The Doctor's Office

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London and Kendrick were a cool tag team, but the Dudebusters can't reach the level that they were at, let alone the Rockers. They need to make people hate them or care about them, and right now the majority don't.

Why don't you say that (with more words, of course) in the thread in the SD section?
justs what's there; chapter nine should be released in a few days

did you like the story so far?

Yea I did. There's a few grammar mistakes and some minor spelling errors in it but that's just nitpicking and I'm not the one to correct anyone on their grammar lol. I can't wait for the dastardly deeds Aizen and Mandara cook up. Is this story going to have Ichigo too?
Yea I did. There's a few grammar mistakes and some minor spelling errors in it but that's just nitpicking and I'm not the one to correct anyone on their grammar lol. I can't wait for the dastardly deeds Aizen and Mandara cook up. Is this story going to have Ichigo too?

Yeah, it'll feature Ichigo and his gang, except the Bleach part of the story is set 20 years into the future, so Ichigo's going to be a 35 year old adult.

I'm featuring the story in sagas; the first saga has one more chapter left, then I'll start the next
I got a Gateway. It has Windows 7. Currently installing all my favorite programs on it. Man the internet is fast on this thing!
Why don't you say that (with more words, of course) in the thread in the SD section?

Holy hell, there is a thread about them? I'll check it out at work. I need to finish a Cover Letter and Resume and then take a nap before work. I'm procrastinating too much right now.
They're good, but not as good as the rockers (as niether of them is as good as michaels) and they aren't total spot monkeys so they can't be like Londrick.

I like them too, and I hope Curt Hawkins gets his FCW theme back at some point. 'Tis awesome, in fact, I'm pretty much resculpting his GWA gimmick around it.
WWE does have some pretty cool music in its backlog of production music. Tarver's last FCW theme was win too.

That fits him perfectly.

I have a ton of WWE production themes on my iPod, ones used as entrance themes. I love Xylot. Time to add Outcome to my list.
Most of them are pretty damn Generic though. Like Lucky Cannon's. I think The Major Brothers used it too.

Yep, they did.

But then you get awesome songs like Palumbo & O'Haire's, and Semisweet Symphony, and Armando Estrada's theme, and Frankie Kazarian (only good thing about him), and Eric Escobar's AWESOME FCW theme.
Yep, they did.

But then you get awesome songs like Palumbo & O'Haire's, and Semisweet Symphony, and Armando Estrada's theme, and Frankie Kazarian (only good thing about him), and Eric Escobar's AWESOME FCW theme.

Hennig's theme is decent too.


Who's worse in your opinion Kazarian or McIntyre?
Kazarian. McIntyre has a cool entrance and though I hate to say it, tools to not suck. He just can't use them, at all.
Agreed Doc. Kazarian is simply meh. He's like Eric Escobar, only seriously pushed.

McIntyre earned my loathing soley because he got the call up while guys like Wade Barrett were sitting on their asses in FCW. I suspect that the peoblem is that he doesn't have to try. Everything just seems to get handed to him on a silver platter. He's 25 and he's been pushed to heaven wherever he's worked. I just don't get it.
McIntyre is like TNA. The potential is there, the talent is there, he's just not good at putting the talent and tools to work. If he could hit his stride and do things right, he'll improve immensely and even maybe be the main eventer Vince wants him to be. He needs to change his attitude and learn how to not suck.

The silver platter thing is accurate. He has Shelton Syndrome, but with a variation.
McIntyre is such an arrogant asshole. He could be good, but just like you said... until he changes his attitude he'll never go anywhere. Kaz on the other hand tries hard now, just sucks.
In fariness though, in IWW the people at the top were shit. Sheamus is good now, but I can't imagine who thought that this was a good finisher. or to oversell it so much.


Sheamus was terrible in IWW, or so the footage on his official youtube channel suggests.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: THAT IS THE BEST FINISHER OF ALL TIME. It has to be Cottonwood's SCW finisher. HAS TO BE.
Yeah, the guy who came up with it probably had the bright idea to have Sheamus leap the top rope like Hernandez.

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