The Best Wrestler of All Time

to start off with I have already replied to this, but I was wondering if someone could help tell me how to start a new topic, this is my 2nd day in this site. I also didn't want to start a new topic when it is close to this one.

Everyone has there pick for best wrestler.

How about a top five of the best wrestler, best tag team, best manager, best announcer. The topic I would like to start a thread on is who's the best wrestler never to hold a heavyweight championship. I think Arn Anderson, but if someone could get it started or tell me to I'll give my list.


Tag Teams
Road Warriors
Freebirds (Hayes & Gordy) not Roberts

Bobby the Brain
Freddy Blassie
JJ Dillion
Jim Cornette
Capt Lou

Gordon Solie
Bob Coudle ( NWA days for you young ones)
Jim Ross
Gorilla Monson
Tony Schiavone
I honestly think the best wrestler of all time was Bret Hart, I cant think of anyone with better technique (exept possibly angle)
Perfectly fine, but character issues aside, who do you find to be the most credible worker, not person? That's all I'm getting at. And some of the points regarding each wrestler and their machinations are very debatable. If I was Austin, I definitely would've went home during that time period. He just smelled the $hit that was WWE programming before anyone else did, and he just didn't want his character stained with it. I mean, they had him hug Vince McMahon...on camera.

Oh, WORKER? Pshh. Forget the 8th cylinder. Benoit wins. Period. And for far less credit than he deserves.
Oh, WORKER? Pshh. Forget the 8th cylinder. Benoit wins. Period. And for far less credit than he deserves.
That's all we're looking for, man.:) And I agree with you fully in regards to how much credit he does (or more importantly doesn't) get.
Kahi doesn't belong in the top 500, Cena is a pretty good wrestler but we'll talk about him 10-15 years from now. Go back and watch some older wrestling.
khali is the worst wrestler ever its weird that you would bring his name into this and cena is ok even though i hate him but one of the best i think not
bret the hitman hart...

all of you people that are saying HBK should just stop right now, cause bret is widely known as the better of the two. While HBK may have been better on the mic at one point, at other points bret was. Technical wrestling prowess hands down goes to bret. creativity and storytelling are pretty similar. But when it comes down to it, the least watched period of wrestling since bret won the title in 1992 was HBKs first title run after he beat bret in... the cheapest finish to a match ever... at wrestlemania 12. Bret, overall, just has more talent than shawn, and Shawn, is just, well, a douchebag and a liar. In fact both time he beat bret, the finishes were cheap as hell, and keep in mind that the two worked together since they entered the business in the mid 80s, and bret was ALWAYS the top dog. Plus shawn sux ass now, his mic skills are boring and repetitive, his matches are still pretty good and id love to see hime take the title from cena. But hes lame now, the coolest thing hes done in the last 4 years is run around superkicking people in the hallway.

Taker isnt the best wrestler ever but hes up there, top ten. Flair is prolly like number 3, while hogan is two (strictly because of how popular he was, like kevin nash said, the only way to tell how good a wrestler really is, is by knowing how many tickets he sold to a show)... but bret sold the tickets and had the skills... shawn is prolly number 5 or 6

however, ten yrs from now, HHH may be known as the greatest ever. and i prolly wont disagree with that.
1. Ric Flair- People Wrestled Prior To 1999 And It Was Ric Flair In The Entire 80's And Early 90's Doing It Every Night Against...dusty, Nikita,lex, Windham, Sting, Terry Gordy Etc...

2. Hulk- Enough Said Brought Sport To Another Level

3. Taker...reigh Of The Dead Man

4. Hbk/triple Hhh....tie Overrated But Good Politics In The Back Keep Them On Top

5. King Kong Bundy Got A 5 Count Enough Said
I don't know if I could narrow down just one guy. I can throw out some names that would definately be considered some of the best, depending on the criteria: Ric Flair, Bret Hart, RVD, Chris Benoit....
How do you define a great wrestler? is it wrestling ability? charisma? mic skills? I think it's all three. Flair is charismatic and a great talker but in my opinion has a smaller repetoir of moves than Cena does. Both Taker and HBK are amazing athletes, Taker is extremely quick for a big man, is a good talker but lacks a little charimsa, HBK comes in a close second to this man because simply put, Bret Hart is the greatest of all time, the total package as mentioned before he never injured an apponent was without a doubt the most technically sound wrestler out there (IMO Hart would kill Angle in a match) and oozed charisma and most importantly he loved his fans and the business. Bret Hart is the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be!
You're all completely wrong, except for the mentions of Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan.

