"The Golden Spool Award" for Best Thread - General Sections

Best Non Bar Room Thread of 2008

  • [Official] John Cena Thread

  • I'm Black - Where's My Championship Belt?

  • The Santino Marella Fan-a-Club

  • 10 Years on the Montreal Screwjob

  • Who is REALLY Better? Bret or HBK?

  • Let the Wrestlers Use Steroids!

  • Batista is now a Better Wrestler than Shawn Michaels

  • Thank God there's no more Gorilla Monsoon

  • Best Debutant in Recent Years

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone

The nominees are:

[Official] John Cena Thread

Is the WWE Racist?

Santino Fan-a-Club

10 Years on the Montreal Screwjob

Who is REALLY better? Bret Hart or HBK?

Batista is now a better wrestler than Shawn Michaels

Let the Wrestlers Use Steroids!

Thank God There's No More Gorilla Monsoon

Best Debutant in Recent Years

***nominations are not closed, but we are limited to 10 options. PM IC25, Shocky, Shango, KB, or Luther with nominations.

The Santino Fan Club is a shitty thread. It's a bunch of stupidity. Why not vote for a thread that actually accomplishes something aside from showing the immaturity of several posters here?

I say the Montreal Screwjob thread. Great thread, several involved, many great points.
The Santino Fan Club is a shitty thread. It's a bunch of stupidity. Why not vote for a thread that actually accomplishes something aside from showing the immaturity of several posters here?

I say the Montreal Screwjob thread. Great thread, several involved, many great points.

As much as the SFAC means to me, since I started it with Sam, Jake, and a host of other greats, it's far from anything that should be considered the Best Thread. I'll take 100 non spammy wrestling posts > 10,000 spam posts every day of the week. Especially when 6,594 of those 10,000 and banter about pointless e-board positions that don't even exist. And I take the blame - I started that shit.

But Sly is right. Hell, 3 of the threads on this list are threads I started, and I'd pick my other two (I'm Black - Where's My Championship Belt, and "Let The Wrestlers Use Steroids") over the SFAC every day. Sorry everyone, facts are facts. I'm honored that so many of you call the SFAC home, but the BEST thread should go to a full on debate thread.

The Screwjob thread was awesome. Very heated at times, and it's such a polarizing debate, because blame has to go somewhere.

Sly's Batista > Michaels thread was fantastic. Still is. And it's one of my favorites on the year.

Folks, don't vote for the Santino Club for the best overall non-bar room thread of the year. It's fun, but it isn't #1.
Wait WHAT?? The SFAC?? You mean the fucking ugly infection on the wrestling section thats damn near like the bar room somehow someway spilling over into the beautiful sanctitiy of my wrestling forums?? Fuck no. How could that even be made an option IC.

The Czena thread is EASILY the pick here. Every big name is in there.tons of great points. Sly being hilarious. Me being hilarious. that thing is like a right of passage for everyone.
Wait WHAT?? The SFAC?? You mean the fucking ugly infection on the wrestling section thats damn near like the bar room somehow someway spilling over into the beautiful sanctitiy of my wrestling forums?? Fuck no. How could that even be made an option IC.

1. Most posts outside of the bar room, by far.

2. Most members and posts of ANY fan club, ALL year, including Angle, Morrison, et als.

3. Most nominations for the award than any other thread.

That outta do it. It shouldn't win, but it damn sure deserves the nomination.
I would vote for the Cena thread. But I got no appreciation from that thread, which is not ususual.

So to screw everyone, I'm voting for the SFAC.
[Official] John Cena Thread

It was intresting last year.

Is the WWE Racist?

Do you mean the ''I'm black where's my championship'' thread? If so, that wins.

Santino Fan-a-Club

Good at first, then people thought it was a serious thread.

10 Years on the Montreal Screwjob

I read nothing in there that I haven't read before.

Who is REALLY better? Bret Hart or HBK?

Same as above.

Batista is now a better wrestler than Shawn Michaels

Didn't read it. Sounded to me like it was stating the obvious to everyone other than HBK-Aholic.

Let the Wrestlers Use Steroids!

Great thread, shame it lost steam quickly.

Thank God There's No More Gorilla Monsoon

Meh, not terribly intresting.

Best Debutant in Recent Years

Nowt special.
10 years on the Montreal Screwjob. Some great debates in there, and it's been pretty active since November of last year.............
The SFAC shouldn't even be nominated in this, it's nothing more than a shitty glorified barroom thread in the spamzone, 90% of the shit in that thread is just jibber jabber between about 5-10 people, the pointless thread accomplishes more than the SFAC does, I don't give a shit who wins this as long as it's NOT the SFAC, I voted for the Batista/HBK thread though, not really sure why though
SFAC. No other thread on here has maintained the same popularity throughout the entire year. All the other threads, great quality threads with great discussion. But they all will be forgotten and replaced by other ideas and threads. The SFAC went the whole 2008 without ever slowing down. SFAC deserves this award like LOTR 3 deserved the Oscar, not because it was the best movie, but because the entire franchise as whole deserved an Oscar for Best Picture. The SFAC deserves this one too.
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