"The ECW Pimp Slap Award" for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On

Whom Would You Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On?

  • Christian Battlez

  • JKO

  • The Lariat

  • FalKon

  • Milkyway!

  • Lord Sidious

  • FTS

  • Afro-Ameri-Spawn

  • Marty2Hotty

  • TheOneBigWill

  • Becker

  • 48.7

  • Coco The Monkey

  • ellisman7


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You've got a lot of nerve.

Okay. Sure.

Well, just to clarify, the purple hoodie was simply worn because I needed something to cover my face up to preserve the identity and mystery of Lord Sidious on Wrestlezone.

You should just buy a white t-shirt that says "virgin" on it instead.

You aren't going to get my whole face on here.

Thank God for small miracles.

Now, as far as you go, I would be happy to re-arrange that ugly mush of yours, for free. Quite frankly, AJ Styles looks like he was about to lose his lunch with both you on one side of him, and D-Man on the other side.

That's because he was sickened being the TNA Champ and standing next to a fan who was bigger than him. It could also be the fact that the girl who went before us was about 275 lbs and thought thongs were still a good idea.

You know, Becca PM'ed me, and I hate to spill the beans here, but she told me that she actually thought you were the ugliest poster on the site. She said that Rebecca can have you.

Rebecca's got me. And she's the greatest woman in the world.

She ... apparently said she was attracted to your posting style, and found it humorous, but after she took one look at that face, she just couldn't look at you in the same way again.

Darn. I joined this site in the hopes that my "posting style" would get me e-laid. I will turn in my "OneBigWill Fan Club Decoder Ring" post haste.

Maybe try putting a paper bag over the head or something ... anything.

Maybe an ugly purple hoodie. Where can I find one of those...

We could probably count on one hand the number of times you actually posted drunk.

Count gently, that hand of yours is the only action you'll get looking the way you do.

The rest was a piss poor act for all the plebeians, and you and I both know it.

Bob Backlund, circa 1994, nice touch.

Oh, and as far as coming up to Jerzey ... yeah, we'll see about that.

Oh, I know you won't. But we'll welcome you with open arms.
Well, good for you. No, I was being dead serious.

Oh, good. That makes it all the more fun when I own you all over this website like I've been doing for the majority of the year.

You and IC were friends before Wrestlezone? That figures. :rolleyes:

Yeah, regardless of time or place, I AM going to have to hold you being friends with IC against you.

I'm sure you will. I know it's kind of tough when you're jealous of people that actually have friends. If you PM me sometime I'd be happy to tell you what it feels like. And then I'd own you. Again.

You didn't do jack shit to me. I got the last word in and it stung like Tyson pwning Holyfield's ear.

Epic fail. What a horrific comeback. I'll just leave that one alone since it did more damage to you than I've already done. Go back to your obsession and planning of your inevitable murder of Vince McMahon, Lee Harvey.
You should just buy a white t-shirt that says "virgin" on it instead.

And you should buy a white t-shirt that says "I am Lord Sidious' Bitch" on it.

Thank God for small miracles.

If you saw my face, I'd have to send some friends of mine around the Jersey area after you.

That's because he was sickened being the TNA Champ and standing next to a fan who was bigger than him. It could also be the fact that the girl who went before us was about 275 lbs and thought thongs were still a good idea.

No, it was standing next to what he perceives to be a group of marks, that wanted to spend money just to be next to him.

Rebecca's got me. And she's the greatest woman in the world.


Maybe an ugly purple hoodie. Where can I find one of those...

Any sports outlet. It was a Baltimore Ravens hoodie.

Count gently, that hand of yours is the only action you'll get looking the way you do.

What do you mean by that?

Bob Backlund, circa 1994, nice touch.

Lord Sidious is awesome.

Oh, I know you won't. But we'll welcome you with open arms.

Oh, is that so?
Folks, that last post from Sidious - more of a whimper than a post - is what's known as "Waving the white flag." I will now leave Sidious be, because clearly he's not ready for me yet. Eventually, the big leagues will come calling. Until that moment...


Folks, that last post from Sidious - more of a whimper than a post - is what's known as "Waving the white flag." I will now leave Sidious be, because clearly he's not ready for me yet. Eventually, the big leagues will come calling. Until that moment...



Hey, punkass.

That is hardly a white flag. I'll speak for myself, thank you very much.

However ... speaking of waving the white flag, I never did see a response from you in your precious Jericho thread, now did I? Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't even have the balls to respond. That's okay.

I keep hearing about how what a good poster you are, IC. All talk. All talk and no substance.

