The Election

Having read through this thread, I maintain the position I have held from the get go. The section which is most in need of a new moderator is the non-spam wrestling TNA section. That's not a knock at IDR at all, he's doing a tremendous job, but the fact of the matter is, the section is increasing in traffic and as such, he could use a helping hand. This is first and foremost a wrestling forum and as such, wrestling sections should be priority one. That's no disrespect to sports, or VG &T,or even spam, but the bread and butter of the forums should be non-spam wrestling.

As such I think I am perfectly qualified to do the job. I've been here a long time and I know how the forums work. I'm consistently respectful to the other guys. I think I am able to hold my own in the non-spam environment. And I think I could bring a new perspective to the TNA environment, promoting discussion while enforcing rules when necessary, from the polar opposite perspective from our existing mod. Most issues have two sides, and I think having two mods from differing viewpoints is a recipe for success. That's not to say IDR and myself would always disagree, in fact I often do agree with him (except about the NHL). But I think a fresh perspective could generate some interesting dialogue, and I hope to be given the opportunity to show it.
Well put. But this election needs to be used to counter the criminal bias against the spam section that the current administration has. If it's not now, it's never. TNA can wait because the administration will always be there for it. The same can't be said of the spam sections. Hell, you might do better for yourself running on this completely reasonable spam platform.
Avoiding a reply here? How convenient.

And Nate doesn't need handling. He's a damn fine mod and is handling things with you quite well. Matter of fact, he has more patience then I do.

Avoiding a reply? Ha! Never. Like I said I had an actual job to go to. I went to work, now I am home and as I said I would I have come back to respond. As for Nate his is coming, but I think I'll deal with you first since you're just so special.

Being off-topic is the original definition of spamming. Whether you replied to another poster's off-topic rant, you're venting, or getting something off your chest is irrelevant. If you don't post on-topic then you are spamming. PERIOD.

That's the thing, I wasn't off topic. I was speaking in regards to the conversation I was having that was on the topic, which isn't going off topic, also stating the fact that I wasn't going to go any further with discussing it. I stated my issues with what Slyfox had to say about it, and that I wasn't going any further in discussion, how is that off topic? What? Because I didn't say "This is why I disagree with your position on the smoking ban"? So now you're going to argue semantics and word choice? That's pretty petty and weak.

So, what you're saying is that you posted a racial slur in your signature. You can sugar-coat it all you like but sorry, that's against the rules. But I guess you're going to express your disagreement and displeasure with our rules and push your interpretation as if it means something. Knowing all of this, you actually think you have a shot at being a mod?

No that's what you are saying. And of course since your a big shot here that's all that matters. It obviously wouldn't matter if I proved you wrong on the matter 1000 different ways. There's a little thing you clearly know nothing about called "discretion". I used the word "*****" in a non-offensive way, you can try to say otherwise all you like, and anyone else can try to justify overreacting to it all they like, it was a bullshit call. Of course I am the bad guy though. I was before I ever said a word since I'm not "one of the boys" and have the nerve to say anything against you. That must hurt your ego.

Yet you continue to argue with other mods about the rules that you've clearly broken...

Oh, so giving my side of the situation is arguing now? Funny how when someone says something you don't like it's whatever you tag it. So it's arguing when I try to explain how what I did wasn't really worth of an infraction or breaking the rules at all? Just saying something contrary to what you think is arguing? What a funny interpretation.:disappointed:

Yeah, because posting racial slurs in your signature is definitely putting you on the right track here...

Again, I never posted a racial slur, I used a slang term. There is a difference. Black people have no problem with it, it's not a racial slur to them when they call each other ***** 5 times in the same sentence, it's not a racial slur any other time. That is, until one of you say so of course regardless of any obvious notes to the contrary.

Would you do this while you simultaneously break our rules, thus causing more work for us?

Well if I was a mod like you and apart of the boys club it wouldn't matter what I did now would it? I could talk endless shit to people without repercussion, hit people with infractions because I don't like their stances on topics or what they say, and be as big a douchebag as I want hiding behind a computer and an imaginary wand of power.

