The Golden Calf: John Cena's Failure As A Character

No one has brought up how he beat up Jack Swagger out of anger. That atleast has shown a degree of weakness and mortality.

This is a freaking huge John Cena bitch thread, maybe the mods could make this into a sticky thread. Seems like tons of people have just come to bitch and moan and bitch and moan. If he bothers you that much watch TNA or ROH.
I think it would make Cena's character a lot more interesting and believable is he just started to destroy all of the heels. I'm not talking an attack here or there, or a brutal moment or two. I'm saying have John Cena attempt to rid the WWE of evil. Have him injure some heels, have Cena take an eye for an eye stance. After a few weeks of Cena being down right vicious towards the heels he faces, have him wrestle a face like Rey, Ryder, or Kofi, and have him wrestle like he normally does. Basically have him be a monster heel to the heels and a superman face to the faces. Kind of like a Punisher or Batman like character doing whatever it takes to rid the WWE of evil.
I think his character is fine, because there needs to be a moral compass for the WWE, but give it a break for while, so Cena tries to take out the heels.
The thing about wrestlers is that their characters are all fairly simple. Is there a single character in WWE right now who's gimmick cannot be summed up in less than, say five words?

Cena - Archetypical Hero
Punk - Anti-establishment Rebel
Bryan - Slightly insane lonely guy
Kane - Demon
Big Show - Man Monster
David Otunga - Lawyer

The problem with Cena's character is not that he's an archetypical hero, it's that he isn't.

Let's take someone who is generally considered a "great" hero, who fits the Archetype perfectly. Luke Skywalker.

Throughout the Star Wars trilogy, Luke is tempted by evil. He's tempted by Vader at the end of Empire Strikes Back and the most obvious reason for that is anger and betrayal, Luke is not only angry he's outmatched but still manages to resist. How is this different to John Cena? Luke is beaten, he's lost a hand and his weapon and is literally staring into the Abyss, and he knows it as much as the viewer does. Not giving up in the face of adversity is fine, it's the element of doubt that makes it compelling. No matter what John Cena faces, no matter what trials he is staring at, no matter how hopeless the situation he never SEEMS to be thinking "I'm totally screwed" maybe it's because John Cena the man isn't a good enough actor to pull it off, maybe it's because he's been told to not show doubt in his ability to win but that is the point that I think Harthan was driving at. If not it's certainly the point I would make against John Cena.
The comparisons to Superman with Cena as a character are pretty apt actually.

Fans of comics often blame Superman writers for making Superman a flawless block of invincibility that always won, and it was getting boring. Eventually, the writers for Superman had to find flaws for him. They showed how utterly alien he is, that he doesn't understand humanity in his pursuit for absolute justice has led him to create gulag type super prisons, even a complete dictatorship in alternate universe piece. There've been stories where Superman's very existence was detrimental to the planet he protected. They've explored how even his Justice League members are wary of his both his perfection and his drive for justice. Batman has intricate plans to fight and even kill Superman at any time. Superman was vulnerable now, he was still the Super Boy Scout of Righteousness but at last his flaws (and not pieces of green rock) would lead to his downfalls and overcoming them to his eventual victory. The feeling is that for Superman comics, the stories that expose his weaknesses as a person, as a human, and how it affects his judgement as a Super Hero are the best, and sometimes the only worth reading.

Superman never becomes 'edgy' or an 'anti-hero' he'll always be the Hulk Hogan of comics, it's that they've finally started exploring his flaws that's kept Superman interesting.

The original poster touched on this, but I feel it needs repeating.

Cena as a character will always return to the status quo.

Nothing truly seems to affect him, he'll return to the 'Cena' character within a week or two of any event that happens to him. A hero's tale needs its peaks and valleys. If the character's journey is nearly a flat line, how can it possibly be interesting? Cena 'overcomes' all the obstacles in his way like a hero would, but in the does he really? Do we ever doubt Cena will overcome? There has to be a reason for us to believe Cena can fail, and a reason why we should root for him to overcome. If not, the character

And that latter part is not entirely Cena's fault. WWE's booking of heels in the Cena Era has been pretty pathetic. Name one full time heel, besides the freshly turned CM Punk, you'd believe would beat Cena cleanly (well, cleanly enough, heels gotta be heels). And there's a major part of it, there's no heel that's at the very least Cena's equal. There's nobody capable of challenging the Superman Cena character.

Austin had McMahon, Taker's Ministry, The Rock and the Corporation, DX, The McMahon-Helmsley Era. Hell, Austin's character is irrevocably linked to a match with Bret Hart at WM13 in which he lost. Austin's character is unconscious in a pool of his own blood after losing to Bret Hart, yet this is where discover how tough Austin is, we find our reason to root for him and his character evolved. Bret, acting as Austin's foil, is a major reason why this worked.

This flows back again into the Superman thing. Batman is generally believed to be much more interesting and liked as a character. Batman has the Joker, Bane, Harvey Dent, Catwoman, etc. etc. The Joker's killed one of the Robins, Bane broke the Bat's back, Harvey was one of Bat's closest friends before his injuries drove him to be Two-Face. These are things the character struggled with, showed the reader who Batman was as a character, and how he changed in whatever way because of them. With Superman, you'd probably only remember Lex Luthor's name.

