MITB matches: Are we expecting a surprise?

Honestly I don't recall a MITB win that hasn't at the time shocked me outside of maybe Mr. Kennedy's.

Thing that's so great about it is even with established people in it or people who many feel "Aren't ready" the briefcase can be saved for upto a year to build up the winner as credibile. It's previous cash in time doesn't equate because it's not a "randomly generated event" or what have you, it's decided by a team of writers to use as planned/in case of injury.

I can potentially see all involved in the match to win it and go on to win or be first failed cash in but point is win MITB and that's why I love these matches because honestly I'm not a fan of spots, kofi's stilts thing was just lame, didn't work, and reminded me I'm watching a scripted event due to time it took. Was about as awkward as in TNA when they take like 3 minutes to set up that over-used spot of 3+ person superplex yet the impact zone chants "Holy shit" bleh.

Anyways... I'm pumped for the ppv and I have those who I want to win but unlike the royal rumble winner, I know I'll be surprised.
I'm really leaning towards Wade Barrett entering and winning the MITB for the Raw side. It seems obvious but at the same time it's not, if that makes any sense. Now, with that being said.. I think Sheamus beats Cena and loses the title to Barrett. That would make Arn's pep talk come full circle and Sheamus would realize he isn't invincible to the Nexus.

As for Smackdown.. I'm not sure at all. I could see Christian winning it and being a heel.. I could see McIntyre winning it if he gets in there. I think Teddy is going to keep him out though. Kofi could win.. Out of all the possibilities on Smackdown, I think if any heel other than Drew enters and wins, they have no shot at winning the title. Same for the faces. Smackdown should have the first failed cash in.
I was just thinking on the Nexus. They've got nothing to do on the card, and while I'm certain that they'll probably just be waiting outside the cage like the wolf pack they are to finish off probably both Cena and Sheamus...

What if instead, as the beaten and battered...let's say Bourne for argument's sake, is walking up the ramp, clutching his newly grabbed title shot contract, when the Nexus music hits (they have theme music now! About time!) and they just lift the briefcase off of him.

The next night, Wade Barrett comes out and says it doesn't matter who wins the match, it's who has the briefcase at the end of the night (Edge for precedent, even though he won it in a singles match), and now the NEXUS has a guaranteed WWE Championship title shot.

Hell, just for funsies, have them take Smackdown's, too. Extend this fight to both fronts.
Without being too harsh, I don’t think you can expect anything from the Money in the Bank matches. The whole point of the match is to be surprised, both by what occurs in the match itself and who the eventual winners are. CM Punk won the match twice in a row and I am willing to bet that no one saw that coming. Jack Swagger won the most recent match and if you were betting on him, I suggest you put on a lottery ticket because your luck is well and truly in.

I don’t know who is going to win this match but I do have my suspicions already. Whether those suspicions, or rather, those predictions come true, I am still going to very surprised and I know this for sure. You see, the Money in the Bank ladder is match is both very entertaining and very gruelling. You know that whoever comes out on top of the other competition has a golden plated future and the winner never fails to take me by surprise. I cannot say that I have not been surprised by one of the results and I am sure that this will also be the case when it comes to tonight’s main events. For me, there is literally no way of picking a winner right now and that is a great strength of those matches.

I could easily put money o any of the combatants and it wouldn’t make a difference. My point is that there is no way of telling how the WWE are going to make this play out. It could be given to someone who deserves it, or it could be given to someone who needs that extra push (like Jack Swagger). It all really depends on where the WWE want to go with it and none of us can call that.

So yes, I still believe we are able to be surprised by Money in the Bank matches and more importantly, the results.
Everyone has their money on Kane, while I would like to see Christian win, he's the most deserving of a world title run than anyone else in the SmackDown MitB match. Rhodes and Kingston aren't main eventers yet, so I heavily doubt them. Even though he's a personal favourite, I don't see Matt Hardy winning, but fuck that would be exciting. Show has a better chance than the others, but I just can't see it. Kane DOES have the potential to win, but I think he's better in a straight title match.

On RAW I'd like to see either Jericho or Orton win. Edge has won it already, aswell as winning it off Kennedy. Bourne, DiBiase and Morrison aren't going to win it, but if I had to pick I'd go with Morrison. The Miz COULD win I guess, but I feel his time is a tad further down the road.

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