Seriously, though... if you were ever elected as a mod, I think this forum would immediately explode, pigs would fly, a woman would be elected president, people would want to become Milenko's best friend, IDR would become a WWE mark, an the internet would die.

But thanks for playing. Now, go back to shitty posting. This election stuff just isn't for you.

That's nice, way to show what a noble and just leader you are, and how maturely you can handle a situation. If you wig out and get this defensive dealing with little old me, I'd hate to see what would happen if someone that didn't have to put up with any of your crap stood up to you.

You take this shit way too seriously, you use it as a tool to brow beat people that you otherwise couldn't in real life, you probably eat a lot of shit IN real life which is why you take it out on people on the internet that conveniently for you can't do anything back but type, and it makes you look pathetic and sad that this is what you must resort to to feel so important and powerful. Basically, your a fucking loser, both on here and in real life obviously. You try to pick on people who are basically defenseless which also makes you a coward. I'll refer you to one of my favorite quotes "Buy a Bullet, Rent a Gun".

Oh and BTW, we're in the bar room where anything goes so I can tell you that and you can't do a fucking thing about it. There's your rules for you dipshit.

We're in The Bar Room. If this were a PM from you asking me a question about the rules or something, I'd be taking a totally different tone.

So D-man was right about you, you are more patient, and as it seems you also know something about discretion. Good for you. :)

There's nothing saying that being a mod means you have to be devoid of personal opinions. You're not some person making his first post without reading the rules. You had obviously read the rules and you still broke them. Obviously pretty stupid, so I'd feel no shame in calling you stupid.

Jesus Christ, you guys make it like I intentionally broke Papal mandate or some shit. I didn't intentionally break any rules, I just didn't think anyone would seriously be so anal and trite as to give me infractions for what I did do, which was only "technically" outside of any rules.

And I'm not faulting you for that. I've seen far more established members get in trouble for the same thing, but they take the punishment and don't try to argue it. It'd be stupid to do otherwise.

Jeez, fuck, who cares? I took the punishment and didn't say anything about it until someone felt it prudent to try and smear me with it so I gave my side of the situation and explained why I didn't think what I did was worthy of infraction. And that's arguing you say? What a skewed view.

You see, there's a difference in how I handle people here. If the poster is new, I'll warn them and explain to them what they did wrong. I don't trash people who don't know any better. But when established guys who have been warned and infracted several times continue to break rules, they lose a bit of the courtesy they'd been given prior. Still, the worst thing I think I've said to anyone is that their thread sucked.

Well that's quite a bit different than the tough talk bullshit you tried to puke on to me now isn't it? Make up your mind.

I prefer oral.

Well, if you like to give oral that's your thing. I'm sure D-man would love for you to give him some oral. It seems he can't go very long without having someone trying to suck his dick before he gets all crabby and starts trying to pick on people out of his insecurity, just don't tell him you've taken bigger.

Wrong. In fact, you could have potentially been infracted twice. Anything you said within the post you were infracted for could have been said in PM or rep. After you were told exactly that, you posted yet again stating the exact same thing, and was fortunate that post was just deleted. You said nothing about the topic in either post, both were simply rants regarding Sly. That's something you could have told him through rep or PM. It was spam.

And in fact you should have had some fucking discretion and seen that I was simply bowing out officially and not been such an anal fuck about it. I couldn't really give one fuck less what you do, but I felt that your infraction and the one I received for my sig were bogus. You guys can piss and moan and gripe and growl all you want about it and try to tell me how wrong I am and talk all the shit about me you want, act like "Oh the audacity" that I disagree with your shit, but I don't fucking care, okay. You guys trip way too much on little shit, you act like children whenever someone has something to say that challenges your authority in any way perceivable, and I think most of you have severe security and self esteem issues that you take out on people here on the internet, because ya know, Da Interwebz iZ Zeirouz Bizunez.
You guys trip way too much on little shit, you act like children whenever someone has something to say that challenges your authority in any way perceivable, and I think most of you have severe security and self esteem issues that you take out on people here on the internet, because ya know, Da Interwebz iZ Zeirouz Bizunez.