The single greatest wrestler of all time is the Phenom himself, the UNDERTAKER! 4 time WWF champion, former tag champion and hardcore champion, he's 14-0 at WrestleMania, he's now finally won the Royal Rumble cleanly. (If you remember back to the Royal Rumble right before WMXIII, the RR ended in controvercy setting up the Final Four match at IYH right before WM, where Taker earned his spot to face Sid at WMXIII.)
He's also got the best record against the immortal Hulk Hogan. He's taken the title from Hogan TWICE. He's also had the longest continuous WWF career of anyone. He never jumped ship to WCW or anywhere, he never left the company at all. 17 consecutive years of dominance.

Kurt Angle even acknowledged the Undertaker as the greatest in an interview on the Undertaker's Tombstone DVD set.

RESPECT the Dead Man!

This is very true.. Besides the fact that The Undertaker is my favorite wrestler, the guy's track record is off the hook. You pretty much mentioned all his accomplishments, but what stands out about Undertaker, to me, is that he does what he's told. He doesn't go around bitching to everyone and complaining about how he's not getting this, or getting that. He just goes out there and makes the fans happy.

After all these years, it's amazing how one man can still be popular to this day and age of the wrestling business. I mean, Undertaker is what? 41 years old? He proves to everyone that age is only a number, and he's easily still the best moving big men in the ring.

Other canidates are, in my opinion:

-Stone Cold
-The Rock
-Kurt Angle
This is my first post here so I apologize in advance if it's not the fanciest looking post ever hehe.

While I love this topic (I'm a list fanatic for the record) it kind of always annoys me a bit whenever the subject of "The Greatest Wrestler of All-Time" comes up because the majority of people's top choices are usually a list of wrestlers that have been in the WWE in the last 15 years like that's the only wrestling in existence. There are some such as Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock, Hart, HBK, Taker, Foley, HHH, Angle, etc. that certainly deserve to be in this discussion, but there are so many wrestlers that should be considered besides just main event WWE stars that were around only when you watched it. It's important in a discussion such as this to acknowledge wrestlers from around the world and from all eras, not just WWE of the last 15 years.

What about wrestlers such as Frank Gotch, Ed "Strangler" Lewis, George Hackenschmidt, Jim Londos, etc. wrestlers that pretty much put professional wrestling on the map here in America during the early 20th century? Their style of wrestling was completely different (much more of a legitimate form of wrestling) than the wrestlers we love today, but it's important not to forget these gentlemen who brought wrestling to the dance really.

Then there is Lou Thesz who is arguably the greatest World Heavyweight Champion ever in Professional Wrestling. From the late 1930's to the late 1950's he was the "King of Professional Wrestling." He was the top star and was a 6 time NWA Champion back when that was the only wrestling organization in the country and when the champion had to be a legitimate tough guy. He trained and inspired so many of wrestling's greats and also served as a link from the pioneers of the early 20th century (he was trained by Ed "Strangler" Lewis) to many of modern wrestling's greats (he endorsed Kurt Angle in his later years and trained quite a few of Japan's best including Masahiro Chono if I remember correctly).

Then there is Verne Gagne who was the centerpiece of the AWA and one of the greatest scientific wrestlers of all-time.

Then there was the Gorgeous George who was pretty much the first "Sports Entertainer" ever. He wasn't a tremendous wrestler (though underrated by some) but he was wrestling's first star on television and was the equivalent of Hogan and the Rock for the 1950's. He was one of the earliest wrestlers to make their personality just as if not more important as their in-ring work.

