The Golden Calf: John Cena's Failure As A Character

Guys, its not the WWE creative fault that John Cena can't wrestle, it's not their fault that he doesn't know more than 4 moves which he just keep repeating.

This guy is not wrestling material and thats his biggest problem.

WWE wants him to be cheered completely as the face of the company, that's the only explanation of what happened at Raw.

When Punk cuts a promo, he gets cheered by the fans because he speaks the truth, he speak through logic and complete sense.
He doesn't need to kiss the crowd's ass to be cheered, he doesn't need to praise their local teams or even mention the crowd themselves.

Cena on the other hand comes out and spends 10 mins sucking up for the fans to get cheered by half of the arena.

Hell....he even avoids replying on most of what the other wrestler says because he knows he just can't keep up with any promo in terms of logic.

Last Monday when the "you can't wrestle" chants started , he started sucking up to Bret and the crowd to win some cheers, and sadly most of Montreal crowd were complete morons and started cheering him although he didn't say anything logical.

How can you cheer someone who says that "punk made the title irrelevant in his title reign"?

How does that make any sense?

Just pathetic......

Simple really, they where in Canada, Punk took a shot at Bret, Cena protected him = instant love from any Canadian crowd. In Canada you put anyone with Bret Hart and they will be cheered regardless of pretty much anything else.
I've been wondering all month why this is the hottest thread right now - ASIDE from the fact that the main topic is about the WWE Face himself, John Cena - and as much as I don't want to comment on this thread ever since this was created, I feel the certain urge to. In the words of the great Miz, "Really? Really?" 76 posts, excluding this one, and 36 of those were posted on the day this thread was created? This must be some hell of a thread!

Cena's never been broken? He's never been mad? He's never made you feel emotion?

As much as I have my differences with The Crock... Oh yeah, he's supposed to be "The Big Black Crock" now... and as much as I enjoy most of the people in this forum schooling him, I'm afraid he's right when he says that Cena has been broken. Who could forget how he felt when the fans turned on him in 2006? You could see with the expression on his face that he was heart-broken when they started booing him during his face run in 2006, with them chanting, "CENA SUCKS" and "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" and with the peak of his disheartenment in ECW's One Night Stand seeing them hold signs saying, "IF CENA WINS, WE RIOT" and hearing chants, "YOU STILL CAN'T WRESTLE" after reintroducing the STF. If anything, Cena was hurt. And although he thinks they don't affect him anymore, it makes you wonder how he truly feels inside.

He made an angry constipated face


Thanks for making me laugh, OP. I immediately imagined Cena looking constipated after reading that phrase! It may be shallow on my part, but thanks anyway. :)

We're not watching a hero, we're watching a morality play. How can anyone over the age of six relate to this man? He is almost literally an alien. I am a man, and I have flaws. Every great hero has flaws. I'll toss out examples off the top of my head. Aang, The Last Airbender, one of Western anime's greatest heroes. He has a heart of gold and an irrepressible desire to save the world, but he's lazy, overly pacifistic, incapable of understanding women, and frequently fails to achieve his goals.

That's a very good example, especially since I've recently been watching Avatar Re-runs. I'll agree with you here when I say that I can't find any flaws on his character, morally of course. There was a time, however, when Cena had flaws, and it was during his stint as Face Doctor of Thuganomics. He was entertaining and funny, but he had a laid-back fighting style (being a "thug" and all) and welcomed ladies into his life (remember him letting Michelle McCool spin his Then-United States Spinner Championship Belt?). Now of course, he's not a bird, he's not a plane, he's SuperCena! :p

I detest Cena. His character sucks because he's the one playing it. Not interesting in the slightest. Cena's presence makes me turn the channel.

Gee, I can't imagine why... :icon_rolleyes: I may be a Cena Hater too, but perhaps you could stick to the topic at hand and give your opinion on why you think Cena does or doesn't have flaws more and troll less.

