The After Wrestlemania surprise....


Dark Match Winner
Any ideas? As with most of the big Wrestlemania's we usually get an electric Raw after (and considering the amount of smarks in the NY/NJ area, I expect the crowd to be at least as electric as the one in Miami last year) as the big event normally allows for some great story swerves and resets, as well as a surprise return or two.

So, place your bets here. What will the surprise toe to toe encounter be? The swerve? The returning superstar?

My money is on a surprise early Stone Cold/ CM Punk build up for next year. We haven't heard anything from this in a long time, but so many seeds were planted I can't imagine that's for any other reason than to make it that much more surprising.

Your thoughts?
Stone Cold confronting Punk would be a dream. Idk I guess anything is possible if Lesnar came back right? Maybe Batista? Can't think of any other big names besides those two that would be able to return. I'm more looking forward to the post WM debuts.
I'd have to go with Ziggler cashing in. As good as it would be if he won both the Tag-Titles and WHC on the same night at 'Mania, I can't see it happening.

Other than that maybe a return of Christian or Bourne (is he even ready to return?)or a NXT guy will step up.
I don't see Austin coming back he is too beat up. If anything maybe we will see the oft talked about Cena heel turn, Lord knows WWE creative needs to do something to make his character inreresting again, they could do a double switch match between punk and Cena, Punk wants to take time off after WM, have Punk come in and say he beat the legend or something, now he wants the title back...Cena goes to Hart lengths to win the match turning heel and giving Punk a out to take his time off.
Taker beats Punk
Brock attacks Taker after match.
Next night, Brock challenges Taker to WM30.
Rock interrupts, wants his chance as well.
Rock vs Brock is booked at SummerSlam with the winner facing Taker at Mania. (could include cena and make it a 3-way but I'd prefer just the two)
like said before, some nxt guys will come up but as far as big surprises or returns, no idea...could see some face/heel turns too. Im wondering who all will be released
Paul Bearer returns.

I doubt Stone Cold is going to show up. Dolph Ziggler might cash-in. I'd agree that Christian might show up, but are we sure he's still even alive? There's no guarantee that there will be a major post-WrestleMania surprise, and I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't.
I don't see it being Austin because of Punk disappearing for a while. I can't think of anyone returning so there are only 2 things that come to mind.

Brock destroys Punk
Cena confirms his heel turn (after he cheats the previous night)
I don't see any real suprises happening on the RAW after Mania. I don't expect Stone Cold to return or Batista to return since he's busy with his new MMA/movie career. I can see something big happening though, it just won't be somebody coming back. The only two things I can think of are either a confrontation of some kind between Rock & Brock to set up their feud for the summer or maybe something between Cena & Taker before Taker leaves for another year, teasing a match between the two for Wrestlemania XXX.

I think I would go with the latter actually. It sounds more exciting, and while they wouldn't announce Cena vs. Taker for WM XXX 1 year in advance, it would get people pondering and discussing for months about the possibility of Cena vs. Taker for WM 30 based off of that one angle between the two.
Stone Cold sure as hell won't appear hasn't he seemed like he wants the spotlight if he ever came back and not share with The Rock, Austin being pissed that everything Rock does gets a plug.

For me the Raw after we'll get Zig cash in, Christian return and maybe a debut of someone like Corey Graves or alike?
I think I'm gonna be the only one to say this, but I think a Randy vs Cena feud being teased. Randy is turning heel soon and his matches with Cena are some of my favorites. I think it would be good for business to have them rehash this feud. And with Punk needing time off, Cena needs an amazing heel to feud with until Punk gets back. Orton is one of the top heels of this time period. Great feud. Book it.
On the Raw after Mania, I think we will see a few big things happen.

#1. I think Christian will return and start a feud with Antonio c. for the USC.

#2. If Triple H. or Undertaker lose, I think they will have a send off segment at the end of the show.

#3. I think Cena will win at Mania 29. So, the next night he will say he wants his #1co. shot against Cena, but he don't want to wait a whole year this time. He suggests that if cena can hold onto the belt until Summer Slam, then they will have there final encounter there. In LA, Rock's home away from home. Winner takes all.

#4. I don't see Punk having anything to say if he loses to Taker and is going to take some time off. Unless Austin returns to set up at match for next year.
There's no guarantee that there will be a major post-WrestleMania surprise, and I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't.

I laughed at the redundancy of this sentence. None of us would be surprised if there wasn't a post-Wrestlemania surprise, due to lack of surprise.

Something involving Sheamus/Orton/Big Show. I don't see a reason for those three to beat The Shield, so I think there is a heel turn (fingers crossed that it's Orton) in the works.

I'm kind of hoping that Undertaker retires on Raw, like Edge did. Not saying that I dislike him... just that he's getting up there and I'm getting a little annoyed at the one match a year thing. Might be time to hang it up if that's the best you can manage in a year.

A return is a common thing, but I think Christian is the only logical choice there. Other people that could return are just not that popular. Certainly not on the level of Brock's return last year.

My dark horse is they announce a Cruiserweight division. With Evan Bourne being close to returning, they could get a good 8 people from the current roster/NXT to have some exciting, high-flying matches on a regular basis. It's a pipe dream, I know...
I think john cena comfirms heel with the shield the attacks against can always be a old school magicians trick of mis direction to make u think he can't be involved but the rock has been attack be them as well and I think he could be on the bad side of the shield come wrestlemania leaving us to wonder did john cena have something to do with it? did really believe that he needed to do anything even cheat and takes it out on cm punk after punk comes out calling him out on it all. turning heel and giving punk a good come back story plus valid reason to be place right back into title contention after some much needed rest
Apparently they wanted to tease the Rock/Brock feud that'll probably happen, so there's that.

