The Great American Bash Live Discussion

Anyone who doesn't think Vickie Guerrero should be an active member of the WWE roster, and thinks she has no business being in the GM role is a blithering idiot.
Not the best, much preferred Night of Champions.

Kingston, Kennedy, Jeff and MVP all should be on the cards, they all deserve to be
I agree too many mid carders left of the card, they should of had an 8 Man Tag Team match or something like that.
I think Hardy might be the only one left for HHH, unless they shockingly throw Kennedy in there, which would shock me worse than JBL's balls.
Wonder what's happening with HBK/Jericho now anyway.
If Shawns out for a while what does that leave Jericho to do?
Might aswell bring Taker back that way! Makes sense.

And might aswell turn Triple H heel too, hes way better as a heel, and lets face it, none of us wanted him to win tonight which says it all if he's meant to be the companies top face.

Turn him heel, push Jeff again and lets see a good match at Summerslam
I hope they're not turning Vickie face. She gets so much heat as a heel.

Maybe we'll see Edge vs HHH again at Summerslam. I don't see who HHH is going to feud with now.

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