Cena doesn't need to do away with Hustle Loyalty and Respect to be a successful character. He needs to be vulnerable. Not as vulnerable as that lone girl who's been roofied in a bar, but the cracks in the armor have to be there.

Cena has to stop shrugging everything off.

There has to be someone or something at or above his level for him to overcome.

And, he doesn't have to turn heel. He could never turn heel as long as his character has relatable experiences to keep people genuinely rooting for him.

It's probably 90% not Cena's fault he's written and booked this way, so it's hard to dislike him personally. Cena could improve in the ring, he could sell a bit more after matches, he could do away with some doofy mannerisms that make him a little awkward in the ring at times. But so long as WWE is happy with the ratings and PPV buys that Cena has proven he is capable of drawing, we are probably not going to be seeing much change to the Cena persona.

We might disagree that Cena's character is poor or not, but I think we can all agree that it can still be improved, right?
Hogan was portrayed as without flaws during his 80's run, faces were back then... Backlund was portrayed the same, during their first runs Bret and Warrior were too...

Hogan only became flawed to the masses and a rounded character after the roid scandal... Backlund on his comeback... Bret was always a little more rounded as he would get ultra competitive over titles, and tease heel turns against Piper and Davey...

Hogan though was a case of WWF ignoring the obvious and pushing the "Whiter than White" aspects of the character.

I saw through it as a 10 year old when Andre turned, I saw a chance for Hogan to have become flawed there, he was heeling, refusing Andre's challenge, begging off all could be considered flaws. Heenan was nailed on right, so was Andre... Hogan was ducking him! His interference to cost DiBiase the title could also be considered a flaw in that he had to have his revenge. His ego in the Yokozuna match, stuff like that but until the NWO he never allowed it to be portrayed as a flaw.

Cena as a character is not flawless though and never has been. We have seen him be tempted by Eve literally when the crowd knows he was married, make fun of other's misfortunes and show a good deal of arrogance in his behavior at times by interrupting, forcing his views and even his catchphrase "The Champ Is Here" when he's not the champ. Most fans knew little of Hogan's early heel run other than Rocky III which they could see was acting. When Hulkamania started, Hogan was a face out the gate and history was "erased" as far fewer people saw it.

Cena was a heel who made a specific turn linked to push, most WWE faces of the last 20 years have made that turn. They start heel, get over, get pushed, turn and get title about the same time.

Is WWE missing the opportunity with Cena, from story standpoint yes, but from a business standpoint no, if "Plastic" John sells merch then he remains plastic...
WOW. Sometimes I think people get lost between the reality and entertainment. Well I am not going in depth of a man’s life as portrayed on camera, which would just be stupid because he has no control or final say over that. That is why HHH is still face because he doesn’t have control of final say either. Does Cena botch and have flaws yes. But so do other wrestlers too. I don’t understand why he dissect everything he does, it actually weird. I think this site just needs a JOHN CENA forum (World Wrestling Entertainment, Hall of Fame, John Cena, Old School etc.) I just don’t get the big deal to be that involved by depicting Cena all the time.
John Cena is an enigma that none of us will ever truly grasp. That's all there is to it, really.

Not even focusing on Cena the character, at the moment. Let's focus on Cena as the man.

Outside the Ropes: He loves sports, getting a drink with his friends, and giving back to the WWE Universe; most importantly, the kids.

His divorce issues were settled, and now any chance of infidelity has been lifted from his image because he's single again. It would take his wife being a celebrity to hurt him, and she isn't. Any bad thing a past WWE talent has said about Cena has gone by the wayside.

It seems like, at this point, Cena would have to get on the president of the United State's or a major celebrity's bad side to generate any negative publicity towards the guy. It's amazing!

As for his professional life? Compared to all of the greats that Cena has been compared to, be it Hulk Hogan or The Rock, what makes him different from all of them is that there's nothing more that he wants to do than to compete in a WWE ring. It's his number one focus! He isn't leaving anytime soon. I'd take it that most of us are 18-20 years old now? In 5 years, do you think that any of this would change? CM Punk will probably be off and on with WWE in that time span. We'll be nearing our mid 20's and I think that Cena will still be the top face in WWE!

He could run for president when he's in his late 40's with the squeaky clean image, and popularity that this guy has!

If you see past his 5 moves of doom, and his very predictable matches/storylines, you'd see that when it comes to John Cena - no matter how bad of a wrestler he still is - he's still MILES ahead of everybody in sports entertainment! You'd be hard-pressed to mention three guys who have the potential to have more star power than John Cena! CM Punk is the closest to ever replacing Cena as the top face, and the popular belief at the moment is that he is becoming the top heel again because he realizes that he can never be the top face!

Randy Orton? He has issues with the wellness policy, and is more about himself than the company. Ryback? He has the potential of being huge if Vince McMahon gets his way, but will never be the face of WWE. Daniel Bryan? Dolph Ziggler? Sheamus? Alberto Del Rio? Anybody not on the main roster yet? Nobody can take Cena's place!

Just the more I think about just how huge Cena is to sports entertainment/wrestling as a whole, the more I'm amazed by the guy. He's mainstream, has a squeaky clean image, and will be with WWE I believe until he dies. Not one wrestler is crazy enough to do the shit that John Cena is doing right now, or has the charisma and self control to pull it off.