For me, i'd like to see the reaction if Cena turned heel at Mania, a Punk/Austin allusion and a good NXTer debut, maybe Kassius Ohno. Chances are though, that won't happen.
Cena's gonna turn heel to win the belt at Mania. Just like Stone Cold did when he sided with Vince against The Rock at... Mania.

So Extreme Rules should be a dope rematch.
I'd like to see The Rock win at Mania then the next night on Raw see Cena just go ape shit crazy about losing AGAIN and come out during the first match and beat the crap out of the people in the ring. Have him go on like a 5min rant about not getting it done again and how he finally realizes that the only way he can beat The Rock is if he drops the happy go lucky act. Not exactly going heel but portraying a more serious role. Also plant the seeds for the rumored Rock vs Brock match at Summer Slam.
Have Chyna announce her return for Wrestlemania XXX
its a 4 hour porn event right??

In all seriousness, my gut tells me that there won't be a 'surprise', the show will mainly be wrestlemania fallout. But that's just my 2 cents
I personally don't see a Christian return as a huge swerve or something to get REALLY excited about but maybe that's just me.
A Ziggler cash-in on Swagger would be a good move as punishment to Swagger for his legal troubles.
I'd like to see Bray Wyatt debut with the Wyatt Family, maybe take out Miz or something to set up a feud should Miz win the intercontinental title.
As far as huge returns go I can't see it. I would LOVE to see Austin back teasing a feud with Punk but it won't happen. Maybe Undertaker will beat Punk and be ready to announce his retirement and someone like Lesnar/Rock/Cena will come out and challenge him for mania 30?
Who knows what the WWE has in store but the Raw after Mania is always interesting
I’d like to see Dolph Ziggler and Big E. Langston come out with the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championships and start insulting all of the losers at WM 29. “Brock Lesnar couldn’t beat Triple H. CM Punk couldn’t beat the Undertaker” Then out comes the New Dangerous Alliance / the Heyman Guys and issues a challenge to the New Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions.

I’d like to see the New WWE Champion John Cena come out, cut a promo, and then…GONG…GONG…GONG.

I’d like to see the New World Heavyweight Champion, Jack Swagger, talk about being a Real American and a Real World Champion, and no one in the back is more “American” than he is. Queue Kurt Angle’s music!!
I want to see HHH end his in ring career against Lesnar. I then want to see Taker keep the streak alive. I would then see Lesnar beating the holy hell out of Punk for losing to taker at WM and not working hard enough for the "Paul Heyman guys". Punk goes away for a some rest. Rock challenges Brock at Summer Slam. I'd like Cena to challenge taker at WM 30. There is so much can be done with all that. I'd also like to see HBK come back for one last match with Lesnar at WM 30. Stone Cold return could happen but who would he face and why? A Punk face turn may make that not happen. Maybe a face Austin v Heel cena at wm 31?
I laughed at the redundancy of this sentence. None of us would be surprised if there wasn't a post-Wrestlemania surprise, due to lack of surprise.

It's called wordplay, you swine, but at least you noticed so that actually puts you in the top percentile around here.

In rhetoric, the term "redundancy" tends to have a negative connotation and may be perceived as improper because of its use of duplicative or unnecessary wording (and some people expand the definition to include self-contradictory wording, similar to double negation); however, it remains a linguistically valid way of placing emphasis on some expressed idea. Through the use of repetition of certain concepts, redundancy increases the odds of predictability of a message's meaning and understanding to others.

1. Cena Heel Turn - This would be awesome even though if they did it, it would be at Wrestlemania, not the RAW afterwards.

2. Ziggler cashing in MITB - If Ziggler doesn't cash in at WM, this probably will be the "big surprise" on the RAW after WM.

3. Christian returns.

4. Ground work laid for WWE and World title unification at Summerslam (Cena vs. Ziggler).
-I am not sure if they are going to completely turn Cena heel but at least for one match against the Rock I think Cena will cheat to win the title at Mania
-To further the Shield squash the idea of Orton turning and have the Shield lose and then help Cena beat the Rock
-I don't see SCSA being involved with WWE unless VKM gets over his tempertantrum towards Steve
-At Mania I see the crowd turning a bit like they did in WM 13 with Punk taking a super Tombstone of the top rope which would be the fourth Tombstone in the match and Punk getting many chants just like SCSA did after WM 13
-On Raw the alliance of The Shield and Cena more teased but Shield beats Punk down similiar to how Psycho Sid did with HBK after WM 11
-Won't see the full alliance with Cena and the Shield until Extreme Rules when the Rock gets his rematch
Just my thoughts maybe it will happen but WWE would get alot more buzz with cena being the leader of The Shield than Orton
-I am not sure if they are going to completely turn Cena heel but at least for one match against the Rock I think Cena will cheat to win the title at Mania
-To further the Shield squash the idea of Orton turning and have the Shield lose and then help Cena beat the Rock
-I don't see SCSA being involved with WWE unless VKM gets over his tempertantrum towards Steve
-At Mania I see the crowd turning a bit like they did in WM 13 with Punk taking a super Tombstone of the top rope which would be the fourth Tombstone in the match and Punk getting many chants just like SCSA did after WM 13-On Raw the alliance of The Shield and Cena more teased but Shield beats Punk down similiar to how Psycho Sid did with HBK after WM 11
-Won't see the full alliance with Cena and the Shield until Extreme Rules when the Rock gets his rematch
Just my thoughts maybe it will happen but WWE would get alot more buzz with cena being the leader of The Shield than Orton

As cool as that sounds, I can't recall Taker giving anyone a Tombstone off the top ropes. Even if he did, that was probably some time ago and not something he could or would even be willing to pull off a few years shy of 50.

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