John Cena's career.

Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
John Cena is the current face of the WWE and has lead this generation for 5 (nearly 6) years and is the biggest draw that the WWE has. He sells merchandise like crazy and draws many children and woman viewers (as well as some men of course)

He is a 9 time world champion ( 7 WWE, 2 WHC). He has put on great feuds with the likes of JBL, Randy Orton, Batista and many more.

He is in the same position as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin (possibly parts shared with The Rock) in that he leads the company. He obviously has not lead it as long as the first two but he has been the face of the company for double than Steve Austin was. These men are widely regarded as the best ever.

His legacy is undoubted and he will be in the future remembered as one of the greats.

He could have another 5-10 years left in him in which time he will no doubt be a big name and further his legacy and win many more world titles.

Anyone who says he is bad doesn't know how wrestling works as he makes money and is the biggest name since The Rock. Some would argue his in ring abilities and mic skills are poor but that is for another topic.

I personally do not like Cena but I am not a hater.

Now here's where I ask the questions

As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.

Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?

What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO

Please don't leave answers saying something along the lines of "hE wiLL bEe ReMebereD as A BADE REStleR BecaUSe hE SuX" as I am asking about his legacy as the face of the company and his future not his in ring skills.

Also I believe in 5 or 10 years people will be on these forums who grew up with Cena saying he is the best ever and "WWE is not as good as it used to be. It used to be good when Cena was around". It happens with every era.
I think if you talk about all around "superstar", you could make a case for Cena being a top 10 guy right now. As you say, he is the face of the company, he sells the most merchandise. He's the guy doing national ad campaigns & talk show appearances (I know The Miz was on Fallon, but Cena is still the mainstream media go-to guy for WWE). He does movies, even though they are awful. He's the one guy, along with the Undertaker, that Wrestlemania is built around. Of course, he's not great in the ring, but neither was Hogan when he was the biggest wrestling star in the world. The 2 are pretty similar actually-I'm sure Hogan would've been the #1 most requested star with the Make A Wish Foundation, just like Cena.

As for the future, I'd love for him to do some sort of edgy heel turn, much like Hogan did with the NWO. Joining the NWO didn't hurt Hogan's merchandise sales or mainstream media popularity, & it wouldn't hurt Cena's either. Rock & Austin had heel runs, & they are still 2 of the most popular guys in the history of the business. If done right, a Cena heel turn could be great. Of course, I'm not sure the current creative team @ WWE can pull it off.
As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.

Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?

What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO

- I think Cena has probably sold just as much if not more merchandise than any of the other big names like Hogan, Austin, Rock, and DX. He has main evented WM and countless other PPVs and while the ratings and buyrates are not what they used to be 10 years ago, wrestling overall is not as populars as it was in the booming days of WCW vs WWF. If there were another company out there that could actually compete with WWE then I think the popularity overall would be higher and all of Cena already enormous accolades would be even bigger. I think he is easliy and will be remembered as one of the Top 5 All Around Superstars in Wrestling History.

- Yes I already said as much, he is there now and is only going to get bigger in the years to come. He doesn't need titles anymore to be the top guy in the company like say the Undertaker for example but I see at the least Cena reaching 15 plus title reigns as long as he stays healthy. So yeah you have to rank him in at the Top 5 Greatest of All Time.

- I want to see John Cena face the Undertaker in a title vs title unification match at Takers final WM, end the streak, and become the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I know I am in minority on this one but I see that just as I saw Hogan vs Andre, when Hogan slammed him. Hogan going over Andrea was the passing of the torch. Andre had been the dominate force and the biggest thing in wrestling for years even though Hogan was the top face and biggest draw already, it was like the ending of one era and the beginning of another. The same could be said if that were done with Cena and Taker in this era.
I don't feel qualified to speak to all of the questions you posted. I don't have hard numbers to look at, and I doubt we could get them all easily.

However, in a general sense, Cena will be remembered as one of the greats. He's the current face of the company, he has the "unbeatable" gimmick going for him. Sure, he'll lose a match or take a beat down but that's to set up or further a storyline.

He's 100% a company man. Something you can't say about many of the other "Greats" you listed. He has no aspirations (that we know of) to leave the WWE in favor of other lines of work. He LOVES what he does, and he embraces all the haters as well.

Hulk Hogan was the first BIG NAME wrestler of the Modern Era, his moveset flat sucked. But he was entertaining. He drew big money, he put asses in seats.

Following that model, all of the "greats" that have come since Hogan, have followed a similar path. Some were more "extreme" or "full of attitude" than others, but that's not a fault on the wrestler. Hell, Hogan was the most upstanding, red white and blue champion I think we've ever seen. He was a role model. At least on TV.