I can appreciate Cena's accomplishments and his work with the Make-A-Wish kids. That is truly admirable. However, that has nothing to do with Cena's shortcomings as a character and in the ring. That I can gauge, Cena has relatively no charisma whatsoever and his ring skills are sorely lacking. Cena can intelligibly talk well on the mic, but beyond clear speaking his lack of charisma is utterly mind-blowing. He remains the same one-dimensional, kiddie-pandering character and does the same lame joke routine instead of being a serious competitor. I enjoyed his battle-rapping thing when he got big on Smackdown because you never knew what he'd say. It was entertaining and unpredictable, which is in stark contrast to current Cena. We all know what happens with Cena now; Five Moves of Doom, some lame attempts at jokes, some stupid references, and more of the same. He never evolves as a character, which is why most fans tire of his dated routine.

The sad truth is that Cena is the closest thing this generation has to a major star and face of a company. WWE fails to create big name stars and as long as they fail in that area, Cena will remain the top dawg unchallenged. Personal preferences aside, I do recognize that Cena is a constant within an inconsistent company. He's been there through good times and bad times. Alot of Cena fans are behind him simply because of how long he's been there, which is understandable. My problem with Cena is simple; he needs to change it up. We all know he most likely won't turn heel. That's fine. Any change or attempt to vary his routine is welcomed. He's content to remain the same mediocre performer, which is limiting his potential. He could be much more than he is but isn't willing to risk it.

This right here, especially the bolded parts. There's no denying that what he does outside the ring is philantrophic, from Make-a-Wish Foundations to Be-a-Star Progams, and I even enjoyed his time as the Doctor of Thuganomics, with the entertainment and the unpredictablility his old character showed. But after his metamorphosis into the guy whose personal mantras are "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect", John Cena has been the one single entity that's been constant in the ever-changing WWE. IT Factor said it himself, "He could be much more than he is but isn't willing to risk it."

The only point I disagree with IT Factor is the underlined parts. Cena definitely has charisma, whether it be positive through cheers or negative through boos. A negative charisma is still considered a charisma. What's not considered as charisma is getting no reaction. Case and point: Jack Swagger, and I happen to like Swagger. He's currently not getting any reaction - now that's the lack of charisma.

John Cena fans are F*CKING STUPID!

Harsh man. While your first arguments have a lot of good points, your latest arguments have become more about bashing Cena. Take it easy, dude. :)

There you have it.

This has been my longest and latest post so far, so sorry for it, but thanks if you've read through every single word that I've said here. :)
To Ethelion (nearly impossible to post with quotes on a phone):

I should have been more specific, and I'll admit that losing my patience is my own fault.

There are fans who, in accepting only what is presented if only to not complicate their interest too much, love John Cena and let anyone who hates John Cena have their opinion without an argument. This goes both ways of course as Cena haters can be just as obnoxious.

In the case of a discussion regarding deeper insights into the John Cena character, there seems to be only the more obnoxious pseudo-intelligent variety of Cena fan. These are the Cena fans I refer to when I say that they are fucking stupid.

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How can someone that gets such reaction be considered a failure. To me John is an updated version of the Hogan character. Even the matches go similar.
cenas time is up thats all im going to say have a good day :lmao: jk cena is a wannabe always was and always will be a wannabe i like how he does the salute thing hey cena where did u serve? thats right u didnt so stop that saluting bullshit it doesnt work second of all how in the world does he think he deserves a championship shot? he is nothing but a overhyped pos wrestler horrible mike skills and also how dare u cheat on your wife u jackass ok really this is all i have to say
When Cena told Punk 3 weeks ago that if he didn't give him the title shot then he wouldn't have respect for the title nor for himself, that was completely disrespectful not only for Punk but also for all the WWE superstars who deserve the title shot more than he does.

What a big hypocrite phony!
there would be nothing wrong with Cena`s character if he didn`t always come out on top. as previously said, wrestling is about good vs evil. you need both. If Cena lost and was beaten down, was off tv for a couple months and then came back and then came back and fought his way back to the top, people would have no issue with Cena but as said before, even when Cena loses, he wins. he lost to Rock at Mania but what happened at the next ppv? he won. even though he was beaten and injured, he was ready to go again by the next ppv after that. how did him losing to the Rock impact him when he won the next 2 ppvs? that`s the problem with the character. if he lost to Rock, had a couple month losing streak and then started to work his way back up, people would be happy. but instead he gets the odd loss here or there but next week, he is back on top and that is what bothers people. Cena`s character is not that different from Bret Hart in that he was the ultimate good guy(wrestling ability aside). but they used Bret a lot better than they use Cena.
He is utterly without flaws, and therefore both utterly unrelatable and a poorly conceived character.