Let's face it, guys: As long as you're a WWE fan, John Cena will always be the man.
Sitting here in my office, a cigarette hanging off my lip and a nearly empty jug of Carlo Rossi "red blend" on the floor , alright, I'll make a John Cena response.

For years right , years people have complained about John Cena. We complain about him so much that his brief window as the Dr. of Thuganomics is, for some people on here, like harkening back to the Golden age of his time.

So I am going to say a few little blurbs and then I am getting back to a thirty hour work day.
Number 1- When it comes to posts I'm the best in the world. Period.

Number 2 . I don't like John Cena. When I do watch wrestling I don't watch it for John Cena. I say that, and I fully undertand that his face dominates my TV screen when I am watching some WWE. And I really don't want to get into the myriad of reasons that John kills me. We all know there are a lot of glaring reasons that John Cena is hard to watch. Let's just agree he is a big Douche Bag.
But you know what? Good guys are Douche bags. That's a fact of life. John Cena is that guy. I say that but he's probably a little smarter than "that douche bag guy" but that's what makes him a "good guy" and yes they do exist in the real world and they are rare and John is the perfect .. I don't know.. example of that.
Superman was a douche bag. John's a douche. John is like the love child of Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan. He's brutal.
However, that leads me to point 3 of the "golden calf"

Point 3
Anywhere. Anywhere John Cena wrestles regardless of if he ever wrestled for WWE ( i still blame bad ratings on the E of WWE .. I'll never get over it)
but regardless of where John wrestles or had wrestled be in WWE, be it TNA , be ROH , be in some regional nWA spin-off, be it over in Japan ; I promise you JOHN CENA would be their World Champion.

Lets face it, John has had to carry wrestling.
Stupid John Cena has had to carry wrestling. When wrestling had to rebuild itself post ECW /WCW/WWF(E!) war, the wrestling world's landscape wasn't altered it was devastated.
WWF switched to WWE and... nobody cared anymore.

John, not Orton, not Batista.. Not Lesnar (Lesnar was never going to be special for people.. he was always a heel .. man.. nice Lesnar on a great day.. buying you an ice-cream cone is still a HEEL, ORTON on a great day where he buys fajitas and a beer... SHOULD STILL BE A HEEL)

The good guys were gone, TNA coudn't afford them , Vince didn't want them, and all that was left of the attitude era was heels and this new kid John Cena. (seriously.. Sting? No, Sting was passed his prime)
And Cena did it, he has seen wrestling , not just WWE but all of wrestling through its darkest period. Where new brands have tried to establish themselves and only he was there to grab our attention.
EDGE, Orton, Christian, .. who else? And those dudes were natural HEELS. Jeff Hardy? Hardy made me turn the damn channel he is so bad on the mic. I mean.. every time.. I saw him talk and "******-up" an interview I turned the channel. RVD? ( I love but goddamn the dude can't talk, can't inspire)
So Who? Who else could be your Face? You gotta have a Face and during hard times, the Face has to be THE MAN. During great times you can run with a heel but bad times need a Face.

The ratings sucking isn't Cena's fault. I'll blame the destruction of Wrestling before I blame Cena. You guys know right? You know, you know? That it's only now.. that other wrestlers are good enough to start to rise to a level of stardom that a "superstar" exists in? We know that right?
It took more than a decade to get to the beginning of the new era.

So, my suggestion is be grateful that Cena was there and is there. Wrestling still has far to go to recover from the Monday Night Wars but finally Cena has help. CMPunk has broken through and needs to CONTINUE to push himself to the moon and the same thing for Daniel Bryan.
BESIDES THAT.. as credible FACE champions... no one else exists yet.
( and dont say Dolph Ziggler till they change his name)

And on that note.. I am back to work.
Seriously Tag Kevin Kelley or Mark Madden in. I'd love to see why they don't talk about the reality behind John Cena being The Man.
I can appreciate Cena's accomplishments and his work with the Make-A-Wish kids. That is truly admireable. However, that has nothing to do with Cena's shortcomings as a character and in the ring. That I can gauge, Cena has relatively no charisma whatso ever and his ring skills are sorely lacking. Cena can intelligibly talk well on the mic, but beyond clear speaking his lack of charisma is utterly mind blowing. He remains the same one dimensional kiddie pandering character and does the same lame joke routine instead of being a serious competitor. I enjoyed his battle rapping thing when he got big on Smackdown because you never knew what he'd say. It was entertaining and unpredictable, which is in stark contrast to current Cena. We all know what happens with Cena now; 5 moves of doom, some lame attempts at jokes, some stupid refrences, and more of the same. He never evolves as a character, which is why most fans tire of his dated routine.

The sad truth is that Cena is the closest thing this generation has to a major star and face of a company. WWE fails to create big name stars and as long as they fail in that area, Cena will remain the top dawg unchallenged. Personal preferences aside, I do recognize that Cena is a constant within an inconsistent company. He's been there through good times and bad times. Alot of Cena fans are behind him simply because of how long he's been there, which is understandable. My problem with Cena is simple; he needs to change it up. We all know he most likely won't turn heel. That's fine. Any change or attempt to vary his routine is welcomed. He's content to remain the same mediocre performer, which is limiting his potential. He could be much more than he is but isn't willing to risk it.
Say what you want about Cena, but you can't say his character is a failure.. I read a lot of these threads and this is one of the longest ones I have seen.. I've always heard If people are talkin bout ya.. It means you're doin something right...