Cena will go down among the top 5 all time greats of the Modern Era. I start that Era in 1980'ish. Prior to that it was still a territorial system, no major media coverage of any kind and certainly no internet.

I'm a fan of Cena when he's chasing a title, not when he has it. I don't know why exactly, but I think he seems more focused on wrestling when he's after the title. once he has it, it seems he knows that he's keeping it and isn't going to give us 110% in the ring.

The movesets??? C'mon. Orton only does a handful of moves, Miz, Morrison, RTruth, Big Show, Kane, Edge, Mysterio....they all only do a handful of moves on a regular basis. Every now and then they'll do something different, but you can bank on the back-breaker, shoulder slam, clothesline and RKO from Orton in every match.

WWE doesn't want to kill their performers by allowing them to do 100 moves per match. Do the basics, then hit the signatures, and finish it. Keeps them healthy longer and they can prepare their bodies for it better.
I started watching wrestling when I was about 17 years old which was back in 95. The reason I got so much into it was because a friend who I had met invited me over one night to watch RAW IS WAR. I remember the main event was Stone Cold Steve Austin , UnderTaker, ???? vs. The Hart Foundation in a flag on a pole match. The match was so intense for me that it left me wanting to watch even more. So now I bring myself to this era with no more Stone Cold , but Cena. Cena is alright I guess. Yeah he is getting boring and he does need a new gimmick. But hes the one who keeps the show rolling! Id like to remember Cena as the guy who came in after Stone Cold and kept the company on its feet. Thats what id like to remember him as.
Cena has a chance to be top 5 top 10 all time.

Personally what I want him to do right now is just leave. This does not reflect what I think of him but rather this was the same reason the Rock left. What else does John Cena have left to accomplish? 9 time World Champ, multi time tag champ, 3 time U.S. Champ, Royal Rumble Winner, has only 1 loss at Wrestlemania. Future WWE Hall of Famer for sure. What else does John Cena have left to accomplish? And he's only 33.
As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.

He would probably be behind Hogan, Stone Cold, and The Rock (in that order) but before Bruno and guys who had legendary careers but not necessarily with the WWE, like Flair.

Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?

In terms of how popular he was, he will certainly be in the top 5 most memorable names in WWE history. Few wrestlers have managed to make their way into mainstream pop culture the way guys like Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, and Cena has. He's also been in some of the greatest feuds of his era, which definitely helps his case for being one of the best ever.

What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO

I disagree. I think Cena's the best he's been in years. His feud with Nexus made me remember why I like John Cena so much. He doesn't really have a gimmick anymore, other than face of the WWE, and I don't think the WWE is looking to replace him anytime soon, nor should they. Furthermore, one of the best things Cena can do is make any feud with a wrestler interesting even if it's been done before. He did it with Batista in 2010, he's done it with Orton, and he's done it with Edge. I will agree with you that Cena could use some fresh meat, but I foresee him having a good program with The Miz and some of the up-and-coming young heels on the WWE roster.
As a father of 3 young boys, I like the current WWE product and think Cena is FUN. Is he MY FAVORITE...NO. I love it that my kids have their own "HULK HOGAN" type character to root for though. If I had my druthers it would be matched like Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger and CM Punk vs Randy Orton. I'm not gonna be stupid like some of the people on these threads and act like wrestling is real though. This is a business and is entertainment. I don't see NCIS fans freaking out because they don't feel that Abby is getting a big enough of a role on the TV show. Keeping this in perspective helps a lot in making it enjoyable.

To specifically answer your question about how Cena will be viewed, I think you are spot on. 10 years from now the little kids of today will absolutely think that Cena was the best wrestler ever. They will hardly even remember that "The Rock" was a wrestler. Seriously, he could be a politician or Lord only knows what by then! lol

Every generation wants believe that theirs is the greatest. Whether we want to believe it or not the following formula is TRUE. Hulk=Austin=Cena with the variable being the general age of the fan.
As a father of 3 young boys, I like the current WWE product and think Cena is FUN. Is he MY FAVORITE...NO. I love it that my kids have their own "HULK HOGAN" type character to root for though. If I had my druthers it would be matched like Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger and CM Punk vs Randy Orton. I'm not gonna be stupid like some of the people on these threads and act like wrestling is real though. This is a business and is entertainment. I don't see NCIS fans freaking out because they don't feel that Abby is getting a big enough of a role on the TV show. Keeping this in perspective helps a lot in making it enjoyable.

