The Miz = PG Era's Rock?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As Survivor Series gets closer and closer one of the main topics everyone is talking about is The Miz. Will he make the full switch to being face or will he swerve us an maintain a heel? I think most people are expecting him to turn face, which is probably best for both The Miz and the fans. It's something new. The Miz has always been a controversial superstar, but Miz has always had his fair share of fans. Even while being heel there were plenty of times that he was cheered. I'm all for him turning face, i just hope that they don't tone down his attitude. This was the problem we faced with Randy Orton. Orton was getting to much of a positive crowd reaction so they made him face. But when they turned him face they changed everything about him that made the fans want to cheer him to begin with. I hope they don't send The Miz in that direction. A lot of times the reason you're supposed to "Boo" someone becomes the reason you cheer. People like the bad attitude of The Miz. That's what makes The Miz, The Miz. I believe The Miz could be the modern day Rock. Now there is a lot of differences as well as similarities but i'm talking about attitude. Rock always had that attitude and that's what needs to happen with The Miz. Rock couldn't get over being the classic baby face and that wont work for The Miz either. They have a chance to give us something new with the development of his character. With the introduction of MizTv, he has an opportunity to continue to be "controversial" but still play to the crowd. In an Era where they're criticized for their lack of edgy content they can't afford to throw away this potential. Let me know what you think. What should they do with The Miz?
I could easily see The Miz being a slightly less talented, yet a way more awesome PG version of The Rock. Miz has the look, the charisma, the mic skills and even though his in ring skills get shitted on every day, he is still above the average wrestler in ring. I'd love to see a Miz/Ziggler feud for the WHC which ends with Miz winning it ffrom Ziggler at WM 29. It would be AWESOME!!!!
Personally i think The Miz was better when he was partnered with Morrison and just removed from, since then he overacts, he's got the look to be a worthy longtime 2nd tier champ who's always on the cusp and would work as a heel or a face

But he needs to act more "normal" and not overdo everything trying to act all intense when he isn't.

as for in ring ability he can handle himself better then most but to me he will always be 2nd tier at best now. I don't see ther esemblance to The Rock, he doesn't have anywhere near the fanbase of The Rock heel or otherwise and certainly isn't even close to the same level on the mic.
IMO Miz is more of a modern day Jericho than Rock. He will be a midcarder for most of his career, but will have a few main event runs.

He is no where as good in ring or on the mic as Jericho is. He is a crappy version of Jericho.
Really, really. This is a joke. The miz is not as over as the rock was even a year into his debut. He really is only average on the mic, and he is not above average in the ring. Thats what people say about there favorites that suck at something. He just is really overhyped. Thats why after he main evented wrestlemania with two of the biggest stars on the card, he didn't stay up there.
It seems like everyone on here either loves or hates the Miz. Well, isn't that what makes an interesting character? I actually enjoyed Miz as the WWE Champion, he was actually the last person to get a lengthly reign as his first World Title run in WWE, and I think he did great.

Nowadays, the WWE Title is being relegated to being too big for anyone but Punk, Rock, or Cena, which is wrong and boring and predictable. It's ok to give someone who isn't an established mega-star the top title as long as you believe they're worthy. Miz has shown he can handle being "The Most Must-See WWE Champion in History."

I'm not a Miz lover or saying he deserves to be in the WWE Title picture right now. But giving him the IC Title for that joke of a reign was wrong- if his last reign was a solid WWE Title run, he shouldn't have won the IC Title if he wasn't going to get at least 6 months with it.

So where does Miz go from here? No, he isn't Rock. He isn't crap Jericho either, Jericho is much better in the ring but Miz has a much different cocky heel character (he dresses better, relied on A-Ry for interference, etc.) Miz is a great talker who can wrestle mediocre technical matches. WHICH IS FINE- so are Kane, John Cena, and Rock at this point.