BTW, maybe you can find out where Jericho is taking pics next ... and pay to take a pic of him like a little school girl, IC.

Maybe you can get your lap dogs to accompany you, too, so you don't look too sheepishly out of place.
That is hardly a white flag. I'll speak for myself, thank you very much.

Suit yourself. Now if only you were good at it...

However ... speaking of waving the white flag, I never did see a response from you in your precious Jericho thread, now did I? Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't even have the balls to respond. That's okay.

What did I tell you? Link me your post and I'll gladly respond. I haven't even been back IN that thread since maybe a day after I posted it. I never saw your post, and you're not someone whose posts I'll go hunting for. So link it to me and I'll indulge you.

I keep hearing about how what a good poster you are, IC. All talk. All talk and no substance.

Here's the difference - you keep hearing how good a poster I am from OTHER PEOPLE. Doesn't get more substantive that that, son.

BTW, maybe you can find out where Jericho is taking pics next ... and pay to take a pic of him like a little school girl, IC.

Weak. Just pathetic.

Maybe you can get your lap dogs to accompany you, too, so you don't look too sheepishly out of place.

Cool! And to avoid looking out of place, make sure you show up with no women within 20 feet of you.
What did I tell you? Link me your post and I'll gladly respond. I haven't even been back IN that thread since maybe a day after I posted it. I never saw your post, and you're not someone whose posts I'll go hunting for. So link it to me and I'll indulge you.

You're the one who friggin created the thread, genius. You mean to tell me that you are incapable of finding your own thread?

I guess you were drunk again, when you created that thread. :rolleyes:

Here's the difference - you keep hearing how good a poster I am from OTHER PEOPLE. Doesn't get more substantive that that, son.

Yep. A lot of people drink the Kool Aid, what can I say?

Weak. Just pathetic.

You know, I heard Rebecca made that very same comment about a certain part of your anatomy. At least you know it, though, and can admit it.
You're the one who friggin created the thread, genius. You mean to tell me that you are incapable of finding your own thread?

I guess you were drunk again, when you created that thread. :rolleyes:

Yep. A lot of people drink the Kool Aid, what can I say?

You know, I heard Rebecca made that very same comment about a certain part of your anatomy. At least you know it, though, and can admit it.

Oh man, again? Isn't there a Star Wars convention for you to go to and STILL NOT GET LAID?

I make a lot of threads, dude. And if you haven't noticed, I'm a little busy with awards, tournaments, and oh yeah, work. I don't keep tabs on every thread I make. So if you think your post is worth my time, which it probably isn't then link me to it.

Oh, and ha ha with the penis joke. Very clever. It's the internation sign for "I have nothing leftwith substance, so lemme resort to 7th grade humor.

You're not in my league. Go practice, THEN come back.
I make a lot of threads, dude. And if you haven't noticed, I'm a little busy with awards, tournaments, and oh yeah, work. I don't keep tabs on every thread I make. So if you think your post is worth my time, which it probably isn't then link me to it.

If you are incapable of finding the Chris Jericho thread that you created on this forum, and haven't the foggiest idea where to even begin looking for it, then you are hopeless. Seriously.

Oh, and ha ha with the penis joke. Very clever.

I thought you would like it.

It's the internation sign for "I have nothing left with substance, so lemme resort to 7th grade humor.

Oh, and IC would Neeeeeever and has neeeeeeever resorted to 7th Grade Humor on here, now has he?

You're not in my league. Go practice, THEN come back.

Keep telling yourself that, Fitz. If you had any balls, which you obviously don't ... you would work your name into this award. You have a lot of enemies here on this site, who I've spoken to, who would absolutely love to pimp slap you.

This poll should be restarted with YOUR name in it. You're a hated man here on Wrestlezone. It's about time someone puts you in your place.
Well to be fair, you made a couple dumb threads and I went out of my way to ride you about it. If I hadn't, I think you'd be indifferent to me at worst.

That is fair and it is very likely I'd be indifferent. It's actually starting to become that way now, but out of those on the list you got my vote. But hey that's the great thing about all this really, we don't have to all like eachother.
Not many people do.
Coming from the guy who currently has a semi-healthy lead over me?

Do you ever look in the mirror? And I don't mean look in the mirror to be thrilled that you don't have Sean William Scott's good looks, thank God, but to properly assess exactly who you are? 'Cause you seem rather disillusioned, friendo. I'd attempt to take drag you kicking and screaming through a lengthy explaination about why you're a no-good, hypocritical cunt, but you'd probably just ignore it again and retort with some of those scathing Oscar Wilde-esque witicisms that everyone associates you with. :rolleyes: Always great stuff.
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