The Miz Retains The WWE Championship


At WrestleMania XXVII, The Miz defeated John Cena to retain the WWE Championship. As expected, The Rock made his presence felt during the match and was ultimately responsible for Cena getting pinned. I do think it's important to note, however, that at no time did it look like The Miz need The Rock to interfere in the match. He made it to the ropes after being locked in the STFU and kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment, the two biggest guns in Cena's arsenal.

Personally, I'm thrilled to see Miz retain here. The Miz needed the win here and, love him, hate him or whatever, I think that Miz retaining the title at the biggest show of the year is a sign that the WWE is investing in The Miz as a definite long term force within the main event picture.

So what does everyone else think? Should Miz have dropped to Cena or did the WWE make the right call and free both guys up to move onto other things?
I legit marked the fuck out when Miz retained. I love that they're showing confidence in this kid and I really think he deserves it. The fans would have booed the piss out of it if Cena retained, so I think they made the right call to end the show, despite him being a heel.

Unfortunately, I feel that he will ultimately drop it to Cena after it's all said and done, but I don't know for certain. Who else is he going to drop it to? Orton? I hope not. Hunter? God help us if he feels the need to get back in the title picture. If he somehow manages to retain through Extreme Rules in the already written in stone rematch, I think he'll hold on until Summerslam.
I think it was great of them to let Miz retain at Wrestlemania. Though the way he pinned Cena, made him look a bit weak.

Don't get me wrong, throughout the entire match I can safely say I thought Miz was the dominant one. As the OP stated, he got to the ropes while in the STFU and kicked out of the FU. As well as that, his offence seemed very solid and he worked a great match.

I really hope this now means that this Cena-Rock feud is going to stray away from the title and allow Miz to venture off and start a new feud for the title. Things are looking good for Miz, and his in-ring work with Cena today really ups him up that next level in my opinion. I mean, he was laying out John Cena quite a few times. I think that the Miz haters really need to give credit to Miz, he did great.

I wanted Cena to win, Miz is boring me really bad as champion, it was a decent match though, and miz held his own against the top guy, i didnt like Rock costing cena the match, Cena should have kicked out then had miz beat him with a scf or something if they wanted him to retain, i would have liked it better. It ending that way left a bad taste in my mouth, but idk who miz will feud with now unless Cena gets the title off him soon, or perhaps jomo...the miz has had a good reign, i just havent enjoyed it, so i hope he loses it soon.
wow what a terrible ending to mania rock comes out to restart the match just to rock bottom cena like that was lame.

Dont know why there keeping the strap on miz he sux.

Cena had better get the strap soon so we can start to see some quality main event matches.

Miz retained ONLY because rock is sticking around to feud with cena.

if no rock cena would be champ right now.
I just don't understand why people don't understand simple grammar anymore!! Why is the comma so underrated!?

As for Miz retaining. He is a better champion than David Arquette ever was but not by much. He's a weakling champion who has a ring valet that WEARS HIS ATTIRE TO THE RING when he isn't wrestling, he blatantly rips off the Rocks gimmick when talking and has marginal wrestling skills. The Mania match(what I saw of it) was AWFUL! He missed a few big spots and while he did look a little strong he AGAIN needed outside interference to win. At this point, is it the Miz/Randy Orton show again or does someone from Smackdown make the jump and challenge the Miz. I'm honestly really confused as to where this is going to lead.
I am so glad Miz Retained. Im so sick of Cena winning all the time. Hopefully Cena is too occupied with the Rock and Miz moves on. I would love to see Miz Vs. Morrison again but this time give it a good run and let it go to a PPV and not a Raw. They already prove they work well together, Morrison is getting over, and it has history of who's the HBK of the tag team.
I just don't understand why people don't understand simple grammar anymore!! Why is the comma so underrated!?

As for Miz retaining. He is a better champion than David Arquette ever was but not by much. He's a weakling champion who has a ring valet that WEARS HIS ATTIRE TO THE RING when he isn't wrestling, he blatantly rips off the Rocks gimmick when talking and has marginal wrestling skills. The Mania match(what I saw of it) was AWFUL! He missed a few big spots and while he did look a little strong he AGAIN needed outside interference to win. At this point, is it the Miz/Randy Orton show again or does someone from Smackdown make the jump and challenge the Miz. I'm honestly really confused as to where this is going to lead.

My God. You know, I'd rather read a page full of terribly written posts with bad grammar than see a post from someone who clearly just started watching wrestling 3 weeks ago. So I guess it's time for someone to take you to school.