And how about Buddy Rogers who pretty much set the standard for the classic "heel character?" To many he was the true "Total Package" of a wrestler. From the looks and charisma, to his brilliant ring psychology and storytelling, to his scientific wrestling skills, he set the standard for many of the greats from Ric Flair to HHH to Harley Race, and pretty much every great heel in wrestling to emerge after him.

Then there's Bruno Sammartino who put WWE (then the WWWF) on the map and legitimized it. He was a two time champion for a total of 13 years, a feat that will more than likely never be matched again.

Then you start getting to Japanese wrestling with icons such as Rikidozan (who pretty made did for wrestling in Japan what Frank Gotch did for wrestling in America but putting on the map), Antonio Inoki, Shoei "Giant" Baba, Jumbo Tsurta, and later on Tiger Mask, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, the Great Muta, Riki Choshu, Mitsuharu Misawa, etc.

And then there's Mexican wrestling with El Santo, Gori Guererro, Perro Aguayo, etc.

And of course many of the great, classic NWA champions such as Jack Brisco, Gene Kiniski, Dory Funk Jr., Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes etc.

And some of the other more modern (last 30 years or so) greats that haven't been mentioned like Andre the Giant, Jerry Lawler, Randy Savage, Sting, Vader, Stan Hansen, Bruiser Brody, Roddy Piper etc.

And how about Terry Funk? Who has had one of the longest and most amazing careers ever. From being a classic, scientific NWA champion of the 70's, to one of the biggest hardcore icons of the 90's, he's done it all and has inspired many of the greats, from Bret Hart to Mick Foley to Steve Austin.

I guess if I were trying to make a point here, just remember that when discussing a subject such as this, keep in mind that there is more to wrestling than just WWE of the last 15 years, and that it's important to keep all of these other great wrestlers in mind.

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HBK is, indeed, the greatest professional wrestler of all-time...Shawn Michaels tells a story each and every time he steps in the ring. Even at age
42, he is still the best in WWE...The guy is phenomenal; truly the "Michael Jordan" of wrestling, and worlds ahead of where Orton, Cena or Batista are at as workers.

I just realized the other day that HBK is the true "Mr.PPV" in the wrestling business. For instance: he has been involved in the best match at the last 4 WMs, and usually has the best match of the night on every PPV he's involved in. Nobody sells in the ring like HBK (watch the ladder matches w/ Hall). HBK is unquestionably the best "WWE Superstar" ever--but overall--I think there are a few guys in the business who are close to HBK's level; namely, Danielson, KENTA, Angle, Senshi and Samoa Joe. They are a different type of worker than HBK, certainly, since they are in TNA, ROH and NOAH, but even if Joe, Danielson, Senshi, Angle and KENTA are better than HBK, they certainly don't have as much charisma or drawing power as he does. But either way, HBK is definitely the best "WWE-style" worker of all-time!!!
I agree everyone looks at the WWE, the NWA made wrestling and if you check my post on page 2 or 3, you will see I have some old school people listed also. Enjoyed your post. This is for dd22wwefan1.
Of course the greatest wrestler of all time is Shawn Michaels! He is just truly awesome in the ring, and he is great on the mic, and he is probably the best at making others look way better than they are (hhh is good at this too). I can't wait till WM 23 2 see him finally win the title for a 5th time from John Cena (even though i am a huge Cena fan (yes i said HUGE!), HBK will always be my fav wrestler). There is no body better than HBK!!!!!
In the 80s, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. In the early 90s, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker. In the late 90s, Stone Cold, the Rock, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Kane, Big Show. And now, Rob Van Dam, John Cena, maybe Edge, maybe Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit
Shawn Michaels--loyalty above all to the biggest federation of all time the wwe...put on the show night in night out...didnt want anything else but to put on a show for the fans and to be the very best. and he is the very best. every year he has 3 or 4 matchs in the top 10 matchs of the year.. incredible stamina, Takes a bump like no one else ever....ever.....was very quick in the ring, if u rem back to about 96 man he just flew aroudn the ring but everything he does, he does well..doesnt screw up very often, which in this sport happens alot..when its his time to shine, he always does. The Main Event, The ICON the....SHOWSTOPPA....and im giving him this name..sorry rvd..the WHOLE Fuckin SHOw!
hbgay has and always will be hated thru the fans eyes he was a ********er for mcmaron and his personal puppet deceiving marty jannetty and backstabbing him as well as bret hart and the list goes on
Reason why he is so overated well for a guy who was gyrating on the tables in front of mcmoron lets say when his cliq and deep penetration x became a huge hit cause they were trying desperately so hard to be nWo wannabees
so think of that so mark or noobie
the achievement awards go to Bret Hart and my man Y2J Chris Jericho
SUCKA //////////////////

