The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Two points:

1: Carrion is a creation of Miles Warren's. He's essentially a clone infected with a virus that caused him to degenerate. There are 3 Carrion's in total. The first Carrion arc kicked all sorts of ass.

2: I'm going to post in the Civil War thread later. Don't expect a reception for it anywhere near as good as Justin's.
Ultimate Spider-Man Animated Series Promo
Apr 10, 2011 in articles by Josh Flanagan

While we know that some of the elite in comics have been meeting to work on the animated Ultimate Spider-Man series, we don't know very much else. Head of TV for Marvel, Jeph Loeb has assembled a team of producers that includes Brian Michael Bendis, Paul Dini and the Man of Action team, Joe Kelly, Joe Casey, Steve Seagle, and Duncan Rouleau. The MoA team are well known outside of comics for having created Ben 10 and Generator Rex, and of course Bendis has been writing the Ultimate Spider-Man comic series for most of our natural lives. Now they've released this promo image, our first look at this secretive web-swinging series.


The show will premiere on Disney XD at some unknown point in 2012. You can read all about the unique set up of the summit/writer's room at The series will function a lot more like a tradition network TV show, with a collaborative writing team, where most animated series are written individually. And that writing team is one heck of a cadre of experience with both Spider-Man, Marvel, and comics in general.

I've never been so into the animated comic adaptations, but I'm definitely intrigued to check this one out.

This could be really fucking good, granted I don't know much about the Ultimate Spidey universe, other than what little bit I've played in the game so far, but with the people they have working on this and they way they appear to be approaching it, it sounds as though this could be a great Spidey cartoon, almost wish I could get Disney XD so I could check it out
This could be really fucking good, granted I don't know much about the Ultimate Spidey universe, other than what little bit I've played in the game so far, but with the people they have working on this and they way they appear to be approaching it, it sounds as though this could be a great Spidey cartoon, almost wish I could get Disney XD so I could check it out

I'd be a lot more psyched if they hadn't cancelled a really great series in order to pursue this. Spectacular Spider-Man was a great show. It was a brilliant retelling of the Lee/Ditko Spidey with elements of Conway, Wolfman, Stern, Michelinie, Bendis and Paul Jenkins.

It pulled in good fan response (critical and commercial) but for whatever reason Marvel thought this would be better. And Tom Breevort and the rest of the Marvel Execs didn't even bother to tell the show's team it was canned.
I bought the Deadpool graphic novel Wade Wilson's War yesterday and read it last night. I really enjoyed it. It was a bit of an origin story for Deadpool though you're not quite sure which parts of it Deadpool is making up. The character is entertaining and pulls off some great gambits. Check it out.
So Michael Shannon will be General Zod and I didn't realise Diane Lane and kevin Costner was cast as Martha and Jonathan Kent.
I was kinda hoping they go with a new villain, one that we haven't seen in a Superman movie yet someone like Braniac, Bizarro, Darkseid, Doomsday or Bloodsport all could have been other good choices
Wow, just took a quick look at what Marvel & DC have set to come out this week, looks like it's gonna be another really lite week for me, outside of Uncanny X-Force #7 I really don't see anything that's a must have, I guess if they still have it on selves I'll prolly pick up the .1 issue of Uncanny X-men that came out last week, everyone seems to be giving rave reviews, also might look into a new tpb to kill some time with

Oh Marvel is releasing Uncanny X-force: The Apocalypse Solution in tpb form this week, this is a great book to pick up for anyone looking to get into or is just curious about Uncanny X-Force, amazing story that got me hooked on this book
I might have to pick up the TPB in that case. The comic book store in Boston is too far away for me to bother going all that often, but there is a Barnes and Noble right down the street.
Raimi was more involved in the story third time round. It's like a lot of directors: They work well when restrained to the confines of a story, but when they get to run loose, they simply overwhelm themselves.

I'm no where near an expert on this but I'm very certain that Raimi had less control over Spiderman 3.

When it came to discussing Spiderman 4 with the studio, he said that he wanted to have the control that he did in the first two films, so he could make a movie that didn't suck like the studio's Spiderman 3. He also new that he couldn't make a good movie, in the amount of time that the studio wanted him to so he also negotiated for the release date for Spiderman 4 to be pushed back compared to when the studio wanted.

In the end, Raimi walked away from making a Spiderman 4, so the studio decided to reboot the franchise from the beginning with a new cast & crew and just to kick Raimi in the balls on his way out, they gave the new director the release date that Raimi wanted.
Picked up The Book of the Skull the other day which is a prologue to Fear Itself. It's decent, and details how Sin ended up with her father's book, but it isn't really essential to the Fear Itself arc (at least, not yet.)

I mentioned before that I was thankful that you don't need to be a Marvel fan and know the history of past Marvel events, to enjoy Fear Itself but I do have some questions that I was hoping someone could answer.

1) How did Red Skull die?
2) How did Odin die and become the All-Father? (or has he always been the All-Father?)
3) Why does Odin almost dislike humans and Thor now?
I'm no where near an expert on this but I'm very certain that Raimi had less control over Spiderman 3.

The fact that he was behind the story would suggest otherwise.

1) How did Red Skull die?
2) How did Odin die and become the All-Father? (or has he always been the All-Father?)
3) Why does Odin almost dislike humans and Thor now?

1: Skull was 'killed' (I put it like that because it's basically a guarantee he'll return, he always does) by being blown up after being blasted with Pym Particles.

2: Whilst battling Surtur on Earth, the Odin-force leaves him for Thor in order to break the cycle of Odin being resurrected time after time.

3: Odin's never been that fond of humans and Thor was the victim of a plot from Loki which saw him murder Odin's father. He was then cast out of Asgard.
The fact that he was behind the story would suggest otherwise.

“They really gave me a tremendous amount of control on the first two films, actually. But then there were different opinions on the third film and I didn’t really have creative control, so to speak.”
There were rumblings that Raimi wasn’t allowed to truly do his own story and that producers forced him to include the popular Venom character as one of the villains in the story

There are more articles that I can post if need be. I've just never heard anything but the studio in control.
Having watched the documentaries of Raimi on the third Spider-Man film DVD, he said he was sceptical of including Venom at first but the producers 'won him over'. Still doesn’t give him an excuse for emo-Spidey either way.
So Raimi was won over by he people that are funding millions of dollars so I he could make the movie? Sounds like 'won over' is a nice way of saving face so he can return back to the studio for future movies.

The studio got control, and the movie bombed.

I def agree with the zero need for musical numbers and emo-spidey.
Has anyone read any of the Ultimate Spider-Man series? would it be worth my time to check out?

I'm trying to put together my Pull list for this week, I want to limit what I buy down to only 3 books, I'm getting Uncanny X-Force #7 for sure, and if they still have it I'm getting Uncanny X-Men #534.1, now I just need to decide on what I should pick up for my third book this week, trying to decide between Ultimate Spider-Man #157, Uncanny X-Men #535, or Punisher MAX #12... Decisions decisions
Picked up the Batman: Hush Graphic Novel the other day. I'm really enjoying it but I wish I didn't already know who Hush really was before reading this book. (Not that they make it hard to figure out as you read it for the first time.)
Topic: Hottest comic book characters.

Begin discussion.

Well since Torch and Dormammu have been mentioned already I'm going to go with....


and Ghost Rider


OK new discussion

List your current top 3 books that are an on-going series

1-Uncanny X-Force

I'll make a post with reasons in the (non-spam) Comic Book thread later...probably

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