Let's look at these cocky heel champions of the past and see where winning clean was a mainstay. Chris Jericho? Nope, always cheated to win. CM Punk? Ditto. Edge? Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? The Rock? More of the same. Hell, Triple H has the look and size of a dominant athlete and he possessed the ability to get clean wins believably, yet he still always cheated to win. You also must note, this doesn't include champions that are Monster Heels. Those are the ones that go over clean regularly and Miz just doesn't fall into that category. So tell me, who is the great mythical heel that everyone is insisting The Miz be modeled after? Yep, no one.

There is absolutely no believable way that Miz could go over Cena clean, so this is pretty much the only way to do it. Frankly, no one else on Raw even deserves to be champion right now because no one is doing their job better than The Miz.
I also thought it was great that Miz won. I also agree that he looked really good in the match. I think he's been booked really well in his title reign, especially the last month or so. He has really improved his in ring work. I would have never thought he could have a great match with Cena. I was shocked when he kicked out of the AA.

It doesn't matter at all that he got the win after The Rock interfered. Heels are suppose to get cheap wins. The way the match went before that proved he wasn't a weak champion. Besides I never heard anyone call HHH or Austin a weak champion. Austin beat Rock for the title at Wrestlemania 17 after beating him over and over with a chair. That was considered a great heel turn not a weak or cheap win.
Hell.. Alex Riley had the best showing out of everyone in that main event..

Miz kicking out of the FU was AWESOMELY SHOCKING THO!
Cena looked like he wasn't into the match like he knew he was going to lose and wouldn't put on a show
As a wrestling fan as well as a MIZ MARK lol not xpac (mizark) I MARKED THE F OUT! I thought that rock would end up screwing over miz and shaking hands with cena only to rock bottom him and set up a match..but thank god they did the RIGHT THING.. at first I thought cena was going to win and do his normal bs but as the match went on I didnt know who was going to win..when the rock came out i looked at my friends and said hes going to be the anonymous gm and he read the message and i was like okay maybe this whole thing will come full circle and he didnt end up being the gm but he still had a HUGE impact on the match...i knew he would cost cena and when i saw rock setting up for the rock bottom once again I marked out i was striker status at royal rumble letting miz retain was the best thing the E could do now the title picture can be freshened up if they decide to go with cena rock but a rematch at extreme rules wont be too bad but for all those haters who felt the ppv was the "worst ever" i say this..the attitude era is over I'm the first to admit that I love the attitude era it was the best times ever wrestling was at its peak but the times of then will never be again and as a fan of wrestling you need to grow with the product and accept it for what it is today..yes you can criticize but you cant compare the two products i mean i loved it when it was tv14 but the pg era is what we have now and its what we must grow with because it doesnt look like its going to change. Good wrestlemania 7/10 stars in my opinion would love to get everyones opinion on undertaker people say he oversold but i think no he always poses after his matches and there was no pose tonight sorry for the long post but i marked out tonight thanks guys and galls!
Hell.. Alex Riley had the best showing out of everyone in that main event..

Miz kicking out of the FU was AWESOMELY SHOCKING THO!
Cena looked like he wasn't into the match like he knew he was going to lose and wouldn't put on a show

I'm glad you said that, it was exactly how I was thinking. I also felt that way with Del Rio.

I'm happy Miz retained. I've been saying since the start of this "trivalry" that Miz would retain thanks to the Rock. I'm a huge Cena fan, but I'm also a big Mizfit. I think he's having a good reign and makes you want his opponent to take it away, but they never do. That's how a real heel champion should be.
Once again Miz wins on basically having help thru out. Let me be perfectly honest if the let Miz win straight okay he deserved it. Fine. But to have them basically go back to this I need help to win a match. Doesn't change my view on him being not legit champion. He deserves based on what premise he works hard. He to me doesn't entertain me. WWE wanted something big u Give Cena the title have had Rock Rock bottom him after. Then if the Rock is planning on wrestling Cena vs Rock for the title. Only you fools want to see Miz
I think creative did, for a lack of a better word, an awesome job at handling this storyline. I didn't see the double count out coming at all, but it was a perfect way to set up several things:

1) The Rock destroying the laptop to finally get rid of the overly drawn out and terrible Anonymous Raw GM storyline that needed to end months upon months ago. I seriously figured that would have lasted for a few weeks, at most.

