"The Biggie and Tupac Award" for Best Feud

Which Feud Was the Best?

  • TheOneBigWill vs. The WZ Tournament

  • Lord Sidious vs. The Shareholders and ROH-Botz

  • Ignorant Posters vs. The Complaint Thread

  • xfearbefore vs. FTS

  • xfearbefore vs. Becker

  • The Lariat vs. justinsayne

  • Lord Sidious vs. The D-Man

  • FalKon vs. Funniness

  • klunderbunker vs. Slyfox696

  • justinsayne vs. Mighty NorCal

  • IrishCanadian25 vs. Gelgarin

  • NightShiftLoser vs. Becker


  • JKO vs. The Bar Room

  • xfearbefore vs. Slyfox696

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

TheOneBigWill vs. The WZ Tournament
Lord Sidious vs. The Shareholders and ROH-Botz
Ignorant Posters vs. The Complaint Thread
xfearbefore vs. FTS
xfearbefore vs. Becker
The Lariat vs. justinsayne
Lord Sidious vs. The D-Man
FalKon vs. Funniness
klunderbunker vs. Slyfox696
justinsayne vs. Mighty NorCal
IrishCanadian25 vs. Gelgarin
NightShiftLoser vs. Becker
JKO vs. The Bar Room
xfearbefore vs. Slyfox696​
Will v. Tourney here for me.

NSL v. Sid is going to be up there for next year...Just you wait...
I usually only vote for myself for ONE award (Best Thread Starter) but in this case, I felt the feud between myself and Gelgarin was the most substantive. People will always bicker and such, but the feud between Gel and I wasn't predicated on drama, it was predicated on debate. Seemingly simple and innocuous topics became all out war in the three weeks he and I were matched up in debate leagues. We became the Colts vs the Patriots.
Sidious vs. Shareholders.

I want to defend the WWE in the house show thread because I'm an actual WWE shareholder, and a lot of what they do on the house shows makes sense, but I'm afraid I'm going to get anally raped :(.
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IC25 vs. Gelgarin was absolutely classic. Pages upon pages of debates went back and forth in the tournament. When these two go face to face, fireworks go off.

Vote IC25 vs. Gelgarin!!
I never vote for one poster vs "a group" like Sidious vs "Shareholders." It's so undefined. It was like Sly vs Cena Haters two years ago. The fact is, EVERYBODY remembered Sly, but nobody stepped up memorably in the debate to oppose him. It's like saying Triple H vs The Spirit Squad was an amazing feud. it wasn't. It was 5 on 1.

A feud has to have two people with memorable roles.

I am also calling 2010's award pre-season to be me vs Sidious. It's already being teased.
There's only one right choice here, and it's myself versus FTS. How many other feuds have their own debate thread stickied because of how often they go head-to-head? We go toe-to-toe on every issue from wrestling to politics and back, and I'm not afraid to say that we provide some of the most entertaining (and educational) reading on this forum. We've had some absolutely epic encounters, shit that's what led to our friendship in the first place was our long rivalry.

Plus FTS deserves to win something. He's one our very best, even if I do disagree with him almost all the time.
There's only one right choice here, and it's myself versus FTS. How many other feuds have their own debate thread stickied because of how often they go head-to-head? We go toe-to-toe on every issue from wrestling to politics and back, and I'm not afraid to say that we provide some of the most entertaining (and educational) reading on this forum. We've had some absolutely epic encounters, shit that's what led to our friendship in the first place was our long rivalry.

Plus FTS deserves to win something. He's one our very best, even if I do disagree with him almost all the time.

I'm probably voting for you guys, just because without the two of you disagreeing on everything the Cigar Lounge would be dead. Plus, I learn a lot of stuff and always end up entertained.
There's only one right choice here, and it's myself versus FTS. How many other feuds have their own debate thread stickied because of how often they go head-to-head? We go toe-to-toe on every issue from wrestling to politics and back, and I'm not afraid to say that we provide some of the most entertaining (and educational) reading on this forum. We've had some absolutely epic encounters, shit that's what led to our friendship in the first place was our long rivalry.

Plus FTS deserves to win something. He's one our very best, even if I do disagree with him almost all the time.

But it's no a feud. Sly and I have had an actual fued before. Me and you just get into intellectual pissing contests. Sure is fun though.

I'm probably voting for you guys, just because without the two of you disagreeing on everything the Cigar Lounge would be dead. Plus, I learn a lot of stuff and always end up entertained.

Everyone needs to stop overlooking Tasty. He's the third amigo, or stooge, however you want tom look at it. :lmao:
Sid vs. The ROHBots etc...

I mean for a pretty one sided 'feud' Sid held his own and consistently defended his position.
Jane/Deadman is pretty awesome from what I've read, and none of the other ones stand out.
TheOneBigWill took Edge to the brink of success, against all adversity and he's not going to get recognition anywhere else.
Looks like I was too late to vote for myself. Irish got his vote in, which shows mine would've pushed me over. Such BS.

My battles against the world in the WZ Tournament were beyond epic, and without question the clear-cut greatest moment this year. :lmao:
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