"The ECW Pimp Slap Award" for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On

Whom Would You Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On?

  • Christian Battlez

  • JKO

  • The Lariat

  • FalKon

  • Milkyway!

  • Lord Sidious

  • FTS

  • Afro-Ameri-Spawn

  • Marty2Hotty

  • TheOneBigWill

  • Becker

  • 48.7

  • Coco The Monkey

  • ellisman7


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Coming from the guy who currently has a semi-healthy lead over me?

Do you ever look in the mirror? And I don't mean look in the mirror to be thrilled that you don't have Sean William Scott's good looks, thank God, but to properly assess exactly who you are? 'Cause you seem rather disillusioned, friendo. I'd attempt to take drag you kicking and screaming through a lengthy explaination about why you're a no-good, hypocritical cunt, but you'd probably just ignore it again and retort with some of those scathing Oscar Wilde-esque witicisms that everyone associates you with. :rolleyes: Always great stuff.

Humor me, Coco. Why am I a "hypocritical" "cunt". Is this more Jerispeak coming from you and your idol?

What is hypocritical about me?
I voted Sidious. Every time he calls us "ROHBotz" or "WWE Shareholders" I want to punch him in the face through my computer screen. Brilliant guy, great writers, and intelligent poster, but definitely someone I'd like to pimp slap.


After reading through the thread, I'd like to change my vote to Sid...There's a lot of other reasons, but he deserves a good one for all this...
Humor me, Coco. Why am I a "hypocritical" "cunt". Is this more Jerispeak coming from you and your idol?

What is hypocritical about me?
-You call people out for motivations they never speak about and likely don't have and you call it "telling it like it is." But whenever anyone dares to question your sincerity or motivations, they're wrong and that's supposed to be that. You tell it like it is and other people have no clue what they're saying. :rolleyes:

-You prattle on and on about the arrogance of those who take view points opposite of you, yet when someone calls you out for being arrogant (which you are)... they've crossed a line, are wrong, and shouldn't have said it as it proves their arrogance... or something to that effect.

-You act like you are qualified to comment on the ROH product and the effect it's having on the WWE product when you have have yet to prove you have any idea what you're talking about.

Even if that last one isn't too hypocritical, it still makes you a rather ignorant cunt. I'll settle for that.
Just goes to show that some people just can't stand you for "Telling it like it is". Because that is exactly what Lord Sidious does, as inspired by Jesse "The Body" Ventura, on a daily basis.

So to the 8 (now 9) people that voted for me, simply for speaking the truth .... SHAME.
Just read the Sid/IC thing right now. Don't think it's legit. Sid still gets my vote though.
Just read the Sid/IC thing right now. Don't think it's legit. Sid still gets my vote though.

We just put our differences aside to do what's best for the forum. But no, you can ask him. We actually don't particularly care for each other.

11 posters now, who can't stand posters who "Tell it like it is". What a disgrace.
There was like a 25% chance that I'd communicated that last part well enough to get across anyway.

Oh well.
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