To specifically answer your question about how Cena will be viewed, I think you are spot on. 10 years from now the little kids of today will absolutely think that Cena was the best wrestler ever. They will hardly even remember that "The Rock" was a wrestler. Seriously, he could be a politician or Lord only knows what by then! lol

Every generation wants believe that theirs is the greatest. Whether we want to believe it or not the following formula is TRUE. Hulk=Austin=Cena with the variable being the general age of the fan.

I think The Rock will still be remembered as a wrestler. I feel by the end of Cena's career it will be Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena that are remembered the most by fans.
Im 30 and I love watching Cena. He seems like a genuine nice guy. The Other thing I like about Cena even though he is in his prime he will still put guys over. He seems like the Ultiimate team player in my opinion. All my friends like Cena ,so I dont get this if your over 18 thing you hate Cena. I dont know anybody that doesnt like him.

This is a great clip of how Cena is when he is out just having fun.
i feel that when you talk about the top guys you think of guys that are a household name. Cena isn't. Rock, austin, triple h, hulk hogan, goldberg, lesnar (more because of ufc), macho man randy savage, ric flair, ultimate warrior, and bret hart are more famous and well known then him so he is not in the top 10, maybe in the top 20.
I never said anything abotu Cena as a person. I have posted time and time again that I have respect for Cena as a person. I think it's great that he is granting dying children their wish and I applaud him for his charity work. He puts more people over than say Randy Orton or some others, but he's not the Rock or Kane when it comes to putting over either; but damn it was nice to have a break from Cena this week and his corny annoying jokes.
He will be remembered as a legend for the simple fact what he did outside the ring. He has granted 200+ wishes for the Make-A-Wish foundation and is the media-invited guy from the WWE. He does movies (even though they are crappy). And children who like him, go to watch his movies. He is the next big thing after the Rock and SCSA. He does everyone's work. You know, he's winning titles like Miz or Orton and putting over young guys like HHH or Jericho or Edge.

I think he could make it to the top 5 all-timers but, after SCSA, Rock and Hogan because of the things he's done that I mentioned above and he sells a lot. He keeps asses in their seats even if it's for a negative reason like, "Let's see if Nexus beats the crap out of Cena".

I don't think he even has a character. All he's called nowadays by the WWE is "The face of this company". So, there's no question about changing his character. But I guess a better character or a heel one would be good.
He seems like a genuine nice guy.

He really does, and it would be disappointing to find out he isn't. He also gives the appearance of truly enjoying what he does, unlike others who seem to regard it as just a job. If he quit today, I believe he would fit in the top 5 of all time, but his legacy can be further cemented by his giving us many more years of what he does so well. So many people thought we would never find the next Hogan or Austin; instead, they gave us someone more genuine to take over the top spot.

That said, I think it's time for a heel turn. He's been a monster he'd be a monster heel. Those who love him now would be outraged to see him turn....and that would keep them following his exploits. In addition, there are tons of folks who hate him already, and they would follow him as a heel just so they could say "I told you so" to the rest of us.

I suggest they make it a slow heel turn; really build it up and tease us with the implication that there's no way Cena would ever turn heel.....which would make it that much more effective when we come to accept that it's really happening.

In the meantime, he can keep doing good deeds off-camera since intelligent people realize it's all an act. (It still gets me when I see WWE showing super bad guys like The Miz embracing a handicapped child; it injects a dose of reality to what WWE is doing).

But I think heel-dom is the next logical step for Cena. It'll be huge.:worship:
As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.

He'd be remembered as the biggest draw of his generation like Hogan and Austin were.

Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?

He already is one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Top 10 easily.

What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO

Only thing left for Cena is a heel turn akin to Hogans'. That would be epic if done the right way, his mic skills could make him hated easily.

Also I believe in 5 or 10 years people will be on these forums who grew up with Cena saying he is the best ever and "WWE is not as good as it used to be. It used to be good when Cena was around". It happens with every era.

Oh I believe that too, Cena is great and is an amazing performer. I have no doubt that people will miss him when he's gone and harken back to the good old days.
John Cena is the current face of the WWE and has lead this generation for 5 (nearly 6) years and is the biggest draw that the WWE has. He sells merchandise like crazy and draws many children and woman viewers (as well as some men of course)

He is a 9 time world champion ( 7 WWE, 2 WHC). He has put on great feuds with the likes of JBL, Randy Orton, Batista and many more.

He is in the same position as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin (possibly parts shared with The Rock) in that he leads the company. He obviously has not lead it as long as the first two but he has been the face of the company for double than Steve Austin was. These men are widely regarded as the best ever.

His legacy is undoubted and he will be in the future remembered as one of the greats.

