"The Golden Spool Award" for Best Thread - Non Spam Sections

Which Non Spam Thread Was This Year's Best?

  • Exile me from the IWC

  • The John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks

  • The IWC Bible - 2009 Edition

  • History of WrestleMania with KB

  • The Debator's League, Week 7: IC 25 vs. Gelgarin

  • WZ Tourney Semi Final: The Undertaker vs. Edge

  • The WZ Tournament, ECW Regular Wrestling Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

  • France Is Now The Epicenter of Horror

  • xfearbefore's Movie Reviews

  • Why Lou Thesz Goes Over Sting

  • tdigle's Take Five: Puro Edition

  • The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE...

  • Ty Burna's All Hip Hop Thread

  • Would You Let Rey Touch Your Children?

  • Are We WWE Shareholders Or Are We Fans?

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I went with KB's WrestleMania reviews. It barely beat out Taker v Edge, but the reviews started a trend, and were well written, and a history lesson for more than just noobs.

I love the nominations tdigs gave himself ;)
I'm up for three awards this year, but this is the only one where I can in good conscious vote for myself. I loved my Lou Thesz thread. I counted it up a few months ago, and it turned out that I'd managed to say the great man's name something not far off of 100 times.

I'll admit that the thread didn't actually work, and Sting still picked up something like 75% of the vote, but I had great fun writing it, and still get a massive nostalgia kick form reading over it. My only major regret was that I was too burned out from making it to actually debate with anyone.

For me at least it's my favourite thread on the forum.
I voted for the battle that pitted the head of the forum in IC against the head of the... well Gelgarin.

The Debater League brought out many greats. Great new posters, great legends, great posts, great victories, great topics, great fun, and this. This Great Thread.

Vote for it now.
This is a very tough choice for me. All of those threads are very deserving as they are all very good. But I can only choose one, unfortunately. Right now, I'm leaning towards the JTMFTG, KB's reviews, or the Exile me from the IWC threads.
So I nominated Ty's thread, cause I felt it deserved the nod, but I ended up going for the JTMTHG. This was one of the very few wrestling related threads I read during the latter half of the year, since it combined two things, horrible wrestlers and comedy. The responses in there were top notch, and Tenta always delivered. Great all around.
You know, if Xfear and Tdigs actually updated their threads, my vote would be between those two, but since both gave up on them and deprived me of good reading, I'll go with Ty's pride and joy, since he updates it regularly with tremendous thought and effort..
Yea, X's thread was a good read, if only he updated it consistently. All are good threads, but I'm going with JTMFTG as it's full of gold. Tenta put a lot of work into it, and his work is always superb, so needless to say it's an incredible read.
I quite enjoyed the ICW bible- some really good posts there, but I had to go here for the threads which I spent ages reading through and then searching up the old videos to try and find the matches. One of the most enjoyable things I have ever read here- A history of Wrestlemania.
Exile me from the IWC is the top thread because the first twenty or so posts are all epic. It had the early NorCal endorsement as well.
All of these are great choices, folks. They came, they stirred up things for a bit, and then they left. Not one of these threads are still being discussed today, aside from Tdigle's. That one, I grant, is still going strong, so if not mine, vote for that one.

However, the JTMFTG thread is still going strong. There used to be a time in which I did seven page inductions everyday. And you all were consistently entertained, I'd assume. The research would actually sometimes take all day to find, and a long long time ago, it used to be everyday. Now it's become a weekly thing, but every time a new one's put up, you all flock to go read it. I should know... I've seen each your names on the now viewing section of the thread. And it is continually my best work.

I won't say any more, but consider it; which of these threads have discussed recently, side from Tdigle's? And which was is going strong still?

The choice is simple.... Vote the JTMFTG
I won't say any more, but consider it; which of these threads have discussed recently, side from Tdigle's? And which was is going strong still?

The choice is simple.... Vote the JTMFTG

The Hip Hop Thread. There I debunked that little theory.

Boy do I feel sheepish.

Ok, Ty and Tdigle. Other than that, any of these threads been discussed recently?
Lesnar vs Liger brought out the best from both regulars, legends and relative unknowns and for that reason, deserves the win.
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