And nobody fucking forget it!
Hey, you're the one whose going on about it, I just answered you. I was and am over it. You however, continue to show why I am completely right about being a more tolerant mod, being more accessible, and being able to separate personal shit with what my job mandates. Here you state how you'd red rep me and call me stupid, conduct obviously not very befitting of a moderator and representative of the staff. As for my sig rule violation, that's about the lowest thing on the totem pole you could get and not nearly as serious as you try to make it. I didn't think it would be deemed as offensive, someone else felt otherwise, and gave me an infraction. It's not like I didn't know the rules I just thought the way I used it that it would fall within the rules. No big deal. It in no way means I don't understand the rules, or that I am not the best option to be the next mod.

This is why you are unfit. No explanation necessary.

No that's what you are saying. And of course since your a big shot here that's all that matters. It obviously wouldn't matter if I proved you wrong on the matter 1000 different ways. There's a little thing you clearly know nothing about called "discretion". I used the word "*****" in a non-offensive way, you can try to say otherwise all you like, and anyone else can try to justify overreacting to it all they like, it was a bullshit call. Of course I am the bad guy though. I was before I ever said a word since I'm not "one of the boys" and have the nerve to say anything against you. That must hurt your ego.

Again, I never posted a racial slur, I used a slang term. There is a difference. Black people have no problem with it, it's not a racial slur to them when they call each other ***** 5 times in the same sentence, it's not a racial slur any other time. That is, until one of you say so of course regardless of any obvious notes to the contrary.

Jesus fuck, it's like I'm talking to Sully all over again.

Alright, let's break this down.

Just because you don't find something offensive doesn't mean other people don't. That's not for you to decide. In respect to those who DO find it offensive, you don't use offensive language such as any form of the words "******" or "******" in the sections of the forums that aren't The Bar Room. If you don't like that rule, then you don't have to post on WZ.

Anybody else using the word would have been infracted, but you and your large vagina are the only ones acting like a victim about it around here.
Avoiding a reply? Ha! Never. Like I said I had an actual job to go to. I went to work, now I am home and as I said I would I have come back to respond. As for Nate his is coming, but I think I'll deal with you first since you're just so special.
Nate is special cause he really is a smart guy.

That's the thing, I wasn't off topic. I was speaking in regards to the conversation I was having that was on the topic, which isn't going off topic, also stating the fact that I wasn't going to go any further with discussing it. I stated my issues with what Slyfox had to say about it, and that I wasn't going any further in discussion, how is that off topic? What? Because I didn't say "This is why I disagree with your position on the smoking ban"? So now you're going to argue semantics and word choice? That's pretty petty and weak.
You just answer your own question.

No that's what you are saying. And of course since your a big shot here that's all that matters. It obviously wouldn't matter if I proved you wrong on the matter 1000 different ways. There's a little thing you clearly know nothing about called "discretion". I used the word "*****" in a non-offensive way, you can try to say otherwise all you like, and anyone else can try to justify overreacting to it all they like, it was a bullshit call. Of course I am the bad guy though. I was before I ever said a word since I'm not "one of the boys" and have the nerve to say anything against you. That must hurt your ego.
If you don't see what is wrong with this then go get yourself check.

Oh, so giving my side of the situation is arguing now? Funny how when someone says something you don't like it's whatever you tag it. So it's arguing when I try to explain how what I did wasn't really worth of an infraction or breaking the rules at all? Just saying something contrary to what you think is arguing? What a funny interpretation.:disappointed:
Man you love answering yourself don't you.

Again, I never posted a racial slur, I used a slang term. There is a difference. Black people have no problem with it, it's not a racial slur to them when they call each other ***** 5 times in the same sentence, it's not a racial slur any other time. That is, until one of you say so of course regardless of any obvious notes to the contrary.
Yeah they might not care cause they are telling each other.But coming from someone else that is offensive.

Well if I was a mod like you and apart of the boys club it wouldn't matter what I did now would it? I could talk endless shit to people without repercussion, hit people with infractions because I don't like their stances on topics or what they say, and be as big a douchebag as I want hiding behind a computer and an imaginary wand of power.
Yeah not voting for you cause that is not what they all do.