He could have another 5-10 years left in him in which time he will no doubt be a big name and further his legacy and win many more world titles.

Anyone who says he is bad doesn't know how wrestling works as he makes money and is the biggest name since The Rock. Some would argue his in ring abilities and mic skills are poor but that is for another topic.

I personally do not like Cena but I am not a hater.

Now here's where I ask the questions

As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.

Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?

What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO

Please don't leave answers saying something along the lines of "hE wiLL bEe ReMebereD as A BADE REStleR BecaUSe hE SuX" as I am asking about his legacy as the face of the company and his future not his in ring skills.

Also I believe in 5 or 10 years people will be on these forums who grew up with Cena saying he is the best ever and "WWE is not as good as it used to be. It used to be good when Cena was around". It happens with every era.

Easily in the top 5, right now, in terms of overall package. Id hazard a guess thats he's moved more merchandise for the company outside of Hogan. Thats legendary company indeed.

As for his accomplishments, they're undeniable. He's not only the face of the company, but he's the face of Raw, and has been since the day he set foot there in 2005. Batista was hot at the time, and was embroiled in a marvelous feud with HHH. Cena's popularity surpassed Batista's almost immediately, and Batista was destroying the most hated heel in the company at the time in HHH.

Not only that, but he's had the longest championship reign in any major company in over 19 years with his reign from September of 2006 to September of 2007. 387 days. Le that sink in in the day of frequent title changes, for both heels and faces alike. Things were like that at the time. If you got a three month title reign, WWE thought alot of you. Cena got over a year. A freaking year. The last person with a longer title reign. Hulk Hogan.

You listed his accomplishments, but let me add a few. He's made every feud he's been embroiled in gold, because of his charisma. JBL was crap and he got a great feud out of him back in 2005. The best work of Batista's career came when he feuded with Cena earlier this year. He put Sheamus over and on the map, and has yet to beat him cleanly. In losses, he's elevated Dolph Ziggler to the place where he's now in the main event scene. A former Spirit Squad member, in the main event picture. All of these men certainly deserve credit, but it was Cena's rub that ultimately got them over. The talk of him burying people and not losing to others is pure rubbish. Even the Miz' rise to the top can be traced to his feud when he called out Cena. Had it been with any other star, these fueds wouldn't have been half as compelling, nor would they put these stars where they are today. Oh, did I mention Nexus? ;)

Obviously, love him or hate him(I fall into the former as he's my favorite wrestler), Cena's accomplishments, feud making stars, merchandise moving, charisma, and mainstream appeal certainly qualify him amongst the top 10 wrestlers of all time, even if he were to retire today.
i feel that when you talk about the top guys you think of guys that are a household name. Cena isn't. Rock, austin, triple h, hulk hogan, goldberg, lesnar (more because of ufc), macho man randy savage, ric flair, ultimate warrior, and bret hart are more famous and well known then him so he is not in the top 10, maybe in the top 20.

I'm along a similar train of thought as above. I know many are ready to anoint Cena as one of the all-time greats, but truthfully he just isn't there. He's not bad and he's WWE's biggest name these days, but WWE isn't exactly setting the roof on fire right now.

Off the top of my head, let's see if Cena can crack my top ten for top superstars the WWE (or previous incarnates) has seen. This isn't a list of my favorites, but honestly who I think have had the biggest careers in WWE (or WWF or WWWF)..
1--Steve Austin
2--Hulk Hogan
3--The Rock
4--Bret Hart
5--Shawn Michaels
6--Bruno Sammartino
7--Randy Savage
8--The Ultimate Warrior
9--Triple H
10--Andre The Giant

I don't think Cena can be put above any of these guys, and likely never will. Some of these wrestlers have their detractors, but I think all of them were bigger superstars in their day than John Cena has been.

It's debatable and I can't say Cena will never be in this list for me, but I just think he lacks something as the top guy in the company. He's solid, but just not elite.
1--Steve Austin
2--Hulk Hogan
3--The Rock
4--Bret Hart
5--Shawn Michaels
6--Bruno Sammartino
7--Randy Savage
8--The Ultimate Warrior
9--Triple H
10--Andre The Giant

Out of that list, I would put Cena behind Hogan and Austin. Cena has been a top guy longer than The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H and while Savage was champion for a year, he always seemed second fiddle to Hogan much like The Rock was to Austin. Cena has been the face of the WWE for five years and just as many people watch the WWE now as they did during the Attitude Era.
Out of that list, I would put Cena behind Hogan and Austin. Cena has been a top guy longer than The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H and while Savage was champion for a year, he always seemed second fiddle to Hogan much like The Rock was to Austin. Cena has been the face of the WWE for five years and just as many people watch the WWE now as they did during the Attitude Era.

