The Doctor's Office

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Hmm, hard question.

I really want to see Cody/Rey or Bryan/Sheamus steal the show, so I'm looking forward to both of those. Plus, I love Bryan, Cody, and Sheamus, and Rey isn't too bad. I'm now also looking forward to Triple H/Undertaker and I seriously think Triple H has a shot at winning. Miz/Cena could be great, and who knows what could happen there re: The Rock? Cole/Lawler will be great for some feel-good moments, too. The Snooki match could also be very fun, especially since Ziggler and Morrison are a part of it.

I'm just really looking forward to Mania in general, I suppose. The card is awesome.
This is the first PPV card in a loooooooong time where I can honestly say I have no idea what's gonna happen with all the matches, every match on the card could go either way, & I find that incredibly exciting, this years WM build-up has reminded me of why I got hooked on this wonderful product in the first place, and just how much fun being a fan can be, in the words of Bart Scott "CAN'T WAIT!!!!, CAN'T WAIT!!!!"

God help Triple H if he does beat the Undertaker though, holy shit is the IWC gonna crucify him like, IWC will bury him faster than Trips buried Electricity:lmao:
I can finally afford to buy WM this year, the last one I watched live was 24. I'm gonna be fucked for money for like a month if I order it, but it's well worth it this year. I haven't been this excited for a PPV in a long time, possibly a few years.
I can't believe that there are seriously some people claiming it's shaping up to be one of the worst of all time. :disappointed:
If you ask me, this is an incredibly important PPV. Here we have all these young guys who need to step up and prove that they have what it takes to lead the company. This is their test.
If you ask me, this is an incredibly important PPV. Here we have all these young guys who need to step up and prove that they have what it takes to lead the company. This is their test.

Exactly. It's all well and good having the youth push, it's whether they can showcase it on the biggest stage that really matters.
I really hope I have a match with Constantine after KC.

Speaking of, I'm scared to see what Gelgarin would think of an Action Saxton RP.
I just hope my Miz shirt shows up before Sun.

The only other wrestling shirt I own is a Ken Kennedy one I got on clearance like two months before he was "Future Endeavored"
Hey Doc, what's crackin, man?

I finally posted int he Video Games section. First time in months.

And did you watch NXT? there wasn't an LD, mainly because the show is utter crap. Today we had an Arm Wrestling contest (Titus O'Neil won) and a 6-rookie Tag (Titus O'Neil won), and 40 minutes of recap.

I can't even defend the show anymore, it's like they weren't even trying today.
I remember when Chasing Pavements came out, people were calling her the Amy Winehouse killer. hey, remember when Amy Winehouse was tapped to become the next big thing? It's so weird how many trends we see come and go so quickly...

I just hope my Miz shirt shows up before Sun.

The only other wrestling shirt I own is a Ken Kennedy one I got on clearance like two months before he was "Future Endeavored"
I have a sweet Sheamus shirt in the mail so I'm hoping it shows up before Sunday. Got it during WWE's big blowout sale.
Hey Doc, what's crackin, man?
Not a ton, just relaxing, getting ready for the day, and going through the WWE section for spam. Getting ready for class, stuff like that.

I finally posted int he Video Games section. First time in months.
Nice, I need to go there more often. I posted in WWE yesterday, talking about Kane doing Santino's trombone pose (which was hilarious by the way).

And did you watch NXT? there wasn't an LD, mainly because the show is utter crap. Today we had an Arm Wrestling contest (Titus O'Neil won) and a 6-rookie Tag (Titus O'Neil won), and 40 minutes of recap.

I can't even defend the show anymore, it's like they weren't even trying today.
I didn't watch it, bad internet connection at college. At least the guy I'm pulling for won. Titus is such a nice dude.
Doc did you know you have a Canadian clone?
Yeah, I repped one of his posts because it was good and joked about the name, and he PMed me saying that he was sorry and asked KB to change it :lmao: I told him to just keep posting and that I liked his posts. Maybe one day we'll have two The Doctors on staff ;)

So today is just a normal kind of day. But tomorrow I'm going to a Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra show...and all they'll be playing is video game music! Should be amazing.
It does, but I have this one on the way:
It's in my size, and it cost me $11.33 (that's including shipping and handling) because of WWEshop's blowout sale they were having. Way better than the thirty dollars it originally sold for.
I remember when Chasing Pavements came out, people were calling her the Amy Winehouse killer. hey, remember when Amy Winehouse was tapped to become the next big thing? It's so weird how many trends we see come and go so quickly...
Welcome to popular music. It happens to them all. Pretty soon it'll probably happen to that Bieber kid, and whoever else is popular right now.

Not a ton, just relaxing, getting ready for the day, and going through the WWE section for spam. Getting ready for class, stuff like that.
Classes started again for you? Jeez, I forget you have that 3 semester thing going on. The whole 2 semester thing is awesome, because you get a whole 3-4 weeks off in December/January, Spring Break, then end your school year in early May (I actually ended my school year one year April 30.

Nice, I need to go there more often. I posted in WWE yesterday, talking about Kane doing Santino's trombone pose (which was hilarious by the way).
I posted in there about a week ago (actually, it was my 400th post too).

And Kane doing the trombone was awesome. Granted it wasn't good for the monster character.

I didn't watch it, bad internet connection at college. At least the guy I'm pulling for won. Titus is such a nice dude.
Titus does seem awesome. And I do hope he wins. I still don't give a crap about it, because this season sucks, since it's all losers (well, 5 losers and Titus, who never got a chance). MAYBE I'll get back into it next season.

So today is just a normal kind of day. But tomorrow I'm going to a Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra show...and all they'll be playing is video game music! Should be amazing.
That sounds friggin awesome. I was pissed, as I had the opportunity to go to my local symphonies concert (for free, thanks to knowing a few of the people in said symphony), but didn't feel up to going. They were doing movie music. I've gone over a dozen times before, but this concert was full of stuff I'd love to hear.

I have a sweet Sheamus shirt in the mail so I'm hoping it shows up before Sunday. Got it during WWE's big blowout sale.

It does, but I have this one on the way:
It's in my size, and it cost me $11.33 (that's including shipping and handling) because of WWEshop's blowout sale they were having. Way better than the thirty dollars it originally sold for.
That shirt is awesome. Hell, from the looks of it, it doesn't even look like an obvious wrestling shirt.

I wish I bought some of the blowout sale stuff, but I didn't. I really wanted some of the old school stuff (I adored the RAW IS WAR shirt, since I had one when they first came out).
I ordered the hoody version of that shirt, and then after the order was finalized I noticed it was a fucking Youth size, now granted if you didn't no me, and just read the forums and seen me talk about watching cartoons & wrestling, reading comics, etc. I could see how someone could think I'm still a kid, but sadly I'm 30 yrs. old, and though I may still be very much a child at heart youth sized clothing does not still fit me

But oh well some lucky kid will be walking out of the May 28th SD! house show with a badass Sheamus hoody, and at least my Miz shirt will fit

this is the one I got, it was $10


Oh, & happy Doctors day Doc(according to wiki)
I'm currently wearing my Nexus Scratch shirt:


It is indeed awesome. And Justin, once you find a kid who loves Sheamus, be sure to post here what he did when you gave him the shirt. I love stories like that.

And thanks for the Doctor's Day wishes lol. It's amazing what you learn when you follow my Twitter!

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