whether that person will try to cash in on a 2nd belt or have him cash it in immediately after losing his belt to get it back.

This would be interesting, as it leaves open a bunch of options for creative to work with, for example how may times have we seen a feud over a title lead to a match where the champion can lose the title via DQ or Countout, well you could have a match with those stipulations the champ could get DQ'd, hitting the challenger with something, knocking him out, then immediately cashing in his MITB title shot to quickly win the title back
Knowing who's going to win the title as soon as they win the match is getting old,
Not loosing occasionally,
But loosing every now and then again would be nice,
I just ask that they wouldn't make every MITB winner a sneak attack,
That's what's really getting old

When I first heard it had it's own ppv,
I was like NO,
Then I was like,
Then i heard they had one for each brand,
and I was like NOO.
This ppv wil take some of the glitter off the one at WM,
but it is an extrememly cool match,
and i understand why they want it to have it's own PPV,
But once a year,
won't be a good idea,
they need a better ratio,
But one for each brand is a terrible idea,
That takes away all the wonder for the fans on which brand they'll cash it in on,
Which i guess will give the WM MITB winner a sharper edge than PPV winner,
So again I see why there doing it,
Though I disagree,
But I Will be paying to see this PPV,
It's either going to be AWESOME,
or an EPIC FAIL,
Depending on 2 things,

1. The Quality of the matches
2. Who WWE awards the win to

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