It's true that Cena has been the face of the WWE longer than Savage or Rock, but I still think Savage and Rock were bigger names during their height than Cena has been during his. Certainly Rock was, and while Macho Man is more debatable the guy just cried out "star." Cena is missing that component to me. Randy was so effortless in everything he did.

I suppose part of my list is based on guys who just weren't the top guy, but best HANDLED that responsibility. I don't think Cena carries the company as well as Macho Man or the Rock could. He's simply not as entertaining as those guys were. Just an opinion.

I can't agree about the number of people watching WWE nowadays. Ratings were much higher during the Attitude Era. They were more-than-double the ratings some weeks, actually.
I think Cena is easily a top 3 guy.

He is going to go down as one of the all time greats! If you dont think so your just one of the fans that hate him no matter what he does. Not to admit he is not one of the all time top ten Wrestlers of all time is crazy. He has been the face of wrestling for about 7 years that is a great run not many can do that not even the Rock or Triple H. Cena is definately in Hogan's class in my opinion just for the fact the kids adore him like I did Hogan in the 80'S and they are going to remember their all time favorite from their child hood forever. So in the future when these kids talk wrestling Cena's name is certain to come up. I think when all is said and done when Cena retires he will surpass Austin on the list and him and Hogan could be 1 and Cena 1A.
I think Cena is easily a top 3 guy.

He is going to go down as one of the all time greats! If you dont think so your just one of the fans that hate him no matter what he does. Not to admit he is not one of the all time top ten Wrestlers of all time is crazy. He has been the face of wrestling for about 7 years that is a great run not many can do that not even the Rock or Triple H. Cena is definately in Hogan's class in my opinion just for the fact the kids adore him like I did Hogan in the 80'S and they are going to remember their all time favorite from their child hood forever. So in the future when these kids talk wrestling Cena's name is certain to come up. I think when all is said and done when Cena retires he will surpass Austin on the list and him and Hogan could be 1 and Cena 1A.

I don't think it makes you a hater or crazy if you disagree--it just makes you older or more of a wrestling historian.

I've been watching wrestling religiously since 1986, so I have 25 years of WWF/WWE superstars to look back upon. Ultimately there is no wrong or right answer here as it's all opinion, but based on my wrestling-watching experience John Cena doesn't hold a candle to at least ten wrestlers in the history of the company (see prior in the thread for my top ten) and there's probably a few more on the list before we get to Cena (Undertaker wasn't on my list).

Just because a guy has been thrust upon us as Cena has does not put him in the elite of all-time WWE greats. He's currently the biggest fish in a rather small pool of talent. I don't think Cena is terrible and he makes me chuckle once in awhile, but he still has a LONG way to go before he should be considered one of the company's all-time best.
The Hardys sold more gear than Cena...not even close...they had like 8 of the top 10 sellers on is LAME!!!!!! Only 5 year olds who don't know any better like him...I would never pay to watch Cena, would you? I would pay to watch Hogan, Rock, Austin, HBK, Undertaker, Ric Flair, and the REAL greats...
The Hardys sold more gear than Cena...not even close...they had like 8 of the top 10 sellers on is LAME!!!!!! Only 5 year olds who don't know any better like him...I would never pay to watch Cena, would you? I would pay to watch Hogan, Rock, Austin, HBK, Undertaker, Ric Flair, and the REAL greats...


1. That is NOT a fair comparison because you're comparing him to a TAG TEAM, arguably the most popular tag team in the history of the industry, who have been around since at least since the turn of the millenium. Combine that with the fact that Jeff Hardy was also one of the top 5 guys when he left most recently and it's not unreasonable that they outsold him in merchandise on

2. I like Cena, and last I checked I wasn't 5 years old. Is he my favorite? Oh no, not by a long shot, but I do like the guy and find him entertaining. He's not the most technical guy but he does have in ring chops, and the pure physical power the man has is enough that he can make up for it. The fact that he also has an extremely likable personality just helps matters.
Anyone saying that Cena is anything less than top ten is simply wrong. I LIKED Cena. I don't currently like his character. He's better than he was last year, but he still bores me to tears (except for a few weeks back when he faced Ziggler. That was fun.) However, no one else in the WWE currently even comes close to the reaction he can invoke from the crowd. Sometimes, he's the only one that gets a decent pop for in the entire night.

Now, as far as where he ranks in the hierarchy of WWE greats, I think that the list should look like this:

1. Austin
2. Rock
3. Hogan
4. Undertaker
5. Michaels
6. Triple H
7. Bret Hart
8. Cena

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