Is MIZ so good that a faceturn in completely inevitable?

Personally, the Miz' push is going perfectly right now. He's not being shoved into the main event. They are building up the US title and I think he's the best guy for the job. He may be the second best mic worker on Raw right now behind HBK. That is getting his feud with MVP very much over. The title is getting actual time to be showcased. Same with him and the tag belts. If it keeps going like this for him, he could be main eventing by the end of the year.
Some of you people have to be kidding me!!! The Miz??? There is nothing likeable about this guy. I mean his gimmick is corny with the whole awesome thing. Anytime he comes on TV I turn off RAW. His mic work sucks, his in ring work well sucks... he just isnt good in general. He is another one of the those guys that WWE shoved down the throats of its fans. If WWE pushes this moron to main event or co main event status then that means i will be watching nothing but TNA.

Way agreeeeeeed. I never saw anything special about the miz either. Yeah the awesome be miz rant is beyond corny, his look isn't interesting either. Also his finisher and mic skills need serious work and i no its wrestling in all but whats up with everyone in the speedos. His look was more interesting to me when he had the flashy shorts and the hat on. But miz is at least tolerable as a heel, but as a face it would be disaster just like khali's face turn was.
Depends on how he's booked. If he continues to be booked as a solid in-ring competitor, people will eventually jump on his bandwagon. But if he's booked as a know-it-all jerk who cheats to win, no one will like him. But I'm currently liking his character now. I believe he has the ability to straddle the fence between good and bad. I could see him acting exactly the same only fighting faces and getting cheered. It just depends on what direction WWE wants to go in.
It depends on WWE. I think if they wanna keep him heel they're gonna have have rely on strong heel tactics against big babyfaces. It can't be against guys like MVP, who nobody gives a shit about. I think he's doing a pretty good job of staying heel with the stuff he's doing to Danielson, and the subsequent may keep him a heel for a while longer.

Miz reminds me of Y2J Jericho and earlier and he was an annoying, cocky heel but he was so entertaining that people loved him for it.
im rooting for the miz at the moment aswell and as a true wrestling fan i believe the miz would be a great face that can still be a cocky guy but yet a fan loving guy.
I hope Miz does not become a face because he is such a good heel. People just love to hate him and will watch RAW just to see what he does and says each week. I know I do!
Also, why ins't Randal Keith Orton on the Wrestlemania 26 card yet? I am starting to freak out just a little bit here people! I don't think I could watch a Randyless Wrestlemania!
miz is by far my favorite superstar at the moment.

i came to think that this guy has ridiculous potential and can be a huge star in no time. and we all know what happens to "heels" who are so good....the fans start cheering them and they turn face. The same thing happened with Stone Cold and The Rock. wwe lacks a real babyface to take cena's spot who is desperate need of a heel turn very soon. can miz be the one to take the top babyface spot? however, thats another question. I'm wondering if this guys skill on the mic and charisma will cause people to cheer him all the time. I know he is awesome (no pun intended) at being heel but vince wont keep someone who CONSTANTLY gets cheered as face, especially someone with so much mic skills/charisma (the rock). what do you all think?

First of all I just want to point out that I hate the fact that heel's get cheered. It is a sign that their not doing their job properly. How do you put a cool heel against a face if the face is going to be overshadowed and cheered over the guy who's supposed to be disliked?

The original point; no, I don't feel a face turn is inevitable. I also do not feel that he is going to amount to anything if he keeps the cool heel persona.This guy got murdered in a program with Cena and to me did not look like he could make it with the main eventers yet.He can not be taken that seriously to the point that you would want to see him at the top of the mountain. I think he is going to have to take him self to a whole other level before he is considered main event worthy.

I am sure that will annoy those of you that seem to worship the ground this guy walks on, but that's realism for you.

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