"The Drew McIntyre Award" for Sudden and Inexplicable Improvement

Who Suddenly and Inexplicably Improved The Most?

  • WrestleZone Championship Wrestling

  • FalKon

  • TM

  • Becker

  • Dave

  • Tenta

  • Milkyway!

  • Undertaker's#1Fan

  • GD

  • JKO

  • SavageTaker

  • Y 2 Jane

  • 48.7

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Thanks to those of you who voted for me. I put a lot of hard work into my posting all year, and am still seeking to improve. Once again, thanks.
Me. While I'm still a Barfly, I went from being the new CCS of the forums to getting Green rep from guys like FTS and TDigle. While I may not be the best poster on the forums, I'm definitely most improved.
Vote ST!!!

I went from being a crappy poster to a pretty good poster in a matter of months, I deserve this award more than anyone else. More than Milky, and more than WZCW.
Vote ST!!!

I went from being a crappy poster to a pretty good poster in a matter of months, I deserve this award more than anyone else. More than Milky, and more than WZCW.

You know what.... I may have gone from a rare poster to a regular in less than a month.... but SavageTaker is a much better poster than me. I voted for you, man. Good luck.
SavageTaker, you're a good guy, but, I implore all of you to vote for Milkyway! I have never seen someone try to better themselves as a poster as much as he has. When he was part of the Debator's League, he'd contact me to know exactly where he went wrong. We'd spend up to 45 minutes sometimes going over why I didn't give him a point for something, but I'll be damned if he didn't take everything I said to him and applied it to his posts the next time he competed.

For this award, Milkyway! all the way.
Yeah Milky really does try hard and work at his posting. He's improved vastly since he first got here.
SavageTaker, you're a good guy, but, I implore all of you to vote for Milkyway! I have never seen someone try to better themselves as a poster as much as he has. When he was part of the Debator's League, he'd contact me to know exactly where he went wrong. We'd spend up to 45 minutes sometimes going over why I didn't give him a point for something, but I'll be damned if he didn't take everything I said to him and applied it to his posts the next time he competed.

For this award, Milkyway! all the way.

Thank you very much Tdigle. :p We need to have more of those talks. I think my posting abilities are getting kinda stalwart, whereas I'd like them to continue moving forward.

Yeah Milky really does try hard and work at his posting. He's improved vastly since he first got here.

Once again, thanks. It means a lot. I've been working twards this award all year, and its deffinetly paying off now. I may be losing, but getting the votes from Tdigle, Sidious, NSL, your backing me, Becker, and even Blade. I feel honored. While it may be pathetic, I've been chasing 5 out of 6 of yours approval since my arrival here at WrestleZone.

Vote for Milkyway!
I need to know why the e-fed is getting so many votes. I don't think the improvement was "sudden" or "inexplicable". It took a while for it to gain back some respectability, and it was because of the mods in charge at the time.

This should really go to Milk, who improved a lot before he got busy with real life, and has shown to keep it up since hes returned...
I went with Milkyway!. I actually thought he had always been good, but then I saw some kellykellyissexy era posts and decided that rather than be always good, he's managed to shift my opinion entirely. So more than deserved.
Guys, vote for Savage. I'm not going to lie... When I first saw him, I thought he'd be the worst poster on the boards. Milky has always been good; it isn't inexplicable. ST, however, ramped up his game, and really took it to another level. He's now one of the best posters here, after starting as one of the worst.

Vote for SavageTaker
I think this award needs to be renamed "The TM Award."

For those who don't know, TM was at the center of "Rep-gate" and regularly had bitch fights with me on Facebook about this and that. We had a great talk, and suddenly, he matured, was a consummate team player, and now he's an immensely solid rookie moderator. TM did a total "XBOX 360" this year. Yeah, I read it. Amazing...

And take where WZCW was 1 year ago and compare it to today I think it's made the biggest improvement.

Savage has stayed at the same level for a while now.

Poster wise this award should go to Milky by a long shot. However WZCW is in it and the turn around of that deserves to win.
And also to add to this...the award is for sudden and inexplicable improvement:

Savage Takers was far from sudden and inexplicable.

WZCWs happened almost over night as well as Milkys. Vote for either of those two, but don't vote ST

EDIT: Also how the hell can someone who is a rookie be classed for the imprvement award?
I was a horrible poster when I began here. Horrible. But now I'm considered a solid poster and it happened suddenly and inexplicably...I think.
Guys, vote for Savage. I'm not going to lie... When I first saw him, I thought he'd be the worst poster on the boards. Milky has always been good; it isn't inexplicable. ST, however, ramped up his game, and really took it to another level. He's now one of the best posters here, after starting as one of the worst.

Vote for SavageTaker

:p I take it you don't remember my early days.

I'm not going to gloat and say I'm better than ST, but I certainly started off WAY worse than he did, and right now I would consider myself on the same playing field, if not a little higher (maybe) than ST.

I was the JKO, Deadman, UF, Kane-a-Knight for quite some time on these forums, and I consider myself worse than any of them put together back then. But now look? I have guys like Xfear, NSL, Yourself, Lee, Tastycles, Tdigle, Becker, Sidious, so on and so forth all saying I am good. Whereas back then, I was a joke. I, Milkyway!, deserve this award.

The only other thing on that list worth voting for is probably WZCW. So, if you're going to vote from here on. Make your vote count. Vote for Milkyway! on the offchance you don't like me, vote for WZCW. That is all.
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