That's nice, way to show what a noble and just leader you are, and how maturely you can handle a situation. If you wig out and get this defensive dealing with little old me, I'd hate to see what would happen if someone that didn't have to put up with any of your crap stood up to you.
He is just telling you facts.

You take this shit way too seriously, you use it as a tool to brow beat people that you otherwise couldn't in real life, you probably eat a lot of shit IN real life which is why you take it out on people on the internet that conveniently for you can't do anything back but type, and it makes you look pathetic and sad that this is what you must resort to to feel so important and powerful. Basically, your a fucking loser, both on here and in real life obviously. You try to pick on people who are basically defenseless which also makes you a coward. I'll refer you to one of my favorite quotes "Buy a Bullet, Rent a Gun".
And you don't take this shit seriously huh.

Oh and BTW, we're in the bar room where anything goes so I can tell you that and you can't do a fucking thing about it. There's your rules for you dipshit.
That is not what all the bar room is about.

So D-man was right about you, you are more patient, and as it seems you also know something about discretion. Good for you. :)
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic.

Jesus Christ, you guys make it like I intentionally broke Papal mandate or some shit. I didn't intentionally break any rules, I just didn't think anyone would seriously be so anal and trite as to give me infractions for what I did do, which was only "technically" outside of any rules.
See you don't know anything about the rules.

Jeez, fuck, who cares? I took the punishment and didn't say anything about it until someone felt it prudent to try and smear me with it so I gave my side of the situation and explained why I didn't think what I did was worthy of infraction. And that's arguing you say? What a skewed view.
Still answering your own questions.

Well that's quite a bit different than the tough talk bullshit you tried to puke on to me now isn't it? Make up your mind.
Dude what tough talk bullshit are you talking about?Cause all I see is him stating the facts.

Well, if you like to give oral that's your thing. I'm sure D-man would love for you to give him some oral. It seems he can't go very long without having someone trying to suck his dick before he gets all crabby and starts trying to pick on people out of his insecurity, just don't tell him you've taken bigger.
Can't take a joke or what?

And in fact you should have had some fucking discretion and seen that I was simply bowing out officially and not been such an anal fuck about it. I couldn't really give one fuck less what you do, but I felt that your infraction and the one I received for my sig were bogus. You guys can piss and moan and gripe and growl all you want about it and try to tell me how wrong I am and talk all the shit about me you want, act like "Oh the audacity" that I disagree with your shit, but I don't fucking care, okay. You guys trip way too much on little shit, you act like children whenever someone has something to say that challenges your authority in any way perceivable, and I think most of you have severe security and self esteem issues that you take out on people here on the internet, because ya know, Da Interwebz iZ Zeirouz Bizunez.
Dude you are giving a fuck so don't say you aren't.
I'll break this down as honestly as I can.

ABC Party

I think that our party has two guys who are the perfect fit for the position of a moderator at this moment. They are JWGunslinger and Killjoy. Gunslinger is a regular at the MMA section and is a real good poster as well. He is so good that people thought that he wasn't a rookie. The MMA section could use another mod to help IndyJon out. He seems to be popular and likable as well.

As for Killjoy, the TNA section does need another mod with IDR not being available all the time. Killjoy is one of TNA's better posters. I do not see why people say he has a short temper. Because frankly posters joke about his lack of humor and where he is from daily and I have never seen him lose his head. Also, I remember how Killjoy was one of the few guys NOT to flame me when I first came to the bar room. In a forum filled with ass kissers, reputation ****es and wannabe cool guys, I'd say that that takes a remarkable amount of control to do. Also, I think he understands the rules well enough. While an infraction may be unneccesary to those who come into the TNA section only to bitch about TNA, I think that the occasional warning to stay on topic can get them straight.

I won't say that the other guys in our group aren't good posters but that it's just not the right time for them. MTM is a good poster in the VG&T section but isn't that regular. HHF is more of a WWE guy and would make a great mod of that section. I just do not associate all that much with TNA, not as much as I associate Killjoy. I'd be more than happy if he proves me wrong though.