Miz and Orton can have this double turn feud where hopefully Orton becomes the unstoppable heel and Miz gets the fans to support him as a face. Then Orton can go chase Dolph Ziggler (and hopefully put him over at WM) and Miz can move on to the large surplus of WWE heels. I'd love to see a WM build between Wade Barrett and Miz, they'd cut great promos and it'd be great to get a cocky heel and a cocky face go at it. Maybe have Barrett screw Miz at WM, wind up taking the Title of Ziggler down the road, then Miz gets even and beats Barrett at next year's survivor series for a one year plan.
Honestly, I can see where the OP is coming from. I think the face turn is what the Miz needs to possibly solidify himself as a main eventer. I don't think the Miz is as bad as some people think he is in the ring. I enjoyed his WWE title run a lot. It was fresh although he did get overshadowed by The Rock and Cena, but honestly who wouldn't have. I like the idea of a face Miz feud with a World title holding Ziggler where the Miz gets the win. Nobody will ever ever be the Rock, but I think Miz has the mic skills to be a PG equivalent.
Nowadays, the WWE Title is being relegated to being too big for anyone but Punk, Rock, or Cena, which is wrong and boring and predictable. It's ok to give someone who isn't an established mega-star the top title as long as you believe they're worthy. Miz has shown he can handle being "The Most Must-See WWE Champion in History."

I have to disagree, that's what makes the title prestigious. If anyone can just come in and be champion then what's being champion? The biggest issues that the World Championships have ever had was the rapid changing hands they've gone through.

Back to the topic at hand, I don't think he's the current gen "The Rock" mostly because the current gen Rock is, well, The Rock. More important is he has nothing The Rock had to begin with. Even when he was Rocky Maivia, the only thing that people didn't like about him was his gimmick...and his hair. He got hurt, went away, got repackaged and the rest is history. I will say that there are parallels in that they were generally crapped on to start with, The Rock by the fans and Miz by his colleagues and have seemed to be able to rise above it.
well if you compare the attitude he is somehow similar to rock but i think he more look like stone cold or even punk but as for in ring ability he has a long way to go and is nowhere near any of them but i think if they focused more on a-ry he would closer to someone like rock as for both his in ring and his gesture is similar to rock but he need to do a lot of work to reach there and gain enough experience
One thing I really like to see in a superstar, face or heel, is cockiness. However I certainly think this is something that is especially lacking in faces. Very few faces actually tout about how good they are, instead they often just try and stick up for fans or make fun of heels. Cockiness is part of the reason I liked "the best wrestler in the world" CM Punk as a face, or "the greatest man that ever lived" Austin Aries as a face.

If there is one thing the Miz has displayed very well over the past couple of years it is a cocky attitude. The Rock also had a cocky attitude as a face, and that's what the people loved. The Rock was "The Great one" and that's what people loved. So IMO if they just kept the Miz the way he is, but have him feud with heels instead of faces, and have him actually win some more matches, he could become a similar character as the Rock, if not quite as good.
I respectfully disagree.

The Miz will never be anywhere near The Rock's level in any category. Other than Stone Cold, no one during that time was anywhere near The Rock's level and even the rest of the Attitude Era stars were far better than Miz is. I do see where perhaps the comparison may be coming from, some fans strongly disliking him and he is good on the mic. The Rock could work great matches and the same cannot be said for Miz. He's just someone that happens to be gifted on the mic and most fans still dislike. Then there's the issue of how he has yet to become World Championship material. Even with his long run with the WWE Championship he is not believable in that role and I know I am not alone in that opinion. I say turn him face completely and let him keep doing MizTV but with the sarcasm being directed at heels. That should help him win some fans over.

He does a ton of publicity appearances for WWE, has above average mic skills, and made the effort to keep improving. I have a ton of respect for the above. That doesn't change the fact that Miz is not World Championship material. I still disagree with them having made him WWE Champion and only support his pushes due to not wanting them to have wasted their investments in him. So what if he is better on the mic and most fans dislike him? If he turns face he still won't be The Rock of this era and I think that is a bit of an exageration. I see where the thread starter was coming from but I will believe it when I see it.
I could easily see The Miz being a slightly less talented, yet a way more awesome PG version of The Rock.

Some folks might dismiss that idea, but Rock's talent in the ring has been overrated because of his charismatic qualities outside of it. His ring routine was lightning-fast, but he was never a great wrestler.....his moves were delivered with attitude and that's what people liked about him. Really, his repertoire consisted of a series of high-impact shots delivered in rapid-fire fashion. In the ring, Miz has the ability to work a match about as well as Rock..... he doesn't have Rock's physique but he's able to tell a story during his matches.

I think it's high time they made Miz a good guy; his heel persona has long since run it's course. It's totally realistic that they're doing the swerve slowly, rather than having him bad one day and suddenly good the next.... they're portraying some of the other performers as not buying into Miz' change in attitude.....not yet, anyway. Even Miz himself leaves us uncertain at times, as during the last episode of MizTV. It's good theater and Miz plays the part well.

