Who will be the face of the WWE after John Cena's time?

Back in 2002, nobody thought that John Cena would be the next face of the company. Same thing with Randy Orton. So if I had to pick one guy that would lead the WWE into the bright and promising future, that one man could only be...

Adrian Neville.

Yep, you heard it right, Adrian Neville. I don't even know how to pronounce the guys last name, but hopefully I will be able to soon. Anyways, the guy is only 26, so hopefully the E brings him up to the main roster sometime soon. His moveset is dazzling, and I'm sure he can get over with any kind of wrestling fan. HE IZ DA FUTURE!!!
It won't be anyone on the current roster.

By the time Cena's done, Punk and Orton will be too old, same with Sheamus (who doesn't have what it takes anyhow). Ziggler doesn't have what it takes, so just... stop.

They'll find someone. Some guy who's half-way talented, in his mid-20's, etc. They'll build whoever it is. It's not like being 100% popular with the fans matters anymore, look at Cena.

There isn't a guy on this roster who is, A. young enough, or B. talented enough.
The future is here already, just being held back by Jesus Cena's monster merchandise sales

Bryan/ Rollins/ Sandow/ Rhodes could all take top spot if given the push

but money rules for the billionaire empire of WW$

so we will have to wait for Cena's first hip replacement before anything changes
Like others have said the next Hogan, Rock, Austin and Cena is either in NXT or has hot signed with WWE yet.Also for the posters talking about how CM Punk and Randy Orton are not that much younger then John Cena.Well Dolph Ziggler is not that young either. Dolph was born in 1980, and will be 33 on July 27.

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