The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Average week this week

-American Vampire #22
-Joe Hill's The Cape #3
-TMNT: Micro-Series Michelangelo #1
-The Flash #4
-Uncanny X-Men #3
I had about two good weeks of getting what I actually asked for from my local comic shop followed by last week and this week of barely getting anything.

I'm definitely going to be removing some books from my cut list.
Finally starting to get properly into comics with my brother in college. Arkham City is helping too.
The cover for AVX #1 has been officially released

AVX Versus Cover by Adam Kubert

Marvel’s Next Big Thing: AVX Versus
Posted on 01/06/12 by Paul Montgomery

Today we take part in another exciting edition of Marvel’s Next Big Thing press call! On today’s docket: AVX Versus, a tie-in to 2012′s Avengers vs. X-Men event! We’re talking to editors Axel Alonso, Nick Lowe and Tom Brevoort.

A six-issue limited series, AVX Versus is all about the epic violence. Each issue sees two large-scale fights between individual Avengers and X-Men with widescreen art by the industry’s top talents. Two creative teams and two massive battles per issue. Brevoort calls it the “least essential but potentially highest selling book in the event.”

Issue one hits in April.

Bout one: Iron Man vs. Magneto by Jason Aaron & Adam Kubert

Bout two: Namor vs. Thing by Kathryn & Stuart Immonen.

When asked whether Versus serves as an alternative to previous experiments like Frontline or Imbedded, the editors agreed that this is the polar opposite approach. While the main title will see its fair share of brawling, Versus is the venue for fan-favorite moments similar to pro wrestling’s most spectacular pay-per-view specials.

Alonso suggests that if any book were made for an oversized collection, it’s Versus.

Readers can expect the kind of fan-favorite match-ups often debated by diehards, and though the editors are tight-lipped about exact bouts beyond the first issue, pairings like Rogue and Ms. Marvel aren’t off the mark. Fights will mostly consist of one-on-one skirmishes, but when we asked about the potential for third wheels to come barreling in with steel chairs, Brevoort conceded that creative teams aren’t restricted to keeping each fight entirely symmetrical.

So, who’d you like to see clobber who?

I read that piece & thought "Iron Man vs. Magneto?, isn't it pretty clear he's gonna dominate that fight?" I'm wondering what new shit they're going to come up with for Iron Man to justify him having any real shot is a one on one fight with Magneto, A guy who could literally just crush the Iron Man suit around Stark like a tin can. Also Namor vs. Thing? surely in Namor long history with the FF Thing & Namor have exchange blows a few times, I'm really hoping this bout is mostly going to playing off that long history, cause otherwise things so far for this writing team are looking a little bit lazy so far.
So to stimulate some conversation here i'll post a completely generic question: Who's your favourite hero & villain from DC & Marvel individually?
So to stimulate some conversation here i'll post a completely generic question: Who's your favourite hero & villain from DC & Marvel individually?

Currently or all time?

For me it changes all the time, lately I find myself gravitating more towards the comics written by writers I like as opposed to just characters. With that said, my favorite Marvel comic right now is probably PunisherMAX written by Jason Aaron (Jason Aaron is probably my favorite writer in all of comics right now), so I'm gonna say my favorite my favorite Marvel hero at the moment is the PunisherMAX version of Punisher, with Bullseye from that same universe being my favorite villain, he's much crazier, darker, & more fucked up in the head in Punisher MAX than I ever remember him being in any other comic I've read.

DC is kinda tough, & going to require some more thaught
I know nothing about comics but I just happen to be watching the show "Pawn Stars" right now and somebody just sold the first edition of Spider Man on there for $4,000. It wasn't graded but they had an expert come in and look at it and he said it was in good shape. So did the seller get ripped off or is that a fair price?
I know nothing about comics but I just happen to be watching the show "Pawn Stars" right now and somebody just sold the first edition of Spider Man on there for $4,000. It wasn't graded but they had an expert come in and look at it and he said it was in good shape. So did the seller get ripped off or is that a fair price?

I heard about this, apparently the "expert" got a lot of the facts about the issue wrong. I've seen reports where a copy of a Amazing Fantasy #15 in mint condition have gone for anywhere from $50,000 to $1.1 mil. in the past year. It just depends on the buyer ultimately.
I just found that episode of Pawn Stars

Big Hoss, or whatever the fuck his name is, is wrong on just about all of his facts, like to a point that is pretty much laughable.:lmao:. Also who gives a copy of Amazing Spider-man #1 as a wedding gift to people that aren't comic book fans at all?!