if you do a bit of reading you'll find jannetty decieved michaels numerous times, actually one time leading to hbk quitting ww(f)e, and michaels tried numerous times to get jannetty on track as a singles wrestler.

bret hart is a pain in the arse, he used hbk in earle 90's to put him over and sell for him like only hbk could, then whined about hbk having his turn at the top. and at a time where only hbk and taker were loyal and deserving.

the clique were around before nWo, and dx was an idea first pushed for in 1996 about the same time as nwo hit wcw i believe.

Y2J in my opinion couldnt cut it as the top guy, much like guerrerro couldnt in 04.

back to the forum, ill try not to use the terms ********ing- guys gyrating or deep penetration here, and i'd have to say shawn michals.

overall he is the best in terms of an accumulation of match quality, charisma, mic skills, selling, heat, pops, innovation and longevity.

sure he may seem like an ass early in his main event career but apart from getting mcmahons ear, how else could you dethrone guys like hogan, hart and big useless lumps like yokozuna and luger?
I've got to agree with the vast majority of people in this thread, in saying that HBK is definately the Babe Ruth/Michael Jordon of wrestling. I've loved this guy since the second the Rockers came into the WWF, and have followed him throughout his career, loving every step of it. Nobody got more heat than him as a heel, and almost nobody ever got more cheers than when he was a face (aside from maybe Austin). He sold better than anybody, introduced all kinds of moves into the WWF when they were never even heard of, jesus I remember when he started doing dropkicks and stuff, people were like "Oh? Whats this?" and soon everybody's droppin' the leg. Michaels rarely didn't have the match of the night (only time I can think of was probly back in his Rockers days, when he was very limited in the ring) and he's been carrying this business since Hogan betrayed Vince and went to WCW. Nobody puts on a better Wrestlemania match, and nobody's got more style than HBK. Just look at his entrance back in the mid-90s, that was stylish and innovative before entrances even mattered.

Now, I won't say that HBK is the most talented and greatest wrestler when it comes to ability and skills, as I don't think anyone could ever determine that unless they saw every great ever compete, but he's definately the top guy in the field of the modern era pro wrestling of the 80s to the present.

Honorable mentions however, must go to Bret Hart, The Rock, and (I'm gonna get a ton of heat for this) AJ Styles.
Shawn Michaels--loyalty above all to the biggest federation of all time the wwe...put on the show night in night out...didnt want anything else but to put on a show for the fans and to be the very best. and he is the very best. every year he has 3 or 4 matchs in the top 10 matchs of the year.. incredible stamina, Takes a bump like no one else ever....ever.....was very quick in the ring, if u rem back to about 96 man he just flew aroudn the ring but everything he does, he does well..doesnt screw up very often, which in this sport happens alot..when its his time to shine, he always does. The Main Event, The ICON the....SHOWSTOPPA....and im giving him this name..sorry rvd..the WHOLE Fuckin SHOw!

I agree with what what this reply is saying.Shawn Michales is the best wrestler of all time.There might be other with a little bit more wrestling talent than him but most people dont.He brings a lot to the table day in and day out.
He has the best matches and is the innovator of several of our favorite matches today.He has the best mic skills in the WWE right now and one of the best of all time.His charisma is off the chart.Everytime he wrestles i get excited because I know I'm getting my money's worth.I think there are two close people that run very very closely behind him.They are the Undertaker and Ric Flair.