No, I don't believe Miz will ever be as effective as Rock, but it might be fun to see him try.
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Whilst The Miz is good and all, he can not be put into this category right now. Regardless of the era, since over the limit 2011, he has been involved in forgettable feuds. Most of 2012, has been a bad year for the miz. He still has much to prove as a face, developing his new character etc.... I am a fan of his, but he has allot to prove.

That being said, if he works enough and puts 150% into his new gimmick, maybe he can once again, become a big deal in the WWE. The PG Era has nothing to do with it, either your entertaining or your not. PG can only be blamed so much for limitations, now that Linda's campaign is over, they can get back to just wrestling and focusing on it.

Miz is a prospect for 2013, and maybe he can have another break out year. He is definitely world championship material and should be in the world championship picture IMO. He is more like a mid card Jericho rather than The great one.
Some folks might dismiss that idea, but Rock's talent in the ring has been overrated because of his charismatic qualities outside of it. His ring routine was lightning-fast, but he was never a great wrestler.....his moves were delivered with attitude and that's what people liked about him. Really, his repertoire consisted of a series of high-impact shots delivered in rapid-fire fashion. In the ring, Miz has the ability to work a match about as well as Rock..... he doesn't have Rock's physique but he's able to tell a story during his matches.

I think it's high time they made Miz a good guy; his heel persona has long since run it's course. It's totally realistic that they're doing the swerve slowly, rather than having him bad one day and suddenly good the next.... they're portraying some of the other performers as not buying into Miz' change in attitude.....not yet, anyway. Even Miz himself leaves us uncertain at times, as during the last episode of MizTV. It's good theater and Miz plays the part well.

No, I don't believe Miz will ever be as effective as Rock, but it might be fun to see him try.

This right here. I typed my response up late last night, and after thinking about it a little more I have to say that we have all seemed to really over estimate Rock's ability in the ring. Like Sally said he delivered his moves with impact and attitude, but he was no Kurt Angle in the ring. Miz nor anyone else will ever be The Rock on the mic, but I don't think Miz's in ring skills will hinder him. Will he be The Rock? No, but with his attitude and they way he delivers his promos I think he could give it a go.
This right here. I typed my response up late last night, and after thinking about it a little more I have to say that we have all seemed to really over estimate Rock's ability in the ring. Like Sally said he delivered his moves with impact and attitude, but he was no Kurt Angle in the ring. Miz nor anyone else will ever be The Rock on the mic, but I don't think Miz's in ring skills will hinder him. Will he be The Rock? No, but with his attitude and they way he delivers his promos I think he could give it a go.

Technically he was no Angle, Matter of fact neither was shawn. I agree with the post above about Rock's style being based on high imapct moves, but it seems that alot of people under estimated his in-ring psychology, his athletic ability, and his ability to have a great match with anybody. You see being technically good doesn't make you a good in-ring performer. Quick Q: Would you watch a dean melenko match over a Rock or Austin match? Even though dean is better technically than both of em combined the answer is no. Why? because in-ring technique isn't everything. Hell, Hogan didn't do much in the ring, but his story telling and his ability to work the crowd were the main reason why he sold out more arenas than any superstar past or present.

As far as the miz being PG era's Rock,...I don't know. IMO miz pretty much dropped the ball(WM 27). He's simply not believeable as a main-eveter. UNtill then....
The response he was given in cleveland convinced me. Ever since he made his latest return, I've been on the bandwagon and then seeing him on smack down this week I'm sold. I expect him to get a HUGE pop at survivor series and for him to get the win for team foley.
I would love to know what this opinion is based on. Cause The Miz is not even close to being in the Rocks league!!!!! Miz is a midcard talent and that is honestly where he belongs. He doesn't do anything close to great!!!! I personally find him annoying to listen to, i find his in ring work very boring and bland. He doesn't do anything that sets him apart from anyone else. He doesn't have a great look. He is just there and he does his really really thing to people. For a guy who thinks he is awesome he comes across average at Best.
When you seriously compare The Rock to The Miz in terms of in-ring ability, is there really much of a difference? If anything, Miz is a much better "wrestler" than Rocky, (albeit arguably) if you really think about it.:crucified: The Rock's move-set isn't much better than Cena's or Austin's, and Miz can only get better. On the mic, though, only CM Punk can compare to The Rock. The Rock managed to be a great heel while entertaining us fans. I have faith that the Miz can do the same as a face, provided he drops all the 'reallys' and shows us more of an attitude.
The Rock could work great matches and the same cannot be said for Miz.

