The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Justin gets the 1st post and the 100th post in the thread. No fair. Well, at least I get response number 100!

So The Sentry has the power of one million exploding suns. After Thor defeated The Sentry, Thor flew into space and threw Sentry into the sun. Did our sun just absorb one million exploding suns? Couldn't that be really dangerous? Doesn't Thor know this? And if he doesn't, couldn't Reed Richards or Tony Stark or anyone who knows anything about physics have told him this?
Justin gets the 1st post and the 100th post in the thread. No fair. Well, at least I get response number 100!

I also have 37 of the 102 posts in this thread, you only have a measly 7:p

So The Sentry has the power of one million exploding suns. After Thor defeated The Sentry, Thor flew into space and threw Sentry into the sun. Did our sun just absorb one million exploding suns? Couldn't that be really dangerous? Doesn't Thor know this? And if he doesn't, couldn't Reed Richards or Tony Stark or anyone who knows anything about physics have told him this?

I don't know much about Sentry, but maybe once he was defeated he didn't have that much power anymore?, so when he was thrown into the sun the sun didn't need to absorb the power of one million exploding suns:shrug:

again I know next to nothing about Sentry
Nobody knows anything about Sentry anymore. He somehow managed to erase everyone's memory of him from beyond the grave... so to speak.

He was just one powerful son of a gun. Seriously, he could do like anything. I still don't totally understand how Thor was able to defeat him besides through sheer luck, but it's a pretty huge testament to Thor's power. Sentry was a guy who ripped Ares in half... he ripped a fucking Greek God in half! He also ripped Carnage apart, but that's not nearly as impressive. I mean, he has the fucking power of one million exploding suns!
Totally digging the covers for the upcoming Red Skull: Incarnate books.


The most recent Nerdist podcast talks about the upcoming Black Dynamite comic. That's one I can't wait to get my hands on. I love that movie.
Picked up Hulk #30.1 & The Incredible Hulk #621. I've never read anything regarding the Hulk, but lately I've had an itch to read something Hulk related so I thought I've give it a go.
Picked up Hulk #30.1 & The Incredible Hulk #621. I've never read anything regarding the Hulk, but lately I've had an itch to read something Hulk related so I thought I've give it a go.

I fucking love Hulk right now, the 30.1 issue was my first ever Hulk comic as well, I just made a post on why that is one of my top 3 series in the Comic Book thread, over in the potluck section, just love the whole Red Hulk stuff they got going on right now, haven't picked up any of the Incredible Hulk stuff yet, though the cover of the newest issue in fucking awesome, and I was very tempted to pick it up this morning, I opted for Punisher MAX instead
One of the books I picked up yesterday was Uncanny X-Men #534.1, I haven't picked up a book from this series since the Onslaught saga started (so around '96/'97), and damn has a lot of shit changed, first off when the fuck did Namor become an X-man, let alone a mutant?, I thought he was Atlantian, and where are Xavier, Jean Grey, Beast, Ice-man, Rogue, & Gambit?, when did Megneto join the team?, & why are there less than 200 mutants in existence? I have a feeling there are a lot of tpbs I'm going to need to pick up over the summer...
For the answers to your questions, read House of M, Messiah Complex, the fall-out from said event and the Dark Reign/X-Men tie-ins...Oh and Jean's dead for the 9000th time.
Jean's been dead for long time.

I've read all of those except for House of M and some of Messiah Complex. Wait, is Messiah Complex when Hope is born or when she is traveling through time with Cable?

Also, Utopia X is good shit. Shit dude, any mainstream universe X-Men is fucking awesome. I was really disappointed when X-Men Forever sucked, the art was AMAZING.
Don't think I'm going to be reading much of the current X-men stuff outside of Uncanny X-Force, & Age of X, I wish I had know about Age of X when it started, so I could pick up the first few chapters, guess I'll just have to wait for the tpb
Read Punisher MAX #12 today, holy shit this series is fucking amazing if they're going to make another Punisher movie in the near future this is the Punisher series I would like to see them draw the story from, here's a review of the book from iFanboy

Punisher Max #12

Punisher Max #12

Story by Jason Aaron
Art by Steve Dillon
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Cover by Dave Johnson


Price: $3.99

It’s not a new idea or an innovative idea: drop The Punisher into prison. Mayhem ensues. We’ve seen it before as recently as 2006 in Ed Brubaker’s opening story arc on Daredevil, when both The Punisher and Daredevil ended up in prison together.

And while it may not be a new idea or an innovative idea, I still get really excited when I see that it’s going to happen because it’s an idea that can lead so many fun and, well, twisted, places.

At the end of the Punisher Max #11, Bullseye and The Punisher finally came together and fought their epic fight. At the end, they both lay broken and bloodied, ready to get carted off by the police. Nine times out of ten, in this scenario, the hero of the story finds a way to escape from the police so that his war on crime can continue unabated. Not this time. Frank’s in jail.

Being The Punisher and being in prison is so much worse than being a cop and being in prison. Sure, you both are seen as “the enemy” and you’re both responsible for putting people into that prison, but it’s worse with The Punisher. Chances are that in addition to putting you in a position for the cops to cart you off to jail, The Punisher killed and/or brutalized you and your friends and possibly your family. The hate isn’t just professional, it’s also personal.

Normally, having a prison full of vicious criminals hting you would not be a problem for Frank Castle. He’d just fashion a bunch of weapons from whatever was handy around his cell and go to town on anyone dumb enough to try to take him on. The problem this time is that the fight with Bullseye left him laid up in the prison hospital, three out of four limbs broken or in traction. He’s a sitting duck.

Or is he?