Undertaker has the best gimmick of all time and definetly the best legacy.He is very quick for his size and age.He has great matches.Also a big innovator.Being 14-0 at Wrestlemania doesn't hurt either.

Ric Flair is probably the most looked up to wreslter by his peers.He wrestled every night in mathes as long as the show ECW.Those matches were against some of the greats.He has had some of the best matches I've ever seen and is The Nature Boy.Wooooooooo
eeeewww shawn micheals were tlaking best wrestler of all time!
HHH,Undertaker,or Bret Hart

no doubt only those 3 deserve the title as best wrestler ever
You're all completely wrong, except for the mentions of Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan.

The single greatest wrestler of all time is the Phenom himself, the UNDERTAKER! 4 time WWF champion, former tag champion and hardcore champion, he's 14-0 at WrestleMania, he's now finally won the Royal Rumble cleanly. (If you remember back to the Royal Rumble right before WMXIII, the RR ended in controvercy setting up the Final Four match at IYH right before WM, where Taker earned his spot to face Sid at WMXIII.)
He's also got the best record against the immortal Hulk Hogan. He's taken the title from Hogan TWICE. He's also had the longest continuous WWF career of anyone. He never jumped ship to WCW or anywhere, he never left the company at all. 17 consecutive years of dominance.

Kurt Angle even acknowledged the Undertaker as the greatest in an interview on the Undertaker's Tombstone DVD set.

RESPECT the Dead Man!

Sting has a better record against hogan then the UT does and not to nitpick but UT started out in WCW

1. flair. as was mentioned earlier back when the GAB was a month long he wrestled everyone
2. a tie STING/TAKER
4. Bret Hart
6 benoit
8.arn anderson. probably one of the most underrated workers of alltime
9 mr. perfect
10 great muta
11. scott steiner (before he turned into big poppa pump)
12 angle
13. austin
14 rvd
14. BBB one of the big men of all time
15 shane douglas
The 10 GREATEST Wrestlers of all time
10. Mike Rotunda
9. Barry Windham
8. Arn Anderson
7. Sid Vicious
6. Rick Steiner
5. Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko
4. Marcus Bagwell
3. Randy Savage/Bret Hart
2. Sting

Lex was head and shoulders above everyone when it came to wrestling. He should have been at least a 7-time world's champion. Sting was great as well.
eeeewww shawn micheals were tlaking best wrestler of all time!
HHH,Undertaker,or Bret Hart

no doubt only those 3 deserve the title as best wrestler ever

you sound like a Bret Hart mark. No offense of course. I agree with most of these that HBK has won Match Of The Year 7 times. Nobody else is even close to that and he has been wrestling since the 80's. He was one of the main parts that drove Vince into the Attitude Era and he always gave it his all. Not only that, but he's been in some of the biggest things in wrestling history, such as The Montreal Screwjob, and The Curtain Call. He was also one of the final guys to put Austin over before WWE started kicking the **** out of WCW. Now, in a very close second would be Ric Flair. He's been my favorite since I saw him wrestle in WCW back in '94. I watch all his old videos and it amazes me how well he's always come out on camera. He really is the ''Nature Boy'' in real life. My favorite line from his was ''To be the man, you got to beat the man!'' That's not only true in wrestling but it's true in life. It's unbelieveable to know that 10 years ago I heard that and he's still wrestling. In my mind, Ric Flair IS the man. Until you've wrestled Ric Flair in the U.S.A, you're not a top guy. No offense to those in TNA or RoH of course. Tied for third would have to be Chris Benoit, and Eddie Guererro (RIP). Those 2 were ''Wrestler's wrestlers'' and they really had a love for the business. When they hugged at WrestleMania, I must agree that I marked out. After seeing them work for so many promotions, after 20 years, they finally got their moment in front of the whole world. It really was a genuine moment that I will never forget. Those 2 were hard-working wrestlers and I applaude every time I see Benoit go out there, after breaking his neck for the business, because he loves it and he is one of the greatest wrestlers I have ever seen.

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