I personally hate the John Cena character.. I think it's cheesy... But I'm from the Stone Cold Steve Austin era.... But I do like John Cena for what he does charity wise... And because one month ago, because my 9 year old loves him I got to go to the live event cause my wife sure wasn't gonna let me spend already tight money on a WWE ticket for myself... For that I love Cena and even bought the shirt for my little boy.. And if he's good n school we get to go to survivor series ... Because of Cena....

For that I love the John Cena character
But it really sucks at the same time.... Just sayn
I don't hold it against anyone if they're presented as being so incredibly resilient that no human being can possibly dream of being like them, the ability to relate to John Cena is a moot point with me.

I take offense to the piece of shit human being that he is. I take offense to the fact that he doesn't just do what he's told, he does what he knows he can get away with. Of course, the shit stains who call themselves fans of his applaud everything he does if only to blindly stand by their fucking backward principles, so explaining any of this to them will fall on deaf ears. The argument will be a mixture of "he was forced to do that" and "fuck off noob, Cena is God".

I had to listen to Cena work into his promo that nobody remembers CM Punk's reign as champion, that he's just been skirting by to earn a lengthy title reign. Fine, Cena is telling us what we remember. I guess I don't remember Punk retaining at Elimination Chamber, or Punk's fued with Daniel Bryan. I probably don't remember the redundancy of the John Cena title reign consisting of no selling nearly every move and paying his dues for that by lying down for Kevin Federline.

John Cena being an arrogant blowhard is not a debate, the shit head doesn't go out there with any intention of making his opponent look good. Anyone who calls John Cena a good wrestler, or a good person has the lowest expectations for either. Thank you for fucking up what was once a mildly intelligent form of entertainment.
Fuck Cena, Fuck every sack of shit that would speak positively of him. In ten years, reality is going to hit every one of you like a loaded freight train.

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Let's look a John Cena's movie career.

John Cena, with the blessing of everyone who didn't want to be fired and Vince, expressed interest in taking his enormous popularity to the big screen. This set in motion what was predicted to be an eventual moment where Vince could shed tears and give a standing ovation to his creation as it accepts a best actor Oscar.

John Cena stars in The Marine.

Now then, I'm certain that Cena either waved acting lessons aside because he already managed to fool an army of fucking morons into thinking that he can rap, or he received them from the worst teacher on Earth (vince).

Basically, he has the acting versatility of a fucking plank of wood.

There have been many action movies like The Marine, and they were all cheesy and predictable when that idea hadn't been beaten to death. John Cena being a fucking moron saw no flaw in his potential to be a famous movie star if he starred in a movie that was written like the Turkish version of Star Wars (look it up).

The result? WWE hyped the fuck out of it, only made a couple hundred thousand back, and you could probably find a copy buried in your local landfill.

So they put him in more movies.

Twelve Rounds received an unnecessary amount of hype, which is to say any mention of its existence, and it became another failed attempt to make John Cena look good at anything besides boring and sloppy in the ring.

So they put him in more movies.

At this point the WWE was of the delusion that the few fucking morons who apparently buy John Cena dvds are owed their John Cena fix so there was nothing wrong with pinching off more shit excuses for acting.

Recently during the dark match portion of a show Cena admitted "I've been in some bad movies".

Really John? The movies were bad? That's odd. From what I saw of them, it was the confused block head doing a shit TJ Hooker impression for EVERYONE of his fucking roles.

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I don't hold it against anyone if they're presented as being so incredibly resilient that no human being can possibly dream of being like them, the ability to relate to John Cena is a moot point with me.

I take offense to the piece of shit human being that he is. I take offense to the fact that he doesn't just do what he's told, he does what he knows he can get away with. Of course, the shit stains who call themselves fans of his applaud everything he does if only to blindly stand by their fucking backward principles, so explaining any of this to them will fall on deaf ears. The argument will be a mixture of "he was forced to do that" and "fuck off noob, Cena is God".

I had to listen to Cena work into his promo that nobody remembers CM Punk's reign as champion, that he's just been skirting by to earn a lengthy title reign. Fine, Cena is telling us what we remember. I guess I don't remember Punk retaining at Elimination Chamber, or Punk's fued with Daniel Bryan. I probably don't remember the redundancy of the John Cena title reign consisting of no selling nearly every move and paying his dues for that by lying down for Kevin Federline.

John Cena being an arrogant blowhard is not a debate, the shit head doesn't go out there with any intention of making his opponent look good. Anyone who calls John Cena a good wrestler, or a good person has the lowest expectations for either. Thank you for fucking up what was once a mildly intelligent form of entertainment.
Fuck Cena, Fuck every sack of shit that would speak positively of him. In ten years, reality is going to hit every one of you like a loaded freight train.

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And I thought I'd never find anyone who hates Cena more than I do! lol

Seriously... what happened on Raw was a complete joke imo, Cena used a cheap way to try to beat Punk on a promo.

Punk imo owned Cena in the promo but Cena as the cheap guy he is knew he can't beat Punk on normal situation so he used a pathetic way to make him appear like the winner in that promo

He used Bret to make the crowd cheer him and boo Punk knowing that this was Canada.

Punk owned Cena in the promo , and Cena as always didn't have anything but complete bullshit garbage coming out from his mouth, yet he looked like a winner coz he used Bret and his hometown .