2) They've been throwing gasoline on the Cena vs Rock storyline since his return, at Wrestlemania they drove a tanker full of it with live grenades in the engine directly into that fire.

3) Keeping Miz champion to push another face into the championship spotlight while Cena and Rock deal with one another. Morrison being the obvious and best choice. Plus, Morrison just paid his dues being thrown into that worthless match.

4) While there were some terrible decisions tonight (Ziggler and Morrison both need a push as a reward for putting up with that, Bryan and Sheamus should be absolutely infuriated, and The Corre now look as competent as apes hurling their own chocolate treasures), how great was it to see a heel win the final match at Mania? This gives Cena such a great dividing push that love him or hate him, you're going to be watching, Miz is solidified as a top contender for at least the next year or so, and it wasn't the same Mania style ending that we've seen over and over again, particularly with Cena.

On an unrelated note, who is hoping for Undertaker vs. Triple HHH & Shawn Michaels in what should be the very last match for all three of them? The big finale so Taker retires 20-0. Make sure that Taker finishes pins them both simultaneously after a chokeslam or something so that HHH & HBK don't retire with bad blood between them, it's the "We gave it all we had, it was an honor, brother" type finale to their careers. Couldn't think of a better match for Mania 28 next year.
Miz is the heel who gets cheap wins. Some of you are blowing this out of proportion. The Hello I'm Awesome T-Shirts have sold pretty well and I wore mine tonight. Need I remind you that Miz is in his FIRST REIGN as champion? How many first reign heel champions have successfully retained period? Not much. Sheamus at MITB and Swagger at Extreme Rules. Now think about this: how many guys retain over the two biggest guys in the company and how many retain in their first reign, clean or not, over the face of the company AT WRESTLEMANIA to hand him his first EVER one on one loss and only his second Wrestlemania loss? WWE is serious about the Miz. I'll admit I was ready to cry when Rock cost Cena and Miz retained. That's how happy I was.

Anyway, this will be a rematch at Extreme Rules as Cena is on the poster but damnit it should be Miz vs. Morrison. Tired of Miz vs. Orton. Tired of Cena altogether. Why not have a up and comer face a new guy for the title at a PPV? I mean it's a throw away PPV but also Morrison is the one guy besides Cena/Orton to challenge for the WWE title and be in position to do so. Whatever his next challenge is, I'm behind Miz as a Mizfit 110%.
I think some people just need get over this I hate Cena crap for what reason. He the only guy WWE pushed. Or because he can't do everything in this PG era. Almost cried really u hate Cena that much to cry. Yea be great if he turned Heal perfect time now. But WWE has held that back not Cena. Mizfit just stupid. U can't sell Miz vs Morrison no one gives a flying fuck. The choices for Wrestlemania all and all sucked orton Punk even del rio edge could fit better in after taker match instead of a boring snooki match. Corre is ruined now. And sheamus and bryan would been a great match all to be not
I think some people just need get over this I hate Cena crap for what reason. He the only guy WWE pushed. Or because he can't do everything in this PG era. Almost cried really u hate Cena that much to cry. Yea be great if he turned Heal perfect time now. But WWE has held that back not Cena. Mizfit just stupid. U can't sell Miz vs Morrison no one gives a flying fuck. The choices for Wrestlemania all and all sucked orton Punk even del rio edge could fit better in after taker match instead of a boring snooki match. Corre is ruined now. And sheamus and bryan would been a great match all to be not

#1 My crying was more attributed to the Miz retaining than to Cena losing but I loved seeing Rocky cost him.

#2 I don't take it too far. Taking it too far is wishing death on the man. Getting severly annoyed by the same old routine week in and week out is not taking it too far. But I'm glad you think so. He is redundant. Plain and simple.

#3 Hmmm, gee, how do you know Miz vs. Morrison can't sell and no one gives a fuck if IT'S NEVER BEEN TRIED!!!!!! It was a damn good match on RAW. Miz is selling. Morrison is upper midcard. The two have history. It makes sense. And it would sell me for sure. You can't just assume that it wouldn't sell.
k im done some 1 let me know when jizz loses the belt please this is bullshit he is the worst champ he is worst the arqutte

why is he the worst?? all you people say is miz sucks. hes the worst. but why????? what valid points do you have to show he sucks?

he makes you hate him and want to lose the title, he is a heel champ who is not supposed to win cleanly! he is supposed to look weak - thats what HIS JOB IS. he is playing his role perfectly and is better then any other heel on raw at the moment.
First off I would like to say Congrats to the Miz. Second I would like to say good job WWE creative as you are winning. Yes the Miz has yet to win clean, he is having a wwe title reign like Sheamus.... WRONG! See here is the thing. The Miz is 6'1 231lb (thank you wiki for this generous donation to my post) Now to you me and all the kiddies playing in the park, that is a big dude. However in the wrestling world he is small weak and frail. Sheamus big monster of a man should dominate Small little Miz not so much. The Miz has ran his mouth, talked trash, and retained his title against both Randy Orton and John Cena. Those are THE faces of the WWE.

