Pole Smoker
Pre-Show Stalwart
John Cena is the current face of the WWE and has lead this generation for 5 (nearly 6) years and is the biggest draw that the WWE has. He sells merchandise like crazy and draws many children and woman viewers (as well as some men of course)
He is a 9 time world champion ( 7 WWE, 2 WHC). He has put on great feuds with the likes of JBL, Randy Orton, Batista and many more.
He is in the same position as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin (possibly parts shared with The Rock) in that he leads the company. He obviously has not lead it as long as the first two but he has been the face of the company for double than Steve Austin was. These men are widely regarded as the best ever.
His legacy is undoubted and he will be in the future remembered as one of the greats.
He could have another 5-10 years left in him in which time he will no doubt be a big name and further his legacy and win many more world titles.
Anyone who says he is bad doesn't know how wrestling works as he makes money and is the biggest name since The Rock. Some would argue his in ring abilities and mic skills are poor but that is for another topic.
I personally do not like Cena but I am not a hater.
Now here's where I ask the questions
As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.
Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?
What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO
Please don't leave answers saying something along the lines of "hE wiLL bEe ReMebereD as A BADE REStleR BecaUSe hE SuX" as I am asking about his legacy as the face of the company and his future not his in ring skills.
Also I believe in 5 or 10 years people will be on these forums who grew up with Cena saying he is the best ever and "WWE is not as good as it used to be. It used to be good when Cena was around". It happens with every era.
He is a 9 time world champion ( 7 WWE, 2 WHC). He has put on great feuds with the likes of JBL, Randy Orton, Batista and many more.
He is in the same position as Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin (possibly parts shared with The Rock) in that he leads the company. He obviously has not lead it as long as the first two but he has been the face of the company for double than Steve Austin was. These men are widely regarded as the best ever.
His legacy is undoubted and he will be in the future remembered as one of the greats.
He could have another 5-10 years left in him in which time he will no doubt be a big name and further his legacy and win many more world titles.
Anyone who says he is bad doesn't know how wrestling works as he makes money and is the biggest name since The Rock. Some would argue his in ring abilities and mic skills are poor but that is for another topic.
I personally do not like Cena but I am not a hater.
Now here's where I ask the questions
As of now if Cena was to quit where would he be remembered by in a all time list in WWE? I am talking overall including draws, merchandise etc.
Do you think Cena could go on to be one of the biggest names ever in WWE. Like top 5 or something. It seems hard for any reason he won't be. Considering every other face of the company is regarded this way then why not?
What would you like to see John Cena do with his career now? He has had a feud with most wrestlers and his gimmick has become boring for a while IMO
Please don't leave answers saying something along the lines of "hE wiLL bEe ReMebereD as A BADE REStleR BecaUSe hE SuX" as I am asking about his legacy as the face of the company and his future not his in ring skills.
Also I believe in 5 or 10 years people will be on these forums who grew up with Cena saying he is the best ever and "WWE is not as good as it used to be. It used to be good when Cena was around". It happens with every era.