I'm sure if Bret didn't line with Cena , then Montreal would have been booing Cena.

But again..... Was Cena serious when he said that Punk made the title irrelevant in his 10-month title reign and that's why the title wasn't in the main event?

If he thinks that his match vs johnny ace at over the limit was in the main event because Cm punk wasn't that good to put his match against Daniel Bryan in the main event then the guy isn't only a douch bag, but he also need some serious mental help. lol

And t make thing worse, he called Punk a phony and mentioned something about Punk stealing a Randy Savage move.....

Cena .....Should I remind you of the way you lost to The Rock at WM28?
To the individual above (it's hard to reply with quotes on a phone):

Thank you my friend for pointing out what I was too enraged to recognize; the accusation that Punk "stole" Randy Savage's elbow drop.

Odd, Michael Cole credited the move to Shawn Michaels earlier in the night. So Cena must also believe that Shawn Michaels "stole" the move.

I try to be nice, but fuck it.

John Cena fans are FUCKING STUPID!

John Cena fans are the same type of fucking idiot that hangs on the every word of Bill O'Reilly or Keith Olbermann. John Cena is basically just a demagogue unto himself and his fans only want their delusions of possibly being in some part responsible for his success validated.

John Cena fans are the type of fucking morons that made mass hysteria a reality. The idea that if one fucking moron believes in something then it must obviously be worth believing in, even if that idea is "We are great because we say so".

At a certain point Cena feels that he's losing fans and must provide an explanation for why he deserves to be in the main event EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. At this point he fails miserably to anyone with the attention span of a fucking six year old with Downs. But for those who believe that loving Cena fills a hole in their social life, they accept whatever kiss flavored kool-aid he's pushing.

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Here's the thing. I have sources who know John Cena personally, I have sources who know damn near everyone on the roster personally. If I know that someone is just basically a good person (Glen Jacobs), then I don't pay them a second thought.

Now John Cena, here's a sorry sack of shit that honestly believes the fucking stupid delusion that he has accomplished anything. He is given more preparation and aid from the writing staff than ANYONE else, he can call Vince up at ANYTIME and gripe over being hit too hard or hit not hard enough by an opponent and he's dressed up as a hero to children who aren't old enough to know any better when it comes to picking their heroes.

Think about it; they try really fucking hard to make Cena likeable. Sadly, it actually works on some fucking morons. They had Bret Hart, in fucking Montreal, suggest that they are a lot alike. How did the fans react? "FRUITY PEBBLES!! *CLAP CLAP CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* FRUITY PEBBLES!!"

The most pathetic thing I know about John Cena? He wishes he was black. Seriously, the fucking moron wants to be able to swag through downtown Compton, slap hands with every black person he passes and say "yo yo yo" to their obvious delight.

Oh I know, it was just an angle, right? Umm, no. It was Cena begging for a spot as a white rapper and at first it worked because the fans didn't know true rap from a fucking idiot standing in the ring only rhyming the last syllable at four fucking bars an hour. The shit that fell out of Cena's mouth when he thought he was rapping, wouldn't even qualify as fucking poetry.

Now then, isn't that patronizing? To say "I want to be cool like black people, and as I know that all black people act like Jay-Z had a stroke, I will act like that around every black person I see and they will announce on BET that I am an honorary soul brotha'".

What's funny about all this is that John Cena made himself look fucking pathetic in the process. John would suggest that they do a pointless scene where for no reason cameras find him having a positive conversation with Cryme Tyme. John Cena and Cryme Tyme weren't in an angle together, they didn't have any kind of match with each other, but Cryme Tyme was black and John Cena wanted to be black too. For your viewing pleasure, here's ten seconds of what seems to be Cryme Tyme enjoying John Cena's company because he must be so fucking afro-centric to be doing so. Then they had, for no reason AGAIN, R-Truth come to the backstage area where John Cena was pretending to get dressed and encourage him in his fued against Nexus saying "John, you the craziest guy I know" because black people respect crazy people.

He's a worthless, talentless sack of dumb muscle that ANYBODY could replace given the same amount of preparation before going into the ring.