The Miz is being built up how JBL or HHH were built up a few years ago always with back up (HHH had evolution JBL had the cabinet, Miz has Alex and a briefcase) running their mouth about being wrestling gods and then going out and escaping with their titles never REALLY winning. Though the miz is being made to look capable! Hell HHH 9/10 times would need Ric Flair, Randy Orton, Batista, and a sledgehammer to retain.

Thus the WWE creative team is winning. As people hate the miz for all the reasons they should. It's not even because they are being told to. It's because Miz is an actual HEEL not some inbetween wana be cool heel but a "I could lose to anyone but I won't" persona and it's making people who hate him hate him even more.
The Miz bores the living hell out of me. So boring in the ring and so boring when he talks. I was hoping he would lose and get bumped down to a mid card level where he belongs.
Loved the Miz retaining. Best part of the main event for me was the Miz kicking out after the AA. The Rock and Cena feud doesn't need the belt, it already has everyone's interest. The Miz carrying the belt for a long period of time only makes him look stronger and is a nice change from the belt changing hands every ppv.
1) U crying for Miz winning don't air that out
2) The Miz's faces he makes don't annoy u. Shocking. Its funny u bring up same routine because for the most part Cena does what WWE tells them its a routine because WWE wants to sell him as PG to the kids. And Cena is that inbetween. U don't think Rock or stone cold or chris jericho was routine at time. The only differences is they have been relucant to push Cena in the Heal stage.

3. I can assume because when I look at a card see Miz vs Morrison as the main event I don't see my 50 bucks going towards that ppv and I'm not alone. I like morrison. But not that much right now
I don't hate Cena, but I'm glad he didn't get the title. If they're really going foward with Cena/Rock he doesn't need it. The title does more good in with the Miz in another fued. Frankly, I'd be pissed if they gave the Rock another title reign.
Giving the Miz this win at WM is good business. The WWE HAS TO build this generation. Think about it. Cena's now the veteran. The Miz has to be seen as ligit and a win at WM against Cena goes a long way toward that.
Ever think about how few veterans are wrestling compared to the newbies? Never have the greenies outnumbered the vets.
#1 I know it's aimed to sell PG for the kids. I totally get that but I don't have to like it whatsoever. I was watching wrestling before these little kiddies were even fetuses. I know he does what they tell him to do but I don't have to like it. They tell him to no sell. They tell him to wear shitty shirts and make corny jokes with his five moves of doom. But I have the right to voice my frustration. Cena is stale as hell. Miz is fresh.

#2 Maybe you don't; but it's the old saying: no risk, no reward. You have to take chances sometimes in the business. And when you don't, then you likely aren't gonna ge anyfar. I definitely would pay for that main event on PPV. Plus you can't just judge a whole PPV off of one match on the card either. Take chances. Think about it.
#1 I know it's aimed to sell PG for the kids. I totally get that but I don't have to like it whatsoever. I was watching wrestling before these little kiddies were even fetuses. I know he does what they tell him to do but I don't have to like it. They tell him to no sell. They tell him to wear shitty shirts and make corny jokes with his five moves of doom. But I have the right to voice my frustration. Cena is stale as hell. Miz is fresh.

#2 Maybe you don't; but it's the old saying: no risk, no reward. You have to take chances sometimes in the business. And when you don't, then you likely aren't gonna ge anyfar. I definitely would pay for that main event on PPV. Plus you can't just judge a whole PPV off of one match on the card either. Take chances. Think about it.

Well, this past WM was rated TV-14 if you didn't notice... And Cena was on par with The Rock for the past month. He was stale before that, and it was working.

And honestly man, Morrison vs Miz would only really sell at Summer Slam or one of the bigger PPVs. Seeing Morrison vs Miz at a second-rate PPV isn't really worth the 50 bucks. And I've heard talks of Morrison being drafted to SD, so we probably won't see it happen.

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