He could work great matches, but that doesn't mean he did it on a consistent basis. I love The Rock as much as the next guy, but he's not much more than an (barely) above-average worker. He was entertaining, charismatic, and damn athletic -- but was Rock ever a guy you could go to for a match you KNEW would be the best match of the night? Never.

In terms of ability to work a match, Rock and Miz are fairly close together. They're both solid hands who can go out and do their job -- nothing more, nothing less. People immensely overrate how good of an in-ring worker Rock was because of how good he was in virtually every other aspect, but he was fairly average.

Then there's the issue of how he has yet to become World Championship material. Even with his long run with the WWE Championship he is not believable in that role and I know I am not alone in that opinion.

You may not be alone in your opinion, but I think it's pretty ridiculous. Miz was a fine champion and a fine main eventer. I wouldn't question it if he got the belt again today, because he's proven to able to hang at the very top of the card. Not to mention, if he wasn't a viable champion, he wouldn't have been anywhere near the WrestleMania 27 main event.

Just because a guy isn't consistently at the top of the card doesn't change the fact that he can (and has shown) that he can be a fine WWE Champion. Guys like Mysterio and Jericho are both fine examples of this -- and Miz clearly fits that mold, at least for now. I don't know what your expectations of a good world champion are, but they're ridiculous if Miz doesn't fit the bill. On top of that, if someone like Sheamus can be considered a "good" champion, then Miz passes the test with flying colors.
As Survivor Series gets closer and closer one of the main topics everyone is talking about is The Miz. Will he make the full switch to being face or will he swerve us an maintain a heel? I think most people are expecting him to turn face, which is probably best for both The Miz and the fans. It's something new. The Miz has always been a controversial superstar, but Miz has always had his fair share of fans. Even while being heel there were plenty of times that he was cheered. I'm all for him turning face, i just hope that they don't tone down his attitude. This was the problem we faced with Randy Orton. Orton was getting to much of a positive crowd reaction so they made him face. But when they turned him face they changed everything about him that made the fans want to cheer him to begin with. I hope they don't send The Miz in that direction. A lot of times the reason you're supposed to "Boo" someone becomes the reason you cheer. People like the bad attitude of The Miz. That's what makes The Miz, The Miz. I believe The Miz could be the modern day Rock. Now there is a lot of differences as well as similarities but i'm talking about attitude. Rock always had that attitude and that's what needs to happen with The Miz. Rock couldn't get over being the classic baby face and that wont work for The Miz either. They have a chance to give us something new with the development of his character. With the introduction of MizTv, he has an opportunity to continue to be "controversial" but still play to the crowd. In an Era where they're criticized for their lack of edgy content they can't afford to throw away this potential. Let me know what you think. What should they do with The Miz?

They should absolutely turn Miz face. I've never been a fan of him or his work, but lately I've found myself liking him and enjoying his work. The guy has worked hard to improve during his career and it shows. I think if turned face and he drops some of the corny sayings and such he could be a great face. Every live event I've been to in recent years I see almost as many girls and women wearing Miz shirts as Cena shirts. I think a Miz face turn would be good for the product and the fans, and definitely would be good for the Miz.
Actually, not a bad analogy. Naturally, The Rock is more entertaining and better, but Miz does sometimes feel like a somewhat watered down, PG version of what managment feels about "The Rock". I personally think he still has untapped heel potential,as he showed in his feud with Daniel Bryan. I think he did a great and underrated job in that feud, helping the crowd feel sympathetic behind Bryans character. Like most wrestlers in WWE nowdays, he mostly suffered from chicken shit/boring booking, and never got a chance to garner real "old school" heat.
Calling the Miz a modern day rock? This is hogwash. The Miz is nothing more than a overdone Snookie with better hair. Now Rock was not The Peoples Champion when he started but he earned his way up. Yes he was billed as the son and grandson but he worked and sucked in his start. The Fiz came from MTV. What did he do to earn his start? He was could be marketed nothing more. He lends nothing to the show nor the locker room. Personally the only reason I have yet to notice that he is gone is because WZ reports on it. He is an afterthought and NEVER deserved a mania shot. Hell look at what Rock did in the same time that the Fiz has been around. Saying the Fiz is a modern day rock is like saying Hornswagle is the same as HH. Sure he is more fun to watch but he will never do what HH did.

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