Watch his old training videos. Take a shot of whiskey everytime Tom Howard has to say "Okay, that was actually the wrong technique" to Cena.
Johns little piece las night was horrendous. Mainly because he was not accurate. Was he right about Punks first pipe bomb? Yes and did his mic get cut? yes and we all know why. You see Cena is the priveliged. He is the "do no wrong guy" in the WWE so of course his mic wont get cut. And Punk has been face for the better of the year so Cena is trying to cut a promo about Pubks face run with the title and cant. It looks so hypocritical because Im sure when Punk was face Cena would have his back and Punk didnt legit go heel until about 2 weeks ago. In all honesty he still isnt heel to me as he's been able to justify everything he's done the same was Golen Boy Cena can justify his beating of Johnny Ace so its such a backwards promo here. Then Cena says he got all his respect by being himself and remaining consisitent. Hey I smell bullshit. First he comes into the WWE as a regular guy with Ruthless Aggression then out of nowhere hes a white joke of a rapper dissing everyone and so on. Wheres the respect there Cena? oh yeah if I can remembr correctly Taker beat it into you. then he becomes face later on and sucks the crowds dick all of a sudden then he beats people far more talented than he by way of WWE booking then he becomes a "Thug" soldier and believes hes a real rapper after dropping the Plastic Album...years later has a movie role as a Marine and of course believes he's really a Marine now so he plays that role and of course that is until now. And he himself thinks hes the best as always stated THE CHAMP IS HERE an wouldnt credit Punk...ever as champ. And whats up with him getting on Pink for stealing colors? Cenas the main one copying shit with his shirts. Copied AWA colors. Copied John Deere colors. Copied Barney the Dinosaur colors. Copied Power Rangers and so on. Hell, even stole his role as a Marine. Stole Marky Marks look and Vanilla Ice gimmic. Cena's the biggest goddamn thief in the WWE. I tell you its funny as hell how they're pushing Cena with these moot points and him pushing down Punks mic pretty much burying him telling him Cenas the top and no one will touch that. Fucking bully in a time where WWE's pulling that stupid Be a Star bullshit. And lets not talk of him licking brets balls all night Cena's joke....and sorry this post looks fucked up im typing from my crappy Cell phone
Wow,so much hate for one guy!After reading all the post on this thread,i have found the problem with cena's booking.It's simple,the fault is with morons who write his script.They portray Cena as the biggest face of the company yet write heel promos for him.Every promo he cut on punk the last two months were cocky,egoistic,heel promos,yet punk is the bad guy.At the same time,he's both the top face and top heel.That's the problem with cena.It's unique but extremely irritating.That's creative's failure.
Yeah it's creative fault but let's not excuse Cena from this issue. As the top dog of the company he has leeway. He has enough brass to say to creative "This is garbage, let's try this". So let's not excuse Cena from all of the blame because as the top face he should share at least some of it.

While his delivery and mannerisms were top notch that promo just shows that anyone who opposes Cena is going to get bitched out one way or another. Rock was bitched out during the RTWM, Brock was bitched out at Extreme Rules and Punk last night. Rock and Punk could easily shred him on the mic but both were restricted. How dare Cena look weak in the slightest. Newsflash: Cena being bitched out isn't gonna bankrupt the company.
Yeah it's creative fault but let's not excuse Cena from this issue. As the top dog of the company he has leeway. He has enough brass to say to creative "This is garbage, let's try this". So let's not excuse Cena from all of the blame because as the top face he should share at least some of it.

While his delivery and mannerisms were top notch that promo just shows that anyone who opposes Cena is going to get bitched out one way or another. Rock was bitched out during the RTWM, Brock was bitched out at Extreme Rules and Punk last night. Rock and Punk could easily shred him on the mic but both were restricted. How dare Cena look weak in the slightest. Newsflash: Cena being bitched out isn't gonna bankrupt the company.

Agree with all of this.

I love the mentality of some smarks on here, they've bitched and whined about Punk playing second fiddle for a very long time now, and yet are in favour of a heel turn that will essentially see Punk buried in the long run. Hell, that's what we effectively saw last night, with Cena basically given carte blanche to trash Punk's entire reign. Am I the only one fuming at whats happening to Punk at the moment?
Wow,so much hate for one guy!After reading all the post on this thread,i have found the problem with cena's booking.It's simple,the fault is with morons who write his script.They portray Cena as the biggest face of the company yet write heel promos for him.Every promo he cut on punk the last two months were cocky,egoistic,heel promos,yet punk is the bad guy.At the same time,he's both the top face and top heel.That's the problem with cena.It's unique but extremely irritating.That's creative's failure.

Again, this argument. That we should focus our blame for the existence of John Cena on WWE creative.

I'll give you that Brian Gewirtz is living out his alter-ego through writing Cena's promos for him. Even then, John Cena truly does believe his own hype. John Cena assumes, out of fucking stupidity, that there is any kind of legitimate pride to be had from winning a pre-determined wrestling match and that there is any kind of direct flaw in his character if he loses (or doesn't handily win) a pre-determined wrestling match.
I love the mentality of some smarks on here, they've bitched and whined about Punk playing second fiddle for a very long time now, and yet are in favour of a heel turn that will essentially see Punk buried in the long run. Hell, that's what we effectively saw last night, with Cena basically given carte blanche to trash Punk's entire reign. Am I the only one fuming at whats happening to Punk at the moment?

Welcome to the information age. Where legitimate points are argued as "bitching" and "whining" for lack of a valid counter-point.

Quite frankly, I'm a so-so fan of Punk. Even then, I find it odd that you're willing to claim that a heel turn by Punk will "essentially see Punk buried in the long run". I'm sorry, are you deaf? I beg your pardon, the fans haven't learned to chant in sign language yet. You see, during Punk's match with Randy Orton which was not long after Punk interrupted Bret Hart, the fans were still chanting "CM PUNK". I think the worst he got that night was a brief (possibly dubbed) asshole chant.

The message of the night was "Hate Punk, Love Cena". There was not one pro-Cena chant that entire night. Punk may be stuck in a storyline that doesn't fully utilize his potential, but he's not going away in the foreseeable future.
Cena is onedimensional character. He is Superman who has no flaws and everything that OP said about that part was true. They made him like that and he plays that part very well. I dont like the guy but he is playing his part with awesomness. I mean he was booed by the crowd 2 RAW-s in a rowe at his entrance but he made them cheer for him at the end. Some would say that its more about good writing but I give kudos to Cena for that. He is onedimensional but he is excellent at that. :)
I want to say something about the Cena-Punk fued. What truly amazes me is that this fued is really being cememnted on Punks breakout shoot from 2011 which turned him face and was based on an extent. Now as of last night, after Punk is a heel again, Cena used Punks own face turning promo against him.