But the real reason why you should endorse our party is because I do not think that it is the right time for any of the other party candidates to hold the position of a mod. I'll explain in my next post for the sake of clarity.
La Resistance

I like almost every poster in this group. But I do feel that most of the guys here have chosen the wrong section to mod. Crock wants to mod the WWE section and while I do think that he will fit in well, I cannot dispute the fact that that section does not need any help. Milenko rarely posts in the VG&T section. Harthan is running for the potluck section, I think, where I do not think he posts much either.


And now we come to Coco, the most endorsed candidate of the election. There are quite a few theories people have as to why Coco should be elected. The more popular one is that he is the best poster never to have gotten a mod spot, he is entertaining and thereby deserves a shot. No real problem with this theory except for the fact that you are treating the modship as a prize rather than as a responsibility.

And that is where the disagreement kicks in. Simply put, the spam sections do not need a mod. The non spam sections are the heart and soul of these forums. The traffic in the spam zone as compared to the nonspam zones are non existent. There are practically no rules to enforce. And that is the beauty of that section. Whatever little work has to be done there is done by our existing mods who visit that section regularly. It's fine as it is. Coco seems to think that it is some neglected section but the point is that it gets just the adequate amount of attention it deserves. Informal discussion is its purpose and that is precisely what happens there.
When I was convinced to join in on this election I really wasn't too into it because I thought that my lack of time that I have been on here was going to hinder me and my chances of making a legitimate run at the mod position. However since my debut here I think that I have definitely shown my worth and qualities, and most importantly I am motivated not for the title itself but I want to improve a section that needs new life.

Anyone who stops by the MMA section can see that it does not get enough traffic, considering that it's the fastest growing sport in the world that doesn't seem right. What I want to do is bring in folks who normally post in just wrestling or other non wrestling sections, hell even people from outside WZ and educate them by making it more friendly to those who don't know the sport while still making things interesting and debate worthy for the hardcore fans. A perfect example is what I do with all the PPV threads that I create, I try to go into great detail to give folks who are not familiar with the fighters a bit of a history lesson on each guy and then talk about how I think the fight itself will go. Right now the MMA section has about 8 regulars and a few occasional posters, I love these guys but we need more like them to see it flourish and become a prominent section. I became a hardcore fan of MMA back in 2004 when I was introduced to my first UFC PPV and since then it has effected me so much that I am pursuing a career as a fighter. But one of my very favorite things to do is introduce new people to the sport so that they can find the same level of enjoyment and entertainment that I do, and that is exactly what I am looking to do here. I have the MMA knowledge, the time and the capability to follow through with this and really make a positive impact through this election.

Aside from my undying love and dedication to the spreading of MMA I would make a good mod because in general I like to think that I'm a very nice guy, I'm rarely in a bad mood and if I am I try not to reflect it in my posting. I like to help people in any way that I can, it makes me happy to solve problems for others and have any kind of positive impact which is a quality I know is good for a mod to have. I'm a cool guy to shoot the shit with, and I think I can say that I have made alot of good friends on here, many have earned my respect and I hope I have earned theirs. I'd be a good mod because I truely care about improving the section that I call home here on WZ and I can do it.

The bottom line is that I am a guy who truely cares about Wrestlezone, and I want to make it better. I plan to continue posting in all the sections and bringing interesting topics to the table, and I plan to make the MMA section a better place by making it more friendly to those who are uneducated about the sport while keeping it fun for the hardcore fans and getting us more traffic in there in general. Thank you for your time and I hope that you can consider me a worthy candidate to become a moderator that everyone regardless of their party affiliation can respect.
And that is where the disagreement kicks in. Simply put, the spam sections do not need a mod. The non spam sections are the heart and soul of these forums. The traffic in the spam zone as compared to the nonspam zones are non existent. There are practically no rules to enforce. And that is the beauty of that section. Whatever little work has to be done there is done by our existing mods who visit that section regularly. It's fine as it is. Coco seems to think that it is some neglected section but the point is that it gets just the adequate amount of attention it deserves. Informal discussion is its purpose and that is precisely what happens there.
Spam is the number one target of the likes of Bill Lesnar, Jenks, Kirey, and other such terrorists. If you think that section doesn't needs dedicated supervision, you're off your rocker. I question whether you really want what's best for the board at all.
I've said it in my thread but I'll be backing Merk and Coco. I haven't really paid any attention to the election until recently but they're most suited for the positions they're gunning for.
Again, I never posted a racial slur, I used a slang term. There is a difference. Black people have no problem with it, it's not a racial slur to them when they call each other ***** 5 times in the same sentence, it's not a racial slur any other time.

