"The ECW Pimp Slap Award" for poster you'd like to go Joey Styles / JBL on

Who Deserves a Joey Styles Pimp Slap?

  • TM

  • SlyFox

  • Marty2Hotty

  • klunderbunker

  • Colamania

  • Spawn

  • justinsayne

  • Downward Spiral

  • Brian Becker

  • IC25

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Who collected the data on this one?

I have had many hate threads, earned the ire of notable posters(Jonny, Sparky, Shango), been banned, been demodded, and am accused of playing mod many times over.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, Murfish.

I earned a slap from Luther, which I fully deserve, given the "Maxwell Smart Award" I made for him.
I voted Slyfox.

Because he makes people look like shit during debates ;) Not to mention he is a little arrogant, even though he usually doesn't mean what he says when he disses others. And he never admits that he's wrong. That's very unmanly.
I voted JustinSayne. I'd like to Knock the fuck out of that fucking mother fucker. But who fucking knows ? He might actualy be a nice fucking dude.

:lmao:ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!, Oh my fucking god I haven't seen a post that's made me laugh that hard in a long time, by the way excellent use the the word 'fuck' you made me proud:thumbsup:

I wouldn't waste it on Sly, because I feaer he would Hogan no sell it.

Of course he wouldn't sell it, you know how ridiculous it would if he sold a hit from you, it be like a grown man flying across the room after getting slap by a five year old little girl:p
People would think I would say Spawn. But I won't, I respect him and always read his posts. I would probably have to say Marty2Hotty. Just because of his name.

Oh and his posts.

and his man love for Glenn.

And for Being Marty

And For Being Born.
None of them. I can see why people find Justin & Spiral annoying. But at least they're intresting, the rest I can easily ignore.
Of course, many people would think hat I would say Monkey, but a minor part of me still likes him. As soon as I find that part, I will drown it in the bathtub.

So hands down, without a doubt, I would have to say Justinsayne. I don't know whether it's because he's a complete bitch who starts shit with other posters and then runs to the mods or the fact that I know I live an hour and a half away from him and will more than likely end up doing it in real life, but he just makes me want to slap the dog shit out of him every time I see him posting in an LD. But yeah, I would have to say him.
So hands down, without a doubt, I would have to say Justinsayne. I don't know whether it's because he's a complete bitch who starts shit with other posters and then runs to the mods

Where the fuck do you get this runs to the mods bullshit from?!?, seriously I want to fucking know, seeing as how I don't recall ever "running to the mods" after starting shit

or the fact that I know I live an hour and a half away from him and will more than likely end up doing it in real life,

Yeah, I suppose this is the part where I'm suppose to be shaking in my boots or some shit, seriously dude, either come here and knocked the shit out of me, or SHUT THE FUCK UP already, people on here always say that I'm angry but at least I don't hold fucking never ending grudges with assholes that piss me off on a fucking wrestling forum, perhaps you should remove the giant stick you got wedged up your ass and move the fuck on with your pathetic fucking life already

but he just makes me want to slap the dog shit out of him every time I see him posting in an LD. But yeah, I would have to say him.


dude seriously it's called a fucking life you should look into getting one
Where the fuck do you get this runs to the mods bullshit from?!?, seriously I want to fucking know, seeing as how I don't recall ever "running to the mods" after starting shit

YOu did all the time in the LD's. You would piss some noob off and then tell the MODs to do something about them. Bitch tactics if you ask me.

Yeah, I suppose this is the part where I'm suppose to be shaking in my boots or some shit, seriously dude, either come here and knocked the shit out of me, or SHUT THE FUCK UP already, people on here always say that I'm angry but at least I don't hold fucking never ending grudges with assholes that piss me off on a fucking wrestling forum, perhaps you should remove the giant stick you got wedged up your ass and move the fuck on with your pathetic fucking life already

I didn't say it to make you shake in your boots. I figure two things. One you act like you're such a bad ass here and two we live close to one another. I figure we will will either talk it out in real life you see how bad you are. Either way fuckin works for me kid. Thing is that you don't STOP doing things to piss off people. You keep doing it and showing massive arrogance as if you are untouchable. That's what makes it so irresistable a well. Like I said, if you are such a bad ass, either prove it or shut the fuck up. I don't hold grudges, I call people on theri shit.


Yeah, and people still talk about how much of a dick you were when you did. Like I said, either show you're a badass or shut the fuck up.

dude seriously it's called a fucking life you should look into getting one

Yeah, and net punks like you either need to put up or shut up. You think you're a badass cuz you're on the other side of a computer screen? Well aint shit between us but 80 miles, air, and opporunity. Like I said, either it gets talked out or worked out. Either way I grew tired of your shit a long time ago.
I figure two things. One you act like you're such a bad ass here and two we live close to one another. I figure we will will either talk it out in real life you see how bad you are.

That the stupidest thing i've heard since joining the forums.

Dont get me wrong though Spawn, I respect your posts, And your values, And I thought you was funny as hell in both the Bar room, And prison, But that makes you sound like a whiney bitch.
Yeah, and net punks like you either need to put up or shut up. You think you're a badass cuz you're on the other side of a computer screen? Well aint shit between us but 80 miles, air, and opporunity. Like I said, either it gets talked out or worked out. Either way I grew tired of your shit a long time ago.

:lmao: :lmao:

holy shit holy shit holy shit

*gasping for air*

I havent laughed that fucking hard at something on this forum for a loooong time
I don't have a problem with any of these guys really. True, I'm never really in the bar room, so I never really get to know anybody or get pissed off with somebody. If it were an open vote, I vote Murfish, I just don't care for that 'filled up with too much hot air puffer fish'. But since he's not a choice, I guess I'll go with...KB, cause he beat me with a coconut.
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