The Doctor's Office

CHIKARA iPPV tonight! Super excited, even though none of my friends could come over to watch with me. Might make an LD if anyone else is getting it!

I'm ordering it. I went with CH David, my girlfriend, and a couple others when they were in Chicago a month or so back and fell in love. I'll definitely LD it with you
Chatroom LDs were a TON of fun. I do them on Skype when I'm not watching at a friend's house. Maybe we should do them again some time.

Heck, if any of you are buying or watching the CHIKARA PPV in a less than legal manner maybe we should discuss it in that chat.
"New Japan Pro Wrestling"...


That's pretty much how it went, haha. We were all freaking out. Great moment, that was. Great times.
So no word on Uncharted 4 yet, however they gave us this


So no word on Uncharted 4 yet, however they gave us this



That game looks absolutely beautiful. And insane. And awesome.

Makes me wish I had a playstation. I wonder if it'll come out on Steam, because I'd TOTALLY buy it and play it on my laptop.

I can't tell if it's a zombie game or post-apocalyptic though. I'd prefer the latter, as zombie games are reach the point of being overdone, and they often disappoint. Dead Island was really hotly anticipated, but it wound up being just a mediocre game. Really beautiful, but extremely redundant.
Watch_Dogs and Beyond are the two biggest announcements coming out of E3 for me. They look amazing!

Last of Us looks awesome too, but not a must-play for me like those two are.
The Last of Us was already announced.

The best surprise of E3 was Watchdogs.
...creaks the door open and looks around.

I got Verizon internet and I guess if you can't get fios you have to get a landline phone. So I bought a hamburger phone. Was a tough choice between that and a Spider Man one but I thought I'd go with the classic.
Thanks again Doc for letting me use Saxton for All Stars; I hope my RP provides you with lots of entertainment, and maybe some potential ideas.
Not a problem, Ech, can't wait to read it.

So, hey, how about this thread, eh? Things I've been doing recently:

-LOTS of eFeds and RPing. Check out my All-Stars RPs and tell me your thoughts.

-Visiting my brother in Germany - I've already found out a ton about him. We're a lot more similar than I could have ever imagined.

-Watching anime - Denno Coil is a series that was recommended to me and I watched the first few episodes. Quite interesting. Summer Wars was a fantastic movie, if you remember the Digimon movie it's basically that part where they go into the internet except done way better. Nichijou is still hilarious and tied for my top anime spot with Baccano!.

-Hanging out with friends.

-Waiting for school to start.

There's more, of course, but I don't really remember. How's everyone been?
I'm going to take at least a semester off so that I can hopefully land a good job, and pay off my student loan, with this certification that I'm earning.

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