I did a quick search online & found one copy of that issue being sold for $500,000 & another going for $40,000. So um yeah, looks like he got fucked, serves him right though, going into a pawn shop trying to sell something like that & opening admitting to the people you're hoping will buy it that you don't know how much it's really worth is just flat out fucking stupid.
I haven't actually been too much into comics since the mid 90's but I'm starting to get more and more interested in them again. Any suggestions on what I should look out for or pick up in the near future? I recently picked up the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic comp and have really enjoyed it
I haven't actually been too much into comics since the mid 90's but I'm starting to get more and more interested in them again. Any suggestions on what I should look out for or pick up in the near future? I recently picked up the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic comp and have really enjoyed it

If you liked that then I suggest picking up the new ongoing TMNT series from IDW, I think they're only 5 issues into the series, so it should be pretty easy to jump in & catch up. Also pretty much anything written by Jason Aaron, Rick Remender, & Scott Snyder is going to be good.

Some stuff by those guys that I've been really enjoying

-Wolverine & the X-men
-Uncanny X-Force
-American Vampire

Most of those are either at near the beginning of the series or just starting new story arcs, so you shouldn't have too hard of time catching up if you jump on now.

You also might want to check out the new ongoing Ghostbusters series by IDW as well, that's pretty entertaining, especially if you were a fan of the movies.
Daredevil is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. It's also pretty decent with your clothes off.

In the DC world, Animal Man persists in rocking my socks on a monthly basis.
I have not, but it's written by Scott Snyder & he's one of my fave five writers so I'd say it's probably worth checking out on that alone. Actually I just read a description of this, I heard all the issues in this arc getting great reviews & praise on a podcast I listen to. If you like your Batman stories dark, fucked up & well written then yes pick this up.

Just to give you a bit of an idea of what type of writer Snyder he's more known for getting his start as a horror writer.
I kind of like Snyder's Batman. I'm not as blown away by it as others seem to be, but it's refreshing to see Batman get his arse absolutely handed to him, to see him out of his depth.
I have not, but it's written by Scott Snyder & he's one of my fave five writers so I'd say it's probably worth checking out on that alone. Actually I just read a description of this, I heard all the issues in this arc getting great reviews & praise on a podcast I listen to. If you like your Batman stories dark, fucked up & well written then yes pick this up.

Just to give you a bit of an idea of what type of writer Snyder he's more known for getting his start as a horror writer.

The whole reason I was considering picking this up was because of Snyder. Thanks for the extra info. I'm gonna pick it up.

I kind of like Snyder's Batman. I'm not as blown away by it as others seem to be, but it's refreshing to see Batman get his arse absolutely handed to him, to see him out of his depth.

This is why I love Snyder.
In the DC world, Animal Man persists in rocking my socks on a monthly basis.

I finally read Animal 1-5, and as fucked up, bizarre that it is, it is equally fantastic.

Has anyone here read the Black Mirror? If so is it worth a look at?

I have & it's enjoyable. It really doesn't involved Batman at all, and it is focused on James Gordon & his family. Worth a read.

I kind of like Snyder's Batman. I'm not as blown away by it as others seem to be, but it's refreshing to see Batman get his arse absolutely handed to him, to see him out of his depth.

Snyder's Batman is one of my favorite books from the New 52. Snyder's been killing it on the pages in Swamp Thing as well.

Batgirl, despite not being a Snyder joint, is also very enjoyable.


Today was the first time that I visited my LCS in a little over a month. They tried to force me into buying a bunch of books that I canceled a while ago, but at least they didn't try and charge me a 5% exchange rate again. I'm going to go through my books that I purchased today and see what ones I'm missing.

I also ran into a friend the other day at the movies who said that his boss has been thinking of opening a new comic place in town, which I was completely supportive of, as the current one blows my balls and not in a good way.
Seeing as in a week or two I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed I decided to pull out my old X-Men Age of Apocalypse series to read so I can keep myself from going insane. But seeing as I have never legally obtained a comic since 2005, I need to find a good place in South Florida that won't rob me of every penny.
Can people here recommend some of Snyders other good batman stuff? I never read anything but I have friends who have sung his praises for a long time. I intend to get Swamp thing too but my local store doesn't have it.
Snyder's pretty new and as far as I know he's only done his The Black Mirror stuff in Detective Comics, American Vampire, Gates of Gotham & his current runs on Swamp Thing & Batman.

Definitely check out Swamp Thing, a collection of issues 1-6 is going to be released (I believe) this summer.
Can people here recommend some of Snyders other good batman stuff? I never read anything but I have friends who have sung his praises for a long time. I intend to get Swamp thing too but my local store doesn't have it.

I havn't read any of his Batman stuff from before the New52, but it looks like Black Mirror was the beginning of his Batman run, & collects the vast majority of it. Some other stuff he's done is Gates of Gotham, which revolves around a decades-old mystery connected to the founding fathers of Gotham City that comes to light in the present day, leading Batman to assemble a team of detectives to try to unravel the conspiracy. The series features Red Robin, Black Bat (Cassandra Cain), Robin (Damian Wayne) as the main characters. I'm not sure if it's available as a tpb yet or not, if it's not then it should be soon.
Ok well is there any other great graphic novels where Batman is out of his depth? Other than the Bane one(Can't remember it's name).

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