Now I understand that Cena was somewhat letting us know he agreed with Punk not being on top. But the problem is he's blaming Punk, as if it really is Punk's fault why he wasn't on top. We all know he was outdrawing Cena for a while but it was the WWE who didnt pull the trigger on punk and always made him second to the top, not Punk. I'm pretty sure Punk has said on a couple of occasions that he wants to try something different and was denied or probably had an idea that would boost him higher and was denied. But Cena doesnt bother to mention that or even consider. He just tells Punk you didnt earn it and its all your fault. That's a load of bull.

Check out Cena when he was gaining popularity. The same way Orton and Batista, the same way Punk and others were. Being a heel and the gradually winning over the fans until they beat the big guy on top then BOOM! they're the next big thing...but unlike Cena, they dont push Orton, Batisita an Punk as the number one guy. Hell they wont even push Sheamus. They are so content with only Cena being the top guy that they don't even give any others a legitimate chance to. And when they do, they don't continue on and follow through, they just drop it.

And they blame the talent for not trying hard enough...Well we all know it's a matter of sales and because Cena was so "Cool" on his rise to the top of course kids are going to want to buy his stuff and be like him. Adults, most adults at least do not and dont buy his stuff and boo the hell out of him at every show.

What also amazes me is these fans that back Cena and believe his every word then tells us wrestling is scripted he's supposed to do that,it isnt his choice, yet they're defending what he says....What? Backwards.

God forbid Cena had the heart attack on Raw then they'd be forced to make new stars and push people but its so sad that it takes that.

But again back to the Cena CM Punk thing, the fued is loosely based on the reality of Punks feelings whih Cena sarcastically agrees with but not telling the whole truth yet trying to push himself over but cant because his matches have been subpar to Punks as well as his fueds. Like with Laurenitus, kane and The Big Show...all those fueds seeing Cena come out on top but they were lackluster compared the the matches Punk had with Bryan, Del Rio, Jericho, Miz, kane and so on. Then of course the Big Dog Cena got Rock and Brock to take on which we already know would gain precedence and we even accepted it, but only because Rock and Broc are huge draws no matter what. Hell, they could have returned and fueded with Punk and drew large.

I guess you could say I am really annoyed at Cena for basically shitting on Punk's reign and career and trying to be mr. Teacher man like he knows everything. Listen Cnea, like Lil Wayne is living off of pure luck. Yes, they both work hard, NO, theyre not that talented. Yes they are really popular, especially with kids. No, they have no longetivity and no real significance whatsoever. So as long as shit like this is what the kids want, shit like this is waht we'll all get...sad isnt it?

While the talent do what they have to, Vince is the only one that can really pull the trigger, and until he finds the next Cena, everyone else is screwed. Punk is a living example, Miz is a living example. I'm just happy they let Rock pin him cleanly which I know hurt the hell out of his pride but I'm sure he's thinking "Oh I'm such a great company man, I laid down for the rock to make my boss happy..I'm still the man around here" So damn pathetic.

I for one am not extrememly pissed at Cena, but I am because I know he has more say for his character than any other wrestler on the roster yet he's going along with it. I am really upset at the WWE for not pulling the trigger on other talent and being greedy and sharing the same spotlight as Cena or even made to "kayfabe" look like the man rather than Cena. i dont know if that's Cena's ultimate plan and I'm not stupid enough to believe it is but I do know if Cena says he wants the title, best believe he's gonna get it. Because he doesnt want to admit that like Hogan, he has the power and the pull to now have things his way despite how humble he waants to act in front of the fans.

In reality Punk has so much more densty than Cena and alot more varied. Personally i give both Punk and Cena mad props for building the tnsion and getting us into this fued almost like Austin/Rock from yesteryear but at the same time both of them should be more accurate and not spit out so much obvious bullshit like us fans are that dumb. hell, with Punks heel turn he's been able to justify everything he did and really shouldnt be hated but he is, well the WWE is trying for that. And Cena should be hated for the bullshit he spills or rather changing the story of another wrestlers career just to make himself look good, but of course WWE thinks we're stupid and will side with Cena...

I tell you. It's actually funny to think how worked up I am over this. I guess I just dont like being fed crap that I can attest to it being...crap...but then of course why the hell am I a wrestling fan if I didnt? Oh well...Still siding with Punk here as he's made the most sense and Cena seems to be confused on everything he's saying...or rather LYING
Guys, its not the WWE creative fault that John Cena can't wrestle, it's not their fault that he doesn't know more than 4 moves which he just keep repeating.

This guy is not wrestling material and thats his biggest problem.

WWE wants him to be cheered completely as the face of the company, that's the only explanation of what happened at Raw.

When Punk cuts a promo, he gets cheered by the fans because he speaks the truth, he speak through logic and complete sense.
He doesn't need to kiss the crowd's ass to be cheered, he doesn't need to praise their local teams or even mention the crowd themselves.

Cena on the other hand comes out and spends 10 mins sucking up for the fans to get cheered by half of the arena.