Honestly, can John Cena do anything wrong? Kane told him to embrace the hate, but what did he do? He made an angry constipated face, but never struck Ryder, never so much as snapped at Eve, and in the end, handily defeated Kane and dispatched him all the way back to hell. When he lost to the Rock, did he show introspection and reconsider the implications of losing the biggest match of his career? No, of course not. He extended his hand in gracious loss and smiled and laughed his way to Lesnar. Brock Lesnar, the man billed as a machine, the greatest fighter ever, the man who was to bring legitimacy to the WWE. And after resoundingly getting his ass kicked, he overcame Lesnar. The next night, instead of so much as gloating he went on to smile and laugh his way to a match with John Laurinitus. And the process continues. When Big Show betrays him, does he do anything? No, he confronts him reasonably in the ring and asks him why he did it. When his duty becomes clear, he executes it.

And this new storyline with Punk has just put the icing on the cake. He is without temptation. All he has to do is cave in for one half of a second and say that Punk is better than him and he gets a title shot, but no sir. He is so utterly incorruptible, such a bastion of light and virtue that he cannot for an instant give in to a single vice.

It is unbearable.

We're not watching a hero, we're watching a morality play. How can anyone over the age of six relate to this man? He is almost literally an alien. I am a man, and I have flaws. Every great hero has flaws. I'll toss out examples off the top of my head. Aang, The Last Airbender, one of Western anime's greatest heroes. He has a heart of gold and an irrepressible desire to save the world, but he's lazy, overly pacifistic, incapable of understanding women, and frequently fails to achieve his goals. Bruce Wayne, of Nolan's Batman. So obsessed with his desire to bring justice to Gotham that he is incapable of experiencing life as a human being. Consumed by anger to the point where he kills himself rather than confront it. Sydney Carton - an antihero, I'll allow - is a drunk, self-obsessed, and constantly moping, but ultimately sacrifices himself for the happiness of his unrequited love.

These men are heroes, all, precisely because they are flawed. They are men with weaknesses. They are human beings. Their actions are not the only thing that makes them heroes - rather, it is their actions made in spite of their flaws and thereby overcoming them that make them truly heroic. We relate to the great heroes of film and literature by watching human struggles that ultimately end in glory, or at least victory of a kind. These are well developed heroes.

John Cena can't even come close. How in the world am I expected to feel anything for John Cena? For all his joking, we are looking at a cold slab of marble, unshakeable as a rock, incapable of movement from his strict morality. He is unbearable. Jesus Christ himself is more relatable than Cena. Even Christ falls down and bleeds. If John Cena were the main character of the Gospels, he would fashion the cross into a spear and kill all the Romans with it before ascending to space in his laser chariot. He would not bleed, he would not fall, because he is not a mortal man. He is incapable of the failures and transgressions of the common man.

This isn't some kind of anti-establishment, hating the current top dog just because he is kind of thing. This is a criticism of John Cena's failure as a character, an utter and complete disaster of failed art. Have you ever wondered why the children cheer John Cena? It's because they're too young to understand what it is to be flawed. Age cruelly informs us of our faults, our flaws, our mortality. There are two reactions to this, of course - to deny it and live in misguided bliss, or accept it as a noble but unpleasant truth.

John Cena never got the memo. His mortality is forgotten, his faults buried. When we watch John Cena, we look upon not a man, but a statue - a monument to perfection.

We look upon cold stone that cannot touch the hearts of those that know what it is to be human.

The biggest problem with Cena is the fans today, people see things differently. Where you see a character that you can't relate to, I see a character that's intended to be an example for others to follow. That's what a hero is. The problem isn't the character, it's the people observing. People don't want to aspire today, they want everyone to be as procrastinating, cynical, and self serving as they are and that's what the Attitude Era gave you. Stone Cold was a character that didn't want to help the company, he wanted to do what he wanted and not his employer, whom he depended on. I mean, the only reason Foley's character gets over as a face is because he's violent and odd looking. Cena reminds people of what they aren't and not willing to become. That's why everyone wants him to run heel so they can say that he is like us instead of saying that I will be like him.

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