The Best Riddle Ever -- *for questions only*


The Cerebral Assassin
Okay, now that I have your attention, here it is:

A cabin in the middle of the woods is full of dead bodies. All of the people who died in this cabin died at the EXACT same time and were all strapped down when it occurred. What happened to them?

Ok, now that you have the riddle, you can use this thread to ask questions about it in order to help you get closer to solving it. I'll answer any questions you might have about it. Asking questions about it will surely help you reach the right answer. PLEASE, DO NOT TRY TO ANSWER THE RIDDLE ON THIS THREAD. It will spoil it for everyone else. If you have a guess, PM me and I'll let you know if you're right or not. Oh, and don't Google the riddle... that's just no fun...

Anyway, have fun!
I'm tempted to give you an infraction for this because there was no clearing it with a mod. Getting behind it and all.
Thank you Lee for completely ignoring what he asked and ruining the game for someone else that might have liked to attempt it.
Which I have now deleted, I put it in this thread because SOMEONE closed it. notice how I've deleted it? And PMd him? Shouldn't have closed the thread really, should you have?
I closed it to prevent people from talking about the answer in here, which I pointed out was why I closed it.
Well it's clearly opened so ask damn questions.
A giant racoon named Jefferson used a magical herb to strap a bunch of people to beds. Then Jefferson left to go pick up some tampons at walmart for his racoon wife named Francine. While Jefferson was gone a army of French Nazis invaded the cabin. They had to hide because Chuck Norris was hunting them. But after about ten minutes of hiding Chuck Norris used his eagle vision to locate them, and then used his muscular arms to throw a nuclear bomb on the house killing everything inside. Chuck shed a tear.

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