The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

AvX has surpisingly been decent thus far. I hear rumors of Cyclops massively fucking up the Avengers here soon.
I couldn't make it to my local comic shop during Free Comic Book Day. :( I really need to hit it up again some time and buy the Mega Man TPBs I've missed. I miss going there to buy the latest issues. Once I've caught up I'll probably subscribe.
I haven't been reading it, waiting for the trades, but from what I've heard it's been pretty one-sided so far.

It's going to be incredibly hard to follow it in TPB form if Marvel does what it usually does in releasing those. You literally have all of the XBooks and Avenger books tied into it, plus 2 limited series at the same time. It's a massive event that won't end until October. Act 1 will be ending next week and Act 2 looks to be amazing.
It's going to be incredibly hard to follow it in TPB form if Marvel does what it usually does in releasing those. You literally have all of the XBooks and Avenger books tied into it, plus 2 limited series at the same time. It's a massive event that won't end until October. Act 1 will be ending next week and Act 2 looks to be amazing.

Yeah, I've heard people say that about other shit I've chosen to jump into in tpb (House of M, Civil War, etc.) & I'm always able to follow it just fine. I'm still picking up the X-books I was picking up before (Wolverine & the X-men, & Uncanny X-Force), also may look into the X-men book written by Brian Wood, since I've been loving his DMZ series.
Is anyone picking up every issue of the Night of the Owls crossvoer? I'm mainly picking up Batman & Nightwing, though if I have a light week I have been picking up other issues that seem to be getting good reviews. I tired to pick up Batgirl #9 but my shop sold out of it, however I did pick up Catwoman #9.
The dude has a following from hell. Some of the XBoards I go to still fluff this guys penis on a regular basis. I've come to like his New X-Men run, but no way is it one of the best, like most people on those boards believe. Give me Whedon's run on Astonishing, Carey on Legacy, or Claremont's original run any day of the week.
I would say about the only stuff of his I've ever gotten any enjoyment out of would be the stuff he's done in DC. Stuff like bringing Barry Allen back, the introduction of Damien Wayne (despite him being my 2nd least favorite Robin), All-Star Superman, & I've heard good things about his work on JLA Earth 2. I gave his run on Action a shot when the New52 launched, but lost complete interest shortly after the first arc, & I think I read one other issue of Batman Inc. from before the New52. Not sure if I want to give this new Batman Inc. run a shot or not, though early world is it's pretty good, & looks to be the community pick of the week on iFanboy.

I don't feel Morrison is all that deserving of his own Con though, I'd like to think their are far better creators out there more deserving, such as Allan Moore, Stan Lee, Chris Claremont, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller, etc.
I still have an original copy of the Arkham Asylum graphic novel that he did in the late 80's. That was a damn good book.
I still have an original copy of the Arkham Asylum graphic novel that he did in the late 80's. That was a damn good book.

I don't think I've ever read that, in fact I don't know if I've ever even heard anything about it before, I shall add it to my list.
It's fantastic, and easily the reason why people still suck off Morrison. You can get it dirt cheap on Amazon, definitely worth the money.
Yeah Morrison can be both a great writer and a complete moron. His Countdown stuff is awful and I mean flat out awful. His Batman run has overall been fairly good with the highlight by far being Batman & Robin series he wrote.
Can someone on here explain to me the appeal of comic books?

I have never had any interest in them, despite several friends of mine being readers/collectors. What is it that appeals to you?

I like reading alot, but I like to picture the stories in my head, rather than seeing them drawn infront of me, if you get what I mean? Having the stories drawn in pictures just feels childish to me, no offense intended.

Curious to know, thats all. I know a hell of a lot of people are into them, but I would like to know why?
Is it me or does nightwing look sort of odd in the Red rather than the blue?

I wouldn't say odd, though I do prefer the black & blue look.

Can someone on here explain to me the appeal of comic books?

I have never had any interest in them, despite several friends of mine being readers/collectors. What is it that appeals to you?

I like reading alot, but I like to picture the stories in my head, rather than seeing them drawn infront of me, if you get what I mean? Having the stories drawn in pictures just feels childish to me, no offense intended.

Curious to know, thats all. I know a hell of a lot of people are into them, but I would like to know why?

That's like asking someone to explain the appeal of wrestling, or stand-up, or any specific genre of music, etc. It's just a different medium of storytelling, a medium that combines exciting action-packed writing, featuring a endless cast of larger than life characters with fantastic artwork, & manages to fit it all into nice small bite-sized morsels. Which just kinda helps to make it easier to read multiple stories at a time. Obviously I can only speak for myself on this, others may have found the appeal of comics to be entirely different.

This has got be my favorite panel of the week (granted I've only picked up 2 books this week)


The best part of this very humorous panel, the puddle of blood under "bat-cow"

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