I'm black and found it offensive. Book him, Dann-o.
I like Muffin Top Merkley's chances for ABC. He's clear about what he wants to do, he's smart and he's a nice bloke. He’s mild mannered, wishes to put his weight behind a cause he believes in and is direct about his goals. I like his chances for the ABC candidacy, so I’d put my weight behind him if you want to vote for an ABC candidate (no disrespect meant to the others, I just think MTM’s done the best job thus far).

Really appreciate the kind words. When I first decided to throw my name into the hat, I really wasn't sure how fair it really would go as I was sure my "hit and miss" posting, would put me at a huge disadvantage. But as we go further into the election, I'm honored to see the amount of support that there is from posters that I respect. It truly means a lot.

I have openly stated that I plan on running to be the moderator of the VG&T section since the very beginning. I have clearly stated the weaknesses and strengths of the section, and what needs to be done to improve it. I have said from the beginning that by improving even one section, you are improving the forum as a whole (something that others have begun to claim as well, but remember who said it first. Fuckers aren't even quoting me!)

Here's some more.

People aren't giving me a chance because they don't like me or think I'm annoying. They say it's because I don't have a good enough plan for what I'm going to do if i get picked as a mod or that I don't post enough in the section I want to mod. I say Bullshit to both of these. My plan may not be as fleshed out as others but it's a perfectly workable plan. As for not posting in the VG&T section there are mods that don't post much at all in their sections but their names are in bold. Tasty in Gen Wrestling, The Brain in Old School, SSC in all his sections. I'm not saying these 3 are shit mods I'm just trying to show that people can do the job of a mod without non stop posting in their section.

I think people are so dead set against me because they don't like me, plain and Simple. I would make a good mod if given the chance and with you backing me people will look give me the chance I deserve.

I really don't think people aren't giving you support because they dislike you. You have been here longer than almost any other person running in this election. People have a solid grasp on where you stand as a poster and how you act in many situations. Maybe it truly is a case that people don't see your name being one in bold, because of how they believe you will handle situations as a mod.

But if you want to think it's because you're not well liked, that's fine. Having that believe will definitely help you sleep at night over the thought that people may just in fact think you would be incompetent as a mod of ANY section.

Also, it's been weeks since this election has been announced. If you don't have a fleshed out gameplan as to where you stand, and what you would being to the forum as a moderator, and how you'd better your section, you should probably stand down now and better the chances of someone else. Someone with a clear grasp on the ideas and changes they would implement.

You can even support someone who supports your ideas!

I stand by the assertion that if there were a legitimate need anywhere, it'd have been dealt with swiftly by the powers that be. Anything less makes Sly look foolish and that's one thing Sly normally doesn't do.

Does anyone else notice the problem with this?

If there was a legitimate need anywhere, it would have been dealt with already? Wouldn't that also imply that there isn't a legitimate need for a moderator of the spam sections as it hasn't been "dealt with swiftly by the powers that be"?

Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm surprised that none of the "Fuck CoCo"ers didn't jump all over this.

Thank you for pointing that out first and foremost Crock. Secondly, unless no one has read anything I have written, I have based my campaign around a lot more than lack of popularity. I've talked repeatedly about being a more accessible mod that is also more friendly to the users, being strict on flaming and being rude to other members, helping take the load off of the other mods, encouraging people to speak out more and post more freely, helping drive conversation, start threads, and help keep the section clean. Ya know, the stuff that mods are supposed to do and then some....