Hell....he even avoids replying on most of what the other wrestler says because he knows he just can't keep up with any promo in terms of logic.

Last Monday when the "you can't wrestle" chants started , he started sucking up to Bret and the crowd to win some cheers, and sadly most of Montreal crowd were complete morons and started cheering him although he didn't say anything logical.

How can you cheer someone who says that "punk made the title irrelevant in his title reign"?

How does that make any sense?

Just pathetic......
The promo between Cena and Punk was very good. But only because of the tension that they built. It kept your eyes glued to the scene to see what was said next.

However, My problem with Cena's part is that he basilaly downplayed Punks whole face run as well as title run. Now I will say Punks momentum has dropped greatly after his official face turn, but it is really not his fault. His fueds were amazing in m opinion, his matches were awesome as well in my opinion unlike Cena's matches I found very boring as well as his fueds. The only Cena fued I enjoyed recently of Cena's was with The Rock, and that is because Rock made him step up his game and I myself am a Rock fan, as well as his fued wth Brock was deent because I love Brock and of course WWE would make him hell, but the point is those two fueds were alright but led to absolutely nothing, The same goes for the Kane fued while Punks fued with Y2J, Del Rio, Miz and Bryan were all great because it showed how resilient and great Punk was as a champion but he was practically doing the same things that Cena was doing in his run but he never truly got the ball which was Punks main point in his rants. Cena refused to understand Punks point and blamed Punk for not getting "respect" which in my eyes means respect from management and the higher ups of the WWE to let him Main event and be "The man" of the WWE. Vince never pulled the trigger and tha's all Punks argument was even at his infamous shoot till now. Cena is still the one main eventing even though his matches were sucking, his ueds were sucking and he wasnt even champion. So Punk, being the only one to speak out against this gets hated on. Then he attacks the Rock after Rocky tried to embarass him and overshadow him, then attacks Jerry Lawler after Lawler spreads rumor about him and lies to the Universe, then now he GIVES Cena the right to face him and Cena is now putting him down and making him feel like shit. Just ridiculous.

It's more or less a Bully storyline with Cena playing the bully and Punk playing the hard working employee hat was damn good at his job but always being overshadowed by the pompous douche thats always getting the opportunities and the spotlight. And just because Punk has had enough, now he's the bad guy and Cena trashes his title reign and lies about him "sneaking ways of keeping his champoinship" when clearly he's been a fighting Champion ever since his face turn...It's just really hypocritical of Cena both the man and the character to be saying all of that bullshit. I get that Punks the bad guy but the way this twist has come around has been very ridiculous in my eyes.

I say that becase I have a job and I work my ass off, come in early,leave late, most of the time skip breaks and do all I can to make the next level but there are two handpicked assholes that the boss has chosen a long time ago that always gets first ranking and first shots at the new positions and this and that so i see where Punk, the character and to a lesser extent, Philip the man is coming from. You can argue with me but I really don't see the need to respond because I relate to PUnk and that's who I'm rooting for in this fued and never really see him as a heel and all the things he did was justified.

Now back to the promo Cena was basically calling the kettle black as all the things Punk is doing Cena has aready done before and that's how he got where he is so he's basiclaly blasting his old self telling Punk he sole Harts colors and Machos Elbow drop and Vader's Its clobbering time yell well in my opinion Punk is showing tribute to his favorites and at least he does a variety of moves to let us know hey People, this is NOT the same mtch you just saw for the last 3 weeks in a row. And for Cena,the guy STOLE AWA's design and colors, the Guy STOLE the old WWF Word life thing from a while ago, the guy STOLE Nintendo's design with his 3 bit shirt, the guy STOLE JohnDeers colors, power Rangers colors, Marky Mark's look and Vanilla Ice's style and even STOLE a role as a Marine. My point is Cena's the last guy to be pointing at another for thievery.

Next we Cena says he got all his respect bein himself and staying the same welll uh thats BULLSHIT, look at the mans career...all I can say is 360....from Ruthless Agression face to White Boy Rapper Heel to Chain Gang Tweener to "Legit" Rapper Face to Soldier Face to Marine Face to All around Good Guy face. The funny thing is the Cena of old wouldve bashed the hell out of the Cena of today. At least Punk is consistent. Always been Straightedge since hs ROH days, always been a Punk Rocker/Skater type. Always been sarcastic and careless. Always been a little dark and preachy. And always aimed for the Very Best as he always claimed he then....who's the one who deserves more respect for being themselves...yep...

But I can go on andon about how twisted and backwards this story is but I will agree with Cena on the fact hat not much have hanged snce Punk has become Champion...which is sad because I know it isnt Punks fault, its WWE's fault and Punk has been saying that sine the shoot but Cena will not dare speak a bad thing about WWE because look, they've always accomondated him..Hell in any circumstance, Cena should be the Hell and Punk should be the face...but in this era thats just the way the cookie crumbles...oh but on a positive note, I love Cena's fire...thats one thing when he gets intense he's unstoppable and such aggression is te only quality that I like seeing in Cena and wish he sould have shown more of that in his Rock fued but oh well. This fued will be great and the closest thing to Austin/Rock, Hogan/Savage, Flair/Sting and so on am truly interested and I am happy for that...Rant over....Argue with me, thats fine but dont expect a response. Just voicing my opinion

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