Cena's Little Helper
Mid-Card Championship Winner
Nominees (Each Thread Nominee Is Linked):
Exile me from the IWC
The John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks
The IWC Bible - 2009 Edition
History of WrestleMania with KB
The Debator's League, Week 7: IC 25 vs. Gelgarin
WZ Tourney Semi Final: The Undertaker vs. Edge
The WZ Tournament, ECW Regular Wrestling Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger
France Is Now The Epicenter of Horror
xfearbefore's Movie Reviews
Why Lou Thesz Goes Over Sting
tdigle's Take Five: Puro Edition
The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE...
Ty Burna's All Hip Hop Thread
Would You Let Rey Touch Your Children?
(Technically speaking, this is not a non spam thread. However, it get a couple of nominations and it was located in the Wrestling Spam Zone; thus, it was excluded from consideration for the best Bar Room thread.)
Are We WWE Shareholders Or Are We Fans?
Exile me from the IWC
The John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks
The IWC Bible - 2009 Edition
History of WrestleMania with KB
The Debator's League, Week 7: IC 25 vs. Gelgarin
WZ Tourney Semi Final: The Undertaker vs. Edge
The WZ Tournament, ECW Regular Wrestling Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger
France Is Now The Epicenter of Horror
xfearbefore's Movie Reviews
Why Lou Thesz Goes Over Sting
tdigle's Take Five: Puro Edition
The unbiased, unbridled, naked truth about what's wrong with the WWE...
Ty Burna's All Hip Hop Thread
Would You Let Rey Touch Your Children?
(Technically speaking, this is not a non spam thread. However, it get a couple of nominations and it was located in the Wrestling Spam Zone; thus, it was excluded from consideration for the best Bar Room thread.)
Are We WWE Shareholders Or Are We Fans?