I really don't understand this shit.

98% of the people running in this election have stated that they will "drive discussion" - Fuck, a lot of people running have really ONLY stated that as a mod, they will drive discussion. My issue is, since when is it only a moderator's duty to drive discussion? Why can't the people who using "drive discussion" as a platform, drive discussion now? I don't believe that you need your name to be in bold to successfully drive discussion.

Spoilers: If someone is claiming to drive discussion as a moderator, but they aren't bringing anything to the table when it comes to drive discussion now, they aren't going to do fuck to drive discussion later.

That's the thing, I wasn't off topic. I was speaking in regards to the conversation I was having that was on the topic, which isn't going off topic, also stating the fact that I wasn't going to go any further with discussing it. I stated my issues with what Slyfox had to say about it, and that I wasn't going any further in discussion, how is that off topic? What? Because I didn't say "This is why I disagree with your position on the smoking ban"? So now you're going to argue semantics and word choice? That's pretty petty and weak.

You probably should have not said anything, rather than say you're backing away from the debate to prevent the risk of spam. I mean, let's be real here. On the internet, saying that you're finished with a debate, rather than posting a rebuttal, holds the same amount of water as just walking away. Either way, you accept defeat, but not posting your intentions to leave is a lot less taxing on your fingers.

Well if I was a mod like you and apart of the boys club it wouldn't matter what I did now would it? I could talk endless shit to people without repercussion, hit people with infractions because I don't like their stances on topics or what they say, and be as big a douchebag as I want hiding behind a computer and an imaginary wand of power.

Since this is the second time you've posted about this, I'm guessing that this is the true reason that you're in this election. You're not for the people, you're for yourself and being a part of "the boys club"

You take this shit way too seriously, you use it as a tool to brow beat people that you otherwise couldn't in real life, you probably eat a lot of shit IN real life which is why you take it out on people on the internet that conveniently for you can't do anything back but type, and it makes you look pathetic and sad that this is what you must resort to to feel so important and powerful. Basically, your a fucking loser, both on here and in real life obviously. You try to pick on people who are basically defenseless which also makes you a coward. I'll refer you to one of my favorite quotes "Buy a Bullet, Rent a Gun".

How would you be more approachable as a mod, compared to the mods we have now again?
I'll break this down as honestly as I can.

ABC Party

I think that our party has two guys who are the perfect fit for the position of a moderator at this moment. They are JWGunslinger and Killjoy. Gunslinger is a regular at the MMA section and is a real good poster as well. He is so good that people thought that he wasn't a rookie. The MMA section could use another mod to help IndyJon out. He seems to be popular and likable as well.

I won't say that the other guys in our group aren't good posters but that it's just not the right time for them. MTM is a good poster in the VG&T section but isn't that regular. HHF is more of a WWE guy and would make a great mod of that section. I just do not associate all that much with TNA, not as much as I associate Killjoy. I'd be more than happy if he proves me wrong though.

But the real reason why you should endorse our party is because I do not think that it is the right time for any of the other party candidates to hold the position of a mod. I'll explain in my next post for the sake of clarity.

La Resistance

I like almost every poster in this group. But I do feel that most of the guys here have chosen the wrong section to mod. Crock wants to mod the WWE section and while I do think that he will fit in well, I cannot dispute the fact that that section does not need any help. Milenko rarely posts in the VG&T section. Harthan is running for the potluck section, I think, where I do not think he posts much either.


This shows how little you know about what goes on behind the scenes. The idea that IndyJon needs any help modding the MMA section is silly, while the WWE section could definitely use a mod that will guide conversation, which is exactly what Crock would do.

Your little analysis reeks of bias. You can write an entire paragraph about why Killjoy would make a terrific mod, but you can't come up with more than a sentence about why Crock shouldn't be a WWE mod or why Harthan shouldn't be in the Potluck.

Your group is a creepy little cult of posters that seem dead set on winning the election because it means winning. Truthfully, none of your candidates are even half as qualified as Coco, Crock, or Harthan.

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