The wonderful thing about Punisher Max #12, and the reason why I loved it so much and made it the Pick of the Week, is that there is very little actual violence in it. It’s a very psychological issue running across two tracks.

First, we have Frank Castle, The Punisher, laying in that prison hospital bed. Not only his he physically broken from the fight with Bullseye, but mentally as well. Bullseye figured him out completely and whispered something into Frank’s ear about the day Frank’s family was killed that cut Frank to his core. And now Frank is in turmoil. He knows that he is a target for just about every inmate in that prison, he knows that his physical ability to defend himself is diminished by about 90%, and he knows it’s just a matter of time. As he lays there in bed he wonders if perhaps death is welcome. He thinks back to his time at the end of Vietnam, when he was in an army hospital and wonders if maybe he’s been chasing death ever since. He wrestles with the idea of defending himself in his broken state or letting the inevitable happen at the end of a prison made shiv.

The Punisher’s inner monologue was all very good and interesting but what made it fantastic was the juxtaposition to what was going on outside the prison hospital.

The second story in this issue focuses on the inmates trying to work up the courage to try to kill The Punisher. The first group arrives all raring to go. They’ve paid off the guards, they’re armed, and they’re pumping themselves up with stories of what The Punisher did to their friends. But wait. He’s just... laying there. This should be easy, right? But what if it’s a trap? What if he’s faking? I saw him take out 12 guys single-handled once. Hold on a second, let’s think this through. And while the first group is debating, a second group arrives. Perfect! Hey, we’re good here, why don’t you guys go on ahead! No, no, you guys were here first.

And on and on.

While laying there in traction and in emotional turmoil, the mere specter of The Punisher, and the violence that he is capable of, has paralyzed six hardcore inmates into inaction.

It was that juxtaposition of serious introspection and laugh out loud comedy that made Punisher Max #12 so good and really showed off the range of talents that writer Jason Aaron possesses. If you know him only from Scalped (and if you’re not reading that, boy, I dunno) then the fact that Jason Aaron is one of the funniest guys in comics will probably come as a surprise. He’s known best or his gritty, hardcore, and violence-filled stories, but every once in a while he works the funny bone to spectacular results. In a series like Punisher Max all of his talents are well suited. I never really got into Punisher comics for very long because I often felt like they were repetitive and unrelentingly dour. But the tone of Punisher Max is different. It’s extremely violent, yes, but on occasion the violence skirts to the edge of humor. And it’s also straight up funny, which works as a nice balancing tonic to the grim world that The Punisher inhabits. What I’m saying is that Jason Aaron is doing a fine job running in that tonal world that Garth Ennis originally created for this book.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the art team of Steve Dillon and Matt Hollingsworth. Lots of people knock Dillon’s work for not having dynamic layouts and for having a limited number of facial models for his characters. I don’t subscribe to these complaints. Dillon is one of the best storytellers around and he’s going to go down as one of the all time great comic book artists. He has that unique ability to make the over-the-top violence both shocking and funny, depending on what the story needs. The last time that I read The Punisher with any sort of regularity it was when Ennis and Dillon were running the book and I can’t imagine it looking any other way.

One more thing needs mentioning and that’s the cover by Dave Johnson. I don’t often talk abut the covers in these reviews, and if I’m bring honest, most comic book covers don’t even register with me these days, but this one made me stop and notice it. It’s stark and brutal and tells you all you need to know about what’s going on in this comic in one simple image.

Delving into the psychology of Frank Castle is always a dicey prospect. And since this is part one of a story called “Frank” I can only assume that’s what we’ll be doing. I don’t know that we want to know too much about what goes on in that head of his. Like Wolverine, the less known about The Punisher, the better. But if there is one writer that I trust to lead us down the path inside Frank’s twisted inner world it’s Jason Aaron. 

-Conor Kilpatrick

Good series, this looks like another book I need to add to the list of "must buys" for each month, I will defiantly be buy the rest of this arc for sure, that much I know, as well as be looking for a couple tpb of this series too
So looks like I'm going to have 4 new books to pick up this week...

-Hulk #32
-Uncanny X-Force #8
-Green Lantern #65
-Green Lantern CORPS #59

Sometimes I don't get the way these companies schedule the releases of these books, last week Marvel released Uncanny x-Force #7, this week #8 comes out, and then it'll likely be a month/month and a half before a I get another new issue, DC does the same with their GL books, they have three of them, all part of the current War of the Lanterns arc, and instead of spread the 3 books out over the course of the month they release them all at once and then you have to wait another month to get the next 3 peaices to the story, it's really frustrating
Speaking of GL, you can all feel free to post in the new Comics Spotlight thread on the Emerald Twilight arc, would be nice to get at least one lousy post in that thread
I just read "The Road To Civil War" thing from Marvel that I got from a garage sale for a couple bucks. I have GOT to find the other ones in the series.
I just read "The Road To Civil War" thing from Marvel that I got from a garage sale for a couple bucks. I have GOT to find the other ones in the series.

Check out Banes & Noble if you have one anywhere near you, and stay away from anything with a hardcover, $50 for graphic novel, even one as awesome as Civil War is just absurd, especially when you can get the same thing in paper back for like $20
Justin, I was recently elected president of my college's film club. One of my first orders of business? Bringing a Red State screening (and possibly Kevin Smith) to campus. It looks like it could happen too.

From a business perspective: This will be great for the club and the school.
From a fanboy perspective: OMG OMG OMG! I MIGHT GET TO MEET KEVIN SMITH AND TALK TO HIM BACKSTAGE AND SHIT! OMG OMG OMG! It's